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Интеграция образования, 2018, том 22, № 1 (90)

научный журнал
Основная коллекция
Артикул: 715376.0001.99
Интеграция образования : научный журнал. - Саранск : ФГБОУ ВПО "МГУ им. Н.П. Огарёва", 2018. - Т. 22, № 1 (90). - 210 с. - ISSN 2308-1058. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/1034395 (дата обращения: 29.04.2024)
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Научный журнал


федеральное государственное  
бюджетное образовательное  

учреждение высшего  

образования «Национальный  

исследовательский Мордовский  
государственный университет  

им. Н. П. Огарёва»

430005, Россия, Республика Мордовия,  

г. Саранск, ул. Большевистская, 68


430005, Россия, Республика Мордовия,  

г. Саранск, ул. Большевистская, 68
Телефон, факс: +7 (834-2) 48-14-24 

Издается с января 1996 года

Периодичность издания – 4 раза в год

Подписной индекс в каталоге  

агентств «Роспечать»  

и «МК-Периодика» – 46316

ISSN 1991-9468 (Print), 2308-1058 (Online)

Vol. 22, no. 1. 2018
(January — March)
Continuous issue – 90

Scholarly journal


Federal State 

Budgetary Educational 


of Higher Education 
“National Research  

Ogarev Mordovia 
State University”

68 Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, 

Republic of Mordovia, Russia


68 Bolshevistskaya St., Saransk 430005, 

Republic of Mordovia, Russia

Telephone, fax: +7 (834-2) 48-14-24

Published since January 1996

Publication frequency: quarterly

Subscription index in catalogue  

of agencies “Rospechat”  

and “MK-Periodiсa” – 46316

e-mail: inted@mail.ru, inted@adm.mrsu.ru


© ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», 2018

При цитировании ссылка на журнал  

«Интеграция образования Integration of Education» обязательна.

Полное или частичное воспроизведение в СМИ материалов, опубликованных  

в журнале, допускается только с разрешения редакции


DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.090.022.201801

Том 22, № 1. 2018
(январь — март)

Сквозной номер выпуска – 90


Научный журнал «Интеграция образования» публикует научные материалы по со
вершенствованию и распространению опыта интеграции региональных систем образования 
на территории Российской Федерации и за рубежом. В журнале публикуются материалы 
по проблемам формирования региональных систем образования, управления, вертикальной 
и горизонтальной интеграции, истории систем и учреждений образования, прикладным 
проблемам образования и воспитания, информатизации и технического обеспечения учебно-воспитательного процесса.

Наименование и содержание рубрик журнала соответствуют отраслям науки и группам 

специальностей научных работников в соответствии с Номенклатурой специальностей 
научных работников.

Журнал осуществляет научное рецензирование («двустороннее слепое») всех поступа
ющих в редакцию материалов с целью экспертной оценки по следующим специальностям:


Все рецензенты являются признанными специалистами по тематике рецензируемых 

материалов. Рецензии хранятся в издательстве и редакции в течение 5 лет.

Редакция журнала направляет авторам представленных материалов копии рецензий или моти
вированный отказ.

Редакция журнала направляет копии рецензий в Министерство образования и науки 

Российской Федерации при поступлении соответствующего запроса.

Журнал придерживается стандартов редакционной этики в соответствии с международ
ной практикой редактирования, рецензирования, изданий и авторства научных публикаций 
и рекомендациями Комитета по этике научных публикаций.

Точка зрения редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов.

Журнал входит в Перечень российских рецензируемых научных журналов, в которых 
должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание 

ученых степеней доктора и кандидата наук, и международный справочник научных  

изданий Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory

Журнал индексируется и архивируется в: 

Российском индексе научного цитирования (РИНЦ) 



SHERPA / Romeo


Журнал является членом Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Комитета по этике 
научных публикаций, Ассоциации научных редакторов и издателей (АНРИ) и Cross Ref

Материалы журнала доступны по лицензии Creative Commons “Attribution”  

(«Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. Vol. 22, no. 1. 2018

“Integration of Education” scholarly journal is devoted to improvement and dissemination 

of experience of integration of regional educational systems across the Russian Federation and 
other countries. The journal welcomes materials exploring the following problems: formation of 
regional educational and administrative systems, vertical and horizontal integration, historical 
development of the above systems and academic institutions, applied aspects of education and 
upbringing, informatization and technical provision of academic process.

Titles and contents of sections correspond to branches of science and groups of specialties 

of scientists according to Nomenclature of specialties for scientists.

For complex expert evaluation all manuscripts undergo “double-blind” review.
The journal accepts articles in the following specialties for publication:


All reviewers are acknowledged experts in areas they are responsible for. Reviews are stored 

in the publishing house and publishing office during 5 years.

Editorial staff sends to the authors of the submitted materials copies of reviews or a substan
tiated refusal.

Editorial staff of the journal forwards copies of reviews in Ministry of Education and Science of the  

Russian Federation by request.

“Integration of Education” journal is registered in Russian Index of Scientific Citations and 

submits information about the published articles to Russian Index of Scientific Citations.

The opinions expressed by authors in the journal do not necessarily reflect those of the Edi
torial Staff.

The journal is listed in the catalogue of peer-reviewed academic journals and publications 

for publishing of principal scientific findings of dissertations and Ulrichsweb Global 

Serials Directory

The journal is indexed and archived by:

Russian Index of Scientific Citations



SHERPA / Romeo


The journal is a member of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), CrossRef and ASEP

All the materials of the “Integration of Education” journal are available under Creative 

Commons “Attribution” 4.0 license



Вдовин Сергей Михайлович – главный редактор, ректор ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», 

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7363-1389, rector@adm.mrsu.ru 
(Саранск, Россия)

Полутин Сергей Викторович – заместитель главного редактора, директор НИИ регионологии 

ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», доктор социологических наук, профессор, ORCID: http://
orcid.org/0000-0003-0399-4154, polutin.sergei@yandex.ru (Саранск, Россия)

Гордина Светлана Викторовна – ответственный секретарь, кандидат педагогических наук, 

ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-418X, inted@adm.mrsu.ru, inted@mail.ru (Саранск, Россия)

Буквич Райко Миланович – профессор Географического института «Jovan Cvijic» Сербской 

академии наук и искусств, доктор экономических наук, профессор, r.bukvic@mail.ru (Сербия, Белград)

Варгас-Эрнандес Хосе Гуадалупе – доктор философии в области государственного управле
ния Исследовательского центра экономических и управленческих наук университета Гвадалахары, 
jvargas2006@gmail.com (Гвадалахара, Халиско, Мексика)

Гафуров Ильшат Рафкатович – ректор ФГАОУ ВО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный 

университет», доктор экономических наук, профессор, public.mail@kpfu.ru (Казань, Россия) 

Камильо Aнджело – доктор философии, ассоциированный профессор менеджмента Школы 

бизнеса Университета Вудбери, angelo.camillo@woodbury.edu (Бербанк, США)

Кириллова Ольга Владимировна – председатель Российского экспертного совета, предста
витель РЭС в Scopus CSAB, президент Ассоциации научных редакторов и издателей, кандидат 
технических наук, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0785-6181, ovkir@list.ru (Москва, Россия)

Кумар Сагар Лалит – вице-канцлер (президент) Гималайского университета, доктор философии, 

профессор, dr_lksagar@yahoo.co.in (Нью-Дели, Индия)

Макаркин Николай Петрович – президент ФГБОУ ВО «МГУ им. Н. П. Огарёва», доктор экономи
ческих наук, профессор, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3952-5811, makarkin@mrsu.ru (Саранск, Россия)

Маралов Владимир Георгиевич – профессор кафедры психологии ФГБОУ ВО «Череповецкий 

государственный университет», доктор психологических наук, профессор, ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 
0000-0002-9627-2304, vgmaralov@yandex.ru (Череповец, Россия)

Мерзлякова Галина Витальевна – ректор ФГБОУ ВО «Удмуртский государственный универ
ситет», доктор исторических наук, профессор, rector@udsu.ru (Ижевск, Россия) 

Мишра Камлеш – вице-канцлер Университета Ансал, доктор экономики, misra1957@gmail.com 

(Гургаон, Харьяна, Индия)

Маврудеас Ставрос – профессор департамента экономики Университета Македонии, доктор 

философии, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2230-7479, smavro@uom.edu.gr (Фессалоники, Греция)

Саранцев Геннадий Иванович – заведующий кафедрой методики преподавания математики  

ФГБОУ ВО «МГПИ им. М. Е. Евсевьева», доктор педагогических наук, профессор, ORCID: http://
orcid.org/0000-0002-1571-5100, gisarancev@mail.ru (Саранск, Россия)

Сингх Кадьян Джагбир – почетный президент Института управления стрессом и прикладных 

наук, ассистирующий профессор департамента коммерции Колледжа им. Свами Шраддхананда Университета Дели, доктор философии, dr.jskadyan@gmail.com (Нью-Дели, Индия)

Стриелковски Вадим – профессор Пражской бизнес-школы, директор Пражского Института по
вышения квалификации, научный сотрудник Калифорнийского Университета Беркли (США), доктор 
наук, профессор, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6113-3841, strielkowski@berkeley.edu (Прага, Чехия) 

Фёльдeш Чаба – заведующий кафедрой германского языкознания факультета гуманитарных наук Эр
фуртского университета, доктор филологических наук, профессор, foeldes@foeldes.eu (Эрфурт, Германия)

Хамуда Самир – профессор физического факультета университета Бенгази, dr.hamouda@gmail.com 

(Бенгази, Ливия)

Холяйль Ханафи – президент Университета АЗМ в Триполи, доктор философии, профессор, 

hholail@azmuniversity.edu.lb (Триполи, Ливан)

Чошанов Мурат Аширович – профессор кафедры математических наук и подготовки учителя Техас
ского университета, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, mouratt@utep.edu (Эль-Пасо, Техас, США) 

Чупрунов Евгений Владимирович – ректор ФГАОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский 

Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н. И. Лобачевского», доктор физико-математических 
наук, профессор, rector@unn.ru (Нижний Новгород, Россия) 

Шафранов-Куцев Геннадий Филиппович – научный руководитель ФГАОУ ВО «Тюменский го
сударственный университет», доктор философских наук, профессор, академик РАО, ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 
0000-0001-7823-0525, g.f.kucev@utmn.ru (Тюмень, Россия)

Юсофф Сазали – директор Института педагогического образования Tuanku Bainun Campus (IPGKTB), 

Министерство образования Малайзии, доктор философии, sazali@iab.edu.my (Пенанг, Малайзия) 

Янчук Владимир Александрович – декан факультета профессионального развития специалистов 

образования ГУО «Академия последипломного образования», доктор психологических наук, профессор, ORCID: http://orcid.org/00000-0002-4524-8371, yanchuk1954@gmail.com (Минск, Республика 

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. Vol. 22, no. 1. 2018


Sergey М. Vdovin – Editor in Chief, Rector of National Research Mordovia State University, Ph.D. 

(Economy), Associate Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7363-1389, rector@adm.mrsu.ru 
(Saransk, Russia)

Sergey V. Polutin – Deputy Editor in Chief, Director of Research Institute of Regional Studies 

of National Research Mordovia State University, Dr.Sci. (Sociology), Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.
org/0000-0003-0399-4154, polutin.sergei@yandex.ru (Saransk, Russia)

Svetlana V. Gordina – Executive Editor, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-418X, 

inted@adm.mrsu.ru, inted@mail.ru (Saransk, Russia)

Rayko M. Bukvich – Professor of Geographic Institute “Jovan Cvijic” of Serbian Academy of Sciences 

and Arts, Dr.Sci. (Economy), Professor, r.bukvic@mail.ru (Belgrad, Serbia)

Angelo A. Camillo – Ph.D., Associate Professor of Management, School of Business, Woodbury Uni
versity, Angelo.Camillo@woodbury.edu (Burbank, USA)

Evgeniy V. Chuprunov – Rector of Lobachevsky University, Dr.Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor,  

rector@unn.ru (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia)

Csaba Földes – Professor of Germanic Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Erfurt,  

foeldes@foeldes.eu (Erfurt, Germany)

Ilshat R. Gafurov – Rector of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Dr.Sci. (Economy), professor, 

public.mail@kpfu.ru (Kazan, Russia)

Samir Hamouda – Professor, Department of Physics, University of Benghazi, dr.hamouda@gmail.com 

(Benghazi, Libya)

Hanafy Holail – University President, AZM University, Ph.D., Professor, hholail@azmuniversity.edu.lb 

(Tripoli, Lebanon)

Jagbir Singh Kadyan – President, International Institute of Stress Management & Allied Sciences, New 

Delhi, India, Asst. Professor, Dept of Commerce, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi, India, 
M.Com (PIMR & Marketing); M.A (Eco); MMS (Fin); GDC&A; MIMA;  Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), 
dr.jskadyan@gmail.com (New Delhi, India)

Olga V. Kirillova – President of the Russian Expert Council (REC), Representative of the REC in Scopus 

SCAB, President of Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers, Ph.D. (Engineering), ORCID: http://orcid.
org/0000-0002-0785-6181, ovkir@list.ru (Moscow, Russia)

Sagar Lalit Kumar – Vice Chancellor (President) of Himalayan University, Ph.D. (Education) & D.Litt. 

(Education), Professor, dr_lksagar@yahoo.co.in (New Delhi, India)

Nikolay P. Makarkin – President of National Research Mordovia State University, Dr.Sci. (Economy), 

Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3952-5811, makarkin@mrsu.ru (Saransk, Russia) 

Vladimir G. Maralov – Professor of Psychology Chair, Cherepovets State University, Dr.Sci. (Psy
chology), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9627-2304, 
vgmaralov@yandex.ru (Cherepovets, Russia)

Stavros Mavroudeas – Professor of Political Economy, Department of Economics, University of Mace
donia, Ph.D., ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2230-7479, smavro@uom.edu.gr (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Galina V. Merzlyakova – Rector of Udmurt State University, Dr.Sci. (History), Professor, rector@udsu.ru 

(Izhevsk, Russia)

Kamlesh Misra – Vice Chancellor, Ansal University, Ph.D. (Philosophy), misra1957@gmail.com 

(Gurgaon, India)

Gennady I. Sarantsev – Professor, Chair of Teaching Methodology for Mathematics, Mordovian State 

Pedagogical Institute named after M. E. Evseviev, Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-00021571-5100, gisarancev@mail.ru (Saransk, Russia)

Gennady F. Shafranov-Kutsev – Research Supervisor, Tyumen State University, Dr.Sci. (Philosophy), 

Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Education, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7823-0525, 
g.f.kucev@utmn.ru (Tyumen, Russia)

Wadim Strielkowski – Professor of Prague Business School, Director of Prague Institute for Qualification 

Enhancement, Visiting Professor of University of California, Ph.D. (Economy), Professor, ORCID: http://
orcid.org/0000-0001-6113-3841, strielkowski@berkeley.edu (Prague, Czech Republic)

Mourat A. Тchoshanov – Professor, Departments of Mathematical Sciences and Teacher Education, 

University of Texas at El Paso, Texas, USA, Ph.D., mouratt@utep.edu (El Paso, Texas, USA)

José G. Vargas-Hernández – Member of the National System of Researchers of Mexico. Research 

professor at University Center of Economic and Managerial Sciences, University of Guadalajara, M.B.A.; 
Ph.D., jvargas2006@gmail.com (Guadalajara, Jalisco, México)

Vladimir A. Yanchuk – Dean of Faculty of Development for Specialists in Sphere of Education 

of Academy of Postgraduate Education, Dr.Sci. (Psychology), Professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/ 
00000-0002-4524-8371, yanchuk1954@gmail.com (Minsk, Belarus)

Sazali Yusoof – Director at Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus, Ministry of Edu
cation of Malaysia, Ph.D., sazali@iab.edu.my (Pinang, Malaysia)



Международный опыт интеграции образования

И. В. Котляревская, Е. Г. Князева, Л. И. Юзвович, Ю. А. Мальцева,  

Д. М. Кочетков. Классификация сетей в высшем образовании:  
маркетинговый анализ кейса Клуба десяти (Россия) .................................................... 8

Т. Н. Носкова, Т. Б. Павлова, О. В. Яковлева. ИКТ-инструменты  

профессиональной деятельности педагога: сравнительный анализ  
российского и европейского опыта ............................................................................... 25

С. С. Артемьева, В. В. Митрохин. Оценка финансовой грамотности  

российской и зарубежной молодежи и рекомендации по ее повышению ................... 46

Модернизация образования

Л. В. Астахова. Герменевтическая методология интеграции содержания  

высшего образования ..................................................................................................... 60

М. В. Певная, Е. А. Шуклина. Институциональные ловушки нелинейного развития 

высшего образования в России ....................................................................................... 77

Е. Н. Махмутова, М. М. Андреева, Т. А. Дмитренко. Социально-психологический 

тренинг как средство формирования коммуникативной компетентности  
студентов-менеджеров ................................................................................................... 91

Непрерывное образование

Р. С. Наговицын, А. А. Мирошниченко, С. Ю. Сенатор. Реализация  

мобильной педагогики в непрерывном образовании  
учителей физической культуры .................................................................................... 107

Е. В. Чернецова, Е. Г. Маслова, Л. Сальски. Реализация интегративного подхода  

в преподавании американистики в высшей школе ..................................................... 120

В. А. Гуртов, Е. А. Хотеева. Планирование карьерной траектории школьников: 

ориентация на «хочу», «могу» и «надо» .................................................................... 134

А. А. Алмазова, Г. В. Бабина, М. М. Любимова, Т. А. Соловьева, Н. В. Рябова,  

Е. Д. Бабина. Выявление факторов риска возникновения нарушений  
письма и чтения: технологический и прогностический аспекты ............................... 151

Академическая интеграция

И. А. Шаршов, Е. А. Белова. Анализ педагогических возможностей электронных 

образовательных ресурсов с элементами автодидактики ............................................ 166

Е. В. Береснева, М. А. Зайцев, Р. В. Селезенев, Л. В. Даровских,  

М. М. Соломонович. Дидактические возможности  
современных информационных технологий в подготовке специалиста-химика ......... 177

Н. И. Попов, Е. Н. Никифорова. Методические подходы  

при экспериментальном обучении математике студентов вуза .................................. 193

Информация для авторов и читателей .......................................................................... 207

Информация для авторов и читателей (на англ. яз.) .................................................. 209

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.090.022.201801

ISSN 1991-9468 (Print) 

ISSN 2308-1058 (Online) 

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. Vol. 22, no. 1. 2018


International Experience in the Integration of Education 

I. V. Kotlyarevskaya, E. G. Knyazeva, L. I. Yuzvovich, Yu. A. Maltseva,  

D. M. Kochetkov. Classification of Networks in Higher Education:  
A Marketing Analysis of the Club of Ten (Russia) ......................................................... 8

T. N. Noskova, T. B. Pavlova, O. V. Yakovleva. ICT Tools of Professional Teacher  

Activity: A Comparative Analysis of Russian and European Experience ........................ 25

S. S. Artemyeva, V. V. Mitrokhin. Financial Literacy Assessment of Domestic  

and Foreign Young Learners and Recommendations for its Enhancement ....................... 46

Modernization of Education

L. V. Astakhova. Hermeneutic Methodology of Higher Education Content Integration ........ 60

M. V. Pevnaya, E. A. Shuklina. Institutional Traps of Russia’s Higher Education  

Nonlinear Development ...................................................................................................... 77

E. N. Makhmutova, M. M. Andreeva, T. A. Dmitrenko. Social-Psychological  

Training as a Tool to Foster Communicative Competency of Students  
Specialising in Management ........................................................................................... 91

Lifelong Education

R. S. Nagovitsyn, A. A. Miroshnichenko, S. Yu. Senator. Implementation  

of Mobile Pedagogy During Continuous Education of Physical Culture Teachers ......... 107

E. V. Chernetsova, E. G. Maslovа, L. Salski. Implementation of Integrative Approach  

in Teaching American Studies in Institutions of Higher Education ............................... 120

V. A. Gurtov, E. A. Khoteeva. Schoolchildren’s Career Trajectory Рlanning:  

Focus on “Want”, “Can” and “Need” ............................................................................ 134

A. A. Almazova, G. V. Babina, M. M. Lyubimova, T. A. Soloveva,  

N. V. Ryabova, E. D. Babina. Detection of Risk Factors Causing  
Impaired Writing and Reading: Technological and Prognostic Aspects .......................... 151

Academic Integration

I. A. Sharshov, E. A. Belova. Analysis of Pedagogic Potential of Electronic  

Educational Resources with Elements of Autodidactics ................................................. 166

E. V. Beresneva, M. A. Zaitsev, R. V. Selezenev, L. V. Darovskikh,  

M. M. Solomonovich. Didactic Potential of Modern Information Technologies  
in Training a Chemistry Graduate ................................................................................. 177

N. I. Popov, E. N. Nikiforova. Methodological Approaches to Experimental Teaching  

of Mathematics to University Students .......................................................................... 193

Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal ........................................................ 207

Information for Authors and Readers of the Journal (in English) ................................... 209

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.090.022.201801

ISSN 1991-9468 (Print) 

ISSN 2308-1058 (Online) 


Classification of Networks in Higher Education:  

A Marketing Analysis of the Club of Ten (Russia)

I. V. Kotlyarevskayaa*, E. G. Knyazevaa, L. I. Yuzvovicha, 

Yu. A. Maltsevaa, D. M. Kochetkovb

a Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, 

Ekaterinburg, Russia,

* kiv326@mail.ru

b Рeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, 

Moscow, Russia

Introduction: the networking as a development practice in business has not yet become widespread. 
Moreover, there are very few studies of network interactions in the field of science and education. 
Advances in marketing evaluation of network entities are very rare. The goal of this article is to 
develop methodological criteria for such an assessment. These methods were tested on findings 
from the network partnership established by federal universities in Russia.
Materials and Methods: to study and generalise real-world experience, a case study method was 
used, which the authors understand as an empirical research method aimed at studying phenomena 
in real time and in the context of real life.
Results: the authors proposed a comprehensive methodology for estimation of networks. The application of this method of analysis enabled identification of the key problems and barriers to 
the implementation of the project. One of the main problems is the lack of marketing analysis, 
lack of understanding of its target audience, and, accordingly, the lack of a transparent vision 
of development. Besides, the authors have developed a classification of network partnerships. 
Тhe analysis empowers classification of the network of Russian universities as an inter-organisational polycentric partnership of a quasi-integration type, based on a neoclassical contract with 
relational elements. The analysis of the network development has revealed significant deviations 
of the results from the initially claimed ones.
Discussion and Conclusions: the theoretical significance of the work consists in the application 
of the network theory to an atypical object for the economic theory, i.e. the analysis of the sphere 
of higher education. Practical significance lies in the possibility of application of results obtained 
through real projects in real-time mode. The results of the study are applicable to educational 
systems for practically all countries with a transition type of economic and educational systems.

Keywords: networking collaboration, marketing analysis, network evaluation, network analysis, 
classification, higher education

Acknowledgements: the publication has been prepared with the support of the “RUDN University 
Program 5-100”. The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to N. G. Popova and 
T. A. Beavitt, as well as anonymous reviewers.

For citation: Kotlyarevskaya I.V., Knyazeva E.G., Yuzvovich L.I., Maltseva Yu.A., Kochetkov D.M. Classification of Networks in Higher Education: A Marketing Analysis of the Club 
of Ten (Russia). Integratsiya obrazovaniya = Integration of Education. 2018; 22(1):8-24.  
DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.090.022.201801.008-024

© Kotlyarevskaya I. V., Knyazeva E. G., Yuzvovich L. I., Maltseva Yu. A., Kochetkov D. M., 2018

УДК 378:339.13(470+571)

DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.090.022.201801.008-024

ISSN 1991-9468 (Print), 2308-1058 (Online)





INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. Vol. 22, no. 1. 2018


Классификация сетей в высшем образовании: 

маркетинговый анализ кейса Клуба десяти 


И. В. Котляревская1*, Е. Г. Князева1, Л. И. Юзвович1, 

Ю. А. Мальцева1, Д. М. Кочетков2

1 ФГАОУ ВО «Уральский федеральный университет имени 

первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина»,

г. Екатеринбург, Россия,

* kiv326@mail.ru

2 ФГАОУ ВО «Российский университет дружбы народов», 

г. Москва, Россия

Введение: сетевизация бизнеса как практика его развития в России пока не получила широкого 
распространения. Отсутствуют исследования сетевых взаимодействий в сфере образования; 
в публикациях мало разработок, помогающих осуществить маркетинговую оценку сетевых 
образований. Целью статьи является попытка восполнить этот пробел и представить методические 
критерии такой оценки, опробовав их на примере сетевого партнерства, созданного федеральными 
университетами России. 
Материалы и методы: для изучения и обобщения реального опыта в работе применяется кейсовый 
метод исследования, который авторы понимают как эмпирическое исследование, направленное на 
изучение явлений в режиме реального времени и в контексте реальной жизни.
Результаты исследования: предложена комплексная методика оценки сетей, применение которой 
позволило выявить ключевые проблемы и барьеры в реализации проекта. Определена главная 
проблема – отсутствие маркетингового анализа, понимания своей целевой аудитории и прозрачной 
концепции развития. Разработана классификация сетевых партнерств, с помощью которой возможно 
систематизировать сеть российских вузов как межорганизационное полицентрическое партнерство 
квазиинтеграционного типа, опирающееся на неоклассический контракт с элементами контракта 
отношенческого. Анализ развития сети позволил выявить значимые отклонения результатов от 
изначально заявленных.
Обсуждение и заключения: теоретическая значимость работы состоит в применении теории сетей 
к нетипичному для экономической теории объекту – анализу сферы высшего образования. Практическая 
значимость заключается в возможности использования полученных результатов в реальных проектах 
в режиме реального времени. Результаты исследования применимы к системам образования 
практически для всех стран с трансформационным типом экономических и образовательных систем. 

Ключевые слова: сетевое сотрудничество, маркетинговый анализ, оценка сети, сетевой анализ, 
классификация, высшее образование

Благодарности: публикация подготовлена при поддержке Программы РУДН «5-100». Авторы 
выражают благодарность Н. Г. Поповой и Т. А. Бивитту, а также анонимным рецензентам.

Для цитирования: Классификация сетей в высшем образовании: маркетинговый анализ кейса Клуба 
десяти (Россия) / И. В. Котляревская [и др.] // Интеграция образования. 2018. Т. 22, № 1. С. 8–24. 
DOI: 10.15507/1991-9468.090.022.201801.008-024


The phenomenon of networking rela
tionships in business received a solid theoretical grounding during the last two deca- 
des of the 20th century1 [1–6]. However, 

in its application to the Russian economy, 
what was always unlikely to be applicable 
in the tragic transition of the domestic 
enterprises to the market, and consequent 
destruction of the connections between 

1 Berry L. Relationship marketing // Emerging Perspectives of Service Marketing. Chicago, IL : 

American Marketing Association, 1983. Pp. 25–28; Gumesson E. Total Relationship Marketing: Marketing 
Strategy Moving from the 4Ps-product, Price, Promotion, Place-of Traditional Marketing Management to 
the 30Rs-the Thirty Relationships-of a New Marketing Paradigm. 2nd ed. Oxford : Butterworth Heinemann, 
2002. 350 p.; Hakansson H., Snehota I. Developing Relationship in Business Network. London : Routledge, 
1995; Demil B., Lecocq X. Crafting and innovative business model in an established company: The role of 
abstracts // Advances in Strategic Management. Vol. 33. Business Models and Modelling. Emerald Group 
Publishing Limited, 2015. Pp. 31–58.



them, remained only an elegant concept2 
[7]. At the beginning of the 21st century, 
the tendency towards disintegration was 
arrested and the economic situation began 
to change: industrial enterprises moved 
into recovery while the services sector 
intensified its search for civilised forms 
of provision as part of a growing process 
of integration. In these circumstances, the 
face of traditional marketing changed as the 
practice of relationship marketing started 
to take hold. In the scientific literature, 
an avalanche of elaborations by domestic 
experts, devoted to the networks between 
Russian enterprises and the development of 
marketing through these interactions, was 
published. Based on studies conducted by 
their foreign counterparts working in the 
field, domestic experts have made a significant contribution to the development of 
network marketing theory and interaction 
[8–11]. However, a consensus is yet to be 
reached between Russian and foreign researchers on a number of issues relating to 
the essence of network forms of interaction 
and the marketing rationale behind their 
occurrence. In addition, an analysis of this 
problem in specific areas, including higher 
education, is rarely found in the literature. 

Meanwhile, networking and the mar
keting orientation of actors according to 
market relations are particularly relevant 
to this area since they consist in the projection of the unique structure of educational 
services market entities. The providers 
of such services, whose product offering 
takes the form of competencies developed 
in their students and trainees, consist in 
higher education institutions. The consumers of educational services take the form of 
B2B and B2C markets. The B2B market 
consists of intermediate consumers; this 
role is played by students and graduates of 
higher education institutions. Unlike in the 
traditional business market for goods and 
services, students and graduates comprise 
numerous and informal sellers of compe
tences to the end-consumer. The role of organised, finite end-consumers is performed 
by enterprises, who lack direct relations 
with the university as provider of educational services. This “overturning” in the 
organisation of B2B and B2C markets and 
absence of direct links or networking between end-user companies and universities 
prevents the formation of a corresponding 
product offering as well as failing to attract 
interest on the part of potential investors in 
educational services.

The main economic motivation that 

encourages networking lies in the prospects of cost reduction or productivity rise 
compared with a sole player (market) or 
a formal structure (hierarchy). In addition, 
some authors consider the network partnership of universities as a development 
strategy [12]. Most frequently, this implies 
international partnerships, opportunities and 
risks associated with the internalization of 
higher education [13; 14], various aspects 
of which were studied in a number of empirical works. University networks can3 
be established around a specific task [15]. 
From the knowledge economy perspective, 
universities can be seen as part of cognitive networks [16; 17]; in turn, network 
partnerships are a tool for universitiesʼ 
engagement into regional economic systems [18]. The ubiquitous diffusion of web 
technologies creates unlimited opportunities for creating network partnerships between universities (for example, BRICS,  
UNESCO, Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe – VCSE). The National Platform of Open Education is a good example 
of such networking in Russia [19].

The aim of this paper is to develop 

a marketing approach to the interpretation 
of the origin, nature and evaluation of networks and provide an analysis of network 
cooperation between and within Russian 
higher educational institutions on the basis 
of a creative adaptation of the integrated 
reciprocity methodology as presented in 

2 Стерлин А., Ардиашвили А. Предпринимательские сети – новая форма организации межфирменного 

взаимодействия // Мировая экономика и международные отношения. 1991. Т. 11. С. 70–80.

3 Redden E. Academic outcomes of study abroad. INSIDE HIGHER ED. 2010. URL: https://www.

insidehighered.com/news/2010/07/13/abroad (дата обращения: 01.10.2017); NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisers). Measuring the impact of study abroad. Washington, DC : NAFSA, 2012.

INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION. Vol. 22, no. 1. 2018


the literature. The significance of the developed method is expressed in the fact that 
it can be applied to the analysis of network 
structures in both emerging and transition 

The structure of the study includes: 

firstly, theoretical constructs of a marketing 
interpretation of the occurrence and formation of networks; secondly, an analysis of 
various aspects of networking theory and 
original typological characteristics in relation to higher education; thirdly, an analysis 
of the first inter-institutional cooperation 
between the federal universities in Russia.

Materials and Methods

Research into a wide array of literature 

in which issues of business network integration are raised, indicates that the nature 
of inter-firm networks is the subject of 
study of various sciences: social network 
theory, organisational ecology, new institutional economics, sociology, psychology 
and others. A definition of the essence of 
the networking phenomenon may be hard 
to arrive at due to differences between the 
objects of these sciences; however, they 
should not be opposed to each other, since 
the comparison of the different theoretical 
approaches reveals a lot of intersections 
that enrich the networking paradigm.

Representatives of the different ap
proaches carry out objective researches 
into reasons for the appearance of networks within the framework of the objects 
of their own respective science. From the 
marketing perspective, these reasons are 
to be found in the evolution of the market. 
Since this evolution is only scantily represented in the literature, for the purposes of 
this study the authors propose an original 
treatment, linking development needs with 
known marketing concepts.

In the pre-industrial era, the needs of 

the general population were determined by 
subsistence farming, developed slowly, and 
were not characterised by diversity. Therefore, marketing as a science had not been 
conceptualised. During the period from the 
late 19th to early 20th century, i.e., in the era 
of the industrialisation of production and 
the transition to the commoditisation of 
consumer goods (the concept of improving production), the quantitative growth 
of material wealth and standardisation of 
product offerings led to the emergence 
of new needs as well as in the means by 
which they were fulfilled4.

In the beginning of 1930s, the differ
entiation of products (product concept) 
began the process of individualisation of 
these needs in accordance with the human 
desire to express those characteristics that 
distinguish them from other people5. With 
the intensification of sales efforts following the Second World War, at a time when 
the production capabilities of military 
science were being transferred into the 
civilian sector and the market was being 
flooded with new products, providers of 
merchant services developed a whole arsenal of means of influencing consumers 
to make purchases. In transforming their 
development, the distribution function of 
marketing facilitated a convergence in 
the living standards and consumption patterns of “white-collar” and “blue-collar” 
workers. However, in providing them with 
a wide choice of goods, the same function 
psychologised the individual needs of the 
population. As a result, the consumer increasingly strove towards a realisation of 
choice, towards adefinition of the principles 
and consistency of consumer behaviour and 
assessment of the degree of satisfaction or 
dissatisfaction with consumer needs6.

4 Tosdal H. R. Principles of personal selling. Chicago : A. W. Shaw, 1925. 753 p.; Eliasberg W. Advertis
ing science. Bruenn, Praga, Leipzig : Rohrer, 1936; Convers P. D. The elements of marketing. New York : 
Prentice–Hall, 1965; Shapiro S. J., Doody A. F. (eds). Readings in the History of American Marketing: 
Settlement to Civil War. Homewood : IRWIN, 1968; Fullerton R. A. How modern is modern Marketing? 
Marketing’s Evolution and the Myth of the “Production Era” // Journal of Marketing. 1988. C. 108‒125.

5 Sheldon R., Arens E. Consumer engineering. A new Technique for prosperity. New York : Harper and 

Row, 1932. 250 p.; Keith R. J. The marketing revolution // Journal of Marketing. 1960. Vol. 24. Pp. 35‒38; 
Толстых В. И. Образ жизни: понятие, реальность, проблемы. М. : Политиздат, 1975. 182 с.

6 Katona G. The powerful consumer. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1960. 276 p.; Яровая Е. Методы повы
шения эффективности научно-технического прогресса // Международная экономика и международные 
отношения. 1986. Т. 9. С. 117–124.



However, in considering these first 

three stages of the development of needs, 
the needs themselves are rarely studied. 
The main focus of marketing is concentrated on the activation of demand as a value 
dependent on disposable income and the 
method of adapting needs to production 

Individualised and psychologised needs 

begin to restrain the growth in sales of 
goods to which they are not relevant. Such 
a situation requires marketers to stop chasing the contents of shoppers’ purses and 
move on to a detailed study of consumer 
needs and demands. If, during the first half 
of the twentieth century, the differentiation 
of products was determined by producer 
interests, during the second it was increasingly preceded by a deep analysis of the 
market and consumers, allowing the possibility of adapting production to emerging 
and maturing needs (traditional marketing 
concept). The personalisation of consumption came to embrace almost all types of 
consumer goods. Given this requirement, 
manufacturers are producing a growing 
number of product versions, designed to 
meet the same needs7. In an effort to best 
meet the most refined consumer desires 
and requirements, marketers unleashed 
the “wheel of consumer analysis”, which 
exacerbated the problem of raw material reserves, not only developing individualised 
needs that positively transform the private 
lives of consumers, but also artificial, excessive desires, bringing about the cult of 
consumption as a normalised consumer behaviour. In such a consumer society, more 
and more people, are coming to realise that 
the processes of their self-expression and 
personalisation are limited by their material 
circumstances, i.e. their material comfort; 
however, for the development of selfhood 
spiritual and mental activity are required, 

i.e. work, involving a high degree of intellectualisation.

Realising the poverty of trying to fulfil 

material and spiritual needs through prioritising the material, consumers are increasingly integrating their consumer activities 
with work aims, changing their demands 
and favouring not so much a variety of 
goods as their quality and service support 
(the concept of social-ethical marketing). 
This contributes to goods and services 
whose mode of production increasingly 
uses environmentally-friendly and green 
technologies and products that are not 
harmful to consumer health even after 
prolonged consumption8. As a result, while 
spiritual needs continue to increase, the 
satisfaction of rationalised material needs 
is organised more rationally, reasonably, 
expediently and efficiently9.

If, up until the last quarter of the twenti
eth century, the consumer first appeared as 
an increasingly activatable subject of purchasing and in terms of a complex system of 
individualised, psychologised, intellectualised and axiologised needs, then at the end 
of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st centuries arose the post-industrial or information 
age, in which the stage of development of 
social production produced proliferation 
not only of goods and services, but also of 
communications and marketing channels, 
and the consequent problem of the growth 
of additional time costs on acceptance of 
the purchasing decision in relation to the 
consumer. The solutions themselves today 
increasingly lie in the integration of goods 
and services from different vendors (the 
concept of relationship marketing). The development of the Internet and information 
technology not only reduces the time for 
the purchasing process, but also blurs the 
line between production and consumption, 
involving consumers in the process of cre
7 Бурачас А. И. Моделирование личных расходов в развитых капиталистических странах. М. : 

Наука, 1975. 463 с.; Schiffman L. G., Kanuck L. L. Consumer Behaviour. 4th ed. New-York : Prentice Hall, 
1991. 800 p.; Kotler Ph. Marketing management, analysis, planning, implementation and control. 8th ed. 
New York : Prentice Hall, 1994. 801 p.

8 Грейсон Д. К., О’Делл К. Американский менеджмент на пороге XXI века. М. : Экономика, 1991. 

320 с.; Drucker P. F. The new realities. London; New York : Routledge, 1996. 262 p.; Ламперт Х. Социальная рыночная экономика. Германский путь. М. : Дело, 1993. 225 с.

9 Котляревская И. В. Маркетинг: удовлетворение и развитие потребностей. Екатеринбург : Изд
во Урал. гос. ун-та., 1997.