English for Secretaries. Advanced Level
Английский язык для секретарей (продвинутый уровень)
Английский язык
Казарова Елена Исаевна
Год издания: 2019
Кол-во страниц: 94
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-89349-579-9
Артикул: 720927.01.99
Цель пособия — ознакомить студентов с широким спектром профессиональной деятельности секретаря, совершенствовать навыки делового английского языка. Методические задачи пособия состоят в совершенствовании умений речевой иноязычной деятельности: профессионального чтения, анализа информации из оригинальных источников, комментирования и дискуссии. Упражнения, сопровождающие тексты, носяткоммуникативный характер и способствуют активации навыков речевой деятельности посредством дискуссий и ролевых игр. Данное пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов, обучающихся по специальности «Офисные технологии» (секретарь, менеджер офиса), а также тех, кто специализируется в деловом английском.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 38.03.02: Менеджмент
- 45.03.02: Лингвистика
- ВО - Магистратура
- 38.04.02: Менеджмент
- 45.04.02: Лингвистика
- ВО - Специалитет
- 45.05.01: Перевод и переводоведение
- Аспирантура
- 45.06.01: Языкознание и литературоведение
- Адъюнктура
- 45.07.01: Языкознание и литературоведение
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Н а у ч н ы й р е д а к т о р Н.А. Дударева Р е ц е н з е н т : кафедра интенсивного изучения английского языка Ивановского государственного энергетического университета Казарова Е.И. English for Secretaries. Advanced Level. Английский язык для секретарей (продвинутый уровень): учеб. пособие [Электронный ре-сурс] / Е.И. Казарова. — 3-е изд., стер. — М.: ФЛИНТА, 2019. — 94 с. ISBN 978-5893495799 Цель пособия — ознакомить студентов с широким спектром профессиональной деятельности секретаря, совершенствовать навыки делового английского языка. Методические задачи пособия состоят в совершенствовании умений речевой иноязычной деятельности: профессионального чтения, анализа информации из оригинальных источников, комментирования и дискуссии. Упражнения, сопровождающие тексты, носят коммуникативный характер и способствуют активации навыков речевой деятельности посредством дискуссий и ролевых игр. Данное пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов, обучающихся по специальности «Офисные технологии» (секретарь, менеджер офиса), а также тех, кто специализируется в деловом английском. УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2Англ ISBN 978-5893495799 © Е.И. Казарова, 2014 © Издательство «ФЛИНТА», 2014 УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.2Англ К14
Contents Part I The Secretary in the Modern Business World 4 1. Job Title 4 2. The Secretary’s Changing Role in the Corporation 6 3. Professional Secretarial Competency 9 4. Interpersonal Relations 11 5. Your Image 14 6. You and Your Supervisor 15 7. The Advancement Ladder 17 8. Your First Job 20 9. Preparing for the Interview 22 Part II The Secretary in the Automated Office 25 1. Automation is the Basis of Office Work 25 2. Word Processing 27 3. Telephone Company Services in the USA 30 4. Advanced Business Telecommunications 32 5. Electronic Mail 34 6. Ergonomics 36 Part III Business Documents 38 1. Letters, Memoranda, Electronic Mail 38 2. Reports 49 3. Re´sume´s and Letters of Application 55 Part IV Professional Secretaries’ Experiences 71 1. Job Descriptions for the ‘90S 71 2. What Is Professionalism? 77 3. Administration 2000 80 4. Office Romance 87 5. Making a Solid First Impression in Your New Job 91 Bibliographical List 93
Part I THE SECRETARY IN THE MODERN BUSINESS WORLD In this part you will get the main idea about the role of the secretary in the business world. The secretarial profession is unique and diversified as a secretary is the principal person in any office environment whether it is a dentist’s clinic or a big international corporation headquarters. Read the following texts, answer the questions, make summaries, set group discussions on the most important issues. 1. Job Title The original meaning of the word secretary had nothing to do with people; it was a piece of furniture used for writing. Today, as executives routinely refer to their desktop computer terminals as «my electronic secretary», there is real temptation to let evolution take its course, and to let secretary come to mean the electronic equipment or furniture used to provide automated information and office management services. But what of the millions of people who’ve invested time and energy into becoming good secretaries? Surely there is a way of affirming the importance of their traditional identity, but in an enlarged definition of their occupation. It would be appropriate to the times as information management and information works are expanding. It would also be more appropriate to the increasing specialization of whitecollar work. Finally, it would more adequately accommodate the career developmental and mobility expectations among the people currently entering or considering the secretarial field. The single job title secretary can refer to an information manager, an information packager, and an information broker. Within the secretarial position there are also many levels of responsibility ranging from following instructions to bearing at least some responsibility for administration and office management. It is important to recognize these differing levels of responsibility, as well as the diverse secretarial functions that can be channeled into more specialized careers, and to formalize them into an oc
cupational standard. At the least, thinking about alternate job titles will help us to clarify what is now only a vague outline of potential career paths. Table 1 illustrates how a new series of occupations could be created. Hence, secretarial services become administrative services and, at the most senior level of responsibility, systems management services. The titles are arbitrary; I have invented them purely for demonstrating what I mean. They’re intended simply as something for you to think about and be guided by as you prepare for the future. Table 1. Career Paths from Secretary to Information Worker Level Presecretarial Secretarial Postsecretarial Middle Management Occupational Title Information technician/machine operator Information processor a ) administrativesystems assistant b) paraprofessional Information processor a) office systems administrator b) professional Systems administrator Executive team Work Function Electrical technician fixing, testing equipment, etc. computer operator word processor operator data entry clerk Database maintenance software support programmer/assistant programmer Computer graphics text composition information brokerage D a t a b a s e m a n a g e m e n t computerassisted administration programming Manager, reference and research manager, information display Systems maintenance and management system analysis and design Computeraided research, a n a l y s i s , p l a n n i n g , a n d decisionmaking
I. Questions: 1. How has the original meaning of the world «secretary» changed? 2. What can the title secretary refer to? 3. What are the levers of responsibility of a secretary? 4. Give the alternative job titles to the «secretary»? 5. Describe work functions corresponding to different occupational titles. II. Discuss in the group what work functions you can fulfil now and what skills you will have to acquire to be a successful secretary. 2. The Secretary’s Changing Role in the Corporation The role of the secretary in today’s office environment has changed dramatically with the introduction of high technology and with changing attitudes toward the office worker’s function. In addition to having office proficiency, secretaries now must be able to work independently and make more decisions within the scope of their individual responsibilities. Instead of merely «taking care of» their supervisors, today’s secretaries are taking on aspects of their supervisors’ jobs. Secretaries make an important contribution to business, academia, human services, and government. The fact that nearly three million secretaries are currently employed in the United States demonstrates the widespread need for qualified people to fill the many job slots available. The secretarial profession is unique in that its scope is as diversified as the number of businesses and agencies that require office workers. A recent study describes the typical secretary as a married woman in her forties with a teenaged child at home. Five out of six of those profiled had more than a highschool education. Just as the profile of the office worker has radically changed in the last ten years, so have the responsibilities of the typical secretary. A job description of general secretarial duties would probably include the following: 1. Answer customer correspondence. 2. Gather research data for reports.
3. Prepare statistical reports involving sales figures or budgetary information. 4. Attend meetings in place of supervisor and report activities that took place. 5. Set up conferences and meetings. 6. Purchase office equipment and participate in the evaluation and selection of some automated office systems. 7. Write a company newsletter. 8. Keep department expenditure records in accordance with a budget. 9. Transcribe documents from dictated media. 10. Make travel arrangements and plan itineraries. 11. Read and sort incoming mail and answer it when necessary. 12. Maintain and organize filing systems. 13. Take minutes at company meetings. 14. Make appointments. 15. Acquaint new employees with company systems and equipment. 16. Supervise one or more employees. Thus the duties required of today’s secretary are far different from those of the stenographer who, in the past, was neither expected nor advised to use independent judgment and initiative in making substantive decisions. Nowhere in this difference more apparent than in the definition of secretary written by Professional Secretaries International: an executive assistant who possesses a mastery of office skills, who demonstrates the ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision, who exercises initiative and judgment, and who makes decisions within the scope of assigned authority. As we know, office automation has permanently affected the role of the secretary. And with the continued development of new telecommunications equipment, secretaries now must be prepared to learn new and more technologically oriented procedures. The secretary who has «technophobia» or a fear of computers, will not survive long in today’s office. The widespread
introduction of this new office technology has created many new career paths for the secretary. For example, many companies have established word processing centеrs that handle standardized contracts, reports, and proposals. As a result, the position of word processing supervisor and trainer has become common in large organizations. Depending on the sophistication of the equipment itself, word processing can be highly technical and can require some data processing knowledge. Sophisticated equipment like the laser printer and graphics terminal may be part of the word processing center. If the word processing equipment is connected to the company’s mainframe computer, access to confidential information and passwordprotected documents may be the responsibility of the word processing supervisor. This is a job requiring far more ability than that needed to supervise a spaceage typing pool. How can you keep up with office automation? Many courses are available for those interested in word processing and data processing. Or, when your company installs word processing equipment, appropriate training will usually be provided by the vendor. Make sure you are trained on the new equipment and that you keep up with the everchanging, everimproving software. Computer technology will be an integral part of every office in the near future. Don’t sell yourself short by avoiding it. I. Questions: 1. What factors have changed the traditional role of the secretary? 2. What makes the secretarial profession so diversified? 3. Enumerate general secretarial duties. 4. Give the definition of «secretary». 5. How has office automation affected the role of the secretary? 6. Describe the work of a world processing center. 7. How can you keep up with office automation? II. Make oral summary of the text. III. Imagine that you are a secretary. Tell about your responsibilities and duties during the last working week.
3. Professional Secretarial Competency Education has become an important factor for today’s secretary. Many secretarial jobs require a college background as well as technical skills. For that reason, continuing education is a must for the secretary aspiring to advance to a higher professional level. More and more companies have made tuition assistance available for employees at the secretarial level to encourage career advancement. The abilities discussed in the next paragraphs are basic requirements for most secretarial jobs. Business Writing You have to be able to write effectively, clearly, and correctly. Since most business communications are read by a number of people inside and outside the organization, the content of any outgoing document must be grammatically correct, concise, and easy to understand. Many guides designed to help you enhance your writing ability are available. Along with a basic writing guide, you should also have a dictionary, a style manual, and a thesaurus at hand. In many ways, business writing is like newspaper reporting. If you follow the «who», «what», «when», «where», and «why» formula used by reporters, you will be able to cover every essential angle of your communication. If you have trouble with writing, many courses are open to you – some of which are geared specifically to the needs of the administrative assistant or secretary. A course in business writing is a sound investment for your career. Knowledge of Business Math and Accounting Knowing basic arithmetic is a necessity in a business environment. Many executives depend on the capability of administrative personnel to compile reports involving percentages of increase and decrease in sales, to perform departmental bookkeeping, or to write budget variance reports. In many cases, a knowledge of simple accounting techniques can mean the difference in job status between a secretary and an administrative or executive assistant. Organization and Planning Time management and organizational skills are solid ingredients for success in secretarial position. The ability to set
priorities and juggle several different tasks at once is necessary to command an efficient workflow. People have different ways of organizing their tasks and you should choose the one most comfortable for you. A common way to organize one’s time is to make a list of things to do and set the order of priority for each item on the list. Some workers plan their time in blocks with different activities scheduled for certain times of the day. Since your time is valuable, it is necessary that other people in the office understand it and realize that you must complete your own scheduled activities on target. If you are in the middle of a detailed, highpriority project and someone else wants to speak with you, schedule a time later on when you can meet with that person. While interruptions are part of your job, you nevertheless need to determine the importance at each interruption. Otherwise, you will never get anything done. If your workload is too heavy and help is at hand, take advantage of it. And don’t be afraid to delegate tasks that can make your own job easier. If you try to do everything yourself in a short time, you may not produce the kind of quality work you can be proud of. Typing and Shorthand Typing speed is still a prerequisite for many secretarial jobs. Toplevel administrative positions often require a typing speed of 60 words per minute or above. Shorthand also is used as a benchmark to measure the skill level of applicants for secretarial positions. Therefore, both of these should be kept at an acceptable performance level. They are of potential value in almost any profession. Shorthand is particularly useful when taking notes or gathering information for research. I. Questions: 1. What abilities are required for most secretarial jobs? 2. Why do you have to write effectively, clearly, and correctly? 3. What writing guides should you have at hand? 4. Why is knowledge of business math and accounting important? 5. What is a common way to organise one’s time? 6. What time management advice will you give to a secretary who fulfils a scheduled highpriority project? 7. What are typing and shorthand requirements?