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Basic Concepts in the Tourism Industry : практикум

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Практикум является приложением к учебному пособию «Basic Concepts in the Tourism Industry», однако может быть использован самостоятельно в качестве справочника и тренинга . Издание содержит полный перечень государств с указанием флагов, столиц, государственного языка, населения и вероисповедания, названия географических реалий с транскрипцией и ударением в русском и английском языках, глоссарий географических и туристских терминов с пояснениями, список акронимов, распространенных в сфере туризма, а также включает методические указания по написанию делового письма / резюме с примерами и составлению презентаций на английском языке.
Basic Concepts in the Tourism Industry : практикум : практикум / сост. Е. М. Шульгина. - Томск : Издательский Дом Томского государственного университета, 2017. - 80 с. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1703545 (дата обращения: 20.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Издательский Дом Томского государственного университета

УДК 338.48:811.111(075.8)
ББК 75.81

Ш955 BASIC CONCEPTS IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY : практикум / сост. Е.М. Шульгина.
Томск : Издательский Дом Томского государственного университета, 2017. - 80 с.

            Практикум является приложением к учебному пособию «Basic Concepts in the Tourism Industry», однако может быть использован самостоятельно в качестве справочника и тренинга.
            Издание содержит полный перечень государств с указанием флагов, столиц, государственного языка, населения и вероисповедания, названия географических реалий с транскрипцией и ударением в русском и английском языках, глоссарий географических и туристских терминов с пояснениями, список акронимов, распространенных в сфере туризма, а также включает методические указания по написанию делового письма / резюме с примерами и составлению презентаций на английском языке.

УДК 338.48:811.111(075.8)
ББК 75.81

СОСТАВИТЕЛЬ: доцент Е.М. Шульгина

© Томский государственный университет, 2017


1. Annex 1. Nations, Flags, Language, People, Religion................................4
2. Annex 2. Nations’ Names...........................................................23
3. Annex 3. How to design a Presentation.............................................31
4. Annex 4. How to write a Resume (CV)...............................................35
5. Annex 5. How to write a Business Letter...........................................38
6. Annex 6. Glossary.................................................................57
7. Annex 7. Tour Acronyms............................................................77


            Annex 1

            Nations - Flags - Capitals - Languages - Peoples - Religions

FLAG            COUNTRY/ STATE            CAPITAL                LANGUAGE        THE PEOPLE             RELIGION     
# EUROPE                                                                                                Majority     
1     Austria, the Republic of Austria    Vienna           German                the Austrians     Roman Catholic    
      (AUT)                               [vi 'ena]                                                |'ksOalik|        
2  ¥  Albania, the Republic of Albania    Tirana           Albanian              the Albanians     Muslim ['muzlim]  
      (ALB)                               [ti 'ra:na]                                              or                
      [sl 'beinja]                                                                                 ['mAzlim]         
3  M  Andorra, Principality of Andorra    Andorra la Vella Catalan (official),   the Andorrans     Roman Catholic    
      (AND)                               [sn 'daralavela] French, Spanish                                           
      [sn 'dara]                                                                                                     
4     Belarus or Belorussia, the Republic Minsk            Belarussian, Russian  the Byelorussians Christian Orthodox
      of Belarus (BLR)                    [min(t)sk]                                               ['a:9a,dnks]      
      [,bela 'rus,-rAs] [,belau 'rAfa]                                                                               
5     Belgium, the Kingdom of Belgium     Brussels         French, Flemish       the Belgians      Roman Catholic    
      (BEL)                               ['brAslz]        (Dutch), German                                           
6 KJ  Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Rep.    Sarajevo         Serbian, Croatian and the Bosnians      Muslim, Serbian   
      of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)     [,ssra 'jeivau]  Bosnian                                 Orthodox, Roman   
      ['baznia,andheatsa 'gavina]                                                                  Catholic          
7     Bulgaria, the Republic of Bulgaria  Sofia            Bulgarian             the Bulgarians    Christian Orthodox
      (BGR)                               ['saufia]                                                                  
      [Ьа1 'gearia]                                                                                                  
8     Croatia, the Republic of Croatia    Zagreb           Croatian              the Croats, the   Roman Catholic    
      (HRV)                               ['za:greb]                             Croatian                            
      [krau 'ei fia]                                                                                                 
9     Czechia, the Czech Republic (CZE)   Prague           Czech                 the Czechs        Christian         
      ['tfekia]                           [pra:g]                                                                    


Denmark, the Kingdom of Denmark   Copenhagen         Danish             the Danes, the Danish Christian, Lutheran
    (DNK)                             |,kaupan 'heigan]  ['deinin                                 ['lu:6aran]        
11  Estonia, the Republic of Estonia  Tallinn            Estonian           the Estonians         Christian          
    [es 'taunia]                      ['tslin]                                                                       
12  Finland, the Republic of Finland  Helsinki           Finnish, Swedish   the Finns             Christian, Lutheran
    ['Finland]                        [hel 'sigki] or                                                                
13  France, French Republic (FRA)     Paris              French             the French            Roman Catholic     
    [fra:n(t)s]                       ['psris]                                                                       
14  Germany, Federal Republic of      Berlin             German             the Germans           Christianity,      
    Germany (DEU)                     [ba: 'lin]                                                  Protestant         
    ['^a:mani]                                                                                    ['prntistant]      
15  Great Britain, the United Kingdom London             English (Gaelic    the British (the      Christian          
    of Great Britain and Northern                        ['geilik], Welsh,  English, the Welsh,                      
    Ireland (GBR)                                        Irish)             the Scots, the Irish)                    
16  Greece, Hellenic Republic (GRC)   Athens             Greek              the Greeks            Eastern (Greek)    
    [gri:s]                           [ A'Oanz| ['s9inz]                                          Orthodox           
17  Hungary, the Republic of Hungary  Budapest           Hungarian          the Hungarians        Christian          
    (HUN)                             [,bju:da'pest]                                                                 
18  Iceland, the Republic of Iceland  Reykjavik          Icelandic          the Icelanders        Evangelical        
    (ISL)                             ['reikja,vi:k]                                              Lutheran           
    ['aisland]                                                                                    [,i:vsn'^eilikal]  
19  Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Dublin             Irish (Gaelic) and the Irish             Christian Catholic 
    Irish Republic, Southern Ireland  ['dAblin]          English                                  and Protestant     
    (IRL) ['aialand]                                                                                                 
20  Italy                             Rome               Italian            the Italians          Roman Catholic     
    ['itali]                          [raum]                                                                         
21  Latvia, the Republic of Latvia    Riga               Latvian            the Latvians          Christian          
    (LVA)                             ['ri:ga]                                                                       


Liechtenstein, the Principality of   Vaduz         German              the Austrians, the    Roman Catholic    
       Liechtenstein (LIE)                  [va:'du:ts]                       Germans, the Swiss                      
23     Lithuania, the Republic of Lithuania Vilnius       Lithuanian          the Lithuanians       Roman Catholic    
       (LTU)                                ['vilnias]                                                                
       [JiOju: 'einia]                                                                                                
24     Luxembourg (Luxemburg), the          Luxembourg    French, German, and the Luxemburgers:     Roman Catholic    
       Grand Duchy of Luxembourg            ['lAksamba:g] Luxemburgish        the French, the                         
       ['lAksamba:g]                                                          Germans                                 
25     Macedonia (MKD), the Former          Skopje        Macedonian          the Macedonians       Christian, Muslim,
       Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia       ['ska:pje] or                                           and Jewish        
       (FYROM)                              ['ska:pljei]                                            minorities        
       l.nuusi 'daunia]                                                                             ['^u:ifl          
26     Malta, the Republic of Malta         Valletta      Maltese, English    the Maltese           Roman Catholic    
       (MLT) ['ma:lta]                      [va 'leta]                                                                
27 |<| Moldavia, the Republic of Moldova    Kishinev      Moldavian,          the Moldavians        Christian         
       (MDA)                                ['kijinaf]    Romanian                                                    
       [mal 'deivia]                                                                                                  
28     Monaco, the Principality of Monaco   Monaco        French              the Monegasque        Roman Catholic    
       (MCO)                                ['manakau] or                     (mana 'gssk]                            
       ['manakau] or [ma 'na:kau]           [ma 'na:kau]                                                              
29     Montenegro, the Republic of          Podgorica     Montenegrin         the Montenegrins, the Orthodox Christian
       Montenegro                           ['padgajitsa] [,manti 'ni:grin]   Serbs, the Bosnians,                    
       [, manti 'ni:grau]                                                     the Albanians                           
30     the Netherlands, the Kingdom of      Amsterdam     Dutch               the Dutch             Christian:        
       the Netherlands (NLD) = Holland      ['smstad'sm]                                            Protestant and    
       ['nedalandz]; ['haland]                                                                      Roman Catholic    
31 SIS Norway, the Kingdom of Norway        Oslo          Norwegian           the Norwegians        Evangelical       
       (NOR) ['na:rwei]                     ['azlau]      [na 'wi^an]                               Lutheran          
32     Poland, the Republic of Poland       Warsaw        Polish              the Poles             Roman Catholic    
       (POL)                                ['wa:rsa:]                                                                


Portugal, Portuguese Republic       Lisbon               Portuguese         the Portuguese       Roman Catholic    
      (PRT)                               ['lizban]                                                                      
      ['pa:rtjugal]; [,po:tja 'gi:z] or                                                                                  
      [,po:rtju: 'gi:z]                                                                                                  
34 II Ru(o)mania, the Republic of         Bucharest            Romanian           the Romanians        Romanian          
      Romania (ROM)                       [,bjuka'rest]                                                Orthodox Christian
      [rau: 'meinia] or [ru: 'meinia]                                                                                    
35    Russia, Russian Federation (RUS)    Moscow               Russian            the Russians         Russian Orthodox  
36 йЫ San Marino, the Republic of San     San Marino           Italian            the San Marinese or  Roman Catholic    
      Marino (SMR)                        [, ssnma 'rinau]                        the Sammarinese                        
      [, ssnma 'rinau]                                                                                                   
37 SB Slovakia, the Slovak Republic       Bratislava           Slovak ['slauvsk]  the Slovaks          Roman Catholic    
      (SVK)                               | .bnutis 'la:va]                                                              
      [slau 'vskia ]                                                                                                     
38    Serbia, the Constituent Republic of Belgrade             Serbian            the Serbs,           Serbian Orthodox  
      Serbia                              [bel 'greid] or                         the Serbians         Christian         
      ['sa:bia]                           ['belgreid]                                                                    
39    Slovenia, the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana            Slovene            the Slovenes         Roman Catholic    
      (SVN)                               [lju:b 'lja:na]                                                                
      [sla 'vi:nia]                                                                                                      
40    Spain, the Kingdom of Spain (ESP)   Madrid               Castilian Spanish, the Spanish or the   Roman Catholic    
      [spein]                             [ma 'drid]           Catalan, Galician, Spaniards (Catalans,                   
                                                               and Basque         Galicians, Basques )                   
41    Sweden, the Kingdom of Sweden       Stockholm            Swedish            the Swedes           Church of Sweden  
      (SWE)                               ['stakhaum]                                                  (Lutheran)        
42    Switzerland, the Federal Republic   Bern(e)              German, French,    the Swiss            Protestant and    
      of Switzerland                      ['ba:n]              Italian; Romansch                       Roman Catholic    
   □  ['switsaland]                                            [rau 'msnf]                                               
43    Ukraine (UKR)                       Kiev                 Ukrainian, Russian the Ukrainians       Christian         
      [ju: 'krein]                        ['ki:ef] or ['ki:ev]                                                           


1        Afghanistan, Islamic State of     Kabul           Pashto and Dari       the Afghans, the       Muslim             
         Afghanistan                       ['ka:bl]        (Persian), Tajik      Afghani(s)                                
         [sf 'gsnistsn] [iz 'lsmik]                        ['puftau]                                                       
2        Armenia, the Republic of Armenia  Yerevan         Armenian              the Armenians          Christian          
         (ARM) [ar: 'mi:nia]               [jera 'va:n]                                                 Armenian Apostolic 
3        Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani       Baku            Azerbaijani or Azeri  the Azerbaijani(s) or  Shiite Muslim or   
         Republic (AZE)                    [Ьл 'ku:]                             the Azeris             Shia(h)            
         [szabai 'd^a:n]                                                                                ['fi:ait] or ['Jia]
4        Bahrain, the Kingdom of Bahrain   Manama          Arabic                the Bahraini(s) or the Muslim             
         (BHR)                             [ma 'na:ma]                           Bahreini(s)                               
         [ba 'rein] = [ba: 'rein]                                                                                          
5        Bangladesh, the People’s Republic Dhaka           Bengali               the Bangladeshi(s)     Muslim             
         of Bangladesh (BGD)               ['dska]         [beg 'gali]                                                     
         Lb®gb 'def]                                                                                                       
6        Bhutan, the Kingdom of Bhutan     Thimphu or      Dzongka, Nepali       the Bhutanese          Mahayana Buddhist  
         (BTN)                             Thimbu          ['zogka], [ni 'pa:li]                        [,ma:ha 'ja:na     
         [bu 'ta:n]                        ['Oimfu:] or                                                 'budist]           
7   10/  Brunei, Negara Brunei Darussalam  Bandar Seri     Malay, English        the Bruneians          Muslim             
         (BRN)                             Begawan                                                                         
         ['bru:nai]                        [.bsnda, seriba                                                                 
8        Cambodia, the Kingdom of          Phnom Penh      Khmer; French         the Cambodians         Buddhist           
         Cambodia (KHM)                    [ynnm 'pen]     [kmea] or [kma:]                             ['budist]          
         [,ksm 'baudia]                                                                                                    
9        China, the People's Republic of   Beijing         Chinese(Mandarin;     the Chinese            Buddhist and Taoist
         China (CHN)                       Lbei '^iq]      various dialects)                            minorities         
         ['tfaina]                                                                                      ['tauist]          
10       Cyprus, the Republic of Cyprus    Nicosia         Greek and Turkish     the Cypriot(e)s: the   Greek Orthodox     
         (CYP)                             [nikau 'sia]                          Greeks, the Turks      and Muslim         
         ['saipras]                                                              ['sipriaut]                               


Я   East Timor, (Timor-Leste), the     Dili            Portuguese, Tetun (a    the East Timorese   Roman Catholic      
         Democratic Republic of Timor-      ['dili]         lingua franca), and                                             
         Leste (TLS)                                        Bahasa Indonesia                                                
         [,i:st 'ti:mo:], [,ti:ma: 'lesta]                  [ba: 'ha:saindau'ni:^a]                                         
12 + 1 + Georgia, the Republic of Georgia   Tbilisi         Georgian                the Georgians       Christian or Muslim 
         (GEO) ['^a:^ia]                    [ta: 'bli:si]                                                                   
13       India, the Republic of India (IND) New Delhi       Hindi and English;      the Indians         Hindu majority,     
         ['india]                           [,nju: 'deli ]  ['hindi] each state has                     Muslim minority     
                                                            its own language                            ['hindu:]           
14       Indonesia, the Republic of         Jakarta or      Bahasa Indonesia        the Indonesians     Muslim              
         Indonesia (IDN)                    Djakarta        [ba: 'ha:saindau'ni:Ja]                                         
         [indau'ni:zia], [~'ni:3a]          [d^a 'ka:rta]                                                                   
15       Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran Theh(e)ran      Farsi (Persian)         the Iranians        Muslim              
         (IRN)                              [tea'ra:n]                                                                      
         [i 'ra:n] [iz 'lsmik]                                                                                              
16       Iraq, the Republic of Iraq (IRQ)   Baghdad         Arabic, Kurdish         the Iraqui(s)       Muslim              
         [i 'ra:k]                          [.bug 'dsd]     ['ka:rdi,f]                                                     
17   ~   Israel, the State of Israel (ISR)  Tel Aviv        Hebrew and Arabic       the Israelis        Jewish; Muslim and  
         ['izreil]                          (Jerusalem)     ['hi:bru:]                                  Christian minorities
                                            [tela 'vi:v]                                                ['^u:if             
                                            [d^a 'ru:salam]                                                                 
18   •   Japan, (JPN)                       Tokyo           Japanese                the Japanese        Shintoist, Buddhist 
         [d^a 'psn]                         ['taukiau]                                                  minority            
19   с   Jordan, the Hashemite Kingdom of   Amman           Arabic                  the Jordanians      Sunni Muslim        
         Jordan (JOR)                       [a 'ma:n]                                                   ['suni, 'sAni]      
         ['djo:dn], ['h»Ji,mait]                                                                                            
20  кя   Kazakhstan, the Republic of        Astana          Kazakh                  the Kazakhs         Muslim and          
         Kazakhstan (KAZ)                   [ssts 'na:]                                                 Christian           
         [,kszsk 'sta:n]                                                                                                    
21 кя    Kyrgyzstan or Kirg(h)izia,         Bishkek         Kyrgyz and Russian      the Kirghiz or the  Muslim              
         [,kagi 'sta:n], [ka 'gizia]        [bif 'kek]                              Kirghizes (Kyrgyz =                     


eh   Korea (North Korea), the          Pyongyang            Korean               the Koreans           Buddhist,        
         Democratic People's Republic of   ['pja:i Rill                                                    Confucianist,    
         Korea (PRK)                                                                                       Shamanist, and   
         [ka 'ria]                                                                                         Chondokyo        
23       Korea (South Korea), the Republic Seoul                                                                            
         of Korea (KOR)                    [saul]                                                                           
24       Kuwait, the State of Kuwait (KWT) Kuwait               Arabic               the Kuwaitis or the   Muslim           
         [ku 'wait]                        [ku 'wait]                                Koweitis                               
25   a   Laos, Lao People’s Democratic     Vientiane            Laotian              the Laotians          Buddhist, tribal 
         Republic (LAO)                    [,vjen 'tjan]        [lei 'au|a n]                              religions        
         [lei as]                                                                                                           
26       Lebanon, the Republic of Lebanon  Beirut               Arabic, French and   the Lebanese          Muslim and       
         (LBN)                             [bei 'ru:t] or       English                                    Christian        
         ['lebanan]                        ['beiru:t]                                                                       
27       Malaysia, the Federation of       Kuala Lumpur         Malay, English and   the Malaysians        Muslim           
         Malaysia (MYS)                    [,kwa:la 'lumpua]    various Chinese and                                         
         [ma 'lei^a] or [ma 'leizia]                            Indian                                                      
28       the Maldives, the Republic of     Mate [meil],         Divehi               the Maldivians or the Sunni Muslim     
         Maldives (MDV) ['maldivz]         ['ma:li:], ['ma:lei] ['divei]             Maldivans                              
29  QI   Mongolia, Mongolian Republic      Ulan Bator           Khalkha (the dialect the Mongols or the    nonreligious;    
         (MNG)                             [u\la:n 'ba:ta:]     of Mongolian)        Mongolians            Lamaist, Tibetan 
         [mag 'gaulja]                                                                                     Buddhist         
30       Myanmar, the Union of Myanmar     Yangon               Burmese (belonging   the Burmese           Buddhist         
         (MMR)                             ['jsg 'gaun]         to the Sino-Tibetan                                         
         ['mianma:r]                                            family) [ba: 'mi:z]                                         
31       Nepal, the Kingdom of Nepal       Katmandu             Nepali               the Nepalese          Hinduism,        
         (NPL)                             IJkutnuun 'du:]      [ni 'pa:li]          Lnapa 'li:z]          Mahayana Buddhist
         [ni 'pa:l]                                                                                        [,ma:ha 'ja:na]  
32 fibni Oman, the Sultanate of Oman       Muscat               Arabic               the Omani (s)         Muslim           
         (OMN)                             ['mAskst]                                                                        
         [a 'ma:n], ['sAltanat]                                                                                             


□  Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of    Islamabad           Urdu                    the Pakistani(s)       Muslim              
      Pakistan (PAK)                       [izja:mabsd]        ['uadu:]                                                           
      [\pa:ki 'sta:n]                                                                                                             
34    the Philippines, the Republic of the Manila              Filipino, based on      the Tagalogs or the    Roman Catholic      
      Philippines (PHL)                    [ma 'ni:la]         Tagalog, and English    Filipinos or Pilipinos                     
35    Qatar or Katar, the State of Qatar   Doha                Arabic                  the Qatari(s)          Sunni Muslim        
      (QAT)                                ['dauha:]                                                                              
      ['kAta:] or [ka 'ta:]                                                                                                       
36    Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of         Riyadh              Arabic                  the Saudi Arabians     Sunni Muslim        
      Saudi Arabia (SAU)                   ['ri:sd] or                                                                            
      [sa: 'udia 'reibia]                  [ri 'ja:d]                                                                             
37    Singapore, the Republic of           Singapore           Chinese, Malay,         the Syngaporeans       Buddhist, Taoist,   
      Singapore (SGP)                      [,sigga 'pa:]       English, and Tamil                             traditional beliefs,
      [,si^ga 'pa:]                                                                                           and Muslim          
38    Sri Lanka, the Democratic Socialist  Sri                 Sinhalese and Tamil;    the Sinhalese or       Hinayana Buddhist   
      Republic of Sri Lanka (LKA)          Jayewardenepura-    English                 Singhalese; or                             
   IO [sri 'lsgka]                         Kotte, Colombo      [,sinha 'li:z] ['tsmil] the Cingalese                              
                                           [ka 'lAmbau]                                                                           
39    Syria, the Syrian Arab Republic      Damascus            Arabic                  the Syrians            Muslim              
      (SYR)                                [da 'msskas]                                                                           
40    Tadzhikistan or Tadjikistan, the     Dushanbe            Tajik or Tajiki         the Tajik(s)           Muslim              
      Republic of Ta(d)jikistan (TJK)      [du 'Jk'nba] or [du                                                                    
      [ta\^iki 'sta:n]                     'fa:nbi]                                                                               
41    Thailand, the Kingdom of Thailand    Bangkok             Thai                    the Thailanders        Hinayana Buddhist   
      (THA)                                [bsg 'kak]                                                                             
42    Turkey, the Republic of Turkey       Ankara              Turkish, Kurdish and    the Turks              Muslim              
      (TUR)                                ['sgkara]           Arabic                                                             


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