Домашнее чтение по роману О. Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея». Homereading. "The Picture of Dorian Gray” by O. Wilde
Английский язык
Данчевская Оксана Евгеньевна
Год издания: 2018
Кол-во страниц: 340
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9765-3738-5
Артикул: 695948.02.99
Пособие по домашнему чтению на английском языке, разработанное к оригинальной неадаптированной версии романа О. Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея» с самыми полными и подробными культурологическими комментариями к тексту, которые сделают чтение этого увлекательного произведения ещё более интересным. Комплекс упражнений, вопросов для обсуждения и дополнительных заданий помогает формировать и развивать языковые навыки (лексические и грамматические) и речевые умения в таких видах речевой деятельности, как чтение, говорение и письмо. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей филологических факультетов вузов, а также всех изучающих английский язык самостоятельно.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 45.03.01: Филология
- 45.03.99: Литературные произведения
- ВО - Магистратура
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
О.Е. Данчевская ДОМАШНЕЕ ЧТЕНИЕ по роману О. Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея» HOMEREADING “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by O. Wilde Учебное пособие Москва Издательство «ФЛИНТА» 2018 2-е издание, стереотипное
УДК 811.111-26(076.6) ББК 81.432.1я73 Д19 Данчевская О.Е. Д19 Домашнее чтение по роману О. Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея». Homereading. “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by O. Wilde [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие / О.Е. Данчевская. — 2-е изд., стер. — М. : ФЛИНТА, 2018. — 340 с. ISBN 978-5-9765-3738-5 Пособие по домашнему чтению на английском языке, разработанное к оригинальной неадаптированной версии романа О. Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея» с самыми полными и подробными культурологическими комментариями к тексту, которые сделают чтение этого увлекательного произведения ещё более интересным. Комплекс упражнений, вопросов для обсуждения и дополнительных заданий помогает формировать и развивать языковые навыки (лексические и грамматические) и речевые умения в таких видах речевой деятельности, как чтение, говорение и письмо. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей филологических факультетов вузов, а также всех изучающих английский язык самостоятельно. УДК 811.111-26(076.6) ББК 81.432.1я73 ISBN 978-5-9765-3738-5 © Данчевская О.Е., 2018 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2018
CONTENTS От составителя ................................................................................................5 Preface ..............................................................................................................7 Chapter I ..........................................................................................................9 Commentary .............................................................................................21 Exercises ..................................................................................................22 Chapter II ......................................................................................................26 Commentary .............................................................................................40 Exercises ..................................................................................................41 Chapter III .....................................................................................................45 Commentary .............................................................................................57 Exercises ..................................................................................................59 Chapter IV .....................................................................................................62 Commentary .............................................................................................76 Exercises ..................................................................................................78 Chapter V .......................................................................................................81 Commentary .............................................................................................92 Exercises ..................................................................................................93 Chapter VI .....................................................................................................96 Commentary ...........................................................................................103 Exercises ................................................................................................104 Chapter VII .................................................................................................107 Commentary ...........................................................................................118 Exercises ................................................................................................119 Chapter VIII ................................................................................................122 Commentary ...........................................................................................135 Exercises ................................................................................................136 Chapter IX ...................................................................................................140 Commentary ...........................................................................................150 Exercises ................................................................................................150 Chapter X .....................................................................................................153 Commentary ...........................................................................................161 Exercises ................................................................................................162
Chapter XI ...................................................................................................165 Commentary ...........................................................................................183 Exercises ................................................................................................196 Chapter XII .................................................................................................199 Commentary ...........................................................................................206 Exercises ................................................................................................206 Chapter XIII ................................................................................................209 Commentary ...........................................................................................215 Exercises ................................................................................................216 Chapter XIV ................................................................................................218 Commentary ...........................................................................................231 Exercises ................................................................................................232 Chapter XV ..................................................................................................234 Commentary ...........................................................................................243 Exercises ................................................................................................243 Chapter XVI ................................................................................................246 Exercises ................................................................................................254 Chapter XVII ...............................................................................................258 Commentary ...........................................................................................264 Exercises ................................................................................................264 Chapter XVIII .............................................................................................267 Commentary ...........................................................................................276 Exercises ................................................................................................276 Chapter XIX ................................................................................................279 Commentary ...........................................................................................287 Exercises ................................................................................................288 Chapter XX ..................................................................................................292 Exercises ................................................................................................297 Topics for Final Discussion ..........................................................................300 Topics for Essays ..........................................................................................301 Vocabulary ....................................................................................................302
ОТ СОСТАВИТЕЛЯ Настоящее пособие по домашнему чтению предназначено для людей, продолжающих изучать английский язык и совершенствующихся в нём, — студентов языковых и других гуманитарных факультетов вузов, слушателей курсов английского языка, учащихся старших классов английских спецшкол, осваивающих уровень Advanced. Текст романа О. Уайльда «Портрет Дориана Грея» представлен в оригинале, без сокращений и адаптации. Захватывающий и необычный сюжет предоставляет богатый материал для обсуждения и не оставит студентов равнодушными. Каждая глава снабжена максимально подробным культурологическим комментарием, поясняющим встречающиеся в тексте понятия и расширяющим кругозор учащихся, а также комплексом упражнений, направленных на проверку понимания прочитанного, усвоение новой лексики, закрепление и отработку грамматического материала, развитие навыков художественного перевода. Пособие снабжено словарём, содержащим более 1300 лексических единиц. Предложенные в заданиях вопросы и темы для обсуждения позволяют студентам не только совершенствовать навыки чтения и говорения, но и учиться анализировать информацию, высказывать собственное мнение, аргументированно доказывать свою точку зрения, развивать воображение и критическое мышление. В конце текста приведены темы для заключительного обсуждения романа, которые помогут учащимся обобщить всё прочитанное, составить психологический портрет героев, сопоставить различные взгляды на обсуждаемые проблемы и сделать собственные выводы.
После прочтения романа и выполнения всех упражнений студенты могут выбрать одну из предложенных в заключительной части пособия тем для написания сочинения, в котором им необходимо продемонстрировать хорошее знание лексики и самого текста, а также умение логично выстраивать свои рассуждения в письменной форме. Темы для заключительного обсуждения романа и для сочинений могут быть использованы в качестве контроля. Данное учебное пособие может быть также рекомендовано для индивидуальной и самостоятельной работы.
Preface The artist is the creator of beautiful things. To reveal art and conceal the artist is art’s aim. The critic is he who can translate into another manner or a new material his impression of beautiful things. The highest as the lowest form of criticism is a mode of autobiography. Those who fi nd ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault. Those who fi nd beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope. They are the elect to whom beautiful things mean only beauty. There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all. The nineteenth century dislike of realism is the rage of Caliban* seeing his own face in a glass. The nineteenth century dislike of romanticism is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass. The moral life of man forms part of the subject-matter of the artist, but the morality of art consists in the perfect use of an imperfect medium. No artist desires to prove anything. Even things that are true can be proved. No artist has ethical sympathies. An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style. No artist is ever morbid. The artist can express everything. Thought and language are to the artist instruments of an art. Vice and virtue are to the artist materials for an art. From the point of view of form, the type of all the arts is the art of the musician. From the point of view of feeling, the actor’s craft is the type.
All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. Those who read the symbol do so at their peril. It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors. Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital. When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with himself. We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless.
Chapter I The studio was fi lled with the rich odour of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-fl owering thorn. From the corner of the divan of Persian saddle-bags on which he was lying, smoking, as was his custom, innumerable cigarettes, Lord Henry Wotton could just catch the gleam of the honey-sweet and honey-coloured blossoms of a laburnum, whose tremulous branches seemed hardly able to bear the burden of a beauty so fl ame-like as theirs; and now and then the fantastic shadows of birds in fl ight fl itted across the long tussore-silk curtains that were stretched in front of the huge window, producing a kind of momentary Japanese effect, and making him think of those pallid, jade-faced painters of Tokyo who, through the medium of an art that is necessarily immobile, seek to convey the sense of swiftness and motion. The sullen murmur of the bees shouldering their way through the long unmown grass, or circling with monotonous insistence round the dusty gilt horns of the straggling woodbine, seemed to make the stillness more oppressive. The dim roar of London was like the bourdon note of a distant organ. In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal beauty, and in front of it, some little distance away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at the time, such public excitement and gave rise to so many strange conjectures. As the painter looked at the gracious and comely form he had so skilfully mirrored in his art, a smile of pleasure passed across his
face, and seemed about to linger there. But he suddenly started up, and closing his eyes, placed his fi ngers upon the lids, as though he sought to imprison within his brain some curious dream from which he feared he might awake. “It is your best work, Basil, the best thing you have ever done,” said Lord Henry languidly. “You must certainly send it next year to the Grosvenor*. The Academy is too large and too vulgar. Whenever I have gone there, there have been either so many people that I have not been able to see the pictures, which was dreadful, or so many pictures that I have not been able to see the people, which was worse. The Grosvenor is really the only place.” “I don’t think I shall send it anywhere,” he answered, tossing his head back in that odd way that used to make his friends laugh at him at Oxford. “No, I won’t send it anywhere.” Lord Henry elevated his eyebrows and looked at him in amazement through the thin blue wreaths of smoke that curled up in such fanciful whorls from his heavy, opium-tainted cigarette. “Not send it anywhere? My dear fellow, why? Have you any reason? What odd chaps you painters are! You do anything in the world to gain a reputation. As soon as you have one, you seem to want to throw it away. It is silly of you, for there is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. A portrait like this would set you far above all the young men in England, and make the old men quite jealous, if old men are ever capable of any emotion.” “I know you will laugh at me,” he replied, “but I really can’t exhibit it. I have put too much of myself into it.” Lord Henry stretched himself out on the divan and laughed. “Yes, I knew you would; but it is quite true, all the same.” “Too much of yourself in it! Upon my word, Basil, I didn’t know you were so vain; and I really can’t see any resemblance between you, with your rugged strong face and your coal-black hair, and this young Adonis*, who looks as if he was made out of ivory and rose-leaves. Why, my dear Basil, he is a Narcissus*, and you — well, of course you have an intellectual expression and all that.