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Эпомен: медицинские науки, 2022, № 1

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медицинские науки

Medical Sciences

электронное периодическое научное издание

№ 1, Февраль 2022
No. 1, February 2022

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Эпомен: медицинские науки, № 1, 2022 | Epomen: Medical Sciences, No. 1 (2022)

Состав редакции журнала

Главный редактор:

Усенко Сергей Валентинович, канд. юрид. наук, доцент

Редакторы тематических разделов:

Непшекуева Тамара Сагидовна, д-р филол. наук, профессор

Самойлов Сергей Федорович, д-р филос. наук, профессор

Песоцкая Елена Николаевна, канд. филос. наук, доцент, профессор Российской 

Академии Естествознания

Ахминеева Азиза Халиловна, д-р.мед. наук,доцент

Русев Илья Трифонович, д-р.мед. наук, профессор

Кондратьева Татьяна Сергеевна, канд. филол. наук, доцент

Помощник главного редактора: Горбоносова Анастасия Игоревна

Младшие редакторы: Фруслов Данил Геннадьевич, Иванова Виктория Александровна

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Editorial Staff


Usenko Sergey Valentinovich, Candidate of Law, assistant professor

Topic editors:

Nepshekuyeva Tamara Sagidovna, Doctor of Philology, professor

Samoylov Sergey Fedorovich, Doctor of Philosophy, professor

Nikolaevna, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate

Professor, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Akhmineyeva Aziza Khalilovna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Rusev Ilya Trifonovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Kondratyeva Tatyana Sergeyevna, Candidate of Philology, assistant professor

Assistant Editor-in-Chief: Gorbonosova Anastasiya Igorevna

Junior editors: Fruslov Danil Gennadyevich, Ivanova Viktoriya Aleksandrovna

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Гаухар А.

Развитие современного общества и социальные проблемы (стр. 6–14)

Миклис Н. И., Бурак И. И., Черкасова О. А. Лоллини С. В., Юркевич А. Б., Масалко
ва Ю. Ю., Григорьева С. В., Ширякова Т. А., Демидов Р. И., Каун С. В., Красовская

Т. М.

Статус питания студентов медицинского университета (стр. 15–29)

Морозько П. Н., Бубнова П. Д., Немешкина Е. С.

Анализ заболеваемости психическими расстройствами населения Российской Феде
рации (стр. 30–43)

Песоцкая Е. Н., Аксенова С. В.

Феномен болезни в антропологическом поле: метапарадигмальный поиск (стр. 44–55)

Песоцкая Е. Н., Зорькина А. В., Макарова Ю. А., Белова Л. А.

Антропологические концепции в оптимизации философского обеспечения медицины

(стр. 57–76)

Песоцкая Е. Н., Макарова Ю. А., Зорькина А. В., Зорькин М. В., Чегодаева Л. В.

Синергия естественных саногенетических механизмов в поле метатеории медицины

(методологический аспект) (стр. 77–88)

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Table of Contents

Gaukhar A.

The development of modern society and social problems (pp. 6–14)

Miklis N. I., Burak I. I., Cherkasova O. A., Lollini S. V., Yurkevich A. B., Masalkova

Y. Y., Grigorieva S. V., Shiryakova T. A., Demidov R. I., Kaun S. V., Krasovskaya

T. M.

Nutritional status of medical university students (pp. 15–29)

Morozko P. N., Bubnova P. D., Nemeshkina E. S.

Analysis of the incidence of mental disorders in the population of the Russian Federation

(pp. 30–43)

Pesotskaya Y. N., Aksenova S. V.

The disease’s phenomenon in the anthropological field: metaparadigm’s search (pp. 44–55)

Pesotskaya Y. N., Zorkina A. V., Makarovа Y. A., Belova L. A.

Anthropological conceptions in optimization of philosophical coverage of medicine (pp.


Pesotskaya Y. N., Makarovа Y. A., Zorkina A. V., Zorkin M. V., Chegodaeva L. V.

Synergy of natural sanogenetic mechanisms in the field of metatheory medicine

(methodological aspect) (pp. 77–88)

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Развитие современного общества и социальные


Гаухар Анапияева

магистр социальных наук, старший преподаватель

Казахстанско-Российский медицинский университет

г. Алматы, Казахстан

е-mail: gauhar_an@mail.ru


В статье раскрыты теоретические подходы к современным социальным про
блемам, дан анализ некоторых примеров социальных проблем современного обще
ства. Проблемы, связанные с существованием факторов общественной жизни, прямо

или косвенно влияющих на состояние сообщества, а также требующие коллективных

усилий для их решения, принято называть социальными. В заключении отмечается

двойственная природа здоровья. Автор придерживается позиции, что обобщающей

теоретической концепцией в рассмотрении природы человека является концепция его

биосоциальной сущности, позволяющая подойти к рассмотрению понятия здоровья

человека с двух сторон – с позиции его анализа как состояния биологической систе
мы – организма и с позиции его рассмотрения как компонента социальной системы

– общества.

Ключевые слова: общества, проблема, познание, статистика, социальные пробле
мы, организм, психика, социум, наркозависимость, алкоголизм.

The development of modern society and social


Gaukhar Anapiyaeva

Master of Social Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Kazakh-Russian Medical University

Almaty, Kazakhstan

e-mail: gauhar_an@mail.ru

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The article reveals theoretical approaches to modern social problems, analyzes some

examples of social problems of modern society. Problems associated with the existence of

factors in public life that directly or indirectly affect the state of the community, as well as

requiring collective efforts to solve them, are usually called social. Among all the problems

that exist in modern society, a special place is occupied by global ones, covering the whole

world and the entire population of the globe. These include: environmental problems,

problems of war and peace, terrorism and the fight against it, poverty, unemployment,

hunger, development of all types of resources. It is generally accepted that modern society

is replete with various problems, including those of a social nature. This is not tired of

repeating the media, the public and political leaders. From the point of view of the layman,

personal problems complicate his own life, and they can be completely or partially solved

on your own or you can turn to friends, work colleagues, relatives or a professional for

help and advice. Dealing with social problems is much more difficult. They concern not

only a single individual, but the whole society as a whole or, in extreme cases, individual

social groups.

Key words: society, problem, knowledge, statistics, social problems, organism, psyche,

society, drug addiction, alcoholism.

Introduction. The inevitable contradictions of social development,

non-observance of social norms for the functioning of society, groups and

individuals lead to situations that directly or indirectly affect each person

and require joint efforts to overcome them [1, p. 3]. Among all the problems

existing in modern society, a special place is occupied by global ones, covering

the whole world and the entire population of the globe. These include

environmental problems, problems of war and peace, terrorism and the fight

against it, poverty, unemployment, hunger, the development of all types

of resources, overpopulation, etc. There are groups of problems that are

characteristic only for certain parts of the world, countries and regions [2].

Materials and methods. The solution of socially significant tasks that

lie in the sphere of the social life of society, supported by the corresponding

economic, educational and cultural potential of the society, there are different

approaches of the direction [3].

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representatives of this approach, social problems are the consequences of

social disorganization, which is understood as the absence of social order

and discipline. The representative of this approach, C. Cooley, believed that

society as a whole lacks unity, rationality and harmony, since individual

individuals and groups act in different directions, which encourages them to

be more active and independent, but throws them back to primitive impulses.

W. Thomas and F. Znaniecki define social disorganization as “a decrease in

the influence of existing social rules of behavior on individual members of

a group” [4]. One of the causes of disorganization, according to W. Thomas

and F. Znaniecki, is the expansion of communication and contacts between a

certain community and the outside world, which leads to the development of

new attitudes in the community that cannot be adequately controlled by the

old social organization. The problem is to find an institutional expression

for these attitudes and use them for socially productive purposes. Other

representatives of this trend - R. Park, E. Burgess, R. Mackenzie and others

- studied suicide, prostitution, teenage delinquency, homelessness, considering

these social problems as a consequence of social disorganization. [5].

In understanding the etiology of social problems, I would like to

emphasize a number of approaches to social problems.


approach - R. Merton, R. Nisbet, T. Parsons - pointed to the relationship

between the values and institutions of culture and periodically emerging

social problems. The functionalist approach to social problems consists in

identifying the conditions and types of behavior that hinder the realization

of society’s goals, impede its smooth functioning, or lead society into an

unstable, non-equilibrium state [5]. R. Nisbet believed that one cannot talk

about a social problem if it is not defined as such. R. Merton writes about

the existence of explicit and latent social problems, as well as about such

classes of social problems as social disorganization and deviant behavior. It

is with the help of the theory of deviant behavior that R. Merton explains the

emergence of a number of obvious and latent social problems and believes that

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the sociologist’s task is to understand how the social structure encourages

some members of society to behave inappropriately. [6].

The conflict-value approach, its representatives can be considered K.

Case, W. Waller, R. Fuller, R. Mues and others. A feature of this approach

is the appeal to the categories of morality and value. It is they that reflect

the moral principles and value judgments of a certain social group, which are

the basis and engine of the individual’s social activity. According to K. Case,

a situation that attracts the attention of a significant number of competent

observers in society and requires social intervention and the use of special

measures, i.e. collective actions, can become a social problem [7]. V. Waller

believed that when considering social problems, it is necessary to refer not

only to the objective, but also to the subjective side, that is, to the study

of the inner world of a person, his attitude to the problem. R. Fuller and R.

Mues attached particular importance to the awareness of social problems by

the people themselves. The same life situation, in their opinion, is considered

a problem by some people, not by others. Therefore, the emergence and

existence of social problems, from the point of view of representatives of the

conflict-value approach, is associated with public morality and the subjective

reaction of each individual to social situations. [6, 7].

Crimes associated with excessive drinking include murders, accidents,

suicides, poisonings, and traffic accidents. All this leads to increased

mortality, deterioration in the health of the population and a decrease in a

number of other socio-demographic indicators, which not only creates a tense

social situation, but also negatively affects the country’s economic indicators.

The problem of alcoholism should not only be solved at the state level, but

also become the concern of the whole society - it is necessary to realize its

seriousness and begin to act together [8]. The spread of drug addiction in

society inevitably entails a number of other social problems - an increase in

the level of crime and its rejuvenation, an increase in mortality, an increase

in the number of suicides, a decrease in health indicators and quality of life,

a decrease in the birth rate and the level of education of the population.

Since the majority of drug addicts are young people, the future of the

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country is at stake. The joint efforts of doctors, psychologists, social workers,

teachers and employees of the internal affairs bodies are aimed at carrying

out preventive work, which is carried out in three forms: negative attitude to

the use of narcotic substances, expansion of leisure opportunities for young

people and adolescents, public and administrative-legal measures to combat

the spread and use of drugs. Secondary prevention involves active work with

adolescents and young people at risk, early identification of people who use

drugs, their treatment and adaptation. Tertiary prevention is associated with

rehabilitation measures for drug addicts, active relapse prevention, work with

the immediate environment of drug addicts for their readaptation in society


To solve the problem of drug addiction in society, a system of measures

is needed, including the fight against drug trafficking by the internal affairs

bodies, preventive measures among young people and adolescents carried out

by specialized social services, teachers, psychologists, social workers and other

specialists, and general social events.

Analysis. Analyzing the social problems of modern society, I would like

to note one of the most discussed problems of society today is the problem of

the future of the family and family relations. The family has always been the

object of deep research, considered as an objective form of social life and a

social and value phenomenon of society. The family as the basis of the social

order and the natural state of man was considered in the perfect society of

the utopian theories of T. Mora, T. Campanella. The family as a "cell"of

society is accepted in the formational theory of K. Marx, F. Engels [10].

At present, social policy should be based on a properly built system of

priorities, a phased solution of social problems, the efficient use of available

resources, and the coordination of state obligations and the real possibilities

of the economy. The latter does not mean that in order to improve the

current situation, it is necessary to go only along the path of increasing social

spending. In a crisis, the most important task is to increase the efficiency of

the use of resources allocated to social needs. The social sphere is not only

the sphere of final consumption. The experience of developed countries shows

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that an effective social policy is an important condition for increasing labor

productivity and efficient use of labor resources, ensuring stable economic

growth as a whole [11].

Research results. The word "problem"in translation from Greek

literally means an obstacle, difficulty, task. In the New Philosophical

Encyclopedia, a problem is defined as an issue that objectively arises in

the course of the development of knowledge or an integral set of issues, the

solution of which is of significant practical or theoretical interest.

In philosophical and sociological science there are two types of


1) cognitive problems associated with expanding the boundaries of


2) social problems based on the contradiction between the existing

and the necessary and requiring the efforts of the whole society to

resolve them.

The term "social problem which appeared in Western European

thought at the beginning of the 19th century, was originally used only to

denote the uneven distribution of social wealth. In the United States and

Britain, awareness of the existence of social problems was caused by the

deterioration of the living conditions of a significant part of the population in

the second half of the 19th century, which was confirmed by survey statistics.

The main approaches to understanding social problems are the

following approaches to the study of social problems. Approach of social

pathology. As I. G. Yasaveev notes, the approach of social pathology was

historically the first one used by social reformers and researchers of social

problems. Theorists of this trend believed that situations become social

problems if they interfere with the work of the social organism. [fourteen]. S.

Smith compared social pathology with medical and insisted on the need to

study social diseases. C. Lombroso put forward the theory of the existence of

the so-called "criminal"type of people who, from birth, due to physical, bodily

characteristics, violate social norms and become criminals. E. Kretschmer and

V. Sheldon also saw the connection between the structure of the body and the

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personal qualities of a person and studied the influence of heredity on social

deviation. Later, the theory of innate criminality was refuted by numerous

studies, and since the 1910s. is experiencing a steady decline, as in general,

the very concept of social pathology in explaining social problems. Most

"social pathologists"saw the main source of social problems in the initial,

"innate"inability of a number of individuals to "normal"behavior [12]. In

essence, the responsibility for the emergence of social problems was assigned

to individual members of society, who by their nature were incapable of

observing the norms and rules of the community.

Conclusion. In conclusion, it should be noted that the very nature of

health is dual - on the one hand, health is a natural phenomenon that reflects

the specific state of the organism or psyche given by nature, but, on the other

hand, health is an artificial phenomenon, formed by social requirements for

the state and functioning of the body ( psyche) from the side of society, i.e.

social artifact. Thus, a generalizing theoretical concept in considering human

nature is the concept of his biosocial essence, which allows us to approach

the concept of human health from two sides - from the position of its analysis

as a state of the biological system - the organism and from the position of

its consideration as a component of the social system - society.

Список литературы

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3. Богданова О. Ю. Роль социальной защиты населения в построении

социально- ориентированного государства // Инновационная наука. 2016. № 2-1. С.


4. Томас У., Знанецкий Ф. Понятие социальной дезорганизации // Контексты

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