English in Analytical Chemistry: Communicating about Methods & Techniques : книга для студента
Английский язык
Томский государственный университет
Год издания: 2022
Кол-во страниц: 107
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-907572-10-2
Артикул: 798070.01.99
Целью настоящего учебного пособия является формирование иноязычной профессионально-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции в сфере аналитической химии. В пособии использованы аутентичные текстовые и
аудиовизуальные материалы, обеспечивающие погружение в иноязычную профессиональную среду химика-аналитика. Предлагаемый комплекс заданий и упражнений направлен на подготовку обучающихся к профессиональному общению на английском языке в рамках предложенных тем. Для студентов химических и смежных факультетов высших учебных заведений, преподавателей профессионального английского языка, специалистов по методике преподавания иностранных языков для специальных целей.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 04.03.01: Химия
- 04.03.02: Химия, физика и механика материалов
- ВО - Магистратура
- 04.04.01: Химия
- 04.04.02: Химия, физика и механика материалов
- ВО - Специалитет
- 04.05.01: Фундаментальная и прикладная химия
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет А.В. Соболева, Н.В. Зорина English in Analytical Chemistry: Communicating about Methods & Techniques Учебное пособие Книга для студента Томск Издательство Томского государственного университета 2022
УДК 811.111+543(075.8) ББК 81.43.21+24.4я73 С54 Рецензенты: Балуян Светлана Размиковна, доктор педагогических наук, профессор Южного федерального университета; Ярославова Светлана Николаевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Южно-Уральского государственного университета Соболева А.В., Зорина Н.В. С54 English in Analytical Chemistry: Communicating about Methods & Techniques : учеб. пособие. Книга для студента. – Томск : Издательство Томского государственного университета, 2022. – 107 с. ISBN 978-5-907572-10-2 Целью настоящего учебного пособия является формирование иноязычной профессионально-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции в сфере аналитической химии. В пособии использованы аутентичные текстовые и аудиовизуальные материалы, обеспечивающие погружение в иноязычную профессиональную среду химика-аналитика. Предлагаемый комплекс заданий и упражнений направлен на подготовку обучающихся к профессиональному общению на английском языке в рамках предложенных тем. Для студентов химических и смежных факультетов высших учебных заведений, преподавателей профессионального английского языка, специалистов по методике преподавания иностранных языков для специальных целей. УДК 811.111+543(075.8) ББК 81.43.21+24.4я73 © Соболева А.В., Зорина Н.В., 2022 ISBN 978-5-907572-10-2 © Томский государственный университет, 2021
CONTENT Unit 1. Gravimetry .................................................. 6 Unit 2. Titrimetry ..................................................... 28 Unit 3. Chromatography and Electrophoresis ........ 50 Unit 4. Electrochemical Methods ............................. 68 Glossary ................................................................. 90 Exam Procedure……………………………………... 95 References ............................................................ 101 Keys to Check Yourself Sections ........................ 103
WELCOME TO THE COURSE Dear student, English in Analytical Chemistry: Communicating about Methods & Techniques is aimed at improving your ability to communicate your English effectively in the context of analytical chemistry and to promote academic and professional development. With this course, you will familiarize yourselves with the language of chemical analyses and develop your skills of chemistry-related notetaking, summarizing, reporting, classifying, comparing, and describing processes and procedures. You will improve your skills in the following areas: ✔ understanding the language of analytical chemistry in English; ✔ utilizing the specific vocabulary of analytical chemistry in English; ✔ reading and understanding analytical chemistry chapters; ✔ contributing effectively to seminars and discussions.6 The course consists of four units designed to learn, master, and apply the target language of analytical chemistry in English. You can find the learning objectives for each unit at the beginning and a brief final self-check test to estimate your achievements. At the back of the book, there is a glossary of terms, tests and useful reference materials. We wish you success!
Acknowledgements The authors express their gratitude to all the students of Chemistry Department of Tomsk State University for their invaluable support, boundless creativity, and significant contribution to the making of the present book. We would like to give our special thanks to Angela Boyarintseva, Yaroslav Laletin, Mark Mikhalchenkov, Kseniia Kazantseva, Mikhail Kovtunov, Mariia Monakhova, Mariia Stepanenko, Eduard Sayfulin, Alexey Taratayko, and Alexander Zorin for consulting, co-working, and constant cooperation.
Unit 1 GRAVIMETRY Learning objectives In Unit 1, you will learn to define basic terms and to explain the principles of gravimetry, as well as speak about the chief gravimetric types, techniques, and typical gravimetric procedure. Gravimetric analysis is one of the most accurate and precise methods of macroquantitative analysis. Theodore W. Richards used it to determine atomic weights. He received the Nobel Prize in 1914 for his work. Theodore W. Richards Warming up 1 Work with a partner and match the common gravimetric equipment items below with the appropriate terms. analytical balance filter paper crucible muffle furnace beakers washing bottle
1__________________ 2__________________ 3__________________ 4__________________ 5__________________ 6__________________
2 Work with the partner and formulate the basic facts for gravimetry as 3 separate coherent sentences. Then answer the questions using your background in chemistry and complete the basic facts for gravimetry. 1. What are the key steps in gravimetry? 2. Is it a flash (=fast) or a time-consuming method? 3. Is gravimetry accurate? Justify.. 4. Is gravimetry an old or a new method? Why is it referred to as a classic analytical method? 5. Where is gravimetry normally applied? How did you use it in your lab modules? How? 6. Is it a quantitative or a qualitative method? Justify. 7. What is the analytical signal for gravimetry? Reading and Speaking 3 Read the text and draw the academic vs. chemistry mind map for the words highlighted in red. 1. Divide the words into two columns: “Academic” – for the generic terms that could be used outside the scope of analytical chemistry – and “Chemical” – for specific terms that reflect certain aspects of AC (types of analysis, methods, typical actions, etc.). 2. Provide a simple English synonym for each word if it is possible. If not, draw a schematic picture to visualize the word or download an associative picture from the Internet (if you decide to make the mind map in e-format). Make sure all of the words are put into their root forms. Academic words are generally used in a scientific context and suit various areas of science – whereas chemistry terms are used in a specific chemistry-oriented context only. If it is difficult for you to remember a simple synonym, resort to https://www.thesaurus.com/ or https://context.reverso.net/. However, do not use for synonyms the words you do not know yet! Example: ACADEMIC CHEMICAL OVERALL PROCESS = PROCEDURE MUFFLE FURNACE
Gravimetry Gravimetry, or gravimetric analysis, is a quantitative method to determine an analyte concentration by weighing a pure, solid form of the analyte. The solid form is obtained by adding a precipitating reagent to a solution containing the analyte. The precipitating agent should be selective for the target analyte. One requirement for a primary standard is a high formula weight. Gravimetric reagents often produce high formula masses for the same reason, to obtain greater precision when weighing. Since gravimetric analysis is made using a certified weight, it is a principal method for preparing and certifying primary standards. Table 1 outlines a basic gravimetric procedure for determining the concentration of an analyte. The first step is not necessary in some applications, such as determining particulate matter in air or total suspended solids in water. In these cases, some amount of air or water is simply filtered to collect the solid matter. An analyte in solution is removed from solution by precipitation with a suitable reagent. For an analyte that is present as a component of a solid, the solid must be dissolved to perform the precipitation. The precipitate is collected by filtering, rinsed to remove impurities, and dried. If necessary a high temperature ignition converts the precipitate to a pure form. Ignition involves heating to a high temperature with a flame or a muffle furnace (a high temperature oven). All steps in a gravimetric procedure have the goal of achieving quantitative collection and conversion to a pure substance. When this requirement is met, the mass of the weighed substance can be related back to the number of moles of analyte in the original sample. As the following example illustrates, a real gravimetric laboratory procedure will have many more steps than are listed in the outline in Table 1. Each individual step ensures that the overall process is quantitative with a pure final product. Handbooks and procedures will list “gravimetric factors” for specific gravimetric methods. These factors include the formula weights of the precipitate and analyte so that multiplying a precipitate weight by the gravimetric factor gives the analyte weight. Table 1. Simplified Precipitation Procedure Step Purpose Dissolve and precipitate Separate analyte from other sample components Filter Collect and wash to remove impurities Dry or ignite Convert precipitate to pure form Weigh on analytical balance Obtain experimental measurement Calculate concentration Determine unknown using reaction stoichiometry (based on B.M. Tissue – The Basics of Analytical Chemistry)
4 Vocabulary boost: imagine. Think of a word from the mind map you have devised. Prepare several riddles or puzzles via Power Point Presentations or simply by doodling pictures in your copybooks. Make your co-students work out the words relying on the visual prompts. 5 Vocabulary boost: guess. Look at the riddles below. Work out which word or word combination it stands for. ACADEMIC 1 2 3