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Цифровая трансформация: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data / Digital Transformation: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data

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18-19 апреля 2019 г. в Институте отраслевого менеджмента РАНХиГС при Президенте РФ состоялась XII международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция «Цифровая трансформация: IоТ,АI, VR, Big Data», объединившая более 150 студентов РАНХиГС и других вузов. В работе конференции приняли участие российские и зарубежные эксперты таких компаний сфер IT, цифровых технологий и инноваций, как «Atos» (Франция), «Билайн» (Россия), «МШУ СКОЛКОВО» (Россия), «Cisco» (США), «Neurotrend» (Россия), «FESTO Didactic» (Германия), «EligoVision» (Россия), «ЭСКО СВЕТ» (Россия), было представлено более 40 студенческих докладов на английском и русском языках. В сборнике представлены научно-исследовательские работы студентов и аспирантов в рамках следующих тем: «Умный город», «Новые технологии в индустрии гостеприимства», «Индустрия 4.0» и «Стратегии цифровой трансформации в туризме и спорте». Авторами работ были проанализированы вызовы для современных отраслей и компаний, основные риски и препятствия для развития цифровой трансформации, примеры и концепции использования цифровых технологий в различных отраслях и сферах деятельности, а также даны прогнозы будущего развития бизнеса в новой цифровой реальности.
Цифровая трансформация: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data / Digital Transformation: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data : сборник докладов XII международной студенческой научно-практической конференции / отв. за вып. М. А. Иванова. - Москва : Дело (РАНХиГС), 2019. - 256 с. - ISBN 978-5-85006-171-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1405779 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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IoT, AI, VR, Big Data / 
Digital Transformation: 
IoT, AI, VR, Big Data

Сборник докладов 
XII международной 

| И  ДЕЛО |

Москва | 2019

УДК 338.48
ББК 65

Ответственный за выпуск: 
Иванова М.А., начальник отдела международных связей Института 
отраслевого менеджмента РАНХиГС

Цифровая трансформация: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data /
Digital Transformation: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data: сборник докладов 
XII международной студенческой научно-практической конференции. —  М. : Издательский дом «Дело» РАНХиГС, 2019. — 256 с. 
ISBN 978-5-85006-171-5

18–19 апреля 2019 г. в Институте отраслевого менеджмента РАНХиГС 
при Президенте РФ состоялась XII международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция «Цифровая трансформация: IoT, AI, 
VR, Big Data», объединившая более 150 студентов РАНХиГС и других 
В работе конференции приняли участие российские и зарубежные 
эксперты таких компаний сфер IT, цифровых технологий и инноваций, как «Atos» (Франция), «Билайн» (Россия), «МШУ СКОЛКОВО» (Россия), «Cisco» (США), «Neurotrend» (Россия), «FESTO Didactic» (Германия), «EligoVision» (Россия), «ЭСКО СВЕТ» (Россия), было представлено 
более 40 студенческих докладов на английском и русском языках.
В сборнике представлены научно-исследовательские работы студентов и аспирантов в рамках следующих тем: «Умный город», «Новые 
технологии в индустрии гостеприимства», «Индустрия 4.0» и «Стратегии цифровой трансформации в туризме и спорте». Авторами работ 
были проанализированы вызовы для современных отраслей и компаний, основные риски и препятствия для развития цифровой трансформации, примеры и концепции использования цифровых технологий в различных отраслях и сферах деятельности, а также даны прогнозы будущего развития бизнеса в новой цифровой реальности.

Публикуется в авторской редакции
УДК 338.48
ББК 65

ISBN 978-5-85006-171-5

© ФГБОУ ВО «Российская академия народного хозяйства
и государственной службы при Президенте
Российской Федерации», 2019


Этьен Янев / Etien Yanev
Глобальный директор по контент-маркетингу
и потребительской лояльности
Atos IT Solutions and Services

Today smart companies do business not FOR people, 
but WITH peop le. The importance of staying hand 
in hand with his majesty the customer has been greatly explained by Steve Jobs: “You cannot ask customers what they want and then try to give it to them. 
By the time you create it, they will want something 
else”. Certain trends stayed relevant over years of digital revolutions and one of them is making people’s 
life easier. However, we all have been already involved 
in discussions regarding whether we will be replaced 
by robots or not but it is better to leave this to the futurists. My journey in digital transformation begun 
a couple of years ago when I started playing video 
games. A digital industry that evolved so exponentially that today it offers to professional gamers events 
with prize pools of millions of dollars. Who could expect that some 15 years ago?
For me, digital transformation happens when taking small steps towards improving customers’ experience. Such could be the implementation of a communication system for a pet clinic that allows medical 
staff to track and monitor the condition of the animals, and even greet by name the owners of the pets. 
Digital transformation, in my opinion, is more about 
providing, meeting needs and personalization, rather than writing big newspaper headlines. Industries 
that could profit from digital transformation today 
are healthcare, manufacturing, and education, and we 
can already see some great examples of projects using 
Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. Our mission as professionals is to stay relevant to the market 
by observing how big players are changing the business today and start taking small but crucial steps towards innovation.

Владимир Гребнев / Vladimir Grebnev
Региональный представитель

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a predictable 
event, a wide int roduction of cyber-physical systems 
in industrial production and servicing human needs, 
including life, work and leisure.
The changes will span all aspects of life, including the labor market, the living environment, political 
systems, the technological paradigm, human identity 
and others. Today, many developed countries are active participants in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Special state programs are being created around 
the world to remove any barriers to Industry 4.0 development; business associations and non-profit organizations are working on it as well.
From my point of view, in their effort to maximize 
profits, many states and organizations underestimate risk of the possible social consequences of the 
new wave of progress. People need to find new ways 
of applying technology for their own development and 
for society as a whole.
What is important to understand is that only people can not only remember the responsibility of their 
use of new technologies, but also take new risks 
in a smart way that can be never done by robots or machines driven by artificial intelligence.


I. Использование инструментов и технологий бережливого 
производства в условиях цифровой микроэкономики 
(индустрия 4.0) ..................................................................................... 9

Алиева А. Э. / A. Alieva, Седракян О. М. / O. Sedrakyan 
Talent Management in Industry 4.0: Case Sberbank ............................... 9
Даниелян С. С. / S. Danielyan, Николаева Д. Д. / D. Nikolaeva 
Internet of Things in Russia: Features, Prospects and Threats 
of Implementation ..................................................................................15
Дешевых А. Е. / A. Deshevykh, Кирсанова Т. А. / Т. Kirsanova 
Lean Industry 4.0: Case Siemens ............................................................22
Махоткина А. А. / А. Makhotkina, Трулов А. О. / А. Trulov 
Using Lean Production Systems and 4IR Opportunities to Create 
an Innovative Business Model for Global Competition: 
Case ABB (Khotkhovo, Moscow Region) .................................................28
Овсепян Т. Р. / T. Ovsepyan 
Automation of Inventory Management in Under Armour Russia ...........35
Плиева А. М. / А. Plieva, Смирнова Е. О. / Е. Smirnova 
Using Innovative Lean Management Tools in a Distribution Centre 
of a National Retail Chain ......................................................................42
Сидорова А. М. / А. Sidorov 
Management of the Cost of Finished Products as the Most Important 
Direction of the Lean Production ...........................................................49
Сокол А. О. / А. Sokol, Степанова А. Н. / А. Stepanova, 
Сюткин В. Л. / V. Syutkin 
The Basic Principles of the Concept of Lean Production 
and Its Collaboration with the Industry 4.0 ............................................53

II. Новые технологии 
в индустрии гостеприимства ...........................................................63

Байдурова Е. П. / Е. Baidurova 
Trends in Robotization of Business Processes in International 
Hotel Chains ...........................................................................................63
Басем Ассаф / A. Basem 
Importance of Modern Technologies in Support of Hospitality Sector 
in Syria During Post-war Reconstruction................................................71

Глушкова Д. А. / D. Glushkova 
The Impact of Emerging Technologies 
on Increasing Customer Loyalty in the Hotel Industry ...........................77
Иванова А. Н. / А. Ivanova 
Experience Economy, Sensual Marketing and Digitalization 
as New Impetuses of the Hotel Industry .................................................86
Каримова К. Р. / К. Karimova 
New Technologies in the Hotel Industry ................................................94
Князева А. О. / А. Knyazeva 
Robotization of the Restaurant Industry, a Blessing or a Curse? ..........102
Липадат А. В. / А. Lipadat, Сиддики А. З. / А. Siddiki 
Man vs Robot: who wins? .....................................................................108
Махлюф Агяд / А. Makhlouf 
Digital Economy, Impacts on the Tourism 
and Hospitality Enterprises ..................................................................117
Тумех Бушра / B. Toumeh 
Exploitation of Digital Transformation Technologies in Smart Tourism 
Destinations: Facts and Challenges ......................................................124
Ширяева А. Р. / А. Shiryaeva 
How Voice Control Can Improve Customer Experience 
in Hospitality Industry .........................................................................134

III. «Умный город» ............................................................................142

Васильева А. С. / А. Vasileva 
Smart City: the Importance of Customer Data Protection 
for Organizations ..................................................................................142
Ветрова А. Б. / А. Vetrova 
Smart Moscow —  Dream or Reality? ......................................................149
Войнова В. А. / V. Voynova, Терехова Т. А. /Т. Terekhova 
How the Internet of Things is Transforming Advertising 
and CRM ...............................................................................................155
Герасимчук Н. С. / N. Gerasimhuk 
Smart Museum City in the Heart of Moscow ........................................162
Джиндоян Д. Г. / D. Dzhindoyan 
Digital Out-of-Home Advertising in Russia ..........................................169
Дубинина В. С. / V. Dubinina, Ерышев А. Е. / А. Eryshev 
Moscow in the Context of Smart City. Strategy “Moscow 2030: 
Smart City”, Examples of Realized Programs ........................................175
Жукова Т. И. / T. Zhukova, Попкова А. В. / А. Popkova 
Conditions Defining a City as a Smart ..................................................183
Исаева А. В. / A. Isaeva, Шумейко А. А. / A. Shumeyko 
Moscow —  the Smart City ......................................................................191

Касенков В. И. / V. Kasenkov 
Using VR for Merchandising .................................................................198
Лезина Е. А. / Е. Lezina, Монастырская Е. Д. / Е. Monastyrskaya 
Intelligent Cities ...................................................................................203
Мелендес Тобиас / T. Melendez 
Farms are Becoming Smart and are Moving to the Cities .....................210
Селифанова А. В. / А. Selifanova 
How Smart City Infrastructure Can Alleviate the Strain 
of City Growth ......................................................................................217
Соловьева А. А. / А. Soloveva 
Appearance, History and Development 
of the Outdoor Advertising ...................................................................222
Сосенкова Д. Д. / D. Sosenkova 
OOH Advertising in the Context of Smart City .....................................227
Тархова А. И. / А. Tarkhova 
Smart Cities: Dealing With Environmental Challenges ........................233
Лозовская М. А., Пугаева К. И. 
Продвижение образовательного бренда средствами ИКТ 
(на примере продвижения воспитательной программы 
ГБУ ДО ДДЮТ Выборгского района) .................................................239
Широков Д. С. 
Возможности совместного использования и взаимодействия систем 
«Умный дом» и «Умный город» .........................................................246

IV. Стратегии цифровой трансформации 
в туризме и спорте ...........................................................................252

Фомина А. 
Стратегии digital-трансформации в туризме ...................................252



Алиева А. Э. / A. Alieva, 
Седракян О. М. / O. Sedrakyan
студенты РАНХиГС

Abstract. Nowadays globalization is making it harder for companies to compete in the technology and financial sphere. That is why in this situation the potential of the staff becomes a competitive advantage 
for companies and this is where Talent Management 
joins the game. The article gives full and clear description of what “Talent Management” is, its genesis and functions. And also describes the process 
of evolution of Talent Management in Industry 4.0 
with the help of BigData. To illustrate the information, Sberbank company and its internal processes are 
Keywords: Talent Management, BigData, SberBank Agile.

Nowadays because of globalization it is becoming harder and harder for companies to compete 
in the technology and financial sphere. That is why 
in this situation workforce is becoming a competitive 
advantage for companies. And here Talent Management joins the game.

Цифровая трансформация: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data

The term “Talent Management’ was first used by McKinsey & Company following a 1997 study [1]. And the reason this term appeared 
was that in the late 1990s, stocks and options became the main instrument of encouraging employees instead of salary and cash bonuses. As a result of this policy, in many technologically advanced 
companies such as Microsoft and Cisco many millionaire employees appeared and that is why disputes began about how to retain 
financially independent young employees in the company.
Talent management is the science of using various instruments that help to recruit, retain, develop and reward employees 
of the company. The main aim of talent management is to constantly identify the real and potential talents of staff and then use 
them in the best possible way for the company. Talent management 
is really important part in running the company, because it involves 
such significant processes as [2]:

• Recruiting;
• Employee performance management;
• Working-out and evaluating key performance indicators (KPI);
• Staff retention;
• Outlining individual career plans of staff members;
• Staff and team development;
• Employee engagement management.

And the enormous problem that talent management is facing is that 
ALL these points require a big deal of information processing. That 
means that in a company there should be someone who will gather, analyze, assess all the information and make the conclusions 
that will help to improve the performance of company staff. What 
will happen if we turn this ‘someone’ into ‘something’, to be precise into the group of tools that will help us to do all these tasks? 
And, fortunately, there is such instrument: BigData.
As has been mentioned above, BigData is a variety of tools, approaches and methods for processing both structured and unstructured data in order to use it for specific tasks and purposes [3]. 
Current usage of the term BigData tends to refer to the use of predictive analytics and employee behavior analytics.
BigData is described by three “V” characteristics:

Использование инструментов бережливого производства

1. Volume —  huge amounts of information;
2. Velocity —  both the speed of growth and frequency of updating data, and the need for high-speed processing and obtaining results;
3. Variety —  various formats of information, such as numeric, textual, or images/videos.

Nowadays there are loads of programmes that help companies 
to process huge amount of information, manage logistics, analyze 
information on websites, manage risks, provide forecasts and here 
there are the most commonly used of them [4]:

• Hadoop;
• Oracle Exadata;
• EMC;
• Yandex Data Factory;
• CleverData.

These programmes also can be used in HR departments in companies in order to create a clear and full portrait of their employees. 
By using BigData programmes companies will enormously decrease 
the amount of work that HR departments ought to do as this instrument was created to do quick operations with big amount of information.
Algorithm of usage:

1. Fill in all the information about every potential and existing 
employee of the company.
2. Carry out research or analyses.
3. Make changes in the company according to received information.

Of course, in addition to reducing the time that is used for processing information, BigData has a lot of other advantages. For example, BigData helps to:

1. Forecast employees that will quit their job (are less loyal to the 
company) in1 the nearest future and towards whom the company should develop a retaining course of actions.

Цифровая трансформация: IoT, AI, VR, Big Data

2. Work out KPI.
3. Analyze all the qualities and skills of the workers in order 
to find the most appropriate position in the company.
4. Optimize the usage of workforce.
5. Increase the productivity and output of the workers by optimizing usage of their skills and knowledge.
6. Accurately and precisely choose candidates for the position.
7. Improve motivation system.

As you can see, benefits of BigData are really significant and that 
is why many big Russian companies start to implement this instrument and Sberbank is a good example of such a company.
Motivation one of the most important keys in talent management. The work of managers is to ensure that staff works efficiently in an organization. To achieve this, managers must know what 
motivates people. By understanding the factors influencing motivation, they can create the conditions in which employees will perform to their maximum potential.
Instilling motivation isn’t easy, but it’s necessary if CEO wants 
his / her employees to grow and stay satisfied with their jobs. 
It’s the driving factor that leads people to work harder, meaning 
more productivity for your organization, and the most important 
contributing factor to overall satisfaction, which leads to higher 
employee retention.
Students always cite as examples of companies with high employee motivation different international companies such as Apple, Google, Samsung. They believe that Russia has no successful 
companies. This is a very incorrect statement that cannot be accepted. Sberbank is an excellent example of a successful Russian 
company which implements Talent Management tools across all 
its functions.
Analyzing the activities of Sberbank, every person can easily understand that this company cares about its employees. For them, 
the staff is a great value. That is why all young professionals tend 
to get to Sberbank. This company uses modern methods of motivation and remuneration, which affect the productivity and efficiency of their employees.

Использование инструментов бережливого производства

Mission statement of Sberbank says: “No matter what you look 
like, it’s how you work!” Sberbank is an employer that takes the best 
tools and uses them in work:

• Process optimization and flow building.
• Changing values and behaviours.
• Building a management system.

“We create the future today so that tomorrow you can realize your 
The company keeps up with the times by using modern technologies that help clearly monitor the workflow of each employee 
and increase the productivity of the company. Sberbank is an employer, which takes the best and uses in work:
DMAIC-define, measure, analyze, improve, control. DMAIC 
is a highly effective, data-driven, five-step approach to business 
that is one of the many useful components of the Six Sigma toolkit. 
The main goal of DMAIC is to eliminate expensive variation from 
business and manufacturing processes.
Gemba —  a place where products(value) are formed or services 
are provided.
Lin-laboratory is a division that is the center of development 
of initiatives and changes.
Kaizen-continuous improvement.
Lean manufacturing is a management concept based 
on the constant elimination of all types of losses.
Sberbank has a lot of different activities that help to build strong 

1. Sberbank Summer —  Winter. Show me what you can do! 
This is the annual sports festival of Sberbank, where the strongest athletes-employees of Sberbank demonstrate their skills. 
This year the Event will be held in Sochi.
2. Youth Union of more than 400 people. This is an annual event 
of Sberbank, which is aimed at Innovation in the development 
of the Bank and charity.
3. The big Sberbank race. Every employee of Sberbank can take 
part in the big Sberbank race. This is a big event with different sport activities.

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