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English for Research Students

Артикул: 778802.01.01
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В учебно-методическом пособии представлены аутентичные материалы и оригинальные задания, программы вступительного и кандидатского экзаменов, а также методические указания по подготовке к их сдаче. Цель издания - помочь аспирантам освоить учебный материал и подготовиться к сдаче кандидатского экзамена по английскому языку. Для лиц, поступающих в аспирантуру и готовящихся к сдаче кандидатского экзамена по иностранному языку.
Тер-Авакян, И. В. English for Research Students : учебно-методическое пособие / И. В. Тер-Авакян, О. В. Филипчук, О. И. Чередниченко ; под общ. ред. О. В. Филипчук. - Йошкар-Ола : ПГТУ, 2020. - 98 с. - ISBN 978-5-8158-2182-8. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1869232 (дата обращения: 26.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
С. П. Фирсова
Ф. З. Гарифуллина

Advertising − an Art, 

a Trade, a Gift

Учебное пособие



УДК 81(075.8)
ББК 81я73

Ф 62


доктор филологических наук, профессор Н. Н. Глухова;

кандидат филологических наук, доцент Т. В. Смирнова

Печатается по решению

редакционно-издательского совета ПГТУ

Фирсова, С. П.

Ф 62
Advertising − an Art, a Trade, a Gift: учебное пособие / С. П. Фир
сова, Ф. З. Гарифуллина. – Йошкар-Ола: Поволжский государственный технологический университет, 2021. – 92 с.
ISBN 978-5-8158-2252-8

Целью данного учебного пособия является развитие профессионально

ориентированной иноязычной компетентности студентов в области рекламы и связей с общественностью. Пособие также направлено на развитие навыков различного вида чтения и словарного запаса обучающихся.

Для студентов гуманитарных, экономических и других направлений 


УДК 81(075.8)

ББК 81я73

ISBN 978-5-8158-2252-8
© Фирсова С. П., Гарифуллина Ф. З., 2021
© Поволжский государственный
технологический университет, 2021


Введение.................................................................................................. 5

Module 1. ART OF ADVERTISING ................................................... 6

Text 1.1. Advertising .......................................................................... 6
Text 1.2. Global advertising................................................................ 9
Text 1.3. Functions of advertising .................................................... 11

Module 2. HISTORY OF ADVERTISING ........................................ 14

Text 2.1. History of advertising ....................................................... 14
Text 2.2. Golden age of advertising.................................................. 17
Text 2.3. Advertising in Russia......................................................... 19

Module 3. FORMS OF ADVERTISING ............................................ 22

Text 3.1. Forms of advertising.......................................................... 22
Text 3.2. New forms of advertising .................................................. 26
Text 3.3. Classification of advertising .............................................. 29

Module 4. PUBLIC RELATIONS PROFESSIONALS ................... 32

Text 4.1. A day in the life of a public relations professional ............ 32
Text 4.2. Public relations job description template........................... 35
Text 4.3. Public relations professionals ............................................ 38


Text 5.1. Advertising research .......................................................... 41
Text 5.2. Four types of advertising research..................................... 45
Text 5.3. Types of Research in PR.................................................... 47

Module 6. SUCCESSFUL CAREER .................................................. 51

Text 6.1. How to get a career in advertising ..................................... 51
Text 6.2. Ten skills of a successful advertiser................................... 54
Text 6.3. Types of research in pr ...................................................... 57

Module 7. REVIEW.............................................................................. 61

Text 7.1. The role of advertising in society today............................. 61
Text 7.2. Key questions..................................................................... 62
Text 7.3. The world of advertising.................................................... 63
Text 7.4. Quotes from the great advertisers ...................................... 65
Text 7.5. Final test ............................................................................ 66

Appendix 1. Functional language.......................................................... 68
Appendix 2. Language of presentation ................................................ 70
Appendix 3. Press release template....................................................... 71
Appendix 4. Additional texts................................................................. 72


Настоящее пособие адресовано студентам неязыковых вузов, обу
чающимся по различным направлениям бакалавриата и магистратуры, будущая профессиональная деятельность которых связана с рекламой, связями с общественностью, а также маркетингом и менеджментом. Пособие направлено на развитие профессионально ориентированной иноязычной компетентности студентов, формирование и 
развитие различных видов чтения и расширение словарного запаса в 
области профессиональной деятельности. Специально разработанные 
задания также решают задачу развития продуктивных навыков обучающихся. 

Пособие состоит из семи модулей, посвященных различным ас
пектам рекламы и связей с общественностью. Каждый модуль включает три основные темы, а также определенную профессиональную 
лексику для активного и пассивного использования.  Тексты для чтения сопровождаются упражнениями для контроля понимания общего 
содержания прочитанного, заданиями на поисковое чтение. Предлагается система упражнений, направленных на развитие коммуникативной компетентности студентов, реализуемой в различных формах 
(презентации, диалоги, дискуссии) и форматах (индивидуально, в парах и группах). Пособие содержит творческие задания для формирования навыков письменной речи обучающихся.

Приложения включают материалы, способствующие успешному 

выполнению заданий и решению основных задач, связанных с развитием различных видов речевой деятельности.

Пособие может быть использовано как в аудиторной работе, так и 

в автономном режиме. Оно может применяться как основное учебное 
издание для студентов указанных выше направлений подготовки, а 
также как дополнительный образовательный ресурс для преподавания межпредметных дисциплин.




I. Read and translate the following international words.

Advertising strategies, images and ideas, business and industry, 

marketing and communication process, advertising messages, nonbusiness organization, a channel of communication, a segment of the 
population, non-personal presentation, business, promotion of ideas, 
goods and services, various media, problems, effectiveness.

II. Read and translate the text paying attention to vocabulary.




sell goods and services
продавать товары и услуги

persuasion [pə'sweɪʒ(ə)n]
убеждение, воздействие

обязательный, существенный

использовать, применять

убеждать, внушать

be aimed at
быть нацеленным (на)

the target audience
целевая аудитория

turn the mind toward
обратить внимание (на)

пропаганда, поддержка, продвижение

points out
указывать (на) 


packaging and distribution
упаковка и сбыт

a tool 
инструмент, средство, механизм

открытый и готовый принимать/воспринимать


create awareness
обеспечить осведомленность, 

повысить, увеличить



Advertising is a powerful communication force and vital marketing tool 

helping to sell goods, services, images, and ideas through channel of 
information and persuasion. It is highly visible force in the society. Today 
all of us receive many advertising messages daily. Now it is essential to the 
success of any type of business and industry. Furthermore, advertising 
strategies are employed more and more by non-business organisation such 
as government, college and universities, public service groups and 
characteristics. It is one of the parts of the marketing and communication 

Advertising convince people to buy products. All advertising contains 

both information and persuasion. Today we can say advertising is a 
communication, marketing, public-relation, information and persuasion 
process. Advertising reaches us through a channel of communication 
referred to as a medium. It is usually aimed at a particular segment of the 
population − the target audience (Consumer and business). 

The word advertising came from the Latin word' advertere' means "to 

turn the mind toward". The American Marketing Association (AMA) 
recommends the definition, "Advertising is any paid form of non-personal 
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified 
sponsor". The AMA points out that advertising is a tool of marketing along 
with the product and its packaging, price, distribution and personnel 

Most of the advertising is designed to help sell goods and services. It is 

being used increasingly to further public interest group. Another definition 
stresses the idea that advertising is controlled, identifiable information and 
persuasion by means of mass communication. Such definition points to 
another distinction between advertising and other forms of promotion. 
Finally, we may consider the prevalent definition of advertising "as paid, 
non-personal communication through various media by business firms, non 
profit organization and individuals who hope to inform or persuade 
members of a particular audience". 

Advertising is not only used for the purpose of selling, and can be used 

to create awareness among consumers too. For instance, several 
advertisements have been generated in public interest, to make people 

aware of their rights, to increase awareness about health problems such as 
cancer and AIDS, to educate people about the benefits of healthy eating, 
and so on. 

Advertising research is a specialized form of research that works to 

improve the effectiveness of advertising. It includes different forms of 
research which employ different methodologies. Advertising research 
includes pre-testing (also known as copy testing) and post-testing of ads 
and/or campaigns—pre-testing is done before an ad airs to predict how well 
it will perform and post-testing is done after an ad airs to determine the inmarket impact of the ad or campaign on the consumer. 

Advertising is a great tool when used wisely and effectively. 

III. Read and translate the following word combinations into 

Powerful communication force; marketing tool; through channel of 

information; receive daily; convince people; contain both information and 
persuasion; turn the mind toward; any paid form; an identified sponsor;
further public interest group; identifiable information and persuasion; other 
forms of promotion; a particular audience; make people aware of their 
rights; to improve the effectiveness; the in-market impact on the consumer;
wisely and effectively.

IV. Match the synonyms.

stakeholders / target group

product name








10) interest group

V. Answer the questions.

1. What is advertising?
2. How can you prove the fact that advertising is a force?
3. What are the essential elements of advertising?
4. How does advertising reach its audience?
5. What does the word “advertise” mean?
6. What characteristics of advertising do different definitions stress?
7. How can you define advertising?


I. Read the text “Global advertising” and define the purposes and 
stockholders of international advertising. What are main stages of 
its development?

Global advertising or international advertising consists of collecting, 

processing, analyzing and interpreting information. There are two main 
purposes of international advertising research: (1) to assist business 
executives to make profitable international advertising decisions for their 
specific products and services and (2) to contribute to general knowledge 
of international advertising that is potentially useful to a variety of business 
executives, educators, government policy makers, advertising selfregulatory organizations and others interested in understanding the process 
and effects of international advertising.

In the first 30 years of the 1900s, especially in the prosperous 1920's, 

increasing numbers of European and US manufactures sold branded 
consumers or industrial products outside their home countries. Some of 
them utilized "export advertising agencies". Most such agencies depended 
primarily on foreign agencies (called affiliate, associate, or correspondent 
agencies) either to modify domestic campaigns or to initiate entirely new 
campaigns, whichever was appropriate from their clients’ point of view. 
Agencies serving international advertisers of consumer products tended to 
depend somewhat more on foreign correspondent agencies to develop 
localized advertising campaigns appropriate for their particular markets.

Between 1930 and the mid-1950s the number of export or international 

advertising agencies declined. In 1958 in the USA six full-service 
advertising agencies and a handful of export/international advertising 
agencies were capable of providing international services for their US 
clients. Into the 1960s most exporters and manufactures with foreign 
subsidiaries necessarily continued to utilize local foreign advertising 
agency services available in the countries in which they did business.

In the 1970s and 1980s many consolidations and mergers led to the 

emergence of large international media buying organizations and large 
holding companies consisting of groups of international advertising 
agencies. From the 1980s onward, advertising practices within domestic 
advertising agencies in Europe and the USA continued to improve. 

II. Translate the following word combinations into English.

Обработка информации; способствовать накоплению общих зна
ний; широкий круг руководителей предприятий; процветающий; процесс и последствия; рекламные агентства, предлагающие экспортные 
услуги; завесить главным образом; полностью новые кампании; 
уместный; как правило; потребительские товары; способный представлять услуги международного характера; филиалы иностранных 
компаний; объединения и слияния; привести к появлению; продолжать совершенствовать; принимать выгодное решение; саморегулирующиеся предприятия; предоставляющий услуги; с точки зрения 
клиента; зависеть несколько больше от; анализ и толкование; рекламные исследования; растущее число; соответствующее агентство; разработать местную рекламную кампанию; сокращаться; уменьшаться;
небольшая группа экспортных рекламных агентств; продолжать использовать.

III. Answer these questions using the words in bold.

1. What is international advertising from the client’s point of view?
2. Which factors led to the emergence of global advertising?
3. What does successful advertising campaign primarily depend on?

4. Which consumer products are usually promoted by means of global 


5. Are there advertising agencies capable of providing international 

services? Give the examples if there are any.

6. Does understanding the process and effects of international 

advertising help business executives to make profitable decisions?

7. Which information contributes e to general knowledge of global 



I. Complete the following passage using the words listed below.

A Selective
D Institutiona
G Primary Product

B Direct action
E Public-relations institutional
H Non-commercia

C Indirect-action
F Commercial
I Indirect-action

Not all advertising attempts to accomplish the same objectives. Although 

each ad or campaign tries to reach goals unique to its sponsor, there are two 
basic functions that advertising performs, along with several sub functions. 
1_______ advertising aims to inform or stimulate the market about the 
sponsor's product(s). The intent is clearly to sell a particular product, to the 
exclusion of competitors' products. Conversely, 2________ advertising is 
designed to create a positive attitude toward the seller. The intent is to 
promote the sponsoring organization rather than the things it sells. 

Direct action versus indirect action.
Product advertising may be either direct-action or indirect-action 

advertising. 3____ ___ advertising is intended to produce a quick response. 
Ads that include a coupon with an expiration date or a sale with an 
expiration date, or an 800 number, or a mail-in order blank fall under this 
heading. 4_____ ____ advertising is designed to stimulate demand over a 
longer period of time. These advertisements inform customers that the 
product exists, indicate its benefits, state where it can be purchased, remind 
customers to repurchase, and reinforce this decision. 

Primary versus selective
Product advertising can also be primary or selective. 5 _______ 

advertising aims to promote demand for a generic product. Thus, ads by 
the Beef Industry Council promote beef; it really doesn't matter to the 
council which brand of beef you purchase. 6 _______ advertising attempts 
to create demand for a particular brand. It typically follows primary 
advertising, which more or less sets the stage for selective advertising.

Commercial versus noncommercial 
Finally, product advertising can serve either a commercial or 

noncommercial function. 7 _______ advertising promotes a product with 
the intent of making a profit. Most of the advertising you see in the mass 
media falls under this heading. In contrast, 8 ___ ____ advertising tends to 
be sponsored by organizations that are not in business to make money. 
Charities and nonprofit organizations such as museums produce this type 
of advertising. Although the goal may be to raise money for a particular 
cause, it could just as easily be the donation of time or ideas. As noted, 
rather than selling a particular product, institutional advertising aims to 
establish a high level of goodwill. 9 _____ _____ ____ advertising attempts 
to create a favorable image of the firm among employees, customers, 
stockholders, or the general public. Texaco Petroleum, for example, runs 
ads that highlight the company's attempts to protect the environment.

II. Match the terms and their descriptions.

1. Target 

a) a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries
to persuade people to buy a product or 

2. Consumer
b) a type of product made by a particular

3. Advertisement

c) the particular group of people to which an 
advertisement, a product, a website or a 
television or radio programme is directed.

4. Advertising 
d) activities to advertise something.

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