Чем больше читаете, тем больше вы узнаете. = Read more, learn more
Английский язык
Науменко Лариса Клементьевна
Год издания: 2022
Кол-во страниц: 132
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9765-4998-2
Артикул: 789590.01.99
Пособие познакомит учащихся с актуальной лексикой английского языка, с интересными новыми фактами, происходящими в современном мире. Материал представлен в виде увлекательных текстов. Обучающиеся уровней Intermediate — Upper-intermediate — Advanced смогут проработать представленный материал и совершенствовать свои навыки. Для закрепления лексического материала после каждого текста следует ряд упражнений, которые помогу запомнить ключевые слова и сочетания с ними. Задания к текстам четко сформулированы и логически выстроены, учитывая возраст и языковую компетенцию обучающихся. Для студентов вузов и всех, кто изучает английский язык самостоятельно и стремится к совершенствованию собственных речевых навыков.
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
Л.К. Науменко ЧЕМ БОЛЬШЕ ЧИТАЕТЕ, ТЕМ БОЛЬШЕ ВЫ УЗНАЕТЕ READ MORE, LEARN MORE Учебное пособие Москва Издательство «ФЛИНТА» 2022 1
УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73 Н34 Науменко Л.К. Н34 Чем больше читаете, тем больше вы узнаете. = Read more, learn more : учебное пособие / Л.К. Науменко. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2022. — 132 с. — ISBN 978-5-9765-4998-2. — Текст : электронный. Пособие познакомит учащихся с актуальной лексикой английского языка, с интересными новыми фактами, происходящими в современном мире. Материал представлен в виде увлекательных текстов. Обучающиеся уровней Intermediate — Upper-intermediate — Advanced смогут проработать представленный материал и совершенствовать свои навыки. Для закрепления лексического материала после каждого текста следует ряд упражнений, которые помогу запомнить ключевые слова и сочетания с ними. Задания к текстам четко сформулированы и логически выстроены, учитывая возраст и языковую компетенцию обучающихся. Для студентов вузов и всех, кто изучает английский язык самостоятельно и стремится к совершенствованию собственных речевых навыков. УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.432.1я73 ISBN 978-5-9765-4998-2 © Науменко Л.К., 2022 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2022 2
Предисловие Пособие соответствует основным задачам современного образования и знакомит учащихся с актуальной лексикой английского языка. Данная книга направлена на информативное ознакомление с интересными новыми фактами, происходящими в современном мире. Материал представлен в удобном и доступном для ознакомления виде, учитывая читательские интересы обучающихся. Качество материала высокое. Уникальность книги состоит в увлекательных текстах, при изучении которых не потеряется интерес и появится желание узнать больше познавательных фактов. Обучающиеся уровней Intermediate — Upper-Intermediate — Advanced смогут проработать представленный материал и совершенствовать свои навыки. Для закрепления лексического материала после каждого текста следует ряд упражнений, которые помогают без особого труда запомнить ключевые слова и сочетания с ними, а также вызвать интерес к материалу. Упражнения на выбор подходящего варианта, заполнение пропусков, словообразование предоставят обучающимся возможность расширить и обогатить свой словарный запас. В то время как упражнения на предлоги и идиомы безусловно заинтересуют всех желающих приобрести навыки свободного владения языком. Задания к текстам четко сформулированы и логически выстроены, учитывая возраст и языковую компетенцию обучающихся. Автор старается разнообразить приемы и методы работы с вокабуляром, предлагая, помимо традиционных форм тренировки, упражнения и задания, ориентированные на приобретение и закрепление новой лексики. Пособие предназначено для студентов вузов и всех тех, кто изучает английский язык самостоятельно и стремится к совер3
шенствованию собственных речевых навыков. Оно может оказаться полезным при подготовке к сдаче сертификатных экзаменов различного формата. Учебник поможет расширить кругозор студентов и повысить уровень их подготовки. Данный учебный материал будет интересен студентам как языковых, так и неязыковых направлений, широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык. 4
Preface Welcome to “Read more, learn more”! This book consists of 21 authentic texts. They are designed for intermediate and upper-intermediate learners of English. A selection of engaging topics aims at motivating learners to read, develop reading skills, build academic vocabulary, review and reinforce word combinations presented in the texts. Challenging exercises help the learners deal with unfamiliar words and recycle key vocabulary into speech. High-interest topics facilitate reading, widen knowledge, viewpoints of the learners and engage discussions and activities. 5
WHY FINLAND’S SCHOOLS ARE SO SUCCESSFUL? For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world. First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home. When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects. They teach in teams if it helps them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries. In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully. Only talented students go on to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth. Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. More than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators. Most of Finland’s schools get their money from the government. The people who are in charge of the education system, from 6
teachers to administrators are trained teachers, not politicians like in other countries. All Finnish children, whether they come from the city or a rural town, whether from a rich or poor family have the same opportunities in education. Education experts claim that there is very little difference between very good and the worst students. Two thirds of Finnish pupils who fi nish compulsory education move on to higher education, the highest rate in the European Union. Until the 1960s Finland’s school system had been infl uenced largely by its neighbor, the Soviet Union. Most students left school after six years; some went on to private school. Only the wealthy ones got a better education. In the middle of the 1960s the Finnish government saw the need to change and modernize their education system if they wanted to be internationally competitive. Lawmakers made a simple decision: a single school for all the 7 to 16 year olds. They also put a focus on language learning. Students learn Swedish as their second and English as their third language. A part of Finland’s success is also owed to the fact that its society is homogenous. There are not so many differences between the wealthy and poor, as in America or other Western European countries. This is refl ected in the classroom too. Teachers always try to show pupils how to behave socially and care for others. They teach them that taking responsibility is very important for their future careers. additional = more, extra adjust = to be able to deal with a changing situation administrator = manager, organizer admired = respected; people have a good opinion of something attend = go to behave = act career = job claim = to say that something is true compare = put side by side, match two things compete = fi ght; to try to be better than someone else 7
compulsory = you must do something curriculum = the subjects that are taught in school and the things that you learn in a certain subject dropout rate = the number of pupils who leave school before they have fi nished educator = teacher or person that helps you learn elementary school = the fi rst years in school goal = aim government = the people who rule a country homogenous = people of the same race or who have the same language in charge of = in control of in contrast to = compared with infl uence = to affect something in the way it changes master’s degree = you get it by fi nishing your studies at the university opportunity = chance politician = someone who works in politics, or in a party; also a member of the government or parliament preschool = a school for children before normal school starts profession = job rate = number reach = get to receive = get refl ect = show rural = countryside science = knowledge about the world and nature select = choose socially = with other people or classmates society = people in general standard = level strikingly = unusual; interesting enough to stand out from the others survey = study; a set of questions that you ask some people in order to fi nd out what they think take responsibility = to be in charge of something or make you own decisions 8
EXCERCISES 1. Circle the choice that is closest to the meaning to the word in bold. 1) We adjusted our watches to local time. а. change b. alter c. adopt 2) The pulse refl ects the condition of the heart. а. think b. show c. bring 3) After many tests, John was selected for the team. а. collect b. gather c. choose 4) Experts minutely surveyed the situation that had brought about the crisis. а. act b. study c. compare 5) A hardworking student always attends lectures. а. miss b. listen c. go 6) Language is the greatest educator of mankind. а. teacher b. student c. assistant 7) The rate of the top students has risen lately. а. grade b. number c. quality 8) The majority of people prefer to live in the rural areas. а. quiet b. urban c. countryside 9) I admire his honesty. а. surprise b. amaze c. respect 10) It wasn’t just that she was strikingly beautiful. а. seldom b. unusually c. positively 9
2. Fill in the blanks using the right forms of the words (where necessary). additional goal compulsory claim take responsibility infl uence politicians compete standards in charge of 1) __________ information gives a complete picture of a phenomenon. 2) A driver can __________ damages within 24 hours. 3) There are a lot of __________ subjects in a curriculum this year. 4) Parents as a rule __________ the choice of profession. 5) No doubt Jack will __________. 6) It’s typical to all __________ to give false promises. 7) Every year the __________ of education are raised. 8) Nobody can make a person change his __________. 9) A manager is __________ the department. 10) Our company is too small to __________ with a company like that. 3. Use different forms of words. 1) I’m not sure how he’ll make the emotional __________ (adjust) to retirement. 2) A child felt great __________ (admire) for his teacher. 3) My friend is always shining up to __________ (infl uence) l people. 4) He has always considered his profession as the right __________ (select). 5) He is directly __________ (responsibility) for the effi cient running of the offi ce. 6) Any __________ (science) should be proved before putting into practice. 7) She stared at her __________ (refl ect) in the mirror. 10