Английский язык
Педагогика высшей школы
Издательский Дом НИТУ «МИСиС»
Год издания: 2011
Кол-во страниц: 88
Вид издания:
Учебно-методическая литература
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
Артикул: 752510.01.99
Целью методических рекомендаций является оказание помощи в планировании и организации проведения занятий преподавателям, работающим со студентами всех специальностей и направлений Института новых материалов и нанотехнологий по практикуму «Английский язык» авторов Е.В. Вардашкиной и А.В. Щербаковой, выпущенного Издательским Домом МИСиС в 2010 г. (библ. № 1999).
- 740: Общая педагогика. История образования и педагогической мысли. Организация образования
- 812А: Английский язык
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 44.03.01: Педагогическое образование
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РФ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЕ УЧРЕЖДЕНИЕ ВЫСШЕГО ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ «НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ «МИСиС» № 2032 Кафедра русского и иностранного языков и литературы Е.В. Вардашкина А.В. Щербакова Английский язык Методические рекомендации для преподавателей Рекомендовано редакционно-издательским советом университета Москва 2011
УДК 811.111 В18 Р е ц е н з е н т канд. филол. наук И.Э. Коротаева (МАИ) Вардашкина, Е. В. В18 Английский язык : метод. рекомендации для преподавателей / Е.В. Вардашкина, А.В. Щербакова. – М. : Изд. Дом МИСиС, 2011. – 88 с. Целью методических рекомендаций является оказание помощи в планировании и организации проведения занятий преподавателям, работающим со студентами всех специальностей и направлений Института новых материалов и нанотехнологий по практикуму «Английский язык» авторов Е.В. Вардашкиной и А.В. Щербаковой, выпущенного Издательским Домом МИСиС в 2010 г. (библ. № 1999). © Е.В. Вардашкина, А.В. Щербакова, 2011
CONTENTS Предисловие..............................................................................................4 Chapter 1. Teacher’s Notes and keys to the exercises................................5 Unit I. Some Facts about Matter.............................................................5 Keys to the exercises ............................................................................11 Unit II. New Materials and Their Properties ........................................16 Keys to the exercises ............................................................................23 Unit III. The Age of Robots and Nanotechnology................................29 Keys to the exercises ............................................................................34 Chapter 2. Keys to the Grammar Practice exercises.................................43 The Passive Voice ................................................................................43 The Participle. The Absolute Participial Construction.........................46 The Infinitive. The Infinitive Constructions.........................................52 The Gerund. The Complex with the Gerund ........................................57 Appendix I. Unit plans..............................................................................61 Appendix II. Tests and Keys to them .......................................................66 Appendix III. National University of Science and Technology (MISIS).....................................................................................................83 Библиографический список...................................................................87
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Методические рекомендации для преподавателей содержат две главы и три приложения. Первая глава состоит из двух разделов. В первом разделе предлагаются примерные планы всех занятий, а во втором – «ключи» к лексико-грамматическим упражнениям и вариант перевода текстов. Вторая глава содержит «ключи» ко всем грамматическим упражнениям, (конструкции с неличными формами глагола), представляющими наибольшие трудности у студентов при чтении и переводе научно-популярных текстов. Также в этой главе приводятся варианты контрольных работ с ответами («ключами»). Приложение 1 включает в себя рабочие планы занятий в 3-м и 4-м семестре. В приложение 2 включены варианты контрольных работ с ответами и шкалой оценивания. Приложение 3 содержит текст НИТУ «МИСиС», который преподаватели могут использовать в качестве дополнительного чтения и обсуждения на занятиях.
CHAPTER 1. TEACHER’S NOTES AND KEYS TO THE EXERCISES Unit I. Some Facts about Matter Lesson 1 The objectives: 1) to present new vocabulary on the topic of the unit; 2) to teach Ss to form and use the passive construction; 3) to develop Ss reading techniques (skimming skills). Plan I. Warming-up activities: 1) acquaintance with a group; 2) talk about the goals of the fall semester; 3) Teacher’s requirements concerning teaching-learning process; 4) presentation of the materials used in the semester. II. Introduction stage (presentation of new vocabulary). Activities. 1. Do ex. 1 (a, b), p. 5 (Ss read aloud after Teacher); 2. Do ex. 3, pp. 5–6 (Teacher’s comments, Ss read aloud after Teacher). III. Practice stage (development of skimming skills (Text 1, pp. 7–8). Activities. 1. Ss do ex. 5, p. 6. 2. Ss have to mark out the most important points based on pre-reading tasks. IV. Revision of the main forms of the verb in the Passive Voice. Activities. 1. Teacher asks the following questions: a) how is the Passive Voice built up? b) what are the forms of the verb in the Passive Voice? c) what about the use of the Passive Voice after modal verbs and modal phrases «have to be done» / «be to be done»? d) how is the Passive Voice rendered into Russian? (кратким причастием, «быть» + краткое причастие, неопределенно-личными предложениями, безличными предложениями, возвратным глаголом). 2. Do the following exercises: a) ex. 1–2, p. 41; ex. 4, p. 42 V. Summarizing results. Explanation of the home task. 1) Have Ss fill in vocabulary-notes with new words. 2) Ss read Text 1 (study reading). 3) Ss do ex. 3, pp. 41–42.
Lesson 2 The objectives: 1) to teach Ss to understand the peculiarities of passive constructions while rendering them in Russian; 2) to teach Ss to use new words from Text 1 on an utterance level; 3) to develop Ss reading techniques (scanning and study reading skills). Plan I. Warming-up activities: free talk (Teacher asks about the day, date, Ss time table and their working day). II. Introduction stage (revision of passive constructions). Activities. 1. Check up home task: ex. 3, pp. 41–42. 2. Render verbs in the Passive Voice followed by indirect, direct and prepositional objects in Russian. They paid him little money. He is paid little money. Little money is paid to him. We can’t rely on him. He can’t be relied on. 3. Do exercises from «English Grammar in Use» by R. Murthy. Units 42, 43. 4. Do ex. 7, pp. 44–45. III. Practice stage (practical use of topical vocabulary). Activities. 1. Pronunciation drills: a) ex. 2, p. 5 (Ss read the exercise word by word and then they repeat after Teacher in chorus); b) ex. 1 (b), p. 5 (Ss repeat after Teacher in chorus). 2. Do ex. 4, p. 6. 3. Teacher checks up the vocabulary-notes filled in. 4. Ss translate new words into Russian (English) at a rapid pace. 5. Ss do ex. 10, p. 9. IV. Production stage (development of scanning and study reading skills (Text 1). Activities. 1. Ss do ex. 7, p. 8. 2. Ss give the heading of each paragraph by a nominative sentence. 3. Ss Search in the text for separate sentences indicated by Teacher in Russian and read them in English. 4. Ss do ex. 12 (a), p. 9. 5. Ss translate separate sentences (paragraphs) indicated by Teacher from English into Russian. V. Summarizing results. Explanation of the home task. 1. Have Ss learn the vocabulary.
2. Ss do ex. 11, p. 9 (in writing). 3. Ss do ex. 6, p. 44 (in writing). Lesson 3 The objectives: 1) to teach Ss to use passive constructions in speaking on a sentence level; 2) to teach Ss to use topical vocabulary on a sentence level; 3) to develop Ss speaking skills. Plan I. Warming-up activities: free talk. II. Introduction stage (rendering passive constructions in Russian). Activities. 1. Check up home task: ex. 6, p. 44. 2. Do ex. 5, pp. 43–44. 3. Do exercises from «English Grammar in use» by R. Murthy. Units 43, 44. III. Practice stage. Activities. 1. Pronunciation drills: a) Ss repeat new vocabulary after Teacher in chorus; b) Ss read 1–2 paragraphs of the text aloud. 2. Do ex. 8–9, pp. 8–9. 3. Check up home task: ex. 11, p. 9. 4. Do ex. 13, pp. 9–10 («The nuclei of atoms»). 5. Have Ss translate vocabulary into Russian (English) at a rapid pace. IV. Production stage (development of speaking skills). Activities. 1. Do ex. 16–17, p. 11. V. Summarizing results. Explanation of the home task. 1. Ss do ex. 13, pp. 9–10 («Neutrons»). 2. Ss do ex. 18, p.12. 3. Ss do ex. 8, p. 45 (in writing). 4. Have Ss read aloud (for control reading) 1 or 2 paragraphs from Text 1. Lesson 4 The objectives: 1) to present new grammar material ( Participle I, II); 2) to teach Ss to use topical vocabulary in speaking; 3) to teach Ss to speak on the topic of Text 1; 4) to develop Ss reading techniques (skimming of Text 2). Plan I. Warming-up activities: free talk. II. Introduction stage (presentation of new grammar material).
1. Use the material from «Grammar References», p. 72. Pay attention to the forms of the Participle and its functions in the sentence. Activities for Ss. 2. Do ex. 9–10, pp. 45–46. 3. Check up home task: ex. 8, p. 45. III. Practice stage (revision of topical vocabulary). Activities. 1. Pronunciation drill: a) Ss repeat the vocabulary after Teacher in chorus; b) Ss read aloud a paragraph from Text 1. 2. Ss check up home task: ex. 13, pp. 9–10 (Text 2). 3. Ss translate vocabulary (word combinations and phrases) into Russian (English). IV. Production stage (development of speaking and reading skills). Activities. 1. Check up ex. 18, p. 12. 2. Do ex. 19–20, pp. 12–13. 3. Read Text 2 (skimming). 4. Do ex. 21, 22, 23, p. 13. V. Summarizing results. Explanation of the home task. 1. Ss do ex. 20, p. 13 (make a report about Text 1). 2. Ss do ex. 14, p. 10 (in writing). Lesson 5 The objectives: 1) to teach Ss to understand and use Participle clauses on a sentence level ; 2) to develop Ss reading techniques (content reading skills of Text 2) ; 3) to develop Ss speaking skills on the topic of Text 1. Plan I. Warming-up activities: free talk. II. Introduction stage (peculiarities of rendering participial clauses into Russian). 1. Revision of the main forms of the Participle: ex. 11–12, pp. 46–47. 2. Rendering participial clauses into Russian: ex. 13–14, pp. 47–48, R. Murphy «English Grammar in Use», Unit 67. III. Practice stage (development of content reading skills). Activities. 1. Teacher checks the comprehension of some words and word combinations from Text 2: a) Ss do ex. 23, p. 13; b) Ss search in the text for separate sentences indicated by Teacher in Russian and read them in English;
c) Ss translate the sentences indicated by Teacher from English into Russian; d) Ss do ex. 25–26, p. 15. IV. Production stage (development of speaking skills). Activities. 1. Ss discuss with Teacher the topic of Text 1 (ex. 16, p. 11, ex. 18, p. 12). 2. Ss speak on the topic of Text 1. 3. Ss ask and answer the questions for more information about the topic. V. Summarizing results. Explanation of the home task. 1. Ss do ex. 15, 16, pp. 48–49 (in writing). 2. Ss do ex. 28, p. 15 (for oral work). Lesson 6 The objectives: 1) to teach Ss to render the Absolute Participial Construction in Russian; 2) to develop Ss speaking skills. Plan I. Warming-up activities: free talk. II. Introduction stage (peculiarities of the use and translation of the APC). Activities. 1. Ss check up home task: ex. 15–16, pp. 48–49. 2. Teacher presents new grammar material («Grammar References», pp. 74–75). 3. Ss do ex. 17, p. 49. III. Practice stage. 1. Pronunciation drills (ex. 22–23, p. 13). IV. Production stage (development of speaking skills). Activities. 1. Ss translate word combinations from Russian into English and vice versa at a rapid pace (from Text 2). 2. Ss check up home task: ex. 28, p. 15. 3. Ss do ex. 27, p. 15. 4. Ss ask and answer the questions about Text 2. V. Summarizing results. Explanation of the home task. 1. Ss do ex. 20, pp. 50–51 (in writing). 2. Ss do ex. 29, p. 15 (Text 3) in writing. 3. Have Ss revise topical vocabulary. Lesson 7 The objectives: 1) to revise grammar material (participial clauses and constructions); 2) to revise topical vocabulary of the unit; 3) to develop Ss speaking skills on the topics of the unit.