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Communication : Science

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Артикул: 756880.01.99
Учебно-методическое пособие "Communication: Science" направлено на развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов неязыковых факультетов, изучающих дисциплину «Иностранный язык» в рамках очного, очно-заочного и заочного обучения. Тематическая направленность учебного пособия затрагивает общеобразовательные и общенаучные вопросы современности. Пособие включает ссылки и фрагменты современных иноязычных источников, работа с которыми выстраивается на основе интегративно-дифференцированного подхода, что определяет его актуальность и универсальность при обучении студентов неязыковых факультетов различных направлений. Структура учебно-методического пособия включает четыре основные раздела, лексико-грамматический справочник, терминологический глоссарий, ключи к заданиям, список литературы. Пособие может быть использовано для самостоятельного изучения английского языка студентами неязыковых профилей подготовки.
Лушникова, И. И. Communication : Science : учебно-методическое пособие / И. И. Лушникова. - Москва : МПГУ, 2017. - 72 с. - ISBN 978-5-4263-0543-4. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1316635 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
«Московский педагогический государственный университет»

И. И. Лушникова


            Учебно-методическое пособие

Москва • 2017

УДК 378
ББК 74.409:81.2я73

Г. В. Сороковых, доктор педагогических наук, профессор кафедры французского языка и лингводидактики Института иностранных языков ГАОУ ВО «Московский городской педагогический университет»
О. А. Чекун, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков МПГУ

      Лушникова, Ирина Ивановна.
Л877 Communication: Science : учебно-методическое пособие / И. И. Лушникова. - Москва : МИГУ, 2017. - 72 с.
ISBN 978-5-4263-0543-4
          Учебно-методическое пособие “Communication: Science” направлено на развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции студентов неязыковых факультетов, изучающих дисциплину «Иностранный язык» в рамках очного, очно-заочного и заочного обучения.
          Тематическая направленность учебного пособия затрагивает общеобразовательные и общенаучные вопросы современности. Иособие включает ссылки и фрагменты современных иноязычных источников, работа с которыми выстраивается на основе интегративно-дифференцированного подхода, что определяет его актуальность и универсальность при обучении студентов неязыковых факультетов различных направлений.
          Структура учебно-методического пособия включает четыре основные раздела, лексико-грамматический справочник, терминологический глоссарий, ключи к заданиям, список литературы.
          Иособие может быть использовано для самостоятельного изучения английского языка студентами неязыковых профилей подготовки.

                                                           УДК 378
                                                           ББК 74.409:81.2я73
ISBN 978-5-4263-0543-4                            © МИГУ, 2017
© Лушникова И. И., текст, 2017


    Part 1       4
    Part 2       5
    Part 3       9
    Part 4       10
    Part 5       14
    Unit vocabulary list 1 ............................................ 15
    Part 1       17
    Part 2       18
    Part 3       24
    Part 4 ............................................................ 29
    Unit vocabulary list 2............................................. 30
    Review and consolidation: Unit 1-2..................................32
    Part 1       34
    Part 2       34
    Part 3       39
    Part 4       44
    Unit vocabulary list 3............................................. 45
    Part 1       47
    Part 2       48
    Part 3       53
    Part 4       55
    Part 5 ............................................................ 56
    Unit vocabulary list 4 ............................................ 58
    Review and consolidation: Unit 3-4 ................................ 60
    Grammar focus ..................................................... 61
Answer key section .................................................... 63
Glossary .............................................................. 65
References ............................................................ 71


        Part 1

   1.  Discuss the questions.
   1)  What is the best way to learn a language?
   2)  How did you learn English? How long did it take?
   3)  What level of competence* did you attain*?
   * Check the meaning of underlined words and include them into Unit vocabulary list.
   2.  What recommendation can you give to someone who wants to learn a new language? Write down your ideas in the space below.

   3.  Discuss your ideas in pairs and share them with the group.
   4.  Think about the process of acquiring* a new language and enlarge * the phases below:
... learning a new language at a very fast speed...
      ... the more effort you put in to keep up with* studies the more.
            . is a very good way to keep your brain in shape.
. a talent for languages.
   5.  Look at the title of the article “Language learning makes the brain grow, Swedish study suggests”. Guess the content and describe it in short to your partner. Do you have the same opinion?



        Part 2

1. Look at the words and their short meanings below, if necessary, enlarge the definitions and add transcription to the words.

   Word/phrase           Short meaning            Enlargement
1  interpret   understand/explain                            
2  interpreter translator                                    
3  fast pace   fast speed                                    
4  researcher  a person who works to find infor-             
5  opportunity an amount of time or a situation              
               in which something can be done                
6  unique      like nothing else, special                    
7  observe     watch/notice                                  
8  flair       talent/style                                  
9  fluent      able to easily and correctly speak            
               or write a language                           
10 recruit     a person newly enlisted in the                
               armed forces and not yet fully                
11 MRI         magnetic resonance imaging                    
12 cognitive   thinking-related                              
13 hippocampus brain part                                    
14 spatial     related to space or existing in               
15 navigation  driving or flying a vehicle to                
               somewhere/figuring out how to                 
               get somewhere                                 
16 cerebral    brain part                                    
17 degree      the amount, level, or extent to               
               which something happens or is                 
18 indicate    point to/show                                 
19 alzheimer’s brain disease                                 
20 onset       beginning                                     
21 bilingual   able to speak two languages                   



   2.  Read the abstract from the article “Language learning makes the brain grow, Swedish study suggests” (reference: Lund University. “Language learning makes the brain grow, Swedish study suggests.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 October 2012. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121008082953.htm). If necessary, leave notes on the margins next to the passages.
Notes                       Abstract                        Notes
                  “At the Swedish Armed Forces Interpreter Academy, young recruits learn a new language at a very fast pace. By measuring their brains before and after the language training, a group of researchers has had an almost unique opportunity to observe what happens to the brain when we learn a new language in a short period of time.
                  At the Swedish Armed Forces Interpreter Academy in the city of Uppsala, young people with a flair for languages go from having no knowledge of a language such as Arabic, Russian or Dari to speaking it fluently in the space of 13 months. From morning to evening, weekdays and weekends, the recruits study at a pace unlike on any other language course.
                  As a control group, the researchers used medicine and cognitive science students at Umea University - students who also study hard, but not languages. Both groups were given MRI scans before and after a three-month period of intensive study. While the brain structure of the control group remained unchanged, specific parts of the brain of the language students grew. The parts that developed in size were the hippocampus, a deeplying brain structure that is involved in learning new material and spatial navigation, and three areas in the cerebral cortex.



Notes       Abstract        Notes           
“We were surprised that different parts      
of the brain developed to different de-      
grees depending on how well the stu-         
dents performed and how much effort          
they had had to put in to keep up with       
the course,” says Johan Martensson,          
a researcher in psychology at Lund           
University, Sweden.                          
Previous research from other groups has      
indicated that Alzheimer’s disease has       
a later onset in bilingual or multilingual   
“Even if we cannot compare three             
months of intensive language study with      
a lifetime of being bilingual, there is      
a lot to suggest that learning languages     
is a good way to keep the brain in           
shape,” says Johan Martensson”.              

    3.  Read the abstract from the article “Language learning makes the brain grow, Swedish study suggests” (reference: Lund University. “Language learning makes the brain grow, Swedish study suggests.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 8 October 2012. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/10/121008082953.htm). If necessary, leave notes on the margins next to the passages. Include unfamiliar words and expressions into Unit vocabulary list.

Notes                         Abstract                      Notes     
interpret      “At the Swedish Armed Forces Inter-     opportunity    
understand/    preter Academy, young recruits* learn   an amount of   
explain        a new language at a very fast pace. By  time or a situfast pace fast measuring* their brains before and      ation in which 
speed          after the language training, a group of something can  
researchers    researchers has had an almost unique    be done        
people who     opportunity to observe what happens to  observe watch  
work to find   the brain when we learn a new language  or notice      
information    in a short period of time.              unique like    
                                                       nothing else,  



Notes Abstract Notes
flair talent/   At the Swedish Armed Forces Inter-        pace speed     
style           preter Academy in the city of Uppsala,                   
fluent able to  young people with a flair for languages                  
easily and cor- go from having no knowledge of a lan-                    
rectly speak    guage such as Arabic, Russian or Dari                    
or write a lan- to speaking it fluently in the space of                  
guage           13 months. From morning to evening,                      
                weekdays and weekends, the recruits                      
                study at a pace unlike on any other lan-                 
                guage course.                                            
cognitive       As a control group, the researchers       spatial related
thinking-       used medicine and cognitive science       to space or exrelated         students at Umea University - students    isting in space
specific par-   who also study hard, but not languages.   navigation     
ticular         Both groups were given MRI scans*         driving or flyhippocampus     before and after a three-month period of  ing a vehicle  
brain part that intensive study. While the brain struc-   to somewhere/  
helps with      ture of the control group remained*       figuring out   
memory          unchanged, specific parts of the brain of how to get     
                the language students grew. The parts     somewhere      
                that developed in size were the hip-      cerebral cor-  
                pocampus, a deep-lying brain structure    tex brain part 
                that is involved in learning new mate-                   
                rial and spatial navigation, and three                   
                areas in the cerebral cortex.                            
degree the      “We were surprised that different parts                  
amount, level,  of the brain developed to different de-                  
or extent to    grees depending on how well the stu-                     
which some-     dents performed* and how much effort                     
thing           they had had to put in to keep up with                   
                the course,” says Johan Martensson, a                    
                researcher in psychology at Lund Uni-                    
                versity, Sweden.                                         



Notes Abstract Notes
indicated     Previous research from other groups has   onset begin-  
pointed to/   indicated that Alzheimer’s disease has    ning          
showed        a later onset in bilingual or multilin-   bilingual able
Alzheimer’s   gual* groups.                             to speak two  
disease Brain “Even if we cannot compare three          languages     
disease       months of intensive language study                      
              with a lifetime of being bilingual, there               
              is a lot to suggest that learning lan-                  
              guages is a good way to keep the brain                  
              in shape,” says Johan Martensson”.                      

        Part 3

   1.  Answer the following questions.
   1)  What is your opinion about the learning experience described in the article?
   2)   What pros and cons of this method do you see (discuss the question in groups and share your ideas with the class)?
   3)  Imagine a studying schedule of the language students (described in the article), make a plan or draw sketches. Present your ideas to your group.
   4)   Do you want to have the same practice? Why and why not? Discuss it in groups.



 Part 4

1. Match the words to their short definitions. You can check your answers in the Answer key section.

Word or phrase                           Definition                
_____psychology           1: understand/explain                    
______specific            2: college/school                        
_____unique               3: fast speed                            
______researcher          4: magnetic resonance imaging            
_____hippocampus          5: like nothing else                     
____academy               6: watch/notice                          
______spatial             7: talent/style                          
_____bilingual            8: able to easily and correctly speak or 
                          write a language                         
______onset               9: thinking-related                      
______interpret           10: particular                           
____MRI                   11: brain part that helps with memory    
______cognitive           12: related to space or existing in space
_____navigation           13: driving or flying a vehicle to some- 
                          where/figuring out how to get somewhere  
______alzheimer’s disease 14: brain part                           
______indicated           15: person who works to find information 
______cerebral cortex     16: the study of thinking and behavior   
_____observe              17: pointed to/showed                    
________flair             18: brain disease                        
______fast pace           19: beginning                            
______fluent              20: able to speak two languages          



2. Complete the definitions to the words in the table.

1  recruit      
2  measure      
3  cognitive    
4  flair        
5  onset        
6  scan         
7  spatial      
8  degree       
9  perform      
10 multilingual 

3. Look through the text of the article and find the words for the following definitions. You can check your answers in the Answer key section.

1 a degenerative brain disease     
  of unknown cause that is the     
  most common form of demen-       
  tia, that usually starts in late 
  middle age or in old age, that   
  results in progressive memory    
  loss, impaired thinking, diso-   
  rientation, and changes in per-  
  sonality and mood