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Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов : топики, упражнения, диалоги

Гацкевич М.А.
Артикул: 482489.03.99
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350 ₽
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В пособии представлен широкий выбор программных тем, упражнений и диалогов. Каждая тема снабжена словарем, в котором даны новые слова, встречающиеся в тексте. После каждой темы следует ряд вопросов и упражнений, с помощью которых учащиеся смогут закрепить прочитанный материал. Диалоги к темам представляют собой образцы живой английской речи. В них даются обиходные слова и выражения, знание которых поможет ученикам легко вести беседу на английском языке. Пособие может быть использовано учащимися старших классов при подготовке к выпускным экзаменам в 9 и 11-х классах, абитуриентами и всеми изучающими английский язык. Вашему вниманию предлагается также аудиоматериал к книге в формате МР3, который может быть использован для более глубокого изучения материала книги. В дополнение к книге можно приобрести тематический аудиоматериал на диске в формате МР3, подготовленный издательством.
Гацкевич, М.А. Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов : топики, упражнения, диалоги : пособие / М. А. Гацкевич. - Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2011. - 160 с. - ISBN 978-5-9925-0245-9. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1047347 (дата обращения: 30.04.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
УДК 373
ББК 81.2 Англ922
          Г 12

Гацкевич М. А.
Г 12
Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов: Топики, упражнения,
диалоги — СПб.: КАРО, 2011. — 160 с., ил.

ISBN 9785992502459.

В пособии представлен широкий выбор программных тем, упражнений и диалогов. Каждая
тема снабжена словарем, в котором даны новые слова, встречающиеся в тексте. После каждой
темы следует ряд вопросов и упражнений, с помощью которых учащиеся смогут закрепить
прочитанный материал. Диалоги к темам представляют собой образцы живой английской речи.
В них даются обиходные слова и выражения, знание которых поможет ученикам легко вести беседу
на английском языке.
Пособие может быть использовано учащимися старших классов при подготовке к выпускным
экзаменам в 9 и 11х классах, абитуриентами и всеми изучающими английский язык.
Вашему вниманию предлагается также аудиоматериал к книге в формате МР3, который может
быть использован для более глубокого изучения материала книги.

УДК 373
ББК 81.2 Англ922

ISBN ISBN 9785992502459

©  Гацкевич М.А., 2002
©  КАРО, 2002
Все права защищены

В дополнение к книге можно приобрести
тематический аудиоматериал на диске в формате МР3,
подготовленный издательством


Данный сборник предназначен для учащихся средних общеобразовательных школ и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, абитуриентов и всех изучающих английский язык.
Пособие представляет собой сборник устных тем. Для более удобного
использования каждая тема снабжена словарем. Прочитав и переведя
тексты, вы сможете проверить свои знания по данной теме с помощью
большого числа вопросов, включенных в каждый раздел. Эти вопросы
помогут вам в составлении пересказа или написании сочинения по данной теме.
Для простоты усвоения материала часть разделов включает в себя упражнения по темам, предназначенные для лучшего понимания текста.
Диалоги по темам помогут вам в совершенствовании навыков устной речи.
Главной целью этого сборника является подготовка учащихся к свободной беседе по предложенным темам.

About myself and my family
About myself and my family
About myself and my family
About myself and my family
About myself and my family


About myself and my family
About myself and my family
About myself and my family
About myself and my family
About myself and my family

Let me introduce myself. I’m Igor Rostov. Igor
is my first name. Rostov is my surname. I’m fourteen years old. I was born on the 10th of December in 1987 in St. Petersburg.
I’m a pupil. I go to school. I’m in the 9th form.
I’d like to be a computer programmer. I’m good
at Maths and Physics. They are my favourite subjects.
I’m rather tall and slim. My hair is fair. I’ve got
blue eyes. I like to joke and to laugh. I think I’ve
got a sense of humour. I enjoy sport. I play
football. Our team takes part in different football
I want to tell you a few words about my family.
My family is large. There are five of us: my
mother, my father, my brother, my sister and me.
First of all some words about my parents. My
parents have been married for twentyfour years.
My father is fifty years old. He is an engineer. His
name is Boris. He works in the office of a shipbuilding company. He is very experienced. My
father is always busy. He likes his job very much.
My father is a tall man with fair hair and green
eyes. He can make different things with his own
hands. We’ve got a car and my father always repairs our car himself. My father is fond of swimming. When he has some free time we go to the
swimmingpool together.

My mother’s name is Sveta. She is fortyfive
but she looks much younger. She is slim. My
mother has big blue eyes and brown hair. She is
a doctor. She works in a hospital and likes her
profession very much. My mother keeps house
and takes care of us. She is very good at cooking.
She often cooks something tasty for us. We try to
help her about the house.
I’m lucky to have an elder brother. My brother
Oleg is about twentythree. He is married and
has a family of his own. Oleg is a businessman
and his wife Helen is a teacher of English. They
have a small daughter who is two years old. Oleg
is my best friend. I can always turn to him with
my troubles.
My younger sister Olya is only five years old.
Olya goes to the nursery. She is very funny. I like
to spend my free time teaching her something.
Sometimes I take Olya to the Zoo.
My grandparents are retired. They don’t live
with us but I think of them as members of our
family. They often come to see us. My grandparents like gardening. They spend a lot of time in
the country. They grow vegetables and fruit.
I love my family very much. We always help
each other. Everyone in my family is my best

introduce [,IntrA'dju:s] — представлять,
surname ['sA:neIm] — фамилия
to be born [bD:n] — быть рожденным
computer programmer [kAm'pju:tA
'prAuMrBmA] — программист
to be good at — быть способным к
rather ['rC:GA] — довольно, пожалуй
slim — стройный
fair hair [fLA hLA] — светлые волосы
to joke [dZAuk] — шутить
to laugh [lC:f] — смеяться
sense of humour ['hju:mA] — чувство юмора
to go in for smth. — заниматься чемлибо
to take part — принимать участие
to marry ['mBrI] — жениться


shipbuilding — судостроение
experience [Iks'pIArIAns] — опыт
busy ['bIzI] — занятой
to repair [rI'pLA] — чинить, исправлять
to be fond of smth. — увлекаться чемлибо
free — свободный
to take care [kLA] of smb. — заботиться о
tasty ['teIstI] — вкусный
to turn [tA:n] to — обратиться к комулибо
trouble ['trEbl] — беспокойство, проблема,
kindergarten ['kIndA,MC:tn] — детский сад
to be retired [rI'taIAd] — быть на пенсии
gardening ['MC:dnIN] — возделывать, возводить (сад)


Answer the questions. Then write the topic “About myself and my family.”

1. What’s your name?
2. What’s your surname?
3. How old are you?
4. When and where were you born?
5. Are you a pupil?
6. What form are you in?
7. What do you want to be?
8. What is your favourite subject?
9. Are you tall or short?
10. What hair have you got?
11. What colour are your eyes?
12. Do you like to joke?
13. Have you got a sense of humour?
14. What is your favourite sport?
15. Do you go in for sports?
16. Have you or your team ever taken part in competitions?
17. Is your family large? How many are you in the
18. Have you got any sisters or brothers?
19. What are your parents? Where do they work?
Do they like their jobs?
20. How long have your parents been married?
21. What is your father’s name? How old is he?

22. Can you tell us some words about your father?
Is he tall? What is his hair like? What eyes has
he got? Has he got a hobby? What is it?
23. What is your mother’s name? How old is she?
24. Can you describe your mother?
25. Who keeps your house?
26. Does your mother like to cook?
27. Who helps your mother about the house?
28. What are your brothers and sisters? How old
are they?
29. Are your brothers and sisters your best friends?
30. Do you like to spend your free time with them?
31. Are you a theatregoer? With whom do you usually go to the theatre?
32. What are your grandparents?
33. Do they live with your family?
34. Does your family have a country house?
35. Who usually lives there?
36. How often do you go to the country?
37. Do you like to go there?
38. What vegetables and fruit does your family grow
in the country?
39. You love your family, don’t you?
40. Do you help each other?
41. Are you good friends?

Hi! Nice to meet you.
Hello. It’s so good we are travelling together.
Where are you from?
I am from Germany.
You are German, aren’t you?
I don’t know exactly. My mother is half German and half Italian. My father is half Welsh
and half Russian. So what nationality am I?
Oh, it’s really difficult to say!

Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

Are you going to learn Russian?
It is a difficult language. I think we’ll have
good practice in Moscow.
What time do we land in Moscow?
At half past five.
OK. Is it cold in Moscow now?
I don’t think so. It’s about zero.
That’s good. I am going to walk about the

Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

Andrew, tell me about your family.
Andrew: OK.
What’s your father? What’s his job?
Andrew: He is an architect.
And your mother? Is she a housewife?
Andrew: No, she isn’t. She is a journalist.
Do they live in Moscow?
Andrew: No, they live in St. Petersburg now.
Oh! And you say you have a brother.
What’s his name?
Andrew: He is Peter.

Is he a student?
Andrew: Yes, he is at St. Petersburg University.
Really? A good student?
Andrew: Yes, he’s a good student.
What’s his speciality?
Andrew: Law. He’s a future lawyer.
Andrew: No, he isn’t married. But he has a girl
Who is she?
Andrew: I don’t know. It’s a secret.


We live in a ninestoreyed block of flats. It is
situated in a very picturesque place, but far from
the centre of the city. Our house is a short walk
from the bus stop. It usually takes us about one
hour to get to the centre of the city.
Our flat is on the fourth floor. The windows of
our flat face southwest and northeast. It’s very
comfortable and wellplanned. It’s a fourroom
flat with all modern conveniences, such as central heating, electricity, gas, cold and hot running
water, a telephone and rubbish chute.
As I have already said there are four rooms in
our flat: a living room, my parent’s bedroom, my
study and my sister’s room. We also have
a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet and a hall in our
flat. There is also a balcony where we can grow
flowers in summer. The floor is parquet in the
rooms and linoleum in the kitchen. All the rooms
are papered with wallpaper.
The living room is the largest and most comfortable room in the flat. We use it as a diningroom and as a sittingroom. Our living room is
very cosy and light. There are two windows and
a balcony there. In the middle of the room there
is a big table with some chairs around it. On the

righthand side of the room there is a wall unit.
There is a low table with a TVset in the righthand corner of the room. There is a sofa with
two armchairs on the lefthand side of the room.
There is a small coffee table between two comfortable armchairs.
We like our living room best of all, because we
often gather there to watch TV, talk and have
The room I like best is my study. It is small, but nice
and cosy. There is a bed, a bookcase, a desk, a wardrobe and two armchairs in my room. There are several bookshelves and a carpet on the walls of my room.
There are some pictures on the walls. There is a computer on the righthand side of the room.
Our kitchen is rather large and comfortable.
There is a refrigerator, a gascooker, a cupboard,
a sink and a little table in the middle of the
kitchen. There are some stools round the table.
Our kitchen is very well equipped. We have got
a microwave oven, a coffeemaker, a dishwasher
and a toaster. The nice curtains on the window
make our kitchen very cosy.
I like our flat very much. I think there is no
place like home.

Our flat
Our flat
Our flat
Our flat
Our flat


storeyed block ['stD:rId blDk] — этажный дом
picturesque [,pIktSA'resk] — живописный
short walk — недалеко
to face [feIs] — смотреть, выходить (о доме,
о окнах)
wellplanned — хорошо спланированный
modern conveniences [mDdn kAn'vi:njAnsIz] —
современные удобства
central heating [hi:tIN] — центральное отопление
electricity [Ilek'trIsItI] — электричество
gas [MBs] — газ
cold and hot running water — водопровод
telephone — телефон
chute [Su:t] — мусоропровод
living room — жилая комната
sitting room — гостиная
bedroom — спальня
study ['stEdI] — кабинет
bathroom ['bC:Frum] — ванная (комната)
toilet ['tDIlIt] — туалет
hall [hDl] — холл, прихожая

balcony ['bBlkAnI] — балкон
parquet ['pC:keI] — паркет
linoleum [lI'nAuljAm] — линолеум
to paper ['peIpA] — оклеивать обоями
wallpaper — обои
cosy ['kAuzI] — уютный
righthand side — правая сторона
wall unit ['ju:nIt] — стенка (мебельная)
wardrobe ['wD:drAub] — платяной шкаф
desk — письменный стол
refrigerator [rI'frIdZereItA] (fridge) — холодильник
gascooker — газовая плита
cupboard ['kEbAd] — буфет
sink — раковина
equipped [I'kwIpt] — оборудованный
microwave oven ['maIkrAweIv 'Evn] — микроволновая печь
coffeemaker — кофеварка
dishwasher — посудомоечная машина
toaster ['tAustA] — тостер
curtain [kA:tn] — занавеска


Answer the questions. Then write the topic “Our flat.”

1. What house do you live in?
2. Where is it situated?
3. Is your house a short walk from the bus or
trolley bus stop?
4. How long does it usually take you to get to the
centre of the city?
5. What floor is your flat on?
6. Where do the windows of your flat face?
7. Is your flat comfortable and wellplanned?
8. How many rooms are there in your flat? What
are they?
9. What modern conveniences has your flat got?
10. Is there a balcony in your flat?
11. Do you grow flowers on your balcony?
12. Which is the largest room in your flat?
13. Is this room cosy and light?
14. How many windows are there?
15. What furniture is there?

16. How do you usually use this room? Do you have
meals or watch TV there?
17. What room do you like best of all? This is your
study, isn’t it?
18. Is your room small or large?
19. Is there a balcony in your room?
20. Is there much furniture in your room?
21. Why do you like your room? Is it cosy and nice?
22. Has your flat got a large kitchen?
23. What is there in your kitchen?
24. Is your kitchen well equipped?
25. What modern conveniences are there?
26. What curtains are there on the window? Do
they make your kitchen cosy?
27. Do you like to have meals with your parents
28. Do you like your flat?
29. What English proverbs about home do you

Here is a letter from my elder sister. They’ve
recently bought a new flat in the centre of
Moscow. She’s so happy!
Celina: At last! Is her flat big? How many rooms
are there in the flat?
Three. And the flat has all modern conveniences: hot and cold running water, central
heating, a telephone and gas.
Celina: Is there a balcony?
I have no idea. There’s nothing about it in
the letter.

Read and learn it by heart. Role play the dialogue.

Celina: On what floor is the flat?
On the sixth. It is a ninestoreyed house.
Here are my sister’s pictures of the new flat.
Celina: Can I have a look?
Of course. This is a picture of their kitchen.
Have a look!
Celina: The kitchen is big enough to have meals
in it.
It’s practically their diningroom as well.
Celina: How lucky they are! It’s such a nice flat.

Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

Have you already moved into the new flat?
Oh yes, we have.
About a month ago. Two weeks ago we had
a housewarming party.
Do you like your new flat? Is it large?
Yes. It’s a nice flat, large and comfortable.

How many rooms are there?
Three and all modern conveniences.
What floor is your flat on?
On the fifth floor. It’s a ninestoreyed building. I hope you’ll come to see me some
I’ll be glad to come, thank you.


My friends
My friends
My friends
My friends
My friends

Lucky are the people who have friends. I’m
happy to have lots of friends. Some of them are
very close, some are less. But all of them make
my life interesting and enjoyable.
I would like to tell you about my two close
friends. They are Tanya and Sasha.
Tanya is my schoolmate. We made friends a
few years ago. We are of the same age. We have
been studying together in the same class all the
years of our schoollife. We have much in common: the same interests and attitude to life. Very
often our opinions coincide, sometimes they differ. But we never quarrel. If there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as
soon as possible. We have nothing in common in
appearance. Tanya is pretty in her own way. (She
is not a beauty, but rather attractive.) She is a
thin and slender girl with blue eyes, not very tall.
Her hair is fair and straight, her face is oval and
her forehead is high. Tanya has a turnup nose
and beautiful blue eyes with long eyelashes. She
wears spectacles. My friend is a warmhearted,
gentle, quiet and wellbred person. Everyone loves
her. She has a good sense of humour and often
makes me laugh. Tanya knows a lot of interesting
stories and funny jokes. Tanya is the only daughter of her parents but she is not selfish. She is
always ready to help people when they are in need.
Tanya is always well dressed and neat. She does
well at school. My friend is very good at Chemistry. Tanya has chosen medicine as her future
profession. I hope my friend will make a good
doctor. Tanya enjoys sport. We go to the

swimming pool together twice a week. She lives
far from my house, but we meet every day at
school. We always meet at the weekends. Sometimes we go to the theatre or to a museum. Sometimes when the weather is dull we stay at home
and discuss books or listen to music.
Sasha is my best friend too. We live in the same
block of flats, so we see each other almost every
day. We are of the same age, but we don’t study
at the same school. We have known each other
for many years. Sasha is a tall slender boy. He
has got dark hair, large green eyes, a straight nose
and thin lips. Sasha is a nice guy. My friend is
very honest and just, understanding and kind. I
trust him a lot and I’m sure that I can rely on him
in any situation. Sasha never lets people down.
My friend is very responsible. He always finishes
whatever he starts. Sasha has got the most brilliant parents I’ve ever met. They love him very
much. Sasha plays the piano very well. I think he
is very talented. He has got a very good ear for
music. Sasha likes jazz.
We cannot spend a lot of time together because
we are very busy. We work hard at school. Sometimes when we have free time we go to the centre
of the city and walk around the centre visiting
small cafes, art galleries. We like to discuss films,
television programmes and books.
I respect my friend for his fairness, strong will,
intellect and modesty.
I am happy to have such friends as Tanya and
Sasha. I miss them when we don’t see each other
for a long time. I am sure we’ll be friends forever.

close [klAuz] — близкий
enjoyable [In'dZDIAbl] — приятный, доставляющий удовольствие
schoolmate — одноклассник
common ['kDmAn] — общий
attitude ['BtItju:d] — отношение
opinion — мнение
to coincide [,kAuIn'saId] — совпадать
to differ ['dIfA] — различаться
to quarrel ['kwDrAl] — ссориться
misunderstanding — неправильное понимание, размолвка
peace [pi:s] — мир
to make peace — помириться

possible — возможно
appearance [A'pIArAns] — внешность
pretty ['prItI] — хорошенький
in her own way — посвоему
thin [FIn] — худенький
slender ['slendA] — стройный
forehead ['fDrId] — лоб
turnup ['tA:n'Ep] — вздернутый
eyelash ['aIlBS] — ресница
bushy ['buSI] — пушистый
spectacles ['spektAklz] — очки
warmhearted ['wD:m'hC:tId] — сердечный,
gentle ['dZentl] — мягкий, добрый, тихий


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