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Английский язык для студентов - будущих инженеров

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Содержит аутентичные тексты для обсуждения и диалоги по изучаемым темам, адаптированные для студентов первого курса, а также грамматический материал, ориентированный на повторительный курс грамматики в соответствии с требованиями программы по английскому языку для неязыковых вузов. Состоит из пяти обязательных вузовских тем: Nice to meet you! My daily routine, My friends, My personality, Let’s eat. Предназначено для бакалавров всех направлений подготовки. Подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков в профессиональной коммуникации.
Хусаинова, Г. Р. Английский язык для студентов - будущих инженеров : учебное пособие / Г. Р. Хусаинова. - Казань : КНИТУ, 2020. - 80 с. - ISBN 978-5-7882-2969-0. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1904046 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное

образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Казанский национальный исследовательский

технологический университет»

Г. Р. Хусаинова



Учебное пособие


Издательство КНИТУ


УДК 811.111(075)
ББК Ш143.21-923


Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета 

Казанского национального исследовательского технологического университета


канд. филол. наук, доц. Г. З. Дарзаманова

канд. филол. наук, доц. Д. Ф. Рахимова


Хусаинова Г. Р. 
Английский язык для студентов – будущих инженеров : учебное пособие / 
Г. Р. Хусаинова; Минобрнауки России, Казан. нац. исслед. 
технол. ун-т. – Казань : Изд-во КНИТУ, 2020. – 80 с.

ISBN 978-5-7882-2969-0

Содержит аутентичные тексты для обсуждения и диалоги по изучаемым

темам, адаптированные для студентов первого курса, а также грамматический
материал, ориентированный на повторительный курс грамматики в соответствии 
с требованиями программы по английскому языку для неязыковых вузов. 
Состоит из пяти обязательных вузовских тем: Nice to meet you! My daily
routine, My friends, My personality, Let’s eat.

Предназначено для бакалавров всех направлений подготовки.
Подготовлено на кафедре иностранных языков в профессиональной


ISBN 978-5-7882-2969-0
© Хусаинова Г. Р., 2020
© Казанский национальный исследовательский 

технологический университет, 2020

УДК 811.111(075)
ББК Ш143.21-923


Введение .....................................................................................................5

Unit 1. Nice to meet you!............................................................................6

Vocabulary ...............................................................................................6
Text. English greetings.............................................................................7
Dialogues. Formal conversation...............................................................9
Text. Steps to improve your conversation skills ....................................10
Wordbuilding .........................................................................................12
Grammar. Adverbs of frequency............................................................13
Present simple ........................................................................................13

Unit 2. My daily routine...........................................................................16

Vocabulary .............................................................................................16
Text. Working day of an American student ...........................................18
Text. Daily Routine. Morning Routines.................................................19
Dialogue. Daily Routine. Evening Routines ..........................................20
Wordbuilding. Word building of nouns with the help of affixes and 
Grammar. Present continuous ................................................................24

Unit 3. My friends.....................................................................................27

Vocabulary .............................................................................................27
Text. Friendship .....................................................................................29
Text.My best friend Helen .....................................................................31
Text. The Untouchables .........................................................................34
Dialogue. Emily and Stuart ....................................................................36
Wordbuilding. Wordbuilding of verbs with the help of affixes and 
Grammar. Comparative and superlative adjectives................................39

Unit 4. My personality..............................................................................43

Vocabulary .............................................................................................43
Text. My biography................................................................................45
Text. Seven things people decide within seconds of meeting you, 
according to science ...............................................................................53
Text. Is likeability more important than specific job skills? ..................56
Wordbuilding. Word building of adjectives with the help of affixes and 

Grammar. Past simple ............................................................................59

Unit 5. Let’s eat.........................................................................................63

Vocabulary .............................................................................................63
Text. Eating out......................................................................................65
Text. Traditional English breakfast........................................................67
Dialogue. Ordering food in a restaurant.................................................68
Wordbuilding. Conversion.....................................................................71
Grammar. Countable and uncountable nouns ........................................72

Библиография .........................................................................................77


Данное учебное пособие предназначено в качестве базового 

курса для студентов – будущих инженеров и рассчитано на первый семестр 
обучения. Оно также может быть использовано в средних специальных 
учебных заведениях, на подготовительных курсах и при самостоятельном 

Учебное пособие состоит из пяти разделов, каждый из которых

содержит тематический текст, являющийся полно изложенной устной 
темой. Рассматриваются такие обязательные вузовские темы: Nice to
meet you! My daily routine, My friends, My personality, Let’s eat. Каждый
раздел также содержит упражнения по развитию навыков устной речи 
по изучаемой теме и закреплению лексики.

В пособии представлены аутентичные тексты для обсуждения и 

диалоги по изучаемым темам, адаптированные для студентов первого 
курса. Тексты основаны на современных исследованиях и реалиях 
стран изучаемого английского языка и поэтому воспринимаются студентами 
эмоционально, что способствует быстрому усвоению, прочтению 
и запоминанию. Тематика текстов учебного пособия и множество 
заданий творческого и дискуссионного характера рассчитаны на то, 
чтобы создать дополнительный психологический стимул для занятий 
иностранным языком.

Грамматический материал учебного пособия содержит повторительный 
курс грамматики в соответствии с требованиями программы 
по английскому языку для неязыковых вузов. Рассматриваются 
такие ключевые грамматические темы, как: Present simple, Pre-
sent continuous, Comparative and superlative Adjectives, Past simple и
Countable and uncountable nouns. Каждая грамматическая тема отрабатывается 
в сериях упражнений, основанных на лексике рассматриваемых 
в учебном пособии тем.

Желаем вам успехов в изучении иностранного языка!

U n i t 1 .  N i c e t o m e e t y o u !

Manners make man (a proverb)

V o c a b u l a r y

Read these words and memorize them:


великолепный, потрясающий

образ жизни, жизненный уклад

first impression
первое впечатление

face to face
при личном контакте, лицом к лицу


to keep in touch
поддерживать связь, быть на связи


to give opinions
высказать мнение


наведение справок, расспрос

middle name


to greet

to interview
брать интервью

to get together

communication skills
навыки общения

to speak in public
выступать публично

прохожий, посторонний человек


official setting
официальная обстановка

to give a presentation
проводить презентацию

to tell a joke
отпустить шутку


to do for a living
зарабатывать на жизнь

to express feelings
выражать эмоции

to react

to be named after
быть названым в честь кого-либо


to avoid


T e x t .  E n g l i s h  g r e e t i n g s

They say that the first impression is very important and it is also important 

to have the right words to simply say hello. In this text you will learn how the 
most common formal and informal greetings are used in British English. 

To greet someone you can purely say “Hello!” Hello can be used in 

any situation – informal or formal. Let’s look at the formal greetings first.
This is how you greet someone at work, place of study, with people you don’t 
know well, or any official setting. Generally in formal conversation you 
would use full, grammatically correct sentences. Let’s consider some exam-
ples: “Hello!” “Good morning!” “Good afternoon!” “Good evening!”

If you have met the person before, you can say “It’s nice to see you 

again!” If you haven’t met a person before it would be nice to say “I’m 
pleased to meet you”. Often when saying hello, we will follow it with an 
enquiry “Hello, how are you?” If you have met a person before you can say 
“How have you been?”, “How are things?” You can ask a more specific 
question like “How is work?”, “How is your family?” To the question “How 
are you?” you can answer “I am fine, thank you. And you?” So, it’s a good 
and polite practice to ask the question back. “I am very well, thank you for 
asking. And you?” sounds good also. 

If a person asked about work you can answer “It’s good, thank you”.

When your conversation has ended and it’s time to leave you can simply say 
“Good bye!” or “It was nice to meet you”. If you are going to see them again 
in the future you can say “I’ll see you soon” or “I’ll see you on Monday” or 
“I’ll see you at the event”.

Now let’s consider informal greetings. They are used with people you 

know on a personal level, like your family members and friends.  In informal 
English everything is shortened and much more relaxed. Instead of saying 
“Hello!” you can say “Hi!” Instead of saying “Good morning!” you can say 
“Morning!” Instead of saying “It’s very nice to meet you” you can say “Nice 
to meet you” When we are asked “How are you?” we can answer “Fine, 
thanks. You?” or “Good, thanks. You?” Or you can also use more emotional 
answers “I’m fabulous”, “I’m awesome”. Check these Informal greetings in 
use in Exercise 2. 

Exercise 1. Now write down all the greeting phrases from the text

and memorize them. 

Exercise 2. Make a short formal and informal conversation with your 

partner using Greeting phrases. Follow Speaker A and B sample dialogues.

D i a l o g u e s .  F o r m a l  c o n v e r s a t i o n

A: Good morning!
B: Hello! How are you?
A: I am very well, thank you and you?
B: Not bad, thank you.
A: How is your presentation going?
B: It’s progressing slowly...

Informal conversation

A: Morning!
B: Hi, how is it going?
A: All good, thanks, you?
B: Yeah, fabulous, thanks.
A: How’s Alice doing?
B: Oh, much better now.
A: Good!
B: I’ve got to go! It was nice to see you!
A: You too. Bye!
B: Bye!

Getting acquainted with your groupmates

Exercise 3. Interview your groupmates about their name, lifestyle, 

family and friends using questionnaire. Write down their answers.

What’s your name?

What’s your name?

What does your name mean?

What is your middle name?

Are you named after someone?

Do you like your name?

Tell me about your lifestyle:

1. Are you a full-time student?
2. What’s your major?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. How do you get to the university?
5. How long does it take to get there?

Where are you from?

Do you live in a hostel?

Where do you live?

Do you live with your family?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Where is your family from?

Tell me about your friends:

Do you have friends?

What are your friends like?

Are they from school or university?

Do you have a nickname?

What do you do when you get together?

Exercise 4. Read and translate the newspaper article. Do you agree 

with all the advices?

T e x t .  S t e p s  t o  i m p r o v e  y o u r  c o n v e r s a t i o n  

s k i l l s

Are you someone who struggles to talk to people, because it feels 

forced, unnatural, and the conversation doesn't really go anywhere? If you've 
been asking "how do I improve my communication skills", "how to improve 
your speaking skills", then this article is for you.

These steps to improve your communication skills will make you feel 

more confident and at ease whether in a professional or social setting. 

1. Have some interesting topics ready to start a conversation. Say 

something about the weather, the place you are in or you can talk about your 
weekends. We all have something to say about these topics.

2. Be a good listener. Keep eye contact and react “Yes”, “Right” and 

“I know”, “Really, that’s interesting”. These phrases encourage people to talk.

3. Respond with phrases that relate to what the person is talking about.

You can start off with phrases such as “That’s interesting, because”, “That’s 
true, because” and “I can relate, because”. Starting your conversation with 
these types of words shows that you’re interested on the other person.

4. Don’t talk all the time. Ask “How about you?” in turn and show that

you are interested in the other person because people love to talk about them-

5. Ask information questions like “What do you do in your free time?” 

“What kind of movies do you like?” Follow-up questions will help to keep 
the conversation going. But avoid asking too many questions! It’s not an in-

6. Be positive and smile! Negative comments can sound rude. If you 

don’t want to answer a personal question, say “I’m not sure I can answer 
that”. And don’t forget to smile. Just be relaxed and be yourself.

Exercise 5. Discuss these questions with your partner. 

1. What are the phrases that help to keep the conversation going?
2. What are some good topics to start conversation?
3. What phrases show that you’re interested in the other person?
4. What can you say to show you are listening?
5. Do you ever start conversation with strangers?
6. Is it odd when a stranger talks to you?
7. Are you a talkative person?
8. Are you a good listener?
9. Do you think you talk too much?
10.What do you like to talk about?
11.What topics do you try to avoid?

Exercise 6. Look at the list below and say which of the things are you 

best at? Which do you find very difficult?

– talking to older people;

– talking to younger people;

– talking to people from different countries;

– expressing your opinion;

– expressing your feelings;

– listening when people criticise you;

– avoiding arguments.

W o r d b u i l d i n g

There are different ways of word building in English: compounding, 

word-formation with the help of affixes and prefixes and conversion.

Compounding (словосложение)

Compounding occurs when two or more words are joined together to 

make one longer word. 

Study these examples of:

1. Compound nouns newspaper, bedroom, football, fire-fly. 
2. Compound adjectives waterproof, first-class, red-hot.
3. Compound pronouns something, anywhere, anyhow.

Exercise 1. Find some more examples of compound nouns, compound 

adjectives and compound pronouns. 

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