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Get Ready for Scientific Communication

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Учебное пособие «Get Ready for Scientific Communication» предназначено для подготовки к вступительным экзаменам в аспирантуру и кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку (технические науки). Материал учебного пособия нацелен на формирование научно-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции средствами общенаучных аутентичных текстов. Пособие может быть использовано магистрантами, аспирантами и широким кругом изучающих английский язык как для работы в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной подготовки.
Сальная, Л. К. Get Ready for Scientific Communication : учебное пособие / Л. К. Сальная, Э. А. Сидельник ; под общ.ред. Г. А. Краснощековой ; Южный федеральный университет. - Ростов-на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2020. - 99 с. - ISBN 978-5-9275-3573-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1308439 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
МИНИСТЕРСТВО НАУКИ И ВЫСШЕГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «ЮЖНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ»

             Инженерно-технологическая академия



Учебное пособие

Ростов-на-Дону - Таганрог
        Издательство Южного федерального университета

УДК 811.111
ББК 81.2 Англ-923
Печатается по решению кафедры иностранных языков Института управления в экономических, экологических и социальных системах Южного федерального университета
(протокол № 5 от 29 января 2020 г.)


доцент кафедры иностранных языков Южного федерального университета, кандидат педагогических наук
О. А. Заблоцкая
доцент кафедры английского языка Ростовского государственного экономического университета, кандидат филологических наук М. Г. Аханова
   Сальная, Л. К.
С16 Get Ready for Scientific Communication : учебное пособие / Л. К. Сальная, Э. А. Сидельник ; под общей редакцией Г. А. Краснощековой ; Южный федеральный университет. - Ростов-на-Дону ; Таганрог : Издательство Южного федерального университета, 2020. - 99 с.
        ISBN 978-5-9275-3573-6
        Учебное пособие «Get Ready for Scientific Communication» предназначено для подготовки к вступительным экзаменам в аспирантуру и кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку (технические науки). Материал учебного пособия нацелен на формирование научно-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции средствами общенаучных аутентичных текстов.
        Пособие может быть использовано магистрантами, аспирантами и широким кругом изучающих английский язык как для работы в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной подготовки.
УДК 811.111
ББК 81.2 Англ-923
ISBN 978-5-9275-3573-6
                              © Южный федеральный университет, 2020
                              © Сальная Л. К., Сидельник Э. А., 2020
                              © Оформление. Макет. Издательство
                                Южного федерального университета, 2020


ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ........................................... 4
UNIT 1.  Education.................................... 6
UNIT 2.  Ecology..................................... 30
UNIT 3.  Scientific and Technological Progress....... 51
UNIT 4.  Globalization............................... 72
APPENDIX............................................. 91


      Учебное пособие предназначено для использования при подготовке к вступительному экзамену в аспирантуру и кандидатскому экзамену по английскому языку (технические науки).
      В качестве учебного материала в пособии используются англоязычные тексты, взятые из оригинальных печатных и электронных источников. Тематика текстов охватывает явления и проблемы современного общества и современной науки.
      Материал учебного пособия нацелен на формирование научно-ориентированной коммуникативной компетенции.
      Уровень сложности текстовых материалов ориентирован на обучающихся с уровнем сформированности лингвистической компетенции в объеме курса изучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык для профессиональных целей».
      Структура учебного пособия сформирована в соответствии с поставленной задачей. Пособие содержит четыре основных раздела (units), каждый из которых включает следующие подразделы:1) вводную часть (Let’s get ready for scientific discussion), задания для ознакомления с лексикой раздела, 2) работа по систематизации и освоению той части английской грамматики, которая характерна для научно-технической литературы (Let’s refresh English grammar), 3) работа с аутентичными текстами (Let’s read and discuss, Texts A, B, C), 4) задания на закрепление лексики раздела, 5) раздел Let’s write, позволяющий студентам формировать навыки письменного научно-ориентированного иноязычного общения в написании эссе, реферировании.
      Учебное пособие предназначено для аудиторной и внеаудиторной (групповой и индивидуальной) работы. Каждый из основных разделов пособия (unit), содержит учебные тексты для ознакомительного и изучающего чтения с предтекстовыми заданиями, вопросами и лексическими заданиями разного уровня сложности, в том числе и заданиями на перевод с английского языка на русский и с русского языка на английский. Грамматический минимум пособия охватывает основной грамматический материал, касающийся особенностей научно-технической литературы, и содержит упражнения различного уровня сложности.



      Все англоязычные тексты, используемые в пособии, взяты из оригинальной литературы, а именно, научных и научно-популярных статей. Они сокращены, но не адаптированы. Основные темы текстов, которые представлены в пособии, это образование, экология, научно-технический прогресс, глобализация.
      Авторы с благодарностью примут все замечания, предложения и пожелания и учтут их в дальнейшей работе.


Unit 1


     1.       Complete the sentence with the right preposition in A and match it with the comment in B.

                    A                                      B                  
1  She wrote an article __ the subject  a representation of something as a    
   class                                  simple description which might be   
                                          used in calculations                
2  The theme__poem is immigration       b one individual part of a situation, 
                                          problem, subject etc.               
3  There was a lively debate__the is-   c thing which is being considered or  
   sues ___globalization                  studied                             
4  Einstein’s theory__has been ques-    d basic idea or rule that explains how
   tioned recently                        something happens or works          
5  The model__climate change seems      e range of a subject covered by a     
   to be becoming a reality               book, discussion etc.               
6  The book is called “The Nature__in-  f main subject of a talk, book, etc.  
7  Human behavior is based__the prin-   g amount or level                     
   ciple ___least effort.                                                     
8  Repetition is an important aspect__  h main characteristic of something    
   speech development in children                                             
9  Automatic backup is a feature__the   i showed a regular repeated arrange-  
   new software.                          ments                               
10 The political motives of the govern- j subject/problem which people are    
   ment are__the scope__this essay.       thinking/talking about              
11 The study revealed a pattern__re-    k an opinion or explanation           
12 During 2019 the number__violent      l a typical quality of something      
   attacks increased                                                          


Unit 1. Education

        2.       Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate word.

     1.       Ecological issues / principles / topics should be at the top of today’s political agenda.
     2.       The Peter Issue / Principle / Theme states that members of a hierarchical group will usually end up being promoted to the point at which they become incompetent
     3.       The professor decided to take moral courage as the issue / theme / model for his inaugural lecture.
     4.       In the exam the students had to choose three from a choice of ten essay subjects / theories / topics.
     5.       The London underground map is best understood as a model / principle / topic showing how the different stations relate to one another rather than a precise representation of their distance from each other.
     6.       There are still people who are reluctant to accept Darwin’s model / topic / theory of evolution.

     3.       Read the titles of academic papers in A. Mind key nouns and prepositions. Match the key nouns in A with their definition in B.

                    A                                        B                  
1 Micro-organism in water: their sig-    a arguments, facts and reasons in sup- 
  nificance and identification             port or against something            
2 Renewable energy: a critical assess-   b different particular or individual   
  ment of recent research                  ways of considering something        
3 The Case for Change: Rethinking        c being well informed                  
  Teacher Education                                                             
4 Towards a new approach.                d importance and ability to identify   
5 Perspectives on Ecological Manage-     e the beliefs or opinions that you have
  ment                                     about something                      
6 Study of public awareness of river     f A system of ways of studying some-   
  pollution                                thing                                
7 Citizens’ Views on Healthcare sys-     g Judgement of the amount, value or    
  tems in European Union                   importance of ...                    
8 .....establishing a standardized meth- h way of considering something         


Get Ready for Scientific Communication

     4.      Match the beginning of the sentences in A with their continuation in B.

                  A                                       B                   
1 The study revealed a regular       a case for restructuring parliament      
2 The research focuses on            b awareness of the problem               
  one particular                                                              
3 The write makes a powerful         c issues facing the world today          
4 The writes take an original        d pattern of changes in temperature.     
5 Until recent there was little      e into the environmental effects of nano                                       particles                              
6 I think you should broaden the     f the scope of your research.            
7 To date, there has been little re- g aspect of modern society.              
8 There are many important           h approach to their theme.               


        5.        Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

     1.       (you/finish) your homework yet?
     2.  ______ (you/have) a nice time in Rome?
     3.  Andy is tired because he __ (work) all day.
     4.  As soon as they ____ (arrive) we had dinner.
     5.  By 1960 most of Britain’s old colonies __ (become) independent.
     6.  David broke his leg when he ____ (ski) last week.
     7.  He ______ (be) at his computer for six hours.
     8.  How long _____ (she/have) that car?
     9.  How many people ______ (die) in the fire yesterday?
   10.  I _____ (never/be) sailing, what’s it like?
   11.  I _____ (wait) for ages when finally the bus arrived.
   12.  I _____ (correct) all morning, I’m exhausted.
   13.  I _____ (not/know) much about art, but I like some artists.
   14.  I _____ (receive) a postcard from Jane yesterday.


Unit 1. Education

    15.  It ____ (rain) when I got up this morning.
    16.  It was late. Most of the shops _____ (close).
    17.  Janet ____ (start) a new job in September.
    18.  My husband ______ (be) free for most of the afternoon.
    19.  Nelly _______ (have) a great time in New York at the moment.
    20.  She ______ (just/come) back from a Mediterranean cruise.
    21.  She was cooking dinner when we __________ (arrive).
    22.  The children were tired because they ____ (swim) in the pool all afternoon.
    23.  They _____ (go) to spend six weeks in the USA.
    24.  We _______ (be) too late for the train, it had just left.
    25.  We can use the car, I ____ (repair) it.
    26.  We were tired because we ______ (be) to a party the night before.
    27.  When I got the airport I realized I __ (forget) my passport.
    28.  When they were driving home last night they _________ (see) a terrible
    29.  Where _______ (Robert/live) now?
    30.  Who ______ (Mandy/talk) to?

        6.        The first sentence is in the ACTIVE VOICE. Choose the most correct way of saying the same thing in the PASSIVE VOICE:

       1.  They were interviewing her for the job.
       She ____________________ for the job.
           a)   was being interviewed
           b)   was interviewed
           c)   has been interviewed
       2.  Tom is writing the letter.
       The letter _________________ by Tom.
           a)   was written
           b)   is being written
           c)   has been written
       3.  Everyone understands English.
       English ____________________ by everyone.
           a)   is understood


Get Ready for Scientific Communication

           b)  has been understood
           c)  was understood
       4.  The employees brought up this issue during the meeting.
       This issue _________________ by the employees during the meeting.
           a)  has been brought up
           b)  is brought up
           c)  was brought up
       5.  The professor told him not to talk in class.
       He ___________________ by the professor not to talk in class.
           a)  has been told
           b)  was told
           c)  was being told
       6.  They say that women are smarter than men.
       Women ____________________ to be smarter than men.
           a)  were being said
           b)  were said
           c)  are said
       7.  The fire has destroyed the house.
       The house __________________ by the fire.
           a)  has been destroyed
           b)  was being destroyed
           c)  is destroyed
       8.  She would have told you.
       You __________________ by her.
           a)  would have been told
           b)  would be told
           c)  were being told
       9.  She would reject the offer.
       The offer __________________ by her.
           a)  will have been rejected
           b)  would be rejected
           c)  will be rejected


Unit 1. Education

       10.  This surprises me.
       I ___________________ by this.
           a)  would have been surprised
           b)  will be surprised
           c)   am surprised

        7.        For each sentence, choose either the active or the passive form of the verb in the brackets and the correct tense.

     1.  A smile _______ (appear) on her face.
     2.  Have you ______ (inform) yet about the new policy?
     3.  His grandfather _______ (pass away) years ago.
     4.  I ____ (learn) Japanese when I was in Tokyo.
     5.  I ____ (teach) by an old Japanese man.
     6.  I wouldn’t have complained if the food _______ (not/be) overcooked.
     7.  I’ll be happy if our plan _ (succeed).
     8.  If I were you, I would ____ (contact) a lawyer.
     9.  In the UK, everyone ___ (drive) on the left.
    10.  Inter-city trains _ (usually/drive) by men.
    11.  Michael Schumacher ________ (drive) for Ferrari in 2003.
    12.  Michelangelo ______ (paint) the Sistine Chapel.
    13.  My car ________ (steal)! Call the police!!!!
    14.  That car looks like it has never ____ (wash).
    15.  That door _____ (paint) yesterday.
    16.  The airplane, which _______ (operate) by Singapore Airlines, ___ (fly)
by an experienced pilot.
    17.  The bridge ________ (destroy) by the storm last night.
    18.  The judge ordered that smoking ______ (prohibit) in restaurants.
    19.  The 'La Stampa' newspaper ______ (read) by two million people in Italy.
    20.  The new secretary _____ (type) at 100 wpm
    21.  The performance _______ (happen) right now. Let’s go.
    22.  The Queen _________ (open) the bridge tomorrow.
    23.  The server ________ (order) to clean up the mess he had made.
    24.  The thieves _______ (steal) the gold last week.
    25.  This letter _______ (should/type), not handwritten!


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