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Английский язык для магистрантов

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Настоящее пособие предназначается для магистрантов дневного и вечернего отделений Оренбургского института (филиала) Московского государственного юридического университета имени О.Е. Кутафина. Цель данного пособия - последовательное обучение студентов грамматике и правовой лексике английского языка на основе образовательных текстов, адаптированных для студентов-юристов.
Попов, Е. Б. Английский язык для магистрантов / Е.Б. Попов - Москва : НИЦ ИНФРА-М, 2015. - 52 с.ISBN 978-5-16-103281-7 (online). - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/515332 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Е.Б. Попов

Английский язык для магистрантов

Учебное пособие




Е.Б. Попов

Английский язык для магистрантов


Инфра-М; Znanium.com


Попов, Е.Б.

Английский язык для магистрантов: Учебное пособие к курсу «Ино
странный язык в правоведении» / Е.Б. Попов. – М.: Инфра-М; Znanium.com, 
2015. – II, 53 с.

ISBN 978-5-16-103281-7 (online)

Настоящее пособие предназначается для магистрантов дневного и вечернего 

государственного юридического университета имени О.Е. Кутафина. Цель 
данного пособия – последовательное обучение студентов грамматике и 
правовой лексике английского языка на основе образовательных текстов, 
адаптированных для студентов-юристов.

ISBN 978-5-16-103281-7 (online)
Попов Е.Б., 2015

Рекомендовано кафедрой иностранных языков и

редакционным советом

Оренбургского института (филиала)

Московского государственного юридического университета

имени О.Е.Кутафина

Попов Е.Б.
Английский язык для магистрантов: Учебное пособие к курсу «Иностранный язык в правоведении».- Оренбург: Оренбургский институт (филиал) Московского государственного юридического университета имени О.Е.Кутафина, 2013.- 53 с.

Настоящее пособие предназначается для магистрантов дневного и ве
чернего отделений Оренбургского института (филиала) Московского государственного юридического университета имени О.Е.Кутафина. Цель данного
пособия – последовательное обучение студентов грамматике и правовой лексике английского языка на основе образовательных текстов, адаптированных
для студентов-юристов.

© Попов Е.Б., 2013


Предисловие ………………………………………………..
UNIT 1. Law and its Sources ……………………………
UNIT 2. Criminal and Civil Law ……………………….
UNIT 3. Judicial Proceedings …………………………..
UNIT 4. International Law ………………………………
UNIT 5. Legal Profession ………………………………..



Настоящее пособие предназначается для магистрантов днев
ного и вечернего отделений ОИ МГЮА имени О.Е.Кутафина. Цель
данного пособия – последовательное изучение правовой лексики
на основе образовательных текстов, объединенных в пять тематических блоков: "Право и источники права", "Уголовное и гражданское право", "Судебный процесс", "Международное право", "Профессия юриста".

Виды заданий, предлагаемых в учебном пособии:
BEFORE READING - задание выполняется до прочтения тема
тического текста

SCANNING - подробное изучение текста
LEXIS - лексический минимум, который необходимо усвоить

при изучении текста

QUESTIONS - вопросы к прочитанному тексту
AGREE OR DISAGREE - задание предполагает оценку соответ
ствия предложений содержанию изученного материала; если
предложение не соответствует действительности, то необходимо
внести соответствующие изменения и дать исправленный вариант

гающие поиск дополнительной информации по изучаемой проблеме

DEBATES - спорные суждения, выносимые для детального об
суждения темы и для обоснования студентами своей точки зрения
по заявленной проблеме

KEY WORDS - ключевые слова по изученной теме; необходимо

дать толкование каждого из них, используя материал прочитанных текстов

Unit 1. Law and its Sources


Sources of Law

Part 1

1. The main sources of modern United Kingdom law are:

(i) legislation of the European Union (EU);
(ii) legislation by Parliament or powers delegated by Parliament;
(iii) case law from cases decided by judges in English, Scottish or

Northern Irish courts.

Legislation of the European Union consists of primary legisla
tion and secondary legislation.

2. Primary EU legislation consists of a number of treaties, proto
cols, council decisions, etc, the principal of which is the Treaty of
Rome, which founded the European Economic Community. This legislation can be directly enforced through the courts of Member States if
the state’s domestic legislation does not give the rights which the European legislation contains. Legislation which may be directly enforced against the State is said to have a ‘vertical effect’. Legislation
which may be directly enforced against individuals (here we include
legal individuals such as limited liability companies) is said to have a
‘horizontal effect’.

3. Secondary EU legislation may be made under the authority of

Article 189 of the Treaty of Rome in the form of:

(a) regulations;
(b) directives; and
(c) decisions.
4. EC regulations are directly applicable, both vertically and hori
zontally. EC directives are said to be solely ‘vertical’ in effect, in that
they are addressed to the Member States and the state must give legislative effect to them before they become law.

5. Decisions of the Commission may be addressed to a Member

State, to a number of Member States, or to an individual. The decision is binding on those to whom it is addressed. A decision may be
appealed against in the European Court of Justice.

6. Decisions of the European Court of Justice are also of great

importance. Any national court or tribunal dealing with a case which
raises issues of Union legislation may refer the matter to the European Court of Justice (ECJ), for a ruling regarding the interpretation
of the legislation.

7. Legislation by Parliament or enacted law consists of laws

made by or under the authority of Parliament and may be:

- Statutes or Acts of Parliament;
- Orders in Council made by the Queen in Privy Council (in practice, a Minister drafts and makes them in the name of the Queen);
- rules and regulations made by Ministers, but they must be submitted to Parliament for approval;
- bylaws made by local authorities, they require the approval of
the appropriate Minister before they have legislative force.
8. In England the decisions of courts are treated with respect,

and they are regarded as «precedents». The feature of their national
system is the hierarchical authority of the courts: an inferior court is
obliged to follow a court of superior authority if decides upon facts
similar to facts already tried by the superior court. The precedents
formed by decided cases are thus the «anchors of the laws».

legislation - законодательство; законодательный акт; закон; законодательная деятельность, нормотворческая

case law - прецедентное право
protocol - протокол; дополнительное международное соглашение
directly enforced – применяемый напрямую, непосредственно
regulations - обязательные постановления
directive - директива, руководящее указание, распоряжение
give legislative effect – наделять нормативным значением
be binding - имеет обязательную силу
raise issue – порождать спорный вопрос
ruling - постановление, определение, решение (суда)
by or under the authority – самостоятельно или по поручению
order in council - "королевский указ в совете" (правительственное

распоряжение, одобренное монархом и не требующее рассмотрения в парламенте

Privy Council - Тайный совет (в Великобритании)
draft - писать черновик, делать набросок
in the name of - от имени; именем
rules and regulations - правила и предписания
submit - представлять на рассмотрение
bylaws - подзаконные нормативные акты
hierarchical - иерархический
inferior court - нижестоящий суд
superior court - высший суд; вышестоящий суд
be tried - находиться на рассмотрении суда
decided case - судебное дело, по которому принято решение
anchors of the laws – правовые "привязки/ссылки", фиксаторы

правовых норм


Part 2

1. In general, law in the United States today comes from five main

sources: Constitutional Law, English Common Law, Statutory Law,
Court Decisions, and Administrative Law. Although these sources
may seem different, they all pertain to the law in some way.

2. Federal and State Constitutions. A country’s Constitution

spells out the principles by which the government operates, sets forth
the fundamental rights of citizens, defines the limits within which the
federal and state governments may pass laws. In addition, the Constitution describes the functions of the various branches and divisions of our national government. The Constitution now has 27
amendments. The first 10 amendments, ratified in 1791, are called
the Bill of Rights. They limit the powers of the government. The basic
purpose of the Bill of Rights is to protect two kinds of rights: rights of
individual liberty and rights of persons accused of crimes.

3. Each state in the USA has its own constitution. Although simi
lar, state constitutions are not identical to the federal Constitution.
They can be more protective, specified, and more restrictive than the
federal Constitution.

4. English Common Law. The legal system of all states, except

for Louisiana, (where the influence is more French) is rooted in English common law and equity law (a system of laws that have been developed from customs, and from decisions made by judges, not
created by Parliament). The early American colonists came from England, so it was natural for them to adopt the law of England in their
new land. Under the common law doctrine of precedent, a judge is required to follow an earlier court decision when deciding a case with
similar circumstances. It is also sometimes called the doctrine of stare
decisis, which means, “let the decision stand.”

5. Statutory Law. Statutes are laws specifically passed by a go
verning body that has been created for the purpose of making laws.
Laws passed by the U.S. Congress, state legislatures, local city councils, or town meetings can all be called statutory law. Statutory law is
found in state and federal statutes, city ordinances, and town bylaws.

6. Court Decisions. Most people are surprised to learn that

courts make law. Courtmade law is often called case law, court decisions, and judge-made law. Courts make law in three ways: through
the common law tradition (precedents), by interpreting statutes (explaining the meaning of legal norms in a case of dispute), and by judicial review (checking the constitutionality of all laws and government

7. Administrative Law. Federal, state, and local legislatures

sometimes give the power to regulate a particular kind of activity to
an administrative agency. Also called a regulatory agency, these agencies are departments of government formed to administer particular
legislation. For example, the Federal Communications Commission
regulates broadcasting.

8. Administrative agencies can make their own rules, enforce

their rules, investigate violations of their rules, and decide the guilt or
innocence of those who violate their rules. Administrative law consists
of those rules and procedures established by regulatory agencies.
However the legislature that created an agency has the power to end
that agency’s existence or to change its powers. Any final decision by
an agency can be reviewed by a court.

statutory law - статутное право, право, выраженное в
законодательных актах
pertain to - иметь отношение к, принадлежать

spell out – разъяснять, объяснять точно или обстоятельно
set forth – излагать, формулировать
pass laws - принимать законы
amendment – поправка
accuse of - обвинять в
specified - подробно описанный
be rooted – уходить корнями (исторически), происходить (из)
common law - некодифицированное право, общее право, англо
саксонское право

equity law - право справедливости
precedent - судебный прецедент
stare decisis – лат. обязывающая сила прецедентов, "стоять на


legislature - законодательная власть; законодательный орган
city council - городской муниципальный совет
ordinance - указ, распоряжение; предписание; постановление
judicial review - судебный контроль; обзор судебной практики
regulatory agency - орган государственного регулирования
broadcasting - радио- или телевизионное вещание
investigate - расследовать; получать сведения
guilt - виновность; наказуемость
innocence – невиновность
end – прекращать
existence – существование

1. Are the main sources of law in the USA and Great Brit
ain the same?

2. How do the courts in common law countries make law?

3. Is Community Law a part of domestic law of England? What pre
vails in the event of conflict?

4. Is the US Constitution more restrictive than the constitutions of

individual states?

5. What are the components of common law?
6. What are the types of British legislation?
7. What authorities pass legislation in England?
8. What is regarded as «precedent»?
9. What is the basic purpose of the first ten amendments to the US


10. What sources of law are referred to as primary EU legislation?
11. What synonyms of the term “case law” are given in the text above?
12. Why is it important to be able to distinguish between the U.S.

Constitution and statutory law?


1. Administrative agencies in America have the power to end the exis
tence of any state or federal legislature or to change its powers.

2. EC directives and regulations are directly applicable.
3. In England the decisions of higher courts are treated with respect.
4. In England written law is predominant.
5. Rules, made by Ministers of the British Government, need not be

submitted to the Parliament.

6. The courts in common law countries are the interpreters and dec
lares of the law.

7. The legal system of Louisiana as well as in all other states is rooted

in common law.


“Sources of law”.

1.6. DEBATES. According to the foregoing text, the decisions of

courts are treated as an essential source of law in Great Britain and
the USA. Is it possible to adopt the same approach in Russia?


Classification of Law

1. There are different ways of classifying various spheres of
law. First of all the system of law may be represented by a

great number of different branches, among them are the following:

- Constitutional law is a leading branch of the whole legal system.

It deals with frame of society, state structure, organization of Government and legal status of citizens.

- Administrative law is a body of rules applicable to the operations

of the executive branch of government.

- Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsi
bility, individual types of crimes and penalties applied to criminals.

- Civil law deals with civil relationships such as citizenship, mar
riage, divorce, and certain contractual arrangements.

- Financial law regulates taxation, budget, social security, insur
ance, pensions, investments and other spheres of financial activity.

5. Some other grounds for classifying law are the following:
Substantive and Adjective Law. Substantive law defines the

rights and duties of persons; it determines a wide variety of matters for example, what is required to form a contract, what the difference
is between larceny and robbery, when one is entitled to compensation
for an injury, and so on.

6. Adjective law (or procedural law) defines and deals with proce
dures for enforcing the rights and duties of persons. The rules of procedure and jurisdiction determine the court or administrative agency
that may handle a claim or dispute; the form of the trial, hearing, or
appeal; the time limits involved; the kinds of evidence that may be

7. Public and Private Law. Public law is that area of law that

deals with the state and the relations of the state with the public. It
includes such branches as Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal law.

8. Private law involves the various relationships that people have

with one another and the rules that determine their legal rights and
duties among themselves. Private Law is sometimes referred to as Civil law in its general meaning.

9. International and National Law. National law is a set of writ
ten and unwritten rules by which a particular country is governed
and the activities of people and organizations are controlled within a
given state. International law deals with general principles, norms,
and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities
legally recognized as international actors. International law is the law
of the whole international community.

frame of society - социальная система
applicable - применимый, подходящий
define - задать (процедуру); определить, описать

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