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Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research, 2020, № 6 (8)

научный журнал
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Артикул: 746406.0001.99
Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research : научный журнал. – Воронеж : АНО Научно-исторический центр "Мировая история", 2020. - № 6 (8). – 75 с. – ISSN 2658-5561. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1184869 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024)
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e-ISSN 2658-5561                                                                                




Journal «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research» 








                             № 8, 2020. 75 с.  

©  Journal «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research» 


 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Publication date: April 3, 2020 
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3707169 


Historical Sciences 





Ermolova, Elena Anatolyevna1, Korablina, Anastasia Mikhailovna2, Kataeva, Marina 

Alekseevna3, Zizemskaya, Nadezhda Ivanovna4, Doronkin, Aleksey 



1Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia 

2Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia 

3Lecturer, Sports Instructor, Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia 

4Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia 

5Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia 




The article deals with physical education of young people in Russia in the context of negative trends in 

modern society. The multidimensional and multi-level study of the phenomenon of physical culture made it 
possible to generalize particular approaches to understanding the essence of physical culture on the basis of 
cultural and pedagogical methodology, to clarify the interaction of physical culture with other types of culture 
and determine its place in the system of cultural values of a person and society, to reveal the systemic 
nature and interrelation of its value-normative, institutional and activity aspects.  

Keywords: culture, education, sport, society, country. 



The problems of improving the level of physical education have recently become particularly relevant. 

This is primarily due to its objective role in improving the quality of human life. The level of development of 
physical culture, health and active longevity are the most important prerequisites for the realization of human 
potential and are currently considered one of the leading criteria for social progress.  

The relevance of the research topic is also related to the strengthening of negative trends in the 

structure of the lifestyle of modern youth, which have negative consequences for the health of both the 
individual and society as a whole. The level of psychophysical culture is significantly reduced, which is 
associated with a sharp increase in information and emotional stress, poor technological equipment of the 
population to overcome stressful situations.  


 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 




The decrease in the level of health of the population is confirmed by an increase in deviant behavior 

(alcohol, drugs), an increase in the number of psychopathologies and a decrease in the overall health 
indicators of people.  

The other extreme of this problem is an excessive fascination with instrumental sports indicators, the 

absolutization of physical characteristics of a person.  

As a result, a one-sided personality is formed, unable to reveal its potential, revealed by nature. Thus, 

the relevance of the article lies in the contradiction of the objective potential of physical education in 
improving physical and motor qualities, enriching the spiritual world of a person, creating conditions for selfrealization of an individual in the context of an educational environment. 




The research methodology was based on a set of mutually complementary methods of sociological, 

socio-psychological and, above all, pedagogical analysis. The leading research methods were various 
modifications of observations, surveys, interviews, and expert assessment.  

A special place was taken by a socio-pedagogical experiment on the basis of the Department of 

Physical Education of  Voronezh State Technical University. The subject of scientific analysis was physical 
education as part of the student grid hours, as well as the work of sports sections and schools. 




The study of the various facets of the phenomenon of physical culture has its own history, the 

established methodology, categorical apparatus. A large volume of publications is devoted to the 
optimization of the conditions for the formation of physical culture and the improvement of the process of 
physical education (V.U. Ageevets, A.G. Barabanov, P.V. Bundzen, P.A. Vinogradov, M.Ya. Vilensky, Yu.A. 
Gagin, S.P. Evseev, I.M. Kozlov, V.F. Kostyuchenko, V.I. Lyakh, L.P. Matveev).  

Of greatest interest in the context of this article is the study of Yu.M. Nikolayeva, in which physical 

culture is analyzed in the ratio of biological and social, bodily and spiritual in a person, and is considered 
from the perspective of the macrostructure and data from interdisciplinary research. Physical exercises as a 
kind of activity slice of culture from the point of view of their influence on a person are considered by  as a 
methodological basis for understanding the multifaceted and integrative essence of physical culture as a 
whole, the formation of its theory, the most complete realization of its potential in the pedagogical process.  

For all the breadth of the development of problems of physical culture in studies of recent years, there 

have been significant contradictions between the high objective requirements of society for health, physical 
development, physical fitness of people and the low level of development of physical culture. 




A systematic study of various aspects and facets of physical culture has shown that an adequate 

understanding of the nature and functions of physical culture, its true role and place both in individual life and 
in the history of human civilizations is an essential factor in optimizing the functioning of physical culture. 

This understanding is provided on the basis of a socio-pedagogical methodology that can combine 

existing approaches to the study of various aspects of physical culture and reinterpret information obtained in 
various areas of social and humanitarian knowledge.  


 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 






Changes in physical activity needs with increasing age of children and adolescents. 


The implementation of the socio-cultural approach of the methodology makes it possible to increase 

the effectiveness of special training for managers and organizers of physical education by strengthening the 
historical and cultural aspects of physical culture, adapting various cultural practices focused on the 
development and improvement of the physical and mental nature of a person. Cultural analysis provides a 
methodological basis for overcoming the contradiction in the system of physical education and upbringing 
between the historical, cultural and technological potential of physical culture and the level of its 
development in the educational process by expanding the educational issues, developing programs that 
ensure the development of not only technological, but also spiritual, valuable, intellectual wealth of physical 
culture, to optimize the social conditions of physical culture functioning, which should be considered as a 
direct object of targeted state policy.  

At the same time, the effectiveness of the state policy in the field of physical culture will largely be 

determined by its focus on the approval of a healthy lifestyle in the public consciousness as a socio-cultural 
and personal value. 




The definition of the essence of physical culture, its levels allowed us to clarify those aspects of it that 

can and should be considered as the subject of historical and cultural analysis. The cultural aspect of the 
analysis, fixing the inseparable unity of the value-normative and technological aspects of physical culture, 
allows to significantly increase the role and importance of the personal factor, which, in turn, is a necessary 
condition for building a system of physical education, taking into account the understanding of the integral 
essence of a person, his natural and spiritual, somatopsychic and socio-cultural unity.  





 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 





The theoretical results of the cultural analysis of physical culture expand the boundaries of 

understanding the essence and functions of this phenomenon, and determine the directions for further 
research of physical culture as a socio-cultural phenomenon. 




Annesi, J. J., W. L. Westcott, A. D. Faigenbaum, and J. L. Unruh. (2005). Effects of a 12-week 

physical activity protocol delivered by YMCA after-school counselors (Youth Fit for Life) on fitness and selfefficacy changes in 5-12-year-old boys and girls. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport № 76(4) Pp. 
468-476. (in Engl). 

Ashmarov I.A. (2014). Influence of personal qualities of students in the process of training on the 

performance of the process of professional formation and development. Professional orientation. №. 1. Pp. 
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Ashmarov I.A., Ershov B.A. (2019). The role of Russian spiritual education in the formation of culture 

in the social society of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. The border region in historical 
development: partnership and cooperation Materials of the international scientific and practical conference 
dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Victory of Soviet and Mongolian troops on the Khalkhin-Gol River. 
Pp. 50-53. (in Russ). 

Ashmarov I.A., Stepanova L.V. (2014). To sport has become out of politics. Russia in world wars and 

international conflicts (to the 100th anniversary of the First World War): proceedings of an international 
conference. Voronezh: Voronezh State Technical University. Part 2. Pp. 130-135. (in Russ). 

Bailey, R. (2006). Physical education and sport in schools: A review of benefits and outcomes. Journal 

of School Health № 76(8) Pp. 397-401. (in Engl). 

Baquet, G., S. Berthoin, G. Dupont, N. Blondel, C. Fabre, and E. Van Praagh. (2002). Effects of high 

intensity intermittent training on peak VO(2) in prepubertal children. International Journal of Sports Medicine 
№ 23(6) Pp.439. (in Engl). 

Caspersen, C. J., K. E. Powell, and G. M. Christenson. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and 

physical fitness: Definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public Health Reports № 100(2) Pp. 
126. (in Engl). 

Depres, J. P., and B. Lamarche. (2000). Physical activity and the metabolic complications of obesity. 

In Physical activity and obesity, edited by C. Bouchard. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Pp. 331-354. (in 

Digelidis, N., A. Papaioannou, K. Laparidis, and T. Christodoulidis. (2003). A one-year intervention in 

7th grade physical education classes aiming to change motivational climate and attitudes towards exercise. 
Psychology of Sport and Exercise № 4(3) Pp. 195-210. (in Engl). 

Dishman, R. K., R. W. Motl, R. Saunders, G. Felton, D. S. Ward, M. Dowda, and R. R. Pate. (2005). 

Enjoyment mediates effects of a school-based physical-activity intervention. Medicine and Science in Sports 
and Exercise  № 37(3) Pp. 478-487. (in Engl). 







 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 




Ershov B.A., Ashmarov I.A., Bulavin R.V., Fursov V.N., Muhina N.E. (2017). Tolerance in structure of 

spiritual and moral values of modern societies. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural 
Sciences. Pp. 311-318. (in Engl).  

Ershov B.A., Perevozchikova L.S., Romanova E.V., Ashmarov I.A. (2019) The Concept of Spirituality 

in Social Philosophy. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies.  Т. 139. Pp. 688-694. (in Engl). 

Fursov V.N., Ershov B.A., Lubkin Y.Y. (2016) The participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 

patriotic education of the young generation in modern Russia. News of the Voronezh State Pedagogical 
University. №. 1 (270). Pp. 147-150. (in Russ) 

Gladkikh O.V., Ermilova O.Yu., Zobova O.A., Borlyuk I.A., Shcherbinina L.I. (2019) The Value of 

Physical Culture and Sports in the Student Environment in Modern Russia. Bulletin Social-Economic and 
Humanitarian Research. № 2 (4). Pp. 82-88. (in Engl) 

Nefedova E.V., Kozlovtseva E.A., Lubkin Y.Y., Ezhova A.V. (2018) The use of the circular training 

method to improve the physical preparedness of students of special medical groups in physical education 
classes. Uchenye Zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgaft. №. 3 (157). Pp. 229-232. (in Russ) 


 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 







Ермолова Елена Анатольевна1, Кораблина Анастасия Михайловна2, Катаева 

Марина Алексеевна3, Зиземская Надежда Ивановна4, Доронкин Алексей 



1Старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет,  

Воронеж, Россия 

2Преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет,  

Воронеж, Россия 

3Преподаватель, инструктор по спорту,  Воронежский государственный технический 


Воронеж, Россия 

4Старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет,  

Воронеж, Россия 

5Преподаватель, инструктор по спорту,  Воронежский государственный технический 


Воронеж, Россия 




Статья посвящена проблеме физического воспитания молодежи в России в контексте 

негативных тенденций современного общества.  

Многомерное и многоуровневое изучение феномена физической культуры позволило обобщить 

частные подходы к пониманию сущности физической культуры на основе культурно-педагогической 
методологии, уточнить взаимодействие физической культуры с другими видами культуры и 
определить ее место в системе культурных ценностей личности и общества, выявить системный 
характер и взаимосвязь ее ценностно-нормативного, институционального и деятельностного 

Ключевые слова: культура, образование, спорт, общество, страна. 





результативность процесса профессионального становления и развития // Профессиональная 
ориентация. 2014. № 1. С. 13-31. 




 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Ашмаров И.А., Ершов Б.А. Роль российского духовного образования в формировании культуры 

в светском обществе XIX - начала XX века // В сборнике: Приграничный регион в историческом 

конференции, посвящённой 80-летию Победы советских и монгольских войск на реке Халхин-Гол. 
2019. С. 50-53. 

Ашмаров И.А., Степанова Л.В. Чтобы спорт стал вне политики. Россия в мировых войнах и 

международных конфликтах (к 100-летию Первой мировой войны): труды международной 
конференции. Воронеж: Воронежский государственный технический университет, 2014. Часть 2. С. 

Annesi, J. J., W. L. Westcott, A. D. Faigenbaum, and J. L. Unruh. (2005). Effects of a 12-week 

physical activity protocol delivered by YMCA after-school counselors (Youth Fit for Life) on fitness and selfefficacy changes in 5-12-year-old boys and girls. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport № 76(4) Pp. 
468-476. (in Engl). 

Bailey, R. (2006). Physical education and sport in schools: A review of benefits and outcomes. Journal 

of School Health № 76(8) Pp. 397-401. (in Engl). 

Baquet, G., S. Berthoin, G. Dupont, N. Blondel, C. Fabre, and E. Van Praagh. (2002). Effects of high 

intensity intermittent training on peak VO(2) in prepubertal children. International Journal of Sports Medicine 
№ 23(6) Pp.439. (in Engl). 

Caspersen, C. J., K. E. Powell, and G. M. Christenson. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and 

physical fitness: Definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public Health Reports № 100(2) Pp. 
126. (in Engl). 

Depres, J. P., and B. Lamarche. (2000). Physical activity and the metabolic complications of obesity. 

In Physical activity and obesity, edited by C. Bouchard. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Pp. 331-354. (in 

Digelidis, N., A. Papaioannou, K. Laparidis, and T. Christodoulidis. (2003). A one-year intervention in 

7th grade physical education classes aiming to change motivational climate and attitudes towards exercise. 
Psychology of Sport and Exercise № 4(3) Pp. 195-210. (in Engl). 

Dishman, R. K., R. W. Motl, R. Saunders, G. Felton, D. S. Ward, M. Dowda, and R. R. Pate. (2005). 

Enjoyment mediates effects of a school-based physical-activity intervention. Medicine and Science in Sports 
and Exercise  № 37(3) Pp. 478-487. (in Engl). 

Ershov B.A., Ashmarov I.A., Bulavin R.V., Fursov V.N., Muhina N.E. (2017). Tolerance in structure of 

spiritual and moral values of modern societies. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural 
Sciences. Pp. 311-318. (in Engl).  

Ershov B.A., Perevozchikova L.S., Romanova E.V., Ashmarov I.A. (2019) The Concept of Spirituality 

in Social Philosophy. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies.  Т. 139. Pp. 688-694. (in Engl). 

Fursov V.N., Ershov B.A., Lubkin Y.Y. (2016) The participation of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 

patriotic education of the young generation in modern Russia. News of the Voronezh State Pedagogical 
University. №. 1 (270). Pp. 147-150. (in Russ) 

Gladkikh O.V., Ermilova O.Yu., Zobova O.A., Borlyuk I.A., Shcherbinina L.I. (2019) The Value of 

Physical Culture and Sports in the Student Environment in Modern Russia. Bulletin Social-Economic and 
Humanitarian Research. № 2 (4). Pp. 82-88. (in Engl) 

Nefedova E.V., Kozlovtseva E.A., Lubkin Y.Y., Ezhova A.V. (2018) The use of the circular training 

method to improve the physical preparedness of students of special medical groups in physical education 
classes. Uchenye Zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgaft. №. 3 (157). Pp. 229-232. (in Russ) 




 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 



Publication date: April 12, 2020 
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3715106 


Historical Sciences 






Ashmarov, Igor Anatol’evich1 


1Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of RAE, 

Voronezh State Institute of Arts (VGII) 

394077, st. General Lizyukova, 42, Voronezh, Voronezh Region, Russia 




The article considers modern Orthodox periodicals that are of interest to historical scholars as 

sources, as well as the concept of source studies in the modern perspective of the situation of the Russian 
Orthodox Church. The author of the article considers the modern media of the two dioceses of the Russian 
Orthodox Church: Voronezh and St. Petersburg, as well as their social significance. 

The article analyzes the printed and electronic editions of the St. Petersburg diocese "Living Water", 

reflects the ideological and thematic originality and purpose of this church magazine. The result of the 
author’s work is certain conclusions that reproduce the discourse of the Russian Orthodox Church in modern 
printed Russian media. 

Keywords: church mass media, diocesan periodicals of the Russian Orthodox Church, mass media of 

the Voronezh diocese, mass media of the St. Petersburg diocese. 



Church media play a large role in the life of the Church and in the life of society as a whole. Church 

media perform an important educational function and organize the religious consciousness of people. The 
dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church develop their own diocesan media and conduct a large 
educational work with the population. In order to support the diocesan media, the Synodal Information 
Department of the Russian Orthodox Church created the Orthodox Bulletin project («Pravoslavnyy vestnik»). 
This project will help in the development of the regional Orthodox press. Participants in this project in the 
regions will be able to receive a ready-made monthly layout of an Orthodox newspaper every month, which 
they can then use both for printing a separate publication and as a thematic tab in any other media. 



 ©  Journal  «Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research»,  № 6 (8), 2020, e-ISSN 2658-5561 


  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 





The article uses a wide variety of methods, including the method of abstraction, the historical method, 

the associated retrospective method, typological and analytical research methods. The work collected 
certain empirical material, which was subjected to research analysis. Statistical material and the statistical 
method of scientific research are also used. 




In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a revival of the press system of the Russian Orthodox Church 

began. Moreover, this formation took place using the experience of publishing in the Russian Orthodox 
Church of the 19th century. 

The press system of the Russian Orthodox Church was formed at the beginning of the 19th century, 

and by the middle of the Russian Orthodox Church there was a wide network of periodicals designed for 
various groups of the population. There were both purely scientific and theological publications aimed at the 
public of scholarly theologians and at the highest church hierarchy, as well as heterodox publications that 
performed the functions of religious and moral education, catechism, religious edifying, and official chronicle. 

The reason for the emergence of a wide network of publications of the Russian Orthodox Church was 

published in the first issues of many newspapers and journals published in that period. So, the task of the 
theological journal «Vera i tserkov'» («Faith and Church») was to answer "to the requests of religious thought 
and the spiritual life of modern society, to counteract rationalism and unbelief". The journal «Pravoslavnyy 
sobesednik» explained the process of the emergence of church periodicals as the need for the convergence 
of Orthodoxy and secular life. These publications, by their nature and type, were divided by tasks and 

The official publication of the Holy and Governing Synod was the weekly «Tserkovnyye vedomosti» 

(“Church News”), where each issue consisted of three sections: «Vysochayshiye poveleniya», 
«Vysochayshiye nagrady», «Vysochayshaya blagodarnost'». In addition, the journal «Pravoslavnyy 
blagovestnik» (“Orthodox Evangelist”), which as an organ of the Orthodox Missionary Society, enjoyed the 
highest patronage of the imperial family, belonged to it. 

Scientific and theological journals were published mainly at theological educational institutions. One of 

the oldest academic periodicals was the journal «Khristianskoye chteniye» («Christian Reading»), which was 
published at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and appeared in the first quarter of the 19th century. 
The journal had five sections: on the creations of the Holy Fathers, on research and discussions on the 
Christian religion, on Christian teachings, on spiritual history and instructive thoughts. 

Academic theological journals have been devoted to research in theological thought. Such 

academicism did not correspond to the nature of periodicals; therefore, these publications were calculated 
on a narrow circle of readers. For this reason, many publications began to move away from their narrow 
focus and began to create a new theological, secular-oriented periodical. But the very nature of the 
theological academic publication did not have the opportunity to popularize complex theological problems. 

And since such a need existed, in 1902 in St. Petersburg began to publish a church-public journal 

«Pravoslavnoye russkoye slovo» (“The Orthodox Russian Word”). It stated that, unlike a number of other 
spiritual bodies that served as “academic theological science” and offered to read “not always accustomed to 
the vital issues and vital interests of "society". It will take a number of measures for "greater communication 
with society" [9]. 

In the same era, a new type of folk church journal arose, which extended to all age categories and 

was intended primarily for family reading, reading in temples and school reading. Journals for Sunday 
reading belonged to this group, so many of them had the names «Voskresen'ye», «Voskresnyy den'», 
«Voskresnyy blagovestnik» («Sunday Evangelist»). The publications were religiously edifying in nature and 
were intended mainly for family reading.