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Аграрная история, 2020, № 1

научный журнал
Основная коллекция
Артикул: 765833.0001.99
Аграрная история : научный журнал. - Воронеж : АНО Научно-исторический центр "Мировая история", 2020. - № 1. - 26 с. - ISSN 2713-2447. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1819110 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024)
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                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 1, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 






In the 20s of the 20th century, the study of the taxonomy of larch reached a new stage of development: 

the famous Russian scientist V.N. Sukachev outlined six genetic series of larch, based on geographic and 
morphological research methods known in plant taxonomy. He gave their morphological characteristics and 
suggested the main stages in the history of the development of the genus Larix. In his work, Siberian and Far 
Eastern species belonged to two separate series - Eurasiaticae and Paucisquamatae. He attributed Siberian 
larch to the first, and Daurian and other Far Eastern species to the second. 

B.N.Sukachev believed that Daurian larch is a relatively young progressive species. It emerged in 

northeastern Asia during the Pleistocene and Holocene "not only in the process of migration, but, very likely, on 
the spot by way of constant modification." In 1932, V.N.Sukachev identified two new species of larch in the Far 
East - Lyubarsky and Primorsky larch. 

In 1931 in the USSR "V.L. Komarov described the genus Larix as consisting of 25 species in the world, 

and in the USSR identified only 4 species - Daurian larch (Larix dahurica Turez), Siberian larch (L. Sibirica Ldb.), 
Kamchatka (Kuril) larch (L. Kamtschtica (Rupr.) Carr.) And Olginskaya larch (L. Olgensis A. Henry). 

In 1946 B.P. Kolesnikov expressed an opinion that differed from the above with regard to the taxonomy of 

larch trees. He not only recognized all the taxa identified before him, but also named three new species: 
Middendorf, Komarov and Okhotsk larch. 

As research on the genus Larix increased, different questions about the systematic position of larch trees 

were raised by different researchers. The most detailed questions of the taxonomy of larch in the USSR were 
developed and mastered by N.V. Dylis [47]. In 1961, Dylis reported that five species of larch grow in Eastern 
Siberia and the Far East - L. dahurica Mill, L. sibirica Ldb., L. kurilensis Mayr., L. olgensis Henry and L. magitima 

For Daurian larch, he identified two geographical races: the western subspecies (L. dahurica subsp. 

Dahurica) and the eastern subspecies (L. dahurica subsp.cajanderi: (Mary.) Pyl). 

In 1981, Dylis published the monograph "Larch" in which he reported that "seven species of larch naturally 

grow in the USSR: Sukachev, Siberian, European, Daurian, Kuril, Olginskaya, Primorskaya", and four hybrids: 
Amur, Chekanovsky, Lyubarsky, Okhotsk , as well as cultivated species, for example, Japanese larch.  

He pointed out that the south of the Far East is distinguished by the greatest variety of species and forms 

of larch. The ecological characteristics and habitat of different species also differ significantly. Many researchers, 
including Sukachev, Poplavskaya, Dylis, Koropachinsky, Milyutin, and others, pointed out ecological differences 
in the growth of Siberian and Daurian larch. So, for example, A.K. Skvortsova says: "if populations are potentially 
completely genetically compatible, but in fact are completely isolated and each have their own history, which led 
to the development of their own characters and to their occupation of different places in nature, such 
populations, no doubt, should be classified as different species." Taking into account the definition of the species 
given by Zavadsky, M.V. Crooklis and L.I. Milyutin considered Siberian and Daurian larch as different species. LI 
Milyutin wrote that “the species independence of these larches is not obscured by the weakly expressed 
biological isolation. Thus, these authors believed that Siberian and Daurian larch are species. 





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  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 
























                                Foto Siberian Larch, Pereulok Mechnikova, 22 


In 1938, 4 seedlings of Siberian larch were planted on a plot of land in the city of Voronezh at the 

address: Mechnikov lane, house No. 22. in 1941, the Great Patriotic war began. German troops captured 
the city of Voronezh. In 1943, the city of Voronezh was liberated from the German-fascist invaders. The 
front line passed near the house on Mechnikov lane, 22. German tanks, passing through this land, 
destroyed three larch trees. The only tree (pictured above) has survived to this day and is a valuable 
unique natural object, as well as a silent witness to the fierce battles for the city of Voronezh. 

Siberian larch has been the national tree of Russia since 1960. Represents Russia in the peoples ' 

Friendship Park (Seattle, USA). Larch is a symbol of longevity and rebirth. 

In 2015, the tree was examined by the specialists of the Botanical garden named after Professor B. 

M. Kozo-Polyansky, Voronezh state University (Director of the Botanical garden of Voronezh state 
University, candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of ecology A. A. 
Voronin, the scientific employee of the Botanical garden of Voronezh state University, candidate of 
geographical Sciences L. A. Lepeshkina, researcher at the Botanical garden of Voronezh state 
University, candidate of geographical Sciences, associate Professor M. A. Klevtsova). Certification 
materials in 2015 (currently 82-year-old tree) were sent by specialists to the national register of stands of 
the all-Russian program "Trees-monuments of nature". According to the results of the certification 
Commission, unique trees are assigned the status of a state-protected natural object. 

                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 1, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 




In both traditional and folk medicine, larch is the main raw material for the production of medicines. The 

beneficial properties of larch bark and needles are well known to professional pharmacists and traditional 
healers, and the tree itself is a source of many useful substances. 

The bark of trees, which is essentially a waste from logging, contains many tannins that are used in 

leather processing and in medicine. They are used to stop bleeding, as antidiarrheals, astringents and antidotes 
for heavy metal and metal intoxication. The healing properties of larch bark are largely due to the high - up to 18 
percent - content of these compounds, so the powder and infusions from it have been used since ancient times 
by the inhabitants of Siberia to treat hemorrhoids, trophic ulcers, abscesses and intestinal infections. It has 
proven itself well as a source of pectin for the food industry and pharmacology. Larch bark also exhibits healing 
properties in patients with prostate adenoma, heart failure, oral diseases and even some types of cancer. 

The peoples of the Far East are very respected for the healing properties of larch needles. Since ancient 

times, it has been used in almost all sectors of the economy: as animal feed, in medicine, as fertilizer, and even 
in food. The high content of vitamin C, especially in summer harvests, made the needles of this tree the most 
important remedy for scurvy and colds. The beneficial properties of larch were well known to travelers who were 
exploring Siberia and the Far East, and to hunters. The conifer broth was used to strengthen the immune system 
and as an invigorating drink that helped on long hikes. Larch needles show medicinal properties when fresh. 
Chewing on a small handful is enough to stop bleeding from the gums. In addition, it has a pleasant taste and 
can be used as an ingredient in salads. 




The unique properties of larch are time-tested. Larch was widely used in shipbuilding and Piling. It is no 

accident that Venice stands on larch stilts. After a few centuries, the piles were examined and found to be 
actually fossilized. Larch was widely used in the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Winter Palace, and the 
Ostankino Palace of the Sheremetevs. All the building elements of that time, created from larch, are still 




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Larch and its use. №. 9.  Pp. 53-60. (in Russ). 

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Karaseva M.A. (1991) the Role of agrotechnics in improving the hygienic properties of Siberian larch crops 

in green zones. Forest management in forests of various categories of protection. M. Pp. 88-90. (in Russ). 

Karaseva M.A. (1996) Forest cultures of larch. Textbook. Yoshkar-Ola: Margtu. 66 p. (in Russ). 

                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 1, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Keleberda T.N. (1974) Larix sibirica in the desert and its influence on the silvicultural properties of soil. 

University news. Forest journal. №. 3. Pp. 153-155. (in Russ). 

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seedlings. Problems of chemical and forest complex. Krasnoyarsk: Sibti. Vol. 1. Pp. 207-209. (in Russ). 

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Petrov A.P. (1988) Variability of the structure of cones and seeding qualities of Sukachev larch seeds. 

Forests of the Urals and farms in them. Sverdlovsk. № 14. Pp. 97-99. (in Russ). 

Rodin A.R. (1969) Pre-sowing treatment of Siberian larch seeds with negative gas ions. Forestry 

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Sedelnikova I.V. (1978) larch Blooming in geographical cultures of the Voronezh region. Genetics, 

selection, seed production and introduction of forest breeds. Voronezh. №. 5. Pp. 46-50. (in Russ). 

Verhunov P.M. (1994) on evaluating the productivity of larch plantations during forest inventory works. 

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305 p. (in Russ). 






















                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 1, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 







Богдан Ершов1 


1Доктор исторических наук, профессор, Воронежский государственный технический 

университет, Воронеж, Россия, E-mail: bogdan.ershov@yandex.ru 




В последние десятилетия техногенное загрязнение природной среды охватило значительные 

территории, расположенные вблизи промышленных центров российских городов. В промышленных 
городах, с постоянным увеличением масштабов загрязнения, техногенная трансформация зеленых 
насаждений получила широкое распространение. 

Известно, что наиболее восприимчивы к загрязнению хвойные деревья, и, прежде всего, 

представители семейства сосновых, усыхание и гибель которых особенно сильно происходит в 
промышленно развитых регионах. Эта критическая ситуация объясняет значительный интерес, 
проявляемый к изучению влияния промышленных выбросов на представителей различных видов 
хвойных пород деревьев, в частности сибирской лиственницы. 

Ключевые слова: дерево, окружающая среда, человек, промышленность, природа. 

                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 1, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Publication date: February, 15, 2020 





Vitaly Dorokhin1 


1Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia,  

E-mail: s1te@bk.ru  




The article examines the Adaevskaya horse (now more than 34 thousand heads), bred in Kazakhstan on 

the vast territory of the Aralokaspian desert. It became widespread in the current administrative boundaries of 
the Mangistau and Atyrau regions, occupying more than 30 million hectares of pastures. 

The Adayev horse comes from the Adayev tribe of Kazakhs who roamed the Aral-Caspian lowland. In the 

harsh conditions of the Mangistau Peninsula and the Ustyurt desert plateau, it cannot be replaced by any other 
animal. In this regard, the problem of the development of productive horse breeding in the region, its rational use 
had not only significant economic, but also social significance, since more than 90% of food products were 
imported from outside. In addition, there was an acute shortage of kumis and horse meat. 

Typological research has been carried out in Kazakhstan for a long time. As a rule, the object of research 

was the Kazakh horse with its numerous species and offspring. At the beginning of the last century, breeders 
faced completely different tasks - the production of a working and army horse. Here, the main attention was paid 
to the crossing of local mares, well adapted to herd keeping, with stallions of factory breeds - purebred, Don, 
heavy draft, as well as Arab and Akhal-Teke. 

Keywords: horse, earth, man, nature, food. 




At the end of the 1970s, the threat of extinction of this most valuable ecotype of the Kazakh breed loomed, 

and the problem arose of keeping it clean. On the other hand, the problem was exacerbated by the lack of 
science-based industry technology for meat and dairy herd horse breeding in Kazakhstan to date. It was 
necessary to develop scientifically grounded methods of using natural pastures with the simultaneous 
application in practice of methods to improve breeding qualities, which would allow answering a number of 
theoretical and practical questions, which would contribute to an increase in the production of milk and meat, 
which is a much needed product in this region. The ethology of the Adai horses has not been studied at all. 

At the end of the 1980s, systematic research and selection and breeding work with the Adayev horse 



                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 1, 2020. 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 






In addition to experimental materials, the article uses all the main domestic and foreign scientific sources 

available to us. The materials of scientists (Yu.N. Barmintsev, B.Kh. Sadykov, I.N. Nechaev, A. Imangaliev, N.V. 
Anashina, S.S. Rzabaev, N.A. Kikebaev, etc.) systematically studied the populations of Kazakh horses in 

Of great relevance was the study of economically useful traits, the formation of breeding lines, families 

and the development of methods to improve the productive qualities of horses of the Adayev ecotype, using 
cheap pasture feed. The importance of their solution determines the relevance of the research. 

The data obtained make it possible to formulate scientifically based conclusions and practical 

recommendations for improving horse meat production technology, as well as developing technological 
parameters for the production of pedigree products. The effective methods of improving the breeding and 
productive qualities of horses of the Adayev ecotype have been revealed, and a progressive technology for the 
production of horse breeding products in the conditions of the Aralo-Caspian desert zone has been proposed. 

The results of purebred breeding of Adai horses had a positive effect on improving the physique and 

increasing the live weight of horses. The increase in the live weight of the offspring already in the first generation 
reached 24 kg, and the genetic progress in live weight in the III-IV generation, in comparison with the initial herd, 
reaches 55.9-61.0 kg. High growth vigor was noted in horses feeding in the Mangystau desert. Animals at the 
age of 30 months reached an average live weight of 318.5 kg, the slaughter yield was 53.4%. 



                                    ©  Journal  «Agrarian History»,  № 1, 2020. 


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Further prospects for the development of meat and dairy herd horse breeding in the republic are 

determined by the fodder capacity of pastures (180 million hectares), which makes it possible to increase the 
number of herd horses in the country by 2030 to 3.0 million heads, which will provide more than 300 thousand 
tons of high-quality horse meat per year. 

Setting up experiments to establish a genetically determined level of productivity of modern Adaev horses 

in the breeding area, studying the hidden reserves of increasing productivity and, on this basis, developing a 
scientific and practical substantiation of methods for improving this population is one of the most pressing 
problems of horse breeding in the region. The zootechnical characteristics of the emerging breeding lines of 
outstanding ancestors and mother families make it possible to assess the productive qualities of modern Adayev 





As a result of long-term selection and breeding work in the gene pool farms of the Aralokaspian desert, a 

highly productive herd of Adaev horses was created with a total livestock of more than 3000 heads. 3 breeding 
lines and 4 brood families of Adaevski horses of specialized meat and dairy production direction, with a total 
livestock of 1197 heads, have been prepared for testing. 

The growth, development and formation of meat content in Adai horses confirms a single pattern - the 

most intensive growth up to 6 months of age, and then its weakening and a high degree of dependence on 
paratypical factors. 


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Uneven growth of tissues - bone, muscle and fat, which form the meat of the carcass of horses, changes 

not only their ratio, but also the physicochemical properties and biological (nutritional) value of meat. Knowledge 
of the patterns of growth and development allows us to recommend the optimal technology of pasture rotation 
and the organization of feeding animals, in particular, individuals with breeding value. 





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The selection of highly productive individuals, successfully combining a pronounced maternal instinct of 

genotypes, will not only normalize the reproductive function of mares, but also ensure a high business yield of 
young animals, because in the future grazing livestock will remain the most important way to use arid zones for a 
long time. 

Due to anthropogenic influence, the number of desert and saline areas with extremely rare and saline 

vegetation is rapidly growing in the world, where only rare ecotypes of local horses, such as the Adayev horse 
(perhaps even in the singular), can survive, and therefore the importance of this species for the country 
increases significantly. Consequently, our attitude to the breeding of the Adaevskaya horse with its prospects for 
pedigree sales for export should be viewed as a constantly growing gold and foreign exchange reserve. 




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