Английский язык
Английский язык
Издательский Дом НИТУ «МИСиС»
Россихина Ольга Глебовна
Год издания: 2009
Кол-во страниц: 102
Вид издания:
Учебно-методическая литература
Уровень образования:
ВО - Магистратура
Артикул: 752518.01.99
Цель учебно-методического пособия - дальнейшее развитие у студентов основных навыков владения иностранным языком - чтения, перевода, письма и говорения - в сфере их профессиональной деятельности, а также развитие умения аннотировать научно-техническую литературу по металлургии и делать презентации. Соответствует программе курса по научно-техническому переводу. Предназначено для студентов старших курсов и магистров металлургических специальностей, а также для всех, чья работа связана с техническим переводом.
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
№ 1273 ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Êàôåäðà ðóññêîãî è èíîñòðàííîãî ÿçûêîâ è ëèòåðàòóðû Î.Ã. Ðîññèõèíà Àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê Ó÷åáíî-ìåòîäè÷åñêîå ïîñîáèå ïî íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêîìó ïåðåâîäó (íàïðàâëåíèå «Ìåòàëëóðãèÿ») Ðåêîìåíäîâàíî ðåäàêöèîííî-èçäàòåëüñêèì ñîâåòîì óíèâåðñèòåòà Ìîñêâà Èçäàòåëüñêèé Äîì ÌÈÑèÑ 2009
УДК 811.111 Р76 Р е ц е н з е н т канд. филол. наук, доц. А.В. Гольдман (Моск. пед. гос. ун-т) Россихина О.Г. Р76 Английский язык: Учеб.-метод. пособие по науч.-техн. переводу (направление «Металлургия»). – М.: Изд. Дом МИСиС, 2009. – 102 с. Цель учебно-методического пособия – дальнейшее развитие у студентов основных навыков владения иностранным языком – чтения, перевода, письма и говорения – в сфере их профессиональной деятельности, а также развитие умения аннотировать научно-техническую литературу по металлургии и делать презентации. Соответствует программе курса по научно-техническому переводу. Предназначено для студентов старших курсов и магистров металлургических специальностей, а также для всех, чья работа связана с техническим переводом. © Государственный технологический университет «Московский институт стали и сплавов» (МИСиС), 2009
ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Предисловие.......................................................................................................... 4 Unit 1 Mikhailovsky Mine Introduces a New Flotation Technology................................ 5 Unit 2 New Scrap-Based Steelmaking Process Predominantly Using Primary Energy................................................................................................................... 18 The blast furnace faces a new onslaught .............................................................. 26 Unit 3 Essential materials science for design engineers.................................................. 29 Unit 4 Laser Technology: from Macro to Nano.............................................................. 38 Unit 5 The effects of alloying.......................................................................................... 51 Unit 6 Industrial Development and Global Warming ..................................................... 61 Unit 7 Rockets, Buses and Motorbikes-the Use of Stainless Steels in Fuel Cell Technology ........................................................................................................... 74 Unit 8 Slag: Clean Steel’s Dirty Partner.......................................................................... 84 Unit 9 Ten Tips for Creating a Career that Lights Your Fire.......................................... 93
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Целью предлагаемого учебно-методического пособия является дальнейшее развитие у студентов основных навыков владения иностранным языком – чтения, перевода, письма и говорения – в сфере их профессиональной деятельности. Курс основан на оригинальных неадаптированных текстах по специальности, взятых из крупных англоязычных изданий по металлургии: “ Steel Times International”, “Iron Age International”, “Metallurgical Plant and Technology”, “Stainless Steel Industry”, материалов международных конференций, экономических публикаций в англоязычной прессе: “The Economist”, “Newsweek” и газетах, учебника “ Essential Metallurgy for Engineers”, а также Интернет-энциклопедии Wikipedia. При обучении чтению развивались навыки общего понимания содержания текста (skimming), навыки извлечения и умения формулировать основные идеи (reading for the gist), а также навыки быстрого поиска нужной информации( scanning). Этой же цели служат разнообразные лексические упражнения пособия и задания, направленные на понимание текста (comprehension). Умения, приобретенные студентами при обучении чтению, в дальнейшем используются при реферировании технической литературы. Принципы аннотирования научно-технической литературы также приводятся в пособии наряду с упражнениями. В конце каждого раздела предлагается ответить на вопросы к тексту и высказать свое мнение по некоторым неоднозначным вопросам либо индивидуально, либо за круглым столом. Много дискуссионного материала также содержится в главах 4 (реклама в металлургии), 6 (экология) и 9 (бизнес). Одним из самых востребованных навыков для профессионала в любой области современных знаний является умение делать презентации. В данном пособии большое внимание уделяется работе с наглядным материалом: графиками и диаграммами – и развитию умения логично, четко и интересно представлять материал. Грамматика не рассматривается здесь отдельно, поскольку в предыдущих курсах ей уделялось много внимания. В каждой главе есть раздел “Brush-up your grammar”, цель которого – усовершенствовать знания по грамматике. Мы надеемся, что данное пособие наряду с предыдущими учебными пособиями по курсу английского языка, изданными МИСиС, поможет завтрашним специалистам в области металлургии свободно работать с англоязычной литературой по специальности.
Unit 1 Task 1. Work with the text. MIKHAILOVSKY MINE INTRODUCES A NEW FLOTATION TECHNOLOGY The Russian mining company Mikhailovsky Iron Ore Mining and Concentrating Works (MGOK)* is a member of Metalloinvest Holding. The Metalloinvest Holding group includes Lebedinsky Iron Ore Mining and Dressing Works (LGOK), two steel making works – Oskol Electrometallurgical Steel Works and Ural Steel as well and machine-building heavy engineering company Ormeto-Yumz which is presently undergoing internal consolidation. In 2007 the company plans to complete its consolidation with a foundation of a new structure for the Holding will be prepared for a forthcoming initial public offering (IPO). MGOK is located near the town of Zheleznogorsk (about an hour by car from Kursk) and accounts for 70 % of the town’s budget with more than 14500 residents working at the plant or affiliated undertakings. MGOK has the world’s largest iron ore reserves (more than 8bnt of iron ore of unoxidised magnetic quartzite type containing 40–57 % Fe) as part of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. This iron ore is low in phosphorus and sulphur but also relatively lean in iron and high in silica. MGOK is the second largest plant in Russia for the production of iron ore concentrate and the largest Russian producer of iron ore fluxed pellets and sinter feed. The quality of the company’s products is acknowledged by both leading national and international iron and steel manufactures. Concentration. MGOK’s crude iron ore production capacity is 40 Mt/y and the two current mills for concentrating this have a total capacity of about 25 Mt/y. Its Managing Director V.Kretov said: “The year 2006 will set an absolute record for MGOK iron ore output. The iron mine will boost output by 20 % compared to 2005.** Last year the mine was forced to slash production due to unfavourable market conditions.” The iron ore concentration circuit consists of three magnetic separation steps upgrading the iron content up to 63.8 % Fe and with very low contents of impurity elements (e.g 0.006 % S and 0.016 % P). The content of SiO2 is high in _________ * Горно-добывающий комплекс. ** Two thousand and five (BrE) or two thousand and five (AmE).
terms of metallurgical requirements at around 9 %, while the newly introduced flotation technology can reduce the SiO2 contents to 3 %. Flotation of iron ore is a new process for Russia and the CIS* countries. The flotation enrichment process is based on the different responses of minerals to wettability when treated in a suitable flotation reagent. The hydrophobic (non-wettable) particles acquire air bubbles attached to them and float on the surface of the agitated suspension of the concentrate but hydrophillic (water-wettable) particles sink to the bottom of the cell. The main industrial equipment for the flotation was supplied by the CETCO company. It should be understood that provision was made for the installation of flotation at the time of designing and building the MGOK concentrator but only now the process is being implemented. After flotation the iron content soars from 65.1 % to 69.8 % and the SiO2 content falls from 9.6% to 3.0%. The floatation cells boast increased production capacity and efficiency along with compliance with the most stringent modern ecological standards, including the introduction of a closed water circle. The inauguration of the new flotation facility was a landmark since it paves the way for further technological development of the enterprise. Future plans. The final stage of the MGOK development plan up to 2012 includes the building of roasting plant number 3 and two DRI/HBI units using oxygen injection to produce up to 3Mt/y of prime quality HBI with 89 % Fe and metallization up to 93 %. The second development at MGOK will be the concentration of hematite which is produced in large volumes as a “waste” when concentrating the magnetite magnetically. Hematite is produced as a tailing with 25–27 % Fe content. MGOK will install a hematite concentration plant to recover a hematite concentrate from the wet-magnetic-separation tails. This will lower the specific cost of producing concentrate and increase the enterprise’s profitability, as well as optimizing the production process and enlarging MGOK product range. There is now a third project under initial investigation. The Mikhailovsky mine has developed a process for the enrichment of oxidized quartzite iron ore. This type of ore processing is already being implemented in the Ukraine at the Krivoy Rog plant. Since the oxidized quartzite is presently a “waste” of mining utilizing it requires no additional mining, just transportation to the concentrator plant. From Steel Times International, 2007. _________ * The Commonwealth of Independent States.
Vocabulary Bn (Billion) – миллиард To acknowledge – признавать Dressing circuit – система обогащения An enterprise – предприятие In compliance with – в соответствии Fluxed pellets [´pelits] – офлюсованные окатыши IPO (Initial public offering) – компания становится открытым акционерным обществом и начинает выпускать акции на продажу Mt/y – мегатонн в год (106) A mill – (обогатительная) фабрика DRI – завод по прямому восстановлению железа, предусматривает использование в качестве топлива природного газа вместо кокса HBI (Hot briquetted iron) – горячебрикетированное железо Quartz [kwts] – кварц Sinter – агломерат Roasting plant – завод для обжига Wettability – смачиваемость Tails, tailing – хвосты, отходы обогащения Exercise 1. Arrange the following words into two thematic columns and translate them: Business Technology works, dressing, initial public offering, consolidation, fluxed pellets, floatation, prime quality, enterprise, installation, profitability, wettability, product rage, circuit, sink, processing, output, Managing Director, landmarks, pave the way, sinter. Exercise 2. Give the English equivalents to the following expressions: в соответствии со стандартами сталелитейное предприятие тяжелое машиностроение дочерняя компания местные жители укрупнение внутри компании веха, важный этап в развитии обогащение (3)* _________ * Здесь и далее: цифры в скобках – количество синонимов.
необработанная руда бедная железом руда всплывать на поверхность содержание железа смачиваемость отходы (2) Exercise 3. Make up as many English collocations with the word “process” as you can and translate them into Russian. Pay attention to the words in Italics. For example: floatation process – процесс обогащения. Exercise 4. In the text find (synonyms and antonyms): a) 4 synonyms of the word “plant”: u…; e…; w…, f….; b) 3 synonyms and 4 antonyms of the word “increase”. The latter organize in a table and add more words to both columns. Increase Decrease b… r… S… s… En… l… f… Some of the verbs from the table are transitive, that is they can take an object, while the others are intransitive, that is they are never used with an object. E.g. The management promised to increase production by 5 % in 2008 (переходный глагол In 1996–1999 after the break up of the Soviet Union production volumes in Russia dropped sharply (непереходный глагол). c) From the text copy out the combinations with these verbs: to boost, to enlarge, to reduce, to soar, to low, to slash, to fall – and use them in the sentences of your own. Task 2. Develop your reading skills-skimming* the text and identifying the main idea. Exercise 5. Skim the text and choose the topic sentence in each paragraph from the options A,B or C: _________ * Беглый просмотр.
Paragraph 1 a) MGOK is a member of Melloinvest Holding which is being consolidated now. b) MGOK is a large holding consisting of several metalworks situated in different parts of Russia. c) MGOK is situated not far from Kursk and is a major contributor to the local finance and employment. Paragraph 2 a) MGOK is one of the largest plants in Russia for production of iron ore concentrate and fluxed pellets. b) The quality of MGOK’s products is acknowledged all around the world. c) The iron ore used by MGOK has low content of many impurities, but at the same time is also lean in iron. Paragraph 3 a) A newly introduced floatation technology can significantly reduce the content of impurities while dramatically increasing the iron content. b) Last year was unfavourable for iron ore output whereas the year 2006 will set a record for ore production. c) The iron ore concentrating circuit consists of three magnetic separation steps. Paragraph 3 a) The floatation cells boost iron content while the percentage of SiO2 falls from 9.6 % to 3.0 %. b) The new floatation equipment increases production capacity along with compliance with modern ecological standards. c) The floatation enrichment process is based on the different responses of minerals to wettability and results in the concentrate floating on the surface while rock sinks to the bottom of the cell. Paragraph 4 a) The future stages of the MGOK development plans will include the building of a roasting plant and, what’s more important, a hematite concentration facility. The latter is currently produced as a “waste” but can be used as a valuable source of iron. b) The installation of a hematite concentration plant will lower the specific cost of producing concentrate by utilizing the ‘waste” material hematite and thus increase its profitability.
c) Up to the year 20012 a roasting plant number 3 , two DRI/HBI units and a hematite concentration plant will have been constructed. Paragraph 5 a) Since the oxidized quartzite is presently a “waste” of mining, introduction of a facility for its utilization it can be economically profitable. b) Hematite is not the only “waste” being concentrated in MGOK, the next one will be oxidizes quartzite. c) Following the example of the Krivoy Rog plant, MGOK is introducing the process for the enrichment another “waste” product, namely oxidized quartzite. Exercise 6. There are different ways of connecting ideas in the text logically and clearly: linking words, reference words ( it, there, the former, the next, the last, which etc) and synonyms to avoid repetition. Find the sentences with linking words ( while, thus, whereas, but, and) and reference words. For synonyms, complete the table: The word from the text Its synonym or the reference word from the text Hematite To boost Content A cell A plant Low quantity Output Waste Increase Equipment The latter Metalwork Lean Production One Exercise 7. Suggest the best heading for each paragraph. Exercise 8. Mark if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)? 1. Metalloinvest Holding is in the process of consolidation now. 2. MGOK trades its shares on 3 Russian stock exchanges. 3. MGOK is a leading producer of iron ore concentrate and fluxed pellets in Russia. 4. The iron ore from Kursk Magnetic Anomaly has low content of impurities and high percentage of iron and silicon. 5. The metallurgical requirements for SiO2 content in a concentrate are 3 %. 6. The floatation enrichment process is possible only in the presence of a certain chemical substance.