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Modern English in Conversation: учебное пособие по современному разговорному английскому языку

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«Modern English in Conversation» является учебным пособием для студентов, изучающих английский язык как основную специальность и предназначена для эффективного развития навыков повседневного общения. Пособие состоит из десять разделов, в которые входят темы: «Семья», «Внешность и характер», «Дом», «Еда», «Путешествие», «Здоровье», «Времена года и погода», «Город. Достопримечательности. Как спросить дорогу», «Театр и кино», «Магазины и покупки» и включает систему коммуникативных заданий и упражнений. Издание адресовано студентам начальных курсов языкового и гуманитарного профиля, а также широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык как под руководством преподавателя, так и самостоятельно.
Ерофеева, Л. А. Modern English in Conversation : учебное пособие по современному разговорному английскому языку / Л. А. Ерофеева. - 4-е изд., стер. - Москва : Флинта, 2021. - 341 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-1199-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1843172 (дата обращения: 28.04.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.


Учебное пособие 

4-е издание, стереотипное

Рекомендовано УМО по специальностям  
педагогического образования в качестве учебного пособия 
для студентов высших учебных заведений,  
обучающихся по специальности  
033200 (050303) — иностранный язык 

Издательство «ФЛИНТА» 

УДК 811.111(075.8) 
ББК 81.2-Англ-3 

Р е ц е н з е н т ы: 

зав. кафедрой лингвистики и перевода Санкт-Петербургского института
внешнеэкономических связей, экономики и права, кандидат
филологических наук, доцент Э.В. Седых; 

зав. кафедрой английского языка Уральского государственного
педагогического Университета, кандидат филологических наук, доцент
Корректор английских текстов Дэвид Мур (Англия) С.О. Макеева 


Ерофеева Л.А. 
    Modern English in Conversation [Электронный ресурс] : учеб.       
пособие по современному разговорному английскому языку /           
Л.А. Тимофеева. – 4-е изд., стереотип. – М. : ФЛИНТА, 2021. – 341 с. 

ISBN 978-5-9765-1199-6 

«Modern English in Conversation» является учебным пособием для
студентов, изучающих английский язык как основную специальность и
предназначена для эффективного развития навыков повседневного
общения. Пособие состоит из десять разделов, в которые входят темы: 
«Семья», «Внешность и характер», «Дом», «Еда», «Путешествие», 
«Здоровье», «Времена года и погода», «Город. Достопримечательности. 
Как спросить дорогу», «Театр и кино», «Магазины и покупки» и включает
систему коммуникативных  заданий и упражнений. 

Издание адресовано студентам начальных курсов языкового и
гуманитарного профиля, а также широкому кругу лиц, изучающих

УДК 811.111(075.8) 
ББК 81.2-Англ-3 

ISBN 978-5-9765-1199-6 
© Ерофеева Л.А., 2016
© Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2016 


Пособие в первую очередь предназначено для студентов начальных 
курсов, освоивших программу средней школы и готовых продолжать 
развитие коммуникативных навыков на основе разговорных тем, 
предусмотренных программой вуза. В качестве основной цели данное 
пособие ставит активизацию и расширение лексического запаса в 
сочетании с эффективным развитием разговорных навыков. 
актуальные для повседневного общения темы: «Семья», «Внешность и 
характер», «Дом», «Еда», «Путешествие», «Здоровье» «Времена года и 
погода», «Город. Достопримечательности. Как спросить дорогу», «Театр и 
кино», «Магазины и покупки». Структурное построение тем максимально 
коммуникативных условиях с учетом ситуации общения. Каждый раздел 
состоит из одного или двух базовых текстов, после которых следуют 
непосредственно задания к ним, где студенты должны самостоятельно 
задать вопросы по тексту и исправить так называемые Wrong Statements 
(неверные утверждения). За текстом следует диалог. Основные (базовые) 
лингвистических и культурологических реалий, главными героями 
базовых текстов и диалогов являются живые люди, попадающие в те или 
иные жизненные ситуации, тексты и диалоги взаимосвязаны между собой, 
так же как и с главными героями. 
Главные персонажи книги Мэри и Дэвид Мур, которые родились и 
живут в Англии, не вымышленные люди. Они — друзья автора, любезно 
согласившиеся стать героями настоящего пособия. Естественно, что 
тексты не являются биографичными, здесь много вымысла. Автор 
выражает благодарность Мэри и Дэвиду за разрешение сделать их героями 
настоящей книги, а также за их любезное согласие вычитать тексты и 
внести поправки как в культурологическом, так и в лингвистическом 
При составлении текстов автор стремился к тому, чтобы каждый из них 
включал в себя страноведческий аспект, имел воспитательное значение и 
мог служить базой для закрепления и активизации лексики и 
формирования коммуникативных навыков. 
Непосредственно сразу после текстов следуют упражнения для 
закрепления лексики и ее активизации в разнообразных оригинальных 
дополнительного чтения (Supplementary Reading), заимствованные из 
классической и современной литературы и периодических изданий, 
адаптированные к уровню восприятия студентами младших курсов и 
призванные стимулировать интерес к предмету. Для дальнейшего 

закрепления лексического материала автором составлены упражнения для 
перевода в форме небольшого рассказа и диалога, где предполагается, что 
студент уже сможет продемонстрировать использование лексики в 
различных ситуациях. В каждый урок также включен подраздел At Leisure 
(«На досуге»), куда входят шутки, игры, кроссворды, загадки и 
стихотворения, связанные с тематикой и лексикой урока. Поэзия, загадки 
и шутки приобщают студента к английскому фольклору, а игры и 
кроссворды не только поддерживают интерес, но и развивают мышление и 
языковую сообразительность. 
Значительную часть пособия занимают творческие и развивающие 
задания. Они призваны формировать внутренние мотивы обучения 
студентов, особенно интеллектуально-познавательного характера, делая 
сложный процесс изучения иностранного языка радостным и творческим. 
Студентам, в частности, предлагается придумать концовку рассказа, 
составить кроссворд, написать сочинение на одну из нескольких 
предложенных оригинальных тем, составить диалоги и ситуации по 
заданной тематике с использованием активного вокабуляра. Заданием 
может также послужить составление своего кулинарного рецепта или 
меню для ресторана по теме «Еда», описание портрета любимой попзвезды по теме «Внешность и характер», подбор рецепта народного 
средства, которым пользовались еще наши бабушки для лечения головной 
боли, простуды, кашля и т. д., при изучении темы «Здоровье». 
Некоторые задания творческого характера призваны пробудить 
воображение и выявить скрытые или дремлющие таланты студентов при 
выполнении таких видов деятельности, как перевод стихотворений на 
русский язык, написание сочинений и рассказов, придумывание ситуаций 
от лица героев и их описание, составление меню и поздравительных 
соревновательный характер и создавать ситуацию переживания успеха, 
интеллектуальных мотивов обучения студентов. 
образовательного продукта, а не просто на изучение определенной темы. 
деятельности всех его участников. Проектная форма обучения органично 
согласуется с творческим и эвристическим подходами при обучении 
иностранному языку. 
Пособие включает учебный тематический словарь, содержащий более 
1500 слов и словосочетаний. Он учитывает современные лексические 
реалии и дает самые необходимые сведения о слове: его значение и 
сочетаемость с другими лексическими единицами. 

Словарь отобран и оформлен в соответствии с учебно-методическими 
целями и задачами на данной стадии обучения. 
Учебное пособие не содержит грамматического справочника. При 
работе с ним преподаватели и студенты могут использовать любой из 
многочисленных имеющихся специальных учебников по грамматике. 
Каждый урок рассчитан примерно на 20 часов аудиторной работы, но 
это количество часов можно корректировать в зависимости от степени 
подготовленности обучающихся. 
В конце книги приводится список зарубежной и отечественной 
литературы, которая была использована при подготовке пособия. 
Автор надеется, что данное пособие может быть использовано не 
только для преподавания английского языка как основной специальности, 
но окажется полезным и для студентов гуманитарных факультетов с 
углубленным изучением английского языка. Книга с успехом может 
применяться и при самостоятельном изучении английского языка. 

От автора......................................................................................... 3 
UNIT 1. Family…………………………………………………… 7 
UNIT 2. Appearance……………………………………………… 38 
UNIT 3. Travelling………………………………………………... 74 
UNIT 4. Home……………………………………………………. 103 
UNIT 5. Meals……………………………………………………. 132 
UNIT 6. At the Doctor's…………………………………………... 173 
UNIT  7. Seasons and Weather…………………………………… 206 
UNIT  8. Town. Asking the Way…………………………………. 238 
UNIT 9. Theatre and Cinema……………………………………... 277 
UNIT 10. Shopping……………………………………………….. 304 
Answers to the crosswords and the riddles and some exercises….. 330 
Литература……………………………………………………….. 338 


I. Basic Texts and Dialogues 

Text 1 
When I come to think of the Moores, I vividly imagine their bright and 
friendly faces and I think  that the world is beautiful and peaceful.  

But let me start with the very beginning.  

Mary Moore, a young woman of thirty, whose distant ancestors were of 
noble origin, was born into the family of a prosperous lawyer. Her maiden name 
was Augustus, Mary Norton Augustus, to be more exact. She spent her early 
years in the north of England in a small friendly town. When she left school she 
went to Liverpool to further her education. There is no denying that luck is 
always with her. It was not an easy matter to get into Liverpool University for a 
girl from a provincial place but she succeeded. One day I will tell you about that 
typically English town, grey and gloomy, but not for my heroine.  

Mary’s elder brother, Michael by name, a prosperous and energetic fortyyear-old businessman settled down in London about ten years ago. He is very 
well-to-do with a beautiful wife. They have no children of their own. As a 
matter of fact, they adopted a child from a local orphanage. Unfortunately, the 
boy suffers from some incurable disease and that is very distressing for his new 

Mary’s younger sister, Beth by name, a year younger, but looking much 
older than Mary is less lucky and less pretty. She feels that she will never marry. 
At the age of twenty-two she was engaged to a Thomas Mettwill. Her fiancé 
fled with another girl before their wedding ceremony. You can understand 
Beth’s attitude to all young men since then. She sometimes thinks that she 
might become a nun. Mary tries to persuade her not to do it. 

So, Mary is the more fortunate of the sisters and her life is extremely 
enjoyable and eventful. I think one can attribute it not only to her glamourous 
appearance but to her intelligence as well. The point is, she can enjoy her life to 
the full. You know, she is a woman with whom any man could feel happy. She 
is hot-tempered sometimes but it only gives her some special piquancy. When 
Mary was at University, she did well at most of the subjects. She had a 
promising future ahead of her. She had every  opportunity to make a bright 
career until she met her present husband David.  

Mary met him in her second year in college when she and her close friend 
Helen were in a cafe one evening. They were sitting at a table and talking about 
little trifles when a group of young men came in. Helen recognized one of the 

boys and he and his friends came over and joined them. The evening was 
lovely. The boys were charming, and David caught her eye. He exceeded all her 
expectations of the perfect man. It was love at first sight. It was like a dream. 
The young people began to see each other every day. A year later they decided 
to get married.  

Their parents were shocked when they heard of their engagement. The 
parents were people of another generation and had old-fashioned views. We can 
speak here of a generation gap. They could not understand the young people’s 
haste. They tried to persuade the young people to put off their marriage till they 
had graduated from University. But all was in vain. The parents even threatened 
to withdraw their support from the young people.   The more the parents were 
against their marriage, the more the young people insisted on it. So, one day… 

(Mary and her sister Beth are discussing their love secrets) 

Beth: Mary, how are you going to live after your wedding, if our parents 
stop supporting you? 

Mary: Well, Beth, I am so happy with David that I try not to think of it 
now. We are not going to starve and David promised to think it over and find a 
way out. We love each other so much; you just don’t understand how wonderful 
the feeling is… 

B: Stop talking nonsense, Mary. You know how I loved Tom, and actually, 
I still love him. When you tell me that I don’t understand what love is, you are 
killing me. If I am not so lucky as you are… 

M: Oh, Beth. I’m sorry for what I have said. I am so happy that I forget 
about other people and become so selfish. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. 

B: I thought that Tom also loved me, and he really did until he met that 
horrible Celia. What did he find in her? She is not beautiful at all, I’d say quite 

M: Quite so. The difference is that you are too shy and modest and she is 
“too advanced” and bold. But Betty, if he acted to you in such a way, you must 
forget him forever. He is not worth thinking about. He betrayed you. So he does 
not exist for you. 

B: It’s all very well for you. You are sure that David loves you. But if you 
want to know my opinion, all men are unreliable and unfaithful. By the way, 
what will you do, if David finds another girl?  

M: What strange thoughts come to you, I should say. If you were unlucky 
with Tom, it doesn’t mean that all men are disreputable and dishonest. First of 

all, David is quite different from your ex-fiancé, besides I never liked Tom. 
There was something about him that made me suspicious. I always felt that he 
was insincere. The look in his eyes made me feel uneasy. 

B: Why didn’t you tell me about it before? 

M: You see, Betty, I saw how passionately you loved him, and it was no 
use talking about him then. And you shouldn’t cry over spilt milk all the time. 
You’ll find another young man, more worthy some day.  

B: No, I won’t, and you know about it. I am afraid that I will never love 
anybody else in this world, and I don’t believe in men at all. You remember, 
that I wanted to go into the convent, you stopped me and probably in vain. I 
don’t know what to live for.  

M: Look here, Betty, time is the best healer. I think that you should go 
abroad and stay there for a while. You must change your life, have new 
experiences and you will understand how beautiful life is. Don’t give way to 

B: I don’t think going abroad will help me much. But perhaps it’s better 
than to stay here, where everything reminds me of him. You can’t imagine how 
unbearable to live without Tom and know that he is happy with another girl. 
Sometimes I  curse the day when I first met him. 

M: Stop thinking of him. Remember that he isn’t worth it. Think of 
something positive; say that you’ll have a lot of fun when you go travelling. 

B: I’ll see if it works, Mary. I hope, it will be different between you and 
David. Thank you for your sympathy.  


Work on the text 
I. Ask each other questions, based on the text. Do it in pairs.  

II. Tell the group whether these statements are true or false. 

Start your answer with the following formulas of politeness:   

I’m afraid that’s wrong; you are not quite right; that’s not quite so; I think 
you are mistaken; as far as I know; on the contrary; I don’t think so; according 
to the story. 

1. Mary Moore’s close ancestors were of noble origin. 

2. Mary was born in London, so she wanted to become a student of London 

3. She was very capable and did well at all the subjects at University. 

4. Mary has an elder sister and a younger brother.  

5. Her brother Michael is a prosperous businessman.  

6. Michael and his wife have two children, one of which is adopted. 

7. Her sister Beth is going to marry her fiancé soon. 

8. Beth thinks that all young men are disreputable. 

9. Mary is rather clever, but not very beautiful. 

10. Mary is even-tempered.  

11. Mary never had an opportunity to make her own career.  

12. Mary met her present husband at the cinema. 

13. Mary and David did not like each other at first sight, they fell in love 
with each other later. 

14. Their parents are very modern people and they were happy to hear that 
Mary and David were going to get married.  

15. The parents influenced the young people’s decision and the young 
couple decided to put off their marriage. 

16. Mary decided to be a spinster because of her parents. 


III. Think of the ending of the story. 

Try to see the situation described in the text on behalf of Mary, David, 
Mary’s parents, David’s parents, Mary’s elder brother Michael, Mary’s younger 
sister Beth. 


Text 2 
David was also a student at Liverpool University. He came from Sheffield 
and was the son of a bank clerk and a nurse. His childhood was smooth and 
cloudless as he was an only child in the family. David’s parents adored him and 
hoped he would realize their own broken dreams and would become a rich 
banker one day. When at school David did not take into consideration his 
parents’ cherished dreams too much. Like any other boy he was fond of hanging 
about with his friends and  going to the discos. David’s passion at school was 
music. He was crazy about the Beatles – a victim of Beatlomania. He knew 
everything about the famous Liverpool group and when the question arose as to 
where he intended to further his education, the question was settled in favour of 
Liverpool without any hesitation. He wanted to breathe in the same air as the 
Beatles  did, walk along the same streets and drop in at the same pubs.  

So, David enjoyed every moment of his life in the city he loved. And there 
he met the best and most beautiful girl in the world – Mary. He had had two or 

three relationships and knew that girls found him attractive, but it was different 
with Mary. He was uncomfortable about his previous experience and felt he 
now understood real love. As you know, his parents, as well as Mary’s parents 
were against their marriage and the young people were almost in despair. Only 
their passionate love made them believe that they would overcome all obstacles 
on the way to their happiness. David decided to give up University and start 
earning money in this way or another. Frankly speaking, he had  only the 
vaguest idea of how to make money. But he was young and that was why he 
believed that “where there is a will, there is a way”. 

One day while David  was lying on the bed of his hostel room, Mary came 
to him with a piece of news. Her old grandmother’s sister Anna had suffered a 
heart attack two nights before and died leaving a considerable legacy to Mary. 
Anna was childless herself and Mary was her beloved  granddaughter and so she 
became her sole beneficiary. Mary had also been deeply attached to her “auntie 
dear” (Anna’s pet name for her grandmother) and felt much grief and distress 
over her death which was unexpected, although she was eighty-five years old. 
Mary made arrangements to attend the funeral. As the old lady lived in 
Cornwall, it took her several hours to get there. All the family got together on 
that sad occasion. Everybody was in deep mourning and expressed condolences 
to all who knew her. As you understand, my reader, there were not so many 
living friends there, as most of them had already passed away. There were 
several close and distant relatives who remembered her as a kind, generous and 
completely unselfish woman. The ceremony of burial was touching. The next 
morning  Mary  came back to David and they realized that every cloud has a 
silver lining and it was not necessary for David to give up University and work. 
They decided together that if they ever had a daughter they would call her Anna 
after their generous relative. 

They began to think over how they would use the sum left by grannie Anna.  
Mary began to compile the list of the relatives and friends to be invited to the 
wedding and they happily discussed where they would arrange the wedding, 
what the bride would be wearing on the occasion, where they would go to on a 
honeymoon. That night they decided not to part and saw only a wonderful  
ceremony in their dreams. I am sure, my dear reader, you are anxious to enjoy 
the description of the church bells but that you will read in the next part. 


Work on the text 
I. Ask each other questions, based on the text. Do it in pairs.  

II. Tell the group whether these statements are true or false. 

Start your answer with the following formulas of politeness:   

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