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Questions. Answers. Tags. Вопросы. Ответы. Теги

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Изучение любого языка — это практика, постоянное повторение и привычка, желание создать полный список начал вопросительных предложений, а так же кратких ответов, натолкнуло меня на создание этой книжки с простым и современным названием. Порядок слов в английском языке очень важен. А так как в русском языке существует относительно свободный порядок слов в предложении, изучающим английский язык не сразу приходит на ум правильная конструкция фраз. Дело осложняется наличием в английском языке вспомогательных глаголов. Выучив эти нехитрые сочетания слов, вы быстрее начнёте строить правильные по форме вопросы и давать адекватные ответы. Пусть эта книжка станет для вас карманным тренажёром английской грамматики!
Невзоров, А. А. Questions. Answers. Tags. Вопросы. Ответы. Теги : учебное пособие / А. А. Невзоров. — Москва : ФЛИНТА, 2017. — 29 с. - ISBN 978-5-9765-3006-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1090698 (дата обращения: 04.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
УДК 811.111(075.8) 
ББК  81.432.1 

Невзоров А.А. 
Н40     Questions. Answers. Tags. Вопросы. Ответы. Теги [Электронный 
ресурс] / А.А. Невзоров. — М. : ФЛИНТА, 2017. — 29 с. 

ISBN 978-5-9765-3006-5 

Изучение любого языка — это практика, постоянное повторение и 
предложений, а так же кратких ответов, натолкнуло меня на создание этой 
книжки с простым и современным названием.  
Порядок слов в английском языке очень важен. А так как в русском 
языке существует относительно свободный порядок слов в предложении, 
изучающим английский язык не сразу приходит  на ум правильная 
конструкция фраз. Дело осложняется наличием в английском языке 
вспомогательных глаголов. Выучив эти нехитрые сочетания слов, вы быстрее 
начнѐте строить правильные по форме вопросы и давать адекватные ответы.   
Пусть эта книжка станет для вас карманным тренажѐром английской 
УДК 811.111(075.8) 
ББК  81.432.1 

ISBN 978-5-9765-3006-5
 © Невзоров А.А., 2017 
   © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2017 


16. Positive tags…………………………..…….18

2. Questions to You………………………........4
17. Negative tags………………………….…..19

3. Questions to Us………………………...……..5
18. Positive short……………………….……..20

4. Questions to Them……………………..…...6
19. Negative short………………………..….21

5. Questions to Him………………………........7
20. What………………………………………..…22

6. Questions to Her……………………….…..…8
21. Why………………………………………...…23

7. Questions to It……………………………..…..9
22. When……………………………………….…24

8. Questions to Me……………………….….…10
23. How…………………………………………...25

9. Negative to You………………………….…..11
24. Where…………………………………….….26

10.Negative to Us…………………………….…12
25. Who (object)………………………………27

11. Negative to Them…………………….……13

12. Negative to Him……………………….…...14

13. Negative to Her………………………….….15

14. Negative to It……………………………….. 16

15. Negative to Me………………………….....17


Порядок слов в английском языке очень важен. А так как в русском языке существует относительно свободный порядок 
слов в предложении, изучающим английский язык не сразу приходит  на ум правильная конструкция фраз. Дело 
осложняется наличием в английском языке вспомогательных глаголов, которые понятны русскоязычному человеку 
разве что в прошедшем времени, и то только was/were, но не did. 

Задавая вопрос  по-русски, мы ставим подлежащее сразу после вопросительного слова, например, 

 «Почему мы учимся?» 

В английском же нам просто необходим вспомогательный глагол: 

«Why do we study?» 

На вопрос «Вы учитесь?» русские отвечают «Да, учимся», в то время как англичане на фразу «Do you study? » дают ответ 
«Yes, we do», то есть используют в ответе не смысловой глагол,  а вспомогательный. К этому надо привыкнуть. Так же 
как и к «вопросам с хвостиком» (tag questions). 

Конечно, уроки грамматики тренируют подобные конструкции, но так как изучение любого языка – это практика, 
постоянное повторение и привычка, желание создать полный список начал вопросительных предложений, а так же 
кратких ответов, натолкнуло меня на создание этой книжки.  

Выучив эти нехитрые сочетания слов, вы быстрее начнёте строить правильные по форме вопросы и давать адекватные 

Questions TO YOU 

How are you, 

What are you, 

Where are you, 

Who are you, 

Why are you, 

When are you? 

How do you, 

What do you, 

Where do you, 

Who do you, 

Why do you, 

When do you? 

How were you, 

What were you, 

Where were you, 

Who were you, 

Why were you, 

When were you? 

How did you, 

What did you, 

Where did you, 

Who did you, 

Why did you, 

When did you? 

How will you, 

What will you, 

Where will you, 

Who will you, 

Why will you, 

When will you? 

How have you, 

What have you, 

Where have you, 

Who have you, 

Why have you, 

When have you? 

How had you, 

What had you, 

Where had you, 

Who had you, 

Why had you, 

When had you? 

How can you, 

What can you, 

Where can you, 

Who can you, 

Why can you, 

When can you? 

How could you, 

What could you, 

Where could you, 

Who could you, 

Why could you, 

When could you? 

How would you, 

What would you, 

Where would you, 

Who would you, 

Why would you, 

When would you? 

How should you, 

What should you, 

Where should you, 

Who should you, 

Why should you, 

When should you? 

How may you, 

What may you, 

Where may you, 

Who may you, 

Why may you, 

When may you? 

Questions TO US 

How are we, 

What are we, 

Where are we, 

Who are we, 

Why are we, 

When are we? 

How do we, 

What do we, 

Where do we, 

Who do we, 

Why do we, 

When do we? 

How were we, 

What were we, 

Where were we, 

Who were we, 

Why were we, 

When were we? 

How did we, 

What did we, 

Where did we, 

Who did we, 

Why did we, 

When did we? 

How will we, 

What will we, 

Where will we, 

Who will we, 

Why will we, 

When will we? 

How have we, 

What have we, 

Where have we, 

Who have we, 

Why have we, 

When have we? 

How had we, 

What had we, 

Where had we, 

Who had we, 

Why had we, 

When had we? 

How can we, 

What can we, 

Where can we, 

Who can we, 

Why can we, 

When can we? 

How could we, 

What could we, 

Where could we, 

Who could we, 

Why could we, 

When could we? 

How would we, 

What would we, 

Where would we, 

Who would we, 

Why would we, 

When would we? 

How should we, 

What should we, 

Where should we, 

Who should we, 

Why should we, 

When should we? 

How may we, 

What may we, 

Where may we, 

Who may we, 

Why may we, 

When may we? 

Questions TO THEM

How are they, 

What are they, 

Where are they, 

Who are they, 

Why are they, 

When are they? 

How do they, 

What do they, 

Where do they, 

Who do they, 

Why do they, 

When do they? 

How were they, 

What were they, 

Where were they, 

Who were they, 

Why were they, 

When were they? 

How did they, 

What did they, 

Where did they, 

Who did they, 

Why did they, 

When did they? 

How will they, 

What will they, 

Where will they, 

Who will they, 

Why will they, 

When will they? 

How have they, 

What have they, 

Where have they, 

Who have they, 

Why have they, 

When have they? 

How had they, 

What had they, 

Where had they, 

Who had they, 

Why had they, 

When had they? 

How can they, 

What can they, 

Where can they, 

Who can they, 

Why can they, 

When can they? 

How could they, 

What could they, 

Where could they, 

Who could they, 

Why could they, 

When could they? 

How would they, 

What would they, 

Where would they, 

Who would they, 

Why would they, 

When would they? 

How should they, 

What should they, 

Where should they, 

Who should they, 

Why should they, 

When should they? 

How may they, 

What may they, 

Where may they, 

Who may they, 

Why may they, 

When may they? 

Questions TO HIM

How is he, 

What is he, 

Where is he, 

Who is he, 

Why is he, 

When is he? 

How does he, 

What does he, 

Where does he, 

Who does he, 

Why does he, 

When does he? 

How was he, 

What was he, 

Where was he, 

Who was he, 

Why was he, 

When was he? 

How did he, 

What did he, 

Where did he, 

Who did he, 

Why did he, 

When did he? 

How will he, 

What will he, 

Where will he, 

Who will he, 

Why will he, 

When will he? 

How has he, 

What has he, 

Where has he, 

Who has he, 

Why has he, 

When has he? 

How had he, 

What had he, 

Where had he, 

Who had he, 

Why had he, 

When had he? 

How can he, 

What can he, 

Where can he, 

Who can he, 

Why can he, 

When can he? 

How could he, 

What could he, 

Where could he, 

Who could he, 

Why could he, 

When could he? 

How would he, 

What would he, 

Where would he, 

Who would he, 

Why would he, 

When would he? 

How should he, 

What should he, 

Where should he, 

Who should he, 

Why should he, 

When should he? 

How may he, 

What may he, 

Where may he, 

Who may he, 

Why may he, 

When may he? 

Questions TO HER

How is she, 

What is she, 

Where is she, 

Who is she, 

Why is she, 

When is she? 

How does she, 

What does she, 

Where does she, 

Who does she, 

Why does she, 

When does she? 

How was she, 

What was she, 

Where was she, 

Who was she, 

Why was she, 

When was she? 

How did she, 

What did she, 

Where did she, 

Who did she, 

Why did she, 

When did she? 

How will she, 

What will she, 

Where will she, 

Who will she, 

Why will she, 

When will she? 

How has she, 

What has she, 

Where has she, 

Who has she, 

Why has she, 

When has she? 

How had she, 

What had she, 

Where had she, 

Who had she, 

Why had she, 

When had she? 

How can she, 

What can she, 

Where can she, 

Who can she, 

Why can she, 

When can she? 

How could she, 

What could she, 

Where could she, 

Who could she, 

Why could she, 

When could she? 

How would she, 

What would she, 

Where would she, 

Who would she, 

Why would she, 

When would she? 

How should she, 

What should she, 

Where should she, 

Who should she, 

Why should she, 

When should she? 

How may she, 

What may she, 

Where may she, 

Who may she, 

Why may she, 

When may she? 

Questions TO IT

How is it, 

What is it, 

Where is it, 

Who is it, 

Why is it, 

When is it? 

How does it, 

What does it, 

Where does it, 

Who does it, 

Why does it, 

When does it? 

How was it, 

What was it, 

Where was it, 

Who was it, 

Why was it, 

When was it? 

How did it, 

What did it, 

Where did it, 

Who did it, 

Why did it, 

When did it? 

How will it, 

What will it, 

Where will it, 

Who will it, 

Why will it, 

When will it? 

How has it, 

What has it, 

Where has it, 

Who has it, 

Why has it, 

When has it? 

How had it, 

What had it, 

Where had it, 

Who had it, 

Why had it, 

When had it? 

How can it, 

What can it, 

Where can it, 

Who can it, 

Why can it, 

When can it? 

How could it, 

What could it, 

Where could it, 

Who could it, 

Why could it, 

When could it? 

How would it, 

What would it, 

Where would it, 

Who would it, 

Why would it, 

When would it? 

How should it, 

What should it, 

Where should it, 

Who should it, 

Why should it, 

When should it? 

How may it, 

What may it, 

Where may it, 

Who may it, 

Why may it, 

When may it? 

Questions TO ME

How am I, 

What am I, 

Where am I, 

Who am I, 

Why am I, 

When am I? 

How do I, 

What do I, 

Where do I, 

Who do I, 

Why do I, 

When do I? 

How was I, 

What was I, 

Where was I, 

Who was I, 

Why was I, 

When was I? 

How did I, 

What did I, 

Where did I, 

Who did I, 

Why did I, 

When did I? 

How will I, 

What will I, 

Where will I, 

Who will I, 

Why will I, 

When will I? 

How have I, 

What have I, 

Where have I, 

Who have I, 

Why have I, 

When have I? 

How had I, 

What had I, 

Where had I, 

Who had I, 

Why had I, 

When had I? 

How can I, 

What can I, 

Where can I, 

Who can I, 

Why can I, 

When can I? 

How could I, 

What could I, 

Where could I, 

Who could I, 

Why could I, 

When could I? 

How would I, 

What would I, 

Where would I, 

Who would I, 

Why would I, 

When would I? 

How should I, 

What should I, 

Where should I, 

Who should I, 

Why should I, 

When should I? 

How may I, 

What may I, 

Where may I, 

Who may I, 

Why may I, 

When may I? 

Negative TO YOU 

How aren’t you,

What aren’t you,

Where aren’t you,

Who aren’t you, 

Why aren’t you,

When aren’t you? 

How don’t you,

What don’t you,

Where don’t you,

Who don’t you,

Why don’t you,

When don’t you? 

How weren’t you,

What weren’t you,

Where weren’t you,

Who weren’t you,

Why weren’t you,

When weren’t you? 

How didn’t you,

What didn’t you,

Where didn’t you,

Who didn’t you,

Why didn’t you,

When didn’t you? 

How won’t you,

What won’t you,

Where won’t you,

Who won’t you,

Why won’t you,

When won’t you? 

How haven’t you,

What haven’t you,

Where haven’t you,

Who haven’t you,

Why haven’t you,

When haven’t you? 

How had you, 

What had you, 

Where had you, 

Who had you, 

Why had you, 

When had you? 

How can’t you,

What can’t you,

Where can’t you,

Who can’t you,

Why can’t you,

When can’t you? 

How couldn’t you,

What couldn’t you,

Where couldn’t you,

Who couldn’t you,

Why couldn’t you,

When couldn’t you? 

How wouldn’t you,

What wouldn’t you,

Where wouldn’t 

Who wouldn’t you,

Why wouldn’t you,

When wouldn’t 

How shouldn’t you,

What shouldn’t you,


Where shouldn’t you, 

Who shouldn’t you,

Why shouldn’t you,

When shouldn’t you? 

How may not you, 

What may not you, 

Where may not you, 

Who may not you, 

Why may not you, 

When may not you? 

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