Cross-Cultural Communication in Transport Industry
Основная коллекция
Английский язык
Российский университет транспорта
Год издания: 2018
Кол-во страниц: 179
Вид издания:
Учебно-методическая литература
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
Артикул: 787319.01.99
Учебно-методическое пособие предлагает комплексное рассмотрение различных аспектов современного транспорта с позиции межкультурной коммуникации. Англоязычный языковой материал разбит на разделы. Пособие содержит ряд практических заданий, способствующих развитию межкультурной компетенции. Адресовано студентам транспортных вузов, а также широкому кругу лиц, интересующихся проблемами транспорта и межкультурной коммуникации.
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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ТРАНСПОРТА РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ БЮДЖЕТНОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ТРАНСПОРТА (МИИТ)» Институт экономики и финансов Кафедра «Лингвистика» Л.А. Чернышова, Н.А. Заломова Cross-Cultural Communication in Transport Industry Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов-бакалавров направления «Лингвистика» МОСКВА - 2018
УДК 42 Ч 49 Чернышова Л.А., Заломова Н.А. Cross-Cultural Communication in Transport Industry: Учебно-методическое пособие. Для студентов-бакалавров направления «Лингвистика». – М.: РУТ (МИИТ), 2018. - 179 с. Учебно-методическое пособие предлагает комплексное рассмотрение различных аспектов современного транспорта с позиции межкультурной коммуникации. Англоязычный языковой материал разбит на разделы. Пособие содержит ряд практических заданий, способствующих развитию межкультурной компетенции. Адресовано студентам транспортных вузов, а также широкому кругу лиц, интересующихся проблемами транспорта и межкультурной коммуникации. Рецензент: кандидат филологических наук, доцент заведующий кафедрой «Иностранные языки-4» ИТТСУ РУТ (МИИТ) Сачкова Е.В. ©РУТ (МИИТ), 2018
Contents UNIT 1. ROLE OF TRANSPORT IN SOCIETY. …………..4 UNIT 2. LAND TRANSPORTAION ………………………16 UNIT 3 MARITIME AND AIR TRANSPORTATION…….34 UNIT 4. MULTIMODAL vs INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION……………………………………….48 UNIT 5. HIGH-SPEED RAIL (HSR)……...………………..54 UNIT 6. RAIL TRACK ……………….…………………….72 UNIT 7. ROLLING STOCK ……………………..................88 UNIT 8. PASSENGER ROLLING STOCK ………………..94 UNIT 9. FREIGHT ROLLING STOCK …………………..120 SUPPLIMENTARY TEXTS ………………………………140 References ………………………………………………….177
UNIT 1. ROLE OF TRANSPORT IN SOCIETY Transportation is the activity of moving people or things from one place to another, or the system used for doing this ( Text 1 Efficient transport is a critical component of economic development, globally and nationally. Transport availability affects global development patterns and can be a boost or a barrier to economic growth within individual nations. Transportation investments link factors of production together in a web of relationships between producers and consumers to create a more efficient division of production, leverage geographical comparative advantage, and provide the means to expand economies of scale and scope. Transport’s contribution to economic development includes the following: Network effects – linking more locations exponentially increases the value and effectiveness of transport:
Performance improvements – reducing cost and time for existing passenger and freight movements increase transport’s contribution to economic growth. Reliability – improves time performance and reduces loss and damage, thus reducing economic drag. Market size-access to wider markets adds to economies of scale in production, distribution, and consumption, thereby increasing economic growth. Productivity – transport increases productivity gained from access to a larger and more diverse base of inputs such as raw materials, parts, energy, and labor, and broader markets for more diverse outputs. Text 2 Transport makes raw materials available to manufacturers or producers, since it makes it possible to carry raw materials from places where they are available, to places where they can be processed and assembled into finished goods. Transport makes possible movement of goods from one place to another with great ease and speed.
It enhances standard of living: easy means of transport facilitates large-scale production at low costs. It gives consumers the choice to make use of different quantities of goods at different prices. So it raises the standard of living of the people. It helps during emergencies and natural calamities. Transport helps in creation of employment: It provides employment opportunity to individuals as drivers, conductors, pilots, cabin crew, captain of the ship, etc. who are directly engaged in transport business. It also provides employment to people indirectly in the industries producing various means of transport and other transport equipment. Transport helps in labour mobility. It helps in bringing nations together. Since transport facilitates movement of people from one country to another, it helps in exchange of cultures, views and practices between the people of different countries. This brings about greater understanding among people and awareness about different countries. Thus, it helps to promote a feeling of international brotherhood.
Text 3 While many of the social and economic impacts of transportation are positive, there are also significant societal challenges: Cost differences. Locations that have low levels of accessibility tend to have higher costs for many goods. This can play at several geographical scales, from the national to the local. For landlocked countries most of the goods have to be imported through an intermediate country, often over long distances. The resulting higher transport costs inhibit the competitiveness of such locations and limits opportunities. Congestion. With the increased use of transport systems, it has become common for parts of the network to be used above design capacity. Congestion is the outcome of such a situation with its associated costs, delays and waste of energy Accidents. The use of transport modes and infrastructure is never entirely safe. Due to human errors and various forms of physical failures (mechanical or infrastructural) injuries, damages and even death occur. Accidents tend to be proportional to the intensity of use of transport infrastructures which means with more traffic the higher the probability for an accident to occur. The respective level of safety
depends on the mode of transport and the speed at which an accident occurs. No mode is completely safe but the road remains the riskiest mode for transportation, accounting for 90% of all transport accidents on average. At the global level, about 1.25 million people died in road accidents in 2013, in addition to 50 million injuries. Although the number of deaths due to car accidents is declining in developed countries, in developing economies, death rates are usually at least twice as high as those of developed countries and account for close to 90% of all deaths. China has the world largest number of fatalities, 250,000 in 2013, a situation mainly due to a sharp growth in vehicle ownership in recent years, a lack of driver education and Environmental Transportation Challenges The mobility provided by transport activities has a wide range of environmental consequences. A society becomes more aware of environmental concerns and has less tolerance for its negative impacts: Air quality. Atmospheric emissions from pollutants produced transportation, especially by the internal combustion engine, are associated with air pollution and global climate change. In urban regions, about
50% of all air pollution emanates from automobile traffic. Noise. A major irritant, noise can impact on human health and most often human welfare. Noise can be manifested in three levels depending on emissions intensity; psychological disturbances (perturbations, displeasure), functional disturbances (sleep disorders, loss of work productivity, speech interference) or physiological disturbances (health issues such as fatigue, and hearing damage). Noise and vibration associated with trains, trucks, and planes in the vicinity of airports are major irritants and have commonly been associated with lower land values since it makes those location less desirable. Water quality. Accidental and nominal runoff of pollutants from transport such as oil spills, are sources of contamination for both surface water and groundwater. In addition, paved surfaces are more prone to floods with intense rainfall. Land take. Transport is a large consumer of space when all of its supporting infrastructure and equipment are considered. This space is subject to competition between other activities and reflects societal values. The most common way for a society to mitigate the environmental externalities of