Сердца трех
Английский язык
Лондон Джек
Коммент., словарь:
Тигонен Е. Г.
Год издания: 2011
Кол-во страниц: 448
Вид издания:
Художественная литература
Уровень образования:
ВО - Бакалавриат
ISBN: 978-5-9925-0719-5
Артикул: 413688.03.99
«Сердца трех» — последний роман знаменитого американского писателя Джека Лондона (1876-1916), вышедший в свет уже после смерти автора. В предлагаемой вниманию читателей книге представлен неадаптированный текст романа, снабженный комментариями и словарем.
- ВО - Бакалавриат
- 44.03.01: Педагогическое образование
- 45.03.01: Филология
- 45.03.02: Лингвистика
- 45.03.99: Литературные произведения
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
УДК 372.8 ББК 81.2 Англ Л 76 ISBN 978-5-9925-0719-5 Лондон Дж. Л 76 Сердца трех: Книга для чтения на английском языке. — СПб.: КАРО, 2011. — 448 с. — (Серия “Classical Literature”) ISBN 978-5-9925-0719-5 «Сердца трех» — последний роман знаменитого американского писателя Джека Лондона (1876–1916), вышедший в свет уже после смерти автора. В предлагаемой вниманию читателей книге представлен неадаптированный текст романа, снабженный комментариями и словарем. УДК 372.8 ББК 81.2 Англ © КАРО, 2011
ОБ АВТОРЕ Знаменитый американский писатель Джек Лондон родился 12 января 1876 года в Сан-Франциско. Родители разошлись до рождения мальчика. Позже его мать Флора Чейни вышла замуж повторно за овдовевшего фермера Джона Лондона. Денег в семье было мало, и Джек, не доучившись в школе, начал с ранних лет зарабатывать себе на жизнь. Чем только он ни занимался — продавал газеты, трудился на джутовой и консервной фабриках, зарабатывал в качестве «устричного пирата» — нелегального сборщика устриц в бухте Сан-Франциско, матроса, позже охотился на морских котиков в Тихом океане у берегов Японии, побывал на Аляске в качестве золотоискателя, был гладильщиком и кочегаром. Весь этот огромный жизненный опыт позднее нашел отражение в его литературном творчестве. Джек Лондон — человек, сделавший себя сам. Не получив систематического образования, он с детства очень много читал — как художественную литературу, так и философские и социологические труды. Самостоятельно подготовился и поступил в Калифорнийский университет, но из-за отсутствия средств вынужден был оставить учебу после третьего семестра. Умелец, моряк, впоследствии фермер, познавший тяжесть физического труда, Лондон всю жизнь жадно поглощал знания и уже в ранние годы загорелся мечтой стать писателем, благо ему было что сказать читателям. Он был очень плодовит, работал по 15–17 часов в день. Из-под его пера вышло более 200 рассказов, первый из них, «За тех, кто в пути», увидел свет в 1899 году, после
ОБ АВТОРЕ возвращения Лондона с Клондайка. Сборники рассказов «Сын волка», «Бог его отцов», «Дети мороза» и др., героями которых стали волевые, мужественные люди, осуждающие трусов и предателей, принесли ему широчайшую известность. Дальнейшая литературная карьера Джека Лондона сложилась удачно, он получал безумные по тем временам гонорары — до пятидесяти тысяч долларов за книгу. Однако это не помешало ему продолжать писать в «социалистическом» духе, обличая социальную несправедливость. Джек Лондон рано ушел из жизни — ему было всего сорок лет, отравившись прописанным ему морфием (он страдал тяжелым почечным заболеванием). Некоторые исследователи полагают, что это было самоубийство, что, впрочем, ничем не подтверждено, так как он не оставил предсмертной записки. Но, безусловно, мысли о самоубийстве у него были — достаточно вспомнить Мартина Идена, альтер эго писателя. Его герой сознательно покончил с собой, разочаровавшись в ценностях своего собственного круга и буржуазного мира, в котором, даже разбогатев и прославившись, он не смог жить. *** Предлагаемый вниманию читателей роман «Сердца трех» — последнее произведение писателя, его пятидесятая книга. Роман был опубликован 1919–1920 годах в газете «Нью-Йорк джорнэл». Молодой потомок пирата Моргана отправляется на поиски сокровищ своего предка. В пути он знакомится со своим дальним родственником Генри Морганом. Героев ждут опасные приключения, неведомые земли и любовь…
FOREWORD I HOPE the reader will forgive me for beginning this foreword with a brag. In truth, this yarn is a celebration. By its completion I celebrate my fortieth birthday, my fi ft ieth book, my sixteenth year in the writing game, and a new departure. “Hearts of Th ree” is a new departure. I have certainly never done anything like it before; I am pretty certain never to do anything like it again. And I haven’t the least bit of reticence in proclaiming my pride in having done it. And now, for the reader who likes action, I advise him to skip the rest of this brag and foreword, and plunge into the narrative1, and tell me if it just doesn’t read along2. For the more curious let me explain a bit further. With the rise of moving pictures into the overwhelmingly most popular form of amusement in the entire world, the stock of plots and stories in the world’s fi ction fund began rapidly to be exhausted. In a year a single producing company, with a score of directors, is capable of fi lming the entire literary output of the entire lives of Shakespeare, Balzac, Dickens, Scott, Zola, Tolstoy, and of dozens of less voluminous writers. And since there are hundreds of moving pictures producing companies, it can be readily grasped how quickly they found themselves face to face with a shortage of the raw material of which moving pictures are fashioned. Th e fi lm rights in all novels, short stories, and plays that were still covered by copyright, were bought or contracted for, while all similar raw material on which 1 plunge into the narrative — (устар.) погрузиться в повествование 2 if it just doesn’t read along — (разг.) читабельно это или нет
FOREWORD copyright had expired was being screened as swift ly as sailors on a placer beach would pick up nuggets. Th ousands of scena rio writers — literally tens of thousands, for no man, nor woman, nor child was too mean not to write scenarios — tens of thousands of scenario writers pirated through all literature (copyright or otherwise), and snatched the maga zines hot from the press to steal any new scene or plot or story hit upon by their writing brethren1. In passing, it is only fair to point out that, though only the other day, it was in the days ere scenario writers became respectable, in the days when they worked overtime for rough-neck directors for fifteen and twenty a week or freelanced their wares for from ten to twenty dollars per scenario and half the time were beaten out of the due payment, or had their stolen goods stolen from them by their equally graceless and shameless fellows who slaved by the week2. But to-day, which is only a day since the other day, I know scenario writers who keep their three machines, their two chauffeurs, send their children to the most exclusive prep schools, and maintain an unwavering solvency. It was largely because of the shortage in raw material that scenario writers appreciated in value and esteem. Th ey found themselves in demand, treated with respect, better remunerated, and, in return, expected to deliver a higher grade of commodity. One phase of this new quest for material was the attempt to enlist known authors in the work. But because a man had written a score of novels was 1 writing brethren — (ирон.) пишущая братия; собратья по перу 2 slaved by the week — (ирон.) неделями трудились, как рабы на галере
FOREWORD no guarantee that he could write a good scenario. Quite to the contrary, it was quickly discovered that the surest guarantee of failure was a previous record of success in novelwriting. But the moving pictures producers were not to be denied. Division of labor was the thing. Allying themselves with powerful newspaper organisations, or, in the case of “Hearts of Th ree,” the very reverse, they had highly-skilled writers of scenario (who couldn’t write novels to save themselves1) make scenarios, which, in turn, were translated into novels by novel-writers (who couldn’t, to save themselves, write scenarios). Comes now Mr. Charles Goddard to one, Jack London, saying: “Th e time, the place, and the men are met; the moving pictures producers, the newspapers, and the capital, are ready: let us get together.” And we got. Result: “Hearts of Three.” When I state that Mr. Goddard has been responsible for “Th e Perils of Pauline,” “Th e Exploits of Elaine,” “Th e Goddess,” the “Get Rich Quick Wallingford” series, etc., no question of his skilled fi tness can be raised. Also, the name of the present heroine, Leoncia, is of his own devising. On the ranch, in the Valley of the Moon, he wrote his fi rst several episodes. But he wrote faster than I, and was done with his fi ft een episodes weeks ahead of me. Do not be misled by the word “episode.” Th e fi rst episode covers three thousand feet of film. The succeeding fourteen episodes cover each two thousand feet of fi lm. And each episode contains about ninety scenes, which makes a total 1 to save themselves — (разг.) даже для спасения собственной жизни
FOREWORD of some thirteen hundred scenes. Nevertheless, we worked simultaneously at our respective tasks. I could not build for what was going to happen next or a dozen chapters away, because I did not know. Neither did Mr. Goddard know. Th e inevitable result was that “Hearts of Th ree” may not be very vertebrate, although it is certainly consecutive1. Imagine my surprise, down here in Hawaii and toiling at the novelization of the tenth episode, to receive by mail from Mr. Goddard in New York the scenario of the fourteenth episode, and glancing therein, to fi nd my hero married to the wrong woman! and with only one more episode in which to get rid of the wrong woman and duly tie my hero up with the right and only woman. For all of wilich please see last chapter of fi ft eenth episode. Trust Mr. Goddard to show me how. For Mr. Goddard is the master of action and lord of speed. Action doesn’t bother him at all. “Register,” he calmly says in a fi lm direction to the moving picture actor. Evidently the actor registers, for Mr. Goddard goes right on with more action. “Register grief,” he commands, or “sorrow,” or “anger,” or “melting sympathy,” or “homicidal intent,” or “suicidal tendency.” Th at’s all. It has to be all, or how else would he ever accomplish the whole thirteen hundred scenes? But imagine the poor devil of a me, who can’t utter the talismanic “register” but who must describe, and at some length inevitably, these moods and modes so airily created in passing2 by Mr. Goddard! Why, Dickens thought nothing 1 may not be very vertebrate, although it is certainly consecutive — (разг.) (повествование) не отличается особой последовательностью, хотя, безусловно, не лишено логики 2 created in passing — (разг.) созданы между делом, одним росчерком пера
FOREWORD 9 of consuming a thousand words or so in describing and subtly characterizing the particular grief of a particular person. But Mr. Goddard says, “Register,” and the slaves of the camera obey. And action! I have written some novels of adventure in my time, but never, in all of the many of them, have I perpetrated a totality of action equal to what is contained in “Hearts of Th ree.” But I know, now, why moving pictures are popular. I know, now, why Messrs. “Barnes of New York” and “Potter of Texas” sold by the millions of copies. I know, now, why one stump speech of high-falutin1’ is a more effi cient votegetter than a fi nest and highest act or thought of statesmanship. It has been an interesting experience, this novelization by me of Mr. Goddard’s scenario; and it has been instructive. It has given me high lights, foundation lines, cross-bearings, and illumination on my anciently founded sociological generalizations. I have come, by this adventure in writing, to understand the mass mind of the people more thoroughly than I thought I had understood it before, and to realize, more fully than ever, the graphic entertainment delivered by the demagogue who wins the vote of the mass out of his mastery of its mind. I should be surprised if this book does not have a large sale. (“Register surprise,” Mr. Goddard would say; or “Register large sale”.) If this adventure of “Hearts of Th ree” be collaboration, I am transported by it. But alack! I fear me Mr. Goddard must then be the one collaborator in a million. We have never had a word, an argument, nor a discussion. But then, 1 one stump speech of high-falutin — (разг.) какая-нибудь напыщенная агитационная речь
FOREWORD I must be a jewel of a collaborator myself. Have I not, without whisper or whimper of complaint, let him “register” through fi ft een episodes of scenario, through thirteen hundred scenes and thirty-one thousand feet of fi lm, through one hundred and eleven thousand words of novelization? Just the same, having completed the task, I wish I’d never written it for the reason that I’d like to read it myself to see if it reads along. I am curious to know. I am curious to know. JACK LONDON. Waikiki, Hawaii, March 23, 1916. Back to Back Against the Mainmast Do ye seek for fun and fortune? Listen, rovers, now to me! Look ye for them on the ocean: Ye shall fi nd them on the sea. CHORUS: Roaring wind and deep blue water! We’re the jolly devils who, Back to back against the mainmast, Held at bay1 the entire crew. Bring the dagger, bring the pistols! We will have our own to-day! Let the cannon smash the bulwarks! Let the cutlass clear the way! 1 Held at bay — (разг.) Держали в страхе