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Иностранный язык региона специализации (английский язык) Find Your Voice (Во весь голос)

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Артикул: 777826.01.99
Учебное пособие "Find Your Voice (Во весь голос)” предназначено для студентов старших курсов бакалавриата и студентов I-II курсов магистратуры направлений «Зарубежное Регионоведение» и «Международные Отношения». Пособие нацелено на развитие навыков аудирования и говорения при эффективном использовании лексики общественно-политического значения.
Савина, Т. В. Иностранный язык региона специализации (английский язык) Find Your Voice (Во весь голос) : учебное пособие / Т. В. Савина. - Новосибирск : Изд-во НГТУ, 2020. - 71 с. - ISBN 978-5-7782-4252-4. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1866046 (дата обращения: 19.09.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
Министерство науки и высшего образования и Российской Федерации 


Утверждено Редакционно-издательским советом университета  
в качестве учебного пособия 


ББК 81.432.1-923 
        С 13 


канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры международных отношений  
и регионоведения НГТУ Н.В. Селезнева 
канд. ист. наук, доцент кафедры всеобщей истории,  
историографии и источниковедения НГПУ И.В. Олейников 
Савина Т.В. 
С 13   
Иностранный язык региона специализации (английский язык) Find 
Your Voice (Во весь голос): учебное пособие / Т.В. Савина. – Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ, 2020. – 71 с. 

ISBN 978-5-7782-4252-4 

Учебное пособие “Find Your Voice (Во весь голос)” предназначено для студентов старших курсов бакалавриата и студентов I–II курсов магистратуры 
направлений «Зарубежное Регионоведение» и «Международные Отношения». 
Пособие нацелено на развитие навыков аудирования и говорения при эффективном использовании лексики общественно-политического значения. 
ББК 81.432.1-923 
ISBN 978-5-7782-4252-4  
© Савина Т.В., 2020 
© Новосибирский государственный  
    технический университет, 2020 



Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3 

Unit 1. “In this grave hour…” ......................................................................................... 5 
King George VI addresses the nation on 4 September, 1939 

Unit 2. “An iron curtain has descended across the continent” ................................... 11 
Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech on 5 March, 1946 

Unit 3. “I have a dream” ................................................................................................. 18 
Martin Luther King’s Speech on 28 August, 1963 

Unit 4. “Culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” ..................................... 25 
Forrest Gump Movie Release on 6 July, 1994 

Unit 5. “We stand together to win the war against terrorism” ................................... 34 
George W. Bush addresses the nation on 9 of November, 2001 

Unit 6. “You've got to find what you love” ................................................................... 41 
Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech on 12 of June, 2005 

Unit 7. “We can trust each other if we are treated as equals” .................................... 48 
Margrethe Vestager’s TED Talk, September, 2017 

Scripts ................................................................................................................................ 54 

List of references ............................................................................................................... 70 



Учебное пособие “Find Your Voice (Во весь голос)” предназначено для студентов старших курсов бакалавриата и студентов I–II курсов магистратуры 
направлений «Зарубежное Регионоведение» и «Международные Отношения». 
Учебное пособие нацелено на развитие навыков аудирования и говорения при 
эффективном использовании лексики общественно-политического значения. 
Учебное пособие состоит из семи разделов. Тематически каждый раздел посвящен одной из сфер жизни общества: политической, духовной, экономической, и. др. 
Каждый раздел построен вокруг определенного или наиболее значительного 
выступления политика или общественного деятеля, начиная с 1939 г. и заканчивая 2017 г. Так, например, в учебнике использованы видеозаписи знаменитого 
выступления Мартина Лютера Кинга о дискриминации (1963), речь Стива 
Джобса перед выпускниками Стэндфордского университета (2005), обращение 
к нации президента Джорджа Буша после террористической атаки 9/11 (2001), 
Ted Talk Маргрет Вестагер, комиссара по вопросам конкуренции Еврокомиссии 
(2017), и др. Кроме того, в учебнике широко используются дополнительные видеоматериалы из документальных и художественных фильмов. Все материалы 
снабжены ссылками, которые даны внизу страницы. 
Структурно каждый раздел состоит из пяти заданий: 
Vocabulary. Словарная работа по теме раздела; 
Reading. Чтение аутентичных текстов на тему раздела; 
Grammar. Работа с грамматическим материалом текстов для чтения; 
Watching and Analyzing. Просмотр видео фрагмента с использованием лексики по теме раздела; 
Watching / Reading. Дополнительное видео или чтение с расширенным лексическим анализом по теме раздела; 
Presentation Skills / Discussion. Задания на развитие навыков презентации, 
академического письма, составления краткого обзора, и т.д. Рекомендуется использовать материал этого раздела для самостоятельной работы студентов в качестве домашнего задания. 
Задания учебного пособия могут быть использованы как на аудиторных занятиях, так и для домашнего чтения. 


Unit 1 


George VI (1895–1952), crowned as 
king of the United Kingdom in 1937, was 
an important symbolic leader for the 
British people during World War II. He 
supported Winston Churchill completely 
throughout the war and even visited armies 
on the battle fronts. He was succeeded by 
his daughter, Queen Elizabeth II, after he 
died of lung cancer. 

Ex. 1. Vocabulary 

Look at the picture. What do you know about King George VI? 

What important event in history does the picture show? You may use the prompts 

to reign     to pass away     to abdicate       to address the nation 
King Edward VIII         King George V      to be reluctant to do/be smth. 
Great Britain’s entry to the World War II 
to broadcast Britain's declaration of war with Nazi Germany 
to inspire smb.         a political leader     to call           to be at war 
the spirit of social solidarity    to guide somebody against 

Ex. 2. Reading 

2.1. Read the extract from The Telegraph article1. 


1 Available at:  https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/8223897/The-Kings-Speech-thereal-story.html 

“Reluctant king” 

There are many forms of irony – verbal, dramatic, situational and so on – but the 
one that surely applied to King George VI was the irony of fate. It was as if the gods, 
or Fates, were amusing themselves by toying with his mind, mocking his failings, 
reminding him that he was very much a mortal. It was, after all, almost impossible for 
him to pronounce the letter 'k’, thanks to his debilitating nervous stammer. A cruel 
fate for a king. 
Even crueller, his reign coincided with a revolution in mass communication. For 
the first time in British history, subjects could listen to their monarch addressing them 
through their wireless sets, as if he were with them in their living rooms. 
But the technology didn’t allow George VI to pre-record his broadcasts, as would 
be the case for the generations that followed. When he addressed the nation, it had to 
be done through a live microphone, without editing, an agony for a stammerer. 
The layers of irony did not end there. Because he had been told that cigarettes 
might help with his stammer, George VI chain-smoked – and he consequently died of 
lung cancer at the age of 56 in 1952. And the greatest irony of all? This vulnerable 
and stammering king proved to be exactly the right man at the right time. 
The stammering that defined him, and the courage with which he tried to beat it, 
came to symbolise the vulnerability of the British people as they stood alone against 
the Nazi tyranny that had the rest of Europe in its grip. A certain solidarity between 
monarch and subject emerged, especially when George VI overruled requests from 
the government that he and his family relocate to the safety of Canada. […] 
2.2. In the text, find the words given 1-8 and match them with their definitions  

1. Fate 
a. take and keep a firm hold of 

2. Debilitate 
b. to rise or appear from a hidden or unknown 
place or condition 

3. Reign 
c. be dependent 

4. Subjects 
d. speak to somebody 

5. Address 
e. make someone weak and infirm 

6. Vulnerability 

f. a power that some people believe causes and 
controls all events, so that you cannot change or 
control the way things will happen 

7. Grip 
g. rule as king or queen 

8. Emerge 
h. the quality or state of being exposed to the 
possibility of being attacked or harmed, either 
physically or emotionally 


Ex. 3. Grammar. Narrative Tenses. 

Narrative tenses are verb tenses that are used to talk about the past. 
Read the text “Reluctant king” again and underline examples of the 
 Past simple / past continuous 
 Past perfect / past perfect continuous 
Which examples are used for completed actions in the past which tell the main 
events of the story? 
3.1. Look at the sentence from the text. What past simple and past perfect are used 
Because he had been told that cigarettes might help with his stammer, George VI 
chain-smoked – and he consequently died of lung cancer at the age of 56 in 1952. 

He was told 
He chain-smoked 
He died 

Out of time sequence 
He did it and then he died (tell the main events of the story) 

Practice. Complete the story2 with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 
After ruling for less than one year, Edward VIII becomes the first English monarch 
to voluntarily abdicate the throne. 
Prince Edward ______ (meet) the woman who would completely change his life 
in June of 1931. At a party hosted by Lady Furness, the prince ______ (be introduced) 
to Wallis Simpson, a sophisticated, charming and charismatic American woman who 
______ (recently move) to London with her husband. She immediately _______ (capture) the king's interest, and later ______ (capture) his heart. By 1934, the two 
(undoubtedly become) lovers. The monarchy _____ (be not pleased) with the pairing, 
however, and ______ (refuse) to allow a marriage between the future king and an 
American divorcee. 
In 1936, the prince _________ (succeed) his father, George V, becoming King 
Edward VIII. He ______ (be) a popular king, although those who ______ (work) 
around him _______ (find) him irresponsible in regard to his official papers. On December 11, 1936, he _______ (abdicate) the throne in the face of opposition to his 
proposed marriage to Simpson, proclaiming to the public, "I have found it impossible 
to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I 
would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love." 


2 Available at: https://www.biography.com/royalty/edward-viii. 

Ex. 4. Watching 


4.1. The King's Speech is a 2010 British historical drama
film. Colin Firth plays the future King George VI who, to 
cope with a stammer, sees Lionel Logue, an Australian 
speech and language therapist played by Geoffrey Rush. The 
men become friends as they work together, and after his
brother abdicates the throne, the new king relies on Logue
to help him make his first wartime radio broadcast on
Britain's declaration of war on Germany in 1939. 

4.2. Watch The King’s Speech final scene3 depicting King George VI addressing 
the Nation on 3 of September, 1939. 
For questions 1-5, fill in the gaps with the missing information. 
a. …"might is right… 
b. … be confined to the battlefield…. 
c. …to find a peaceful way out of the differences between… 
d. …should refuse to meet the challenge… 
e. …do the right as we see the right… 
f. …we shall prevail… 
1. Over and over again we have tried _________________________ourselves and 
those who are now our enemies. 
2. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine 
that _________________; 
3. For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, it is unthinkable that we 
_____________. But we can only ______________________. 
4. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer 
5. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, then, with God's help, we 

Ex. 5. Text Analysis 

4.1. What do the underlined phrases mean in the context? Match the phrases with 
the ideas given in 3.2. 
1. “…as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself”. 
2. “I now call my people at home and my peoples across the seas”. 
3. “…to meet the challenge of a principle which […] would be fatal to any civi
lized order in the world”. 

3 Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHY2UzOonig.