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Аграрная история, 2020, № 2

научный журнал
Основная коллекция
Артикул: 765834.0001.99
Аграрная история : научный журнал. - Воронеж : АНО Научно-исторический центр "Мировая история", 2020. - № 2. - 18 с. - ISSN 2713-2447. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1819112 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)
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                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 






For the first time, a comparative assessment of the main indicators of soil fertility and the energy state of 

organic matter in floodplain soil in various areas of agricultural use was carried out. Indicators characterizing the 
agroecological state of agricultural soils in the Voronezh region (the amount of labile humic substances, bulk 
density, soil structure, biomass content of soil microorganisms, respiration rate and cellulose-decomposing soil 
activity) have been determined. In the Voronezh region, a positive effect of the use of organic and mineral 
fertilizers on the microbiological activity of arable land was established: on average, the microbiological activity 
after the application of mineral fertilizers increased by 7% (no aftereffect was noted), and with the combined use 
of organic and mineral fertilizers up to 30% on average by 17%). Studies have shown that different types of soil, 
type of agricultural use, fertilization and cultivated crops do not affect the ratio between the components of soil 
organic matter: humus carbon is 95-97%, non-humified organic matter is 3-5%. Fertilization has a significant 
effect on the ratio between the labile and inert parts of humus.  




The combined application of organic and mineral fertilizers increases the content of labile humic 

substances (up to 6.6 mgC / g of soil) and reserves of non-humified organic matter (up to 8 t / ha), as well as 
energy reserves in these components of organic matter. The aftereffect of fertilization increases the content of 
non-humified organic matter (up to 4.5 t / ha) and improves its energy characteristics. 






                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 





The microbiological activity is influenced by the use of organic and mineral fertilizers. At the same time, an 

increase in the intensity of respiration (up to 104 mg CO2 / kg), the content of C-biomass of soil microorganisms 
(up to 704 mg / kg) and cellulose-decomposing soil activity (up to 28%).  




The aftereffect of the influence of fertilizers was noted only with the combined use of organic and mineral 



                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 






Studies have shown that in the Voronezh region it is advisable to conduct agroecological monitoring in 

intensively cultivated areas. On the basis of the data obtained, the dynamics of soil fertility indicators is analyzed 
for various land use systems. 

To characterize soil fertility, additional indicators should be introduced: the content of labile humic 

substances, the reserves of non-humified organic matter. 

In conditions of excessive moisture, one of the main factors limiting the yield of agricultural crops is soil 

moisture, therefore, special attention should be paid to the state of the drainage network. 




Kiryushin V.I. (1993) The concept of optimization of the regime of organic matter of soils in agricultural 

landscapes. M .: Publishing house of Moscow Agricultural Academy. 99 p. (in Russ). 

Kovalev N.G. (2002) Traditional organic fertilizers and mineral fertilizers on the reclaimed soils of the Non
Black Earth Region: Textbook. manual for universities. Tver. 212 p. (in Russ). 

Kulakovskaya T.N. (1990) Optimization of the agrochemical system of soil plant nutrition. M. 218 p. (in 


Lukin S.M. (1998) The effect of long-term use of various fertilizer systems on crop yields and soil 

agrochemical properties. Scientific bases and technologies for reproduction of soil fertility and the use of organic 
fertilizers. Collection of scientific papers. Issue 1. M. Pp. 41-50. (in Russ). 

Maslov B.S. (1998) Integrated land reclamation: formation and development. M. RAAS. Pp. 234-245. (in 


Mukha D.V. (2003) Soil fertility and human development. Problems of Soil Evolution: Materials of the IV 

All-Russian Conf. Pushchino, IPH and BPP RAS. Pp. 23-27. (in Russ). 

Pannikov V.D. (1981) Theory and practice of increasing soil fertility. Vestn. s.-kh. science. №. 2. Pp. 14
23. (in Russ). 

Russell E. (1955) Soil Science and Plant Growth Condition. M. Publishing house of foreign literature. 624 

p. (in Russ). 

Sibirtsev N.M. (1951) Selected Works. Volume 1 Soil Science. M. Publishing house of agricultural 

literature. 472 p. (in Russ). 

Skoropanov S.G. (1961) Development and use of peat-bog soils. Minsk: Ed. Academy of Agricultural 

Sciences. 249 p. (in Russ). 

Kupchinskaya V. N. (2000) Influence of long-term use of mineral fertilizers and manure on soil response 

and crop rotation productivity. Problems of plant nutrition and the use of fertilizers in modern conditions. Pp. 265267. (in Russ). 


                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 







Владимир Фурсов1  


1Доктор исторических наук, профессор, Воронежский государственный педагогический 

университет, ул. Ленина, 86, Воронеж, Россия 




В статье рассматриваются процессы повышения плодородия почв путем внесения различных 

видов удобрений. Растениеводство в России и во многих других странах характеризуется низким 
уровнем устойчивости агроценозов и плохим фитосанитарным состоянием почв. Это подтверждается 
широким распространением сорной растительности. В ряде регионов было открыто новое явление - 
неинфекционные физиологические заболевания растений, связанные с нарушением рациона питания, 
баланса питательных веществ в почве и экстремальными погодными условиями. 

Устойчивость растений к этим патогенам выше при дозах и соотношениях питательных веществ, 

близких к оптимальным для обеспечения их продуктивности. Анализ литературы показывает, что 
устойчивость растений к корневым гнилям и существующим болезням значительно выше при 

региональной системой сельского хозяйства. 

Ключевые слова: сельское хозяйство, сорняк, растение, фермер. 

                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Publication date: April 22, 2020 





Vladimir Tonkikh1 


1Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Voronezh State University, University Square, 1, Voronezh, 





The main function of a dwelling is to protect people from adverse meteorological influences (cold, wind, 

atmospheric precipitation) by creating an artificial human habitat during periods of work, rest, sleep, and 
restoration of vital energy. Centuries of experience show that wooden dwellings provide comfortable conditions 
for a long stay of people. In the North of Russia, timber is a traditional building material. The main reasons for 
the loss of wooden buildings are biodegradation and fires. The experience of operating objects of wooden 
architecture, built 200-360 years ago, confirms the high potential of the natural biostability of wood. 

Keywords: tree, earth, man, building, society. 




With the modern development of the construction business, it is possible, under any meteorological 

conditions, including in the Far North, to create an artificial favorable, healthy, constantly comfortable, ecological 
human environment in the dwelling. This can be achieved by taking into account climatic conditions and terrain, 
directions and intensity of winds, rational orientation of residential buildings to the cardinal points, the use of 
durable building materials and structures with low thermal conductivity, without toxic emissions that pose a 
danger to humans and the environment, as well as a device in dwellings of hygienically expedient life support 
systems - heating, ventilation, etc. 

In order for a residential apartment to be comfortable, convenient and meet the hygienic and social needs 

of the family, it must have: 

- healthy microclimate; 

- the required composition of the premises; 

- dimensions that meet hygienic standards; 

- rational planning; 

- proper sanitary facilities; 

- good lighting. 


                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



The microclimate in dwellings consists of the temperature of the air and surrounding surfaces, humidity 

and air movement, the complex effect of which on the body determines the so-called thermal comfort. 




As a result of the systematic implementation of complex expeditions by the Institute of Art History of the 

Academy of Sciences of the USSR, materials were collected that made it possible to draw up a map of the main 
types of Russian peasant dwellings in the north. Building traditions in the formation of dwellings have also been 
identified, which can be traced in the preserved huts of the 18th century, according to archaeological materials, 
graphic images and written sources. 

However, all expeditions were limited to architectural measurements, both of individual huts and planning 

decisions of populated areas, without touching on the issues of durability of buildings, analysis of the reasons for 
their preservation. 

The volumetric-planning and constructive solution of a residential building largely determines the quality of 

ventilation, the temperature and humidity mode of operation of the premises, the reliability of elements and their 
interface, the possibility of simple replacement of failed parts during repair and reconstruction, etc. These factors 
determine the durability of a wooden building. 

In the North of Russia, the following types of residential wooden buildings were mainly operated: 

- four-walled. The four-walled hut is a typical Russian peasant's house in the North. It consists of one 

insulated cage and a small canopy covering the entrance from bad weather. The hut, square in plan, on a low 
basement, was cut down from pine logs, with moss embedded in the grooves between them, under a single, 
straight gable roof. From the inside, the logs are smoothly hewn to the height of a man's height. The floor is 
made of carefully fitted chipped plates. A large adobe stove on a wooden platform is placed in the corner near 
the front door, which was the largest volume in the interior. The ability to meet the multifaceted needs of a 
peasant family has made this type of stove a must-have in every home. The heat capacity of the furnace 
ensured uniform heating of the living quarters, created a "drying regime, thereby excluding biological damage to 

- five-walled. The five-walled hut, instead of one living room in the front, has two - a hut and an upper 

room, which are completely isolated from each other with independent doors from the common entrance. This 
solved the issue of living quarters with an increase in the peasant family. Various methods of placing the stove 
did not change the general principles of planning the hut. The layout of the house was based on the traditional 
layout of residential and utility log cabins in a peasant house - a courtyard. Ahead - a hut, then auxiliary rooms 
(closets, cages) and a barnyard. All buildings are interconnected by passages, passages, staircases, are located 
one after another on one longitudinal axis and were a rectangular log volume under a common gable roof; 

- six-walled. Along with the four-walled and five-walled hut, six-walled houses are widely used in Russian 

folk architecture. The structural basis of this building is the connection of six main walls (two are located parallel 
to the street and four perpendicular to it). The peculiarity of the six-wall layout is the presence of three isolated 
rooms along the front line of the building. The yard is located behind the house on the same longitudinal axis as 
the house. 

There are many factors that make life and simply staying in a wooden building much more enjoyable and 

rewarding than staying in any other. 

First, natural wood naturally releases phytoncides. These are purely natural substances with an extremely 

useful property: they in every possible way suppress any activity of fungi and various harmful microorganisms. 
This quality is especially distinguished by conifers, which contain 2-3 times more phytoncides. This largely 
explains the many recommendations for visiting pine and deciduous forests. 

                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



The second important factor that ensures the environmental friendliness of wooden houses is the ability of 

wood to maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the room. This leads to a sharp decrease in the number of 
diseases and a more pleasant state of health. 





Do not forget about the property of wood to absorb atropotoxins. These are harmful products of human 

life. The consequence of this process is easy breathing, a much rarer occurrence of all kinds of headaches and 
other symptoms of a poor state of the body. 




                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Fourthly, the environmental friendliness of log houses is largely based on the absence of various toxic 

components during their construction, which cannot be said about most other building materials. This is quite 
natural, because the wood is of natural origin. Moreover, even the products of its processing, for example, 
rounded logs, are also absolutely environmentally friendly and safe. This has become one of the main reasons 
that this particular type of sawn timber has gained such popularity in recent years. 




Another extremely useful property of wood should be noted - its dielectric characteristics and the complete 

absence of any radiation background. 




As a result, we can single out the main positive properties of wood from the point of view of ecology: 

    release of phytoncides; 

    maintaining humidity; 

    absorption of atropotoxins; 

    construction without toxic additives and harmful substances; 

    dielectric properties; 

    no radiation. 

Given such a long list of advantages, which, of course, is not exhaustive, it is not surprising that wooden 

houses have become so widespread and popular. 


                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 






Haruk E. V. (1991) State of the issue and problems of wood conservation. Analyte. reviews of GPNTB SO 

as USSR. Sib. technol. in-t. Novosibirsk. 171 p. (in Russ).  

Hunt M., Garrat A. (1961) wood Conservation. Moscow: Goslesbumizdat. 453 p. (in Russ). 

Kantorovich, G. L. (1970) Production base for restoration and chemical protection of monuments of 

wooden architecture in the Perm architectural and ethnographic Museum. Materials of the meeting of restoration 
organizations. M. Pp. 35-42. (in Russ). 

Khrulev V. M. (1963) Improving the durability of the adhesive of wooden structures and construction 

details. M: Gosstroiizdat. 116 p. (in Russ). 

Knocks V. P. (1988) the Glued laminated timber in bridges and its application. Inter-University. temat. SB. 

Tr. LISI. Pp. 26-28. (in Russ). 

Kolotilin B. M. (1965) the Durability of residential buildings. M.: Publishing house of literature on 

construction. 254 p. (in Russ). 

Medvedev P. P. (1991) Architecture of a peasant residential complex in the Onega river basin (experience 

of areal research). Problems of research, restoration and use of the architectural heritage of the Russian North. 
Inter-University. collection of Petrozavodsk state University. Pp. 7-31. (in Russ). 

Nikitin M. K., Melnikova E. P. (1990) Chemistry in restoration: Reference. ed. L. Chemistry. 304 p. (in 


Podyampolsky S. S., Bessonov G. B., Belyaev L. A., Postnikova T. M. (1988) Restoration of architectural 

monuments. 264 p. (in Russ). 

Sobolev Y. S. (1979) Wood as a construction material. Moscow: Lesn. prom-St. 247 p. (in Russ). 

Varfolomeev Y.A., Poromova T. M., zyablova E. M. (1988) Biostability of wooden structures during 

operation in contact with the ground. New research in the field of manufacturing technology of wooden 
structures. Pp. 143-148. (in Russ). 

Vaskovsky  A. P. (1986) Microclimate and temperature-humidity regime of enclosing structures of 

buildings in the North. L.: stroizdat, leningr. otd-e. 163 p. (in Russ). 


                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 2, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 







Владимир Тонких1  


1Доктор исторических наук, профессор, Воронежский государственный университет, 

Университетская площадь, 1, Воронеж, Россия 




Основная функция жилища - защита людей от неблагоприятных метеорологических воздействий 

(холод, ветер, атмосферные осадки) путем создания искусственной среды обитания человека в периоды 
работы, отдыха, сна, восстановления жизненной энергии.  

Многовековой опыт показывает, что деревянные дома обеспечивают комфортные условия для 

длительного пребывания людей. На севере России древесина является традиционным строительным 
материалом. Основными причинами гибели деревянных зданий являются биологическое разложение и 
пожары. Опыт эксплуатации объектов деревянного зодчества, построенных 200-360 лет назад, 
подтверждает высокий потенциал естественной биостойкости древесины. 

Ключевые слова: дерево, земля, человек, здание, общество.