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Жизнь. Анатомия поиска устройства

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Книга посвящена всегда чрезвычайно актуальной, но неразработан-ной в литературе до сих пор проблеме вступления человека в огромный мир Науки - исторически сложившуюся, непрерывно развивающуюся систему знаний о закономерностях в развитии природы, общества и мышления и способах планомерного воздействия на окружающий мир. Как устроен этот процесс? Как устроена жизнь? Ведь вступающий в мир Науки человек - сам часть жизни, которую намерен изучать и которую может изменить. Путь тернистый, но интересный, увлекательный, что возмещает неудобства и воз-можную горечь неизбежных потерь. Автор книги предлагает читателю свои размышления по этому поводу, основанные на собственном опыте поиска возможных ответов на поставленные вопросы. В книге обобщены материалы основных публикаций автора, список которых представлен и который может быть использован при необходимости более подробного ознакомления с заинтересовавшими материалами.
Петренко, В. М. Жизнь. Анатомия поиска устройства : монография / В. М. Петренко. - Москва ; Берлин : Директ-Медиа, 2020. - 140 с. - ISBN 978-5-4499-0445-4. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1906970 (дата обращения: 22.11.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
УДК 001.8 
ББК 87.254 

Петренко, В. М.

Жизнь. Анатомия поиска устройства : монография / 
В. М. Петренко. — Москва ; Берлин : Директ-Медиа, 
2020. — 140 с. : ил. 

ISBN 978-5-4499-0445-4 

Книга посвящена всегда чрезвычайно актуальной, но неразработанной в литературе до сих пор проблеме вступления человека в огромный мир 
Науки — исторически сложившуюся, непрерывно развивающуюся систему 
знаний о закономерностях в развитии природы, общества и мышления и 
способах планомерного воздействия на окружающий мир. Как устроен этот 
процесс? Как устроена жизнь? Ведь вступающий в мир Науки человек — сам 
часть жизни, которую намерен изучать и которую может изменить. Путь 
тернистый, но интересный, увлекательный, что возмещает неудобства и возможную горечь неизбежных потерь. Автор книги предлагает читателю свои 
размышления по этому поводу, основанные на собственном опыте поиска 
возможных ответов на поставленные вопросы. В книге обобщены материалы 
основных публикаций автора, список которых представлен и который может 
быть использован при необходимости более подробного ознакомления с 
заинтересовавшими материалами. 
Текст приводится в авторской редакции. 

УДК 001.8  
ББК 87.254 

ISBN 978-5-4499-0445-4     © Петренко В. М., текст, 2020 

© Издательство «Директ-Медиа», оформление, 2020 

Valeriy M. Petrenko 


Anatomy of a search device 



UDC (Russia) 
LBC (Russia) 






Petrenko Valeriy M. 
Life. Anatomy of a search device : monograph / 
Petrenko Valeriy M. — Moscow ; Berlin : Direct-Media, 
2020. — 140 pp. 

ISBN 978-5-4499-0445-4 

The book is devoted to always extremely relevant, but undeveloped in the literature so far the problem of human entry into the vast world of Science-a historically developed, continuously developing system of knowledge about the laws in the 
development of nature, society and thinking and ways of systematic impact on the 
world. How does this process work? How does life work? After all, the person entering the world of Science is himself a part of life, which he intends to study and 
which he can change. The path is thorny, but interesting, fascinating, which compensates for the inconvenience and possible bitterness of inevitable losses. The author of the book offers the reader his thoughts on this issue, based on his own 
experience of finding possible answers to the questions posed. The book summarizes the materials of the main publications of the author, a list of which is presented 
and which can be used if you need a more detailed acquaintance with the materials 
of interest. 
The text is printed in the author’s edition. 

UDC (Russia) 
LBC (Russia) 


ISBN 978-5-4499-0445-4
© Petrenko Valeriy, text, 2020
© Publishing house Direct-Media, design, 2020



Введение ................................................................................................................. 9 

Механика дегенерации мезонефросов в эмбриогенезе .......................... 12 

Спирализация в построении и развитии биосистем .............................. 14 

О происхождении врожденной внутренней непроходимости 
двенадцатиперстной кишки человека и ее профилактика .................... 23 

Взаимодействие органов с неравномерным ростом 
и объемом в основе органогенеза ................................................................. 24 

Эмбриональное развитие нижней полой вены ........................................ 30 

Рекомбинаторный морфогенез лимфатической системы 
в пренатальном онтогенезе человека ........................................................... 31 

Дифференцирующий фактор в закладке 
лимфатического русла ..................................................................................... 32 

Многоуровневая сегментарная организация 
лимфатического русла ..................................................................................... 33 

Сегментарная организация лимфатической системы ............................. 35 

Начальные стадии развития капсулы 
лимфатического узла человека...................................................................... 42 

Структурные основы активного лимфотока 
в грудном протоке у плода человека ............................................................ 48 

Неравномерный рост и гистогенез грудного протока ............................ 55 

Морфологические основы комбинированных сокращений 
соседних лимфангионов в грудном протоке собаки............................... 56 

Сердце пчелы в качестве прототипа лимфатического сосуда .............. 61 

Сравнительная анатомия висцеральных лимфатических узлов 
брюшной полости некоторых грызунов .................................................... 62 

Висцеральные лимфатические узлы в брюшной полости дегу ........... 70 

Сегментарное устройство как конституция 
лимфатической системы ................................................................................. 73 

Типы строения лимфатической системы ................................................... 81 


Конвергенция лимфатической и лимфоидной систем 
в эволюции позвоночных ............................................................................... 86 

Анатомические основы современной лимфологии ................................ 87 

Трансмуральная миграция лимфоцитов из специальных 
микрососудов в маргинальных зонах пульпы селезенки 
белых крыс .......................................................................................................... 92 

Структурно-функциональные основы иммунитета: 
циркуляция в живом организме .................................................................... 97 

Органогенез: механика развития ................................................................. 108 

Корпоральные сегменты человека .............................................................. 112 

Древовидный рост и сегментация тела 
развивающегося организма .......................................................................... 117 

О механике воздействия инфразвука на живой организм ................... 118 

О молекулярных и структурных основах организации жизни ........... 128 

Общее заключение ......................................................................................... 133 

Список публикаций автора, использованных в книге .......................... 134 



Introduction ............................................................................................................ 9 

Mechanics of degeneration of mesonephroses in embryogenesis ............... 12 

Spiralization in the construction and development of bio-systems ............ 14 

About origin of congenital internal occlusion in human 
duodenum and its prevention ........................................................................... 23 

Interactions of organs with uneven growth and volume 
in the base of organogenesis .............................................................................. 24 

Embryonic development of inferior vena cava .............................................. 30 

Recombinatory morphogenesis of lymphatic system in prenetal 
ontogenesis of human ........................................................................................ 31 

Differential factor in anlage of lymphatic bed ................................................ 32 

Multi-level segmentary organization of the lymphatic bed ........................... 33 

Segmental organization of lymphatic system .................................................. 35 

The initial stages of development of lymph node capsule 
in human ............................................................................................................... 42 

The structural bases of active lymph flow in human foetus 
thorasic duct ......................................................................................................... 48 

Uneven growth and gistogenesis of thoracic duct ......................................... 55 

Morfological bases of combined contractions of neighbouring 
lymphangions in the dog thoracic duct ............................................................ 56 

The bee’s cor as the lymphatic vessel prototype ............................................ 61 

Сomparative anatomy of visceral lymph nodes in abdominal cavity 
of some rodents  .................................................................................................. 62 

Visceral lymph nodes in abdominal cavity of degus ...................................... 70 

Segmentary construction as constitution of lymphatic system .................... 73 

Types of constitution of lymphatic system ..................................................... 81 

Convergation of lymphatic and lymphoid systems 
in vertebrate evolution ........................................................................................ 86 


Anatomical bases of modern lymphology ....................................................... 87 

Transmural migration of lymphocyties from special microvessels 
into marginal zones of splenic pulp in white rat ............................................ 92 

Structural and functional foundations of immunity: 
the circulation in living organism ...................................................................... 97 

Organogenesis: mechanics of development .................................................. 108 

Human сorporal segments ............................................................................... 112 

Tree-form growth and segmentaion of body of developing 
organism.............................................................................................................. 117 

About mechanics of influence of infrasound on living organism ............. 118 

About molecular and structural bases of life organization ......................... 128 

General conclusion ........................................................................................... 133 

List of publications of the author used in the book .................................... 134 




At the heart of my great desire for scientific research has always been 
and remains the desire not just to know the interesting, mysterious in the 
world, and to understand the essence of the phenomena, their mechanism. 
That's one of the reasons I ended up at the Department of human anatomy. But the main thing-thanks to the passion for embryology: in the first 
two months of human embryogenesis, the development of its organs occurs so quickly that the pictures observed by the researcher change with 
the speed of a kaleidoscope and much has to be thought out, explained 
and justified for himself, and then — to the listeners and readers, which is 
not always easy. In order to understand the structure of the living world, 
I conducted various scientific studies, which can be divided into stages: 

stage I — “the Development of the duodenum and its lymphatic bed 
in the prenatal period of human ontogenesis”: this is the theme of my PhD 
dissertation. The analysis of the obtained data on the development of the 
form, topography and structure of the wall, the vascular bed of the duodenum in their connection allowed me to formulate the original concept of 
its innate obstruction of the internal type, as well as to solve a number of 
other scientific issues, in particular — new to introduce the mechanics of 
the laying of the lymphatic vessels and nodes;  

stage II — “Development of the thoracic duct and its roots with the 
adjacent lymph nodes in the postnatal ontogeny of man”: it is the subject 
of my doctoral dissertation. I first explained the formation of definitive 
variants of the structure and topography of the thoracic duct and its roots 
in connection with the adjacent lymph nodes and organogenesis, with the 
development of secondary junctions of the peritoneum. To clarify the 
origin of the thoracic duct and its roots, I studied the development of the 
venous system, first described mezocardinal veins and their origin, showed 
the supracardinal origin of the ascending lumbar veins and the development of “postrenal” division of the trunk of the inferior vena cava from 
the lower right mezocardinal vein. I first described the development of 
lumbar trunks in the fetal human life, the origin of mezocardinal veins. 
The results of the study allowed me to explain for the first time the mechanics of the development of embryonic lymphatic collectors from veins. 
I first described the initial stages of development of the thoracic duct, 
lumbar and intestinal trunks in the embryogenesis of white rats and also 


in connection with organogenesis, which allowed me to explain the specific features of their structure and topography. To solve the issues of this 
plan, I conducted comparative studies, anatomical and embryological; 

stage III — “Structural foundations of lymph outflow from organs in 
conditions of age norm, in experiment and in pathology”: the theme of my 
work and my students during my management of the Department of human anatomy. I showed for the first time with the justification: 1) lymphangions as inter-valvular segments with smooth myocytes in the walls; 
2) lymph node as lymphangion — capacitive, complex (multi-valvular) and 
complex (with lymphoid tissue in the walls — lymphoid type); 3) smooth 
myocytes in the valves of lymph valves, studied the innervation of valves; 
4) lymphoid-lymphatic apparatus as a new stage in the organization of the 
lymphatic system, the anatomical basis of immunity. Studied lymphoidlymphatic apparatus when exposed to a living organism infrasound and miramistina. Examined the microcirculation, it of the lymph and lymphoid part;  

stage IV — “the constitution of the lymphatic system and its types”: 
the result of my diverse research on the functional anatomy of the lymphatic system was my original concept of the segmental structure of the 
system, including its roots and lymph nodes. Its inter-valvular segments 
organize all the reactions of the system to the effects of the environment, 
including lymph flow tremors. The lymphatic system is involved in the 
organization of the immune system, its channel carries the flow of antigens 
to the lymph nodes and lymphoid more simple the education of afferent 
lymphatic pathways; 

stage V — “quasi-segmental structure of the human body”: in the 
process of working on the concept of the constitution of the lymphatic 
system, I had the idea of a quasi-segmental structure of the human body. It 
consists of definitive corporate segments that are spliced to varying degrees, especially at the periphery. The axial skeleton of these segments 
forms the aorta with its branches. From these positions, I proposed new 
concepts of general human anatomy and the mechanics of organogenesis, 
considered the current state of the relationship between genetics and epigenetics, the general structure of a living organism. 

This book contains part of the publications in english, written by me in the framework of such a search and published in different journals. Most often these publications 
were devoted to the structure and development of the lymphatic system, which is no coincidence: for many years my life was associated with the Department, the theme of scientific 
work which was devoted to the functional anatomy of this system. Of course, it is impos

sible to list all the problems and the results of my research. For example, about the mechanics of the development of the middle (muscle) layer as an antishear factor in the wall 
of the embryonic vascular or intestinal tube on the border between the different rigid (outer and inner) layers of the wall — this occurs as a result of the displacement of such 
layers of the wall relative to each other under the pressure of the contents of the tube (my 
book “Development of lymphatic system in human prenatal ontogenesis”, published on 
III stage of my research — SPb, SPbSMA, 1998). Or about the mechanics of degeneration of mesonephroses in embryogenesis1. 
In conclusion, let me recall J. Lamarck's just saying: “… to observe nature, to study its works... is the pledge of the highest pleasures that can 
most reward us for the inevitable sorrows of life”. 

1 Internat. Journ. Appl. Fund. Research., 2017. — N 1–1. — P. 66–70. 



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