Анатомия центральной нервной системы
Основная коллекция
Анатомия и физиология человека
Год издания: 2019
Кол-во страниц: 113
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
Профессиональное образование
ISBN-онлайн: 978-5-16-107893-8
Артикул: 714124.01.99
Представлены в виде таблиц обобщенные и систематизированные данные о строении и проводящих путях центральной нервной системы. Пособие содержит большое количество схем и рисунков.
Издание предназначено для обучающихся по основным профессиональным образовательным программам высшего образования — программам специалитета области образования «Здравоохранение» и «Медицинские науки», направления подготовки 31.05.01 «Лечебное дело», 31.05.03 «Стоматология».
Presented in the form of tables, summary and systematic data on the structure and-conducting pathways of the central nervous system. The book contains a large number of diagrams and drawings.
The manual is intended for students in basic professional educa¬tional programs of higher education — programs Specialty education «Health» and «Medical sciences».
- ВО - Специалитет
- 31.05.01: Лечебное дело
- 31.05.02: Педиатрия
- 31.05.03: Стоматология
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УДК 611.81(075.8) ББК 28.706я73 ФЗ № Издание не подлежит маркировке 436-ФЗ в соответствии с п. 1 ч. 2 ст. 1 К17 Рекомендовано к изданию методической комиссией Медицинского института Пензенского государственного университета (протокол № 7 от 10.03.2016) Рецензенты: Н.А. Плотникова — доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой нормальной и патологической анатомии с курсом судебной медицины Мордовского государственного университета имени Н. П. Огарева; Е.А. Анисимова — доктор медицинских наук, доцент, профессор кафедры анатомии человека Саратовского государственного медицинского университета имени В.И. Разумовского Минздрава России Калмин О. В. К17 Анатомия центральной нервной системы : учеб. пособие / О.В. Калмин, О.А. Калмина. — М. : ИНФРА-М, 2019. — 113 с. ISBN 978-5-16-107893-8 (online) Представлены в виде таблиц обобщенные и систематизированные данные о строении и проводящих путях центральной нервной системы. Пособие содержит большое количество схем и рисунков. Издание предназначено для обучающихся по основным профессиональным образовательным программам высшего образования — программам специалитета области образования «Здравоохранение» и «Медицинские науки», направления подготовки 31.05.01 «Лечебное дело», 31.05.03 «Стоматология». Presented in the form of tables, summary and systematic data on the structure and-conducting pathways of the central nervous system. The book contains a large number of diagrams and drawings. The manual is intended for students in basic professional educational programs of higher education — programs Specialty education «Health» and «Medical sciences». УДК 611.81(075.8) ББК 28.706я73 ISBN 978-5-16-107893-8 (online) © Калмин О.В., Калмина О.А., 2019
CONTENT Spinal cord ....................................................... 4 Medulla oblongata................................................. 13 Pons ............................................................. 22 Cerebellum ....................................................... 33 Mesencephalon..................................................... 41 Diencephalon...................................................... 49 Telencephalon .................................................... 65 Pathways of the central nervous system ........................... 82 References ...................................................... 113
SPINAL CORD Grey matter Name Localization Function Fascicular cells, Diffusely dispersed in the Connect the segments cellulae disseminatae grey matter of spinal cord of spinal cord between each other (part of the segmental apparatus) Reticular formation, On the level of cervical Activates or inhibits formatio reticularis segments - between the an activity of spinal cord, anterior and posterior horns, connects the spinal cord at the level of upper thorac- with brain ic segments - between the lateral and posterior horns, it’s adjacent to the grey matter Anterior column Posterolateral Behind the anterolateral Agglomeration of motor nucleus, nucleus nucleus in C5 - Th1 neurons posterolateralis and L2 - S2 segments Posteromedial Beside the white commis- Agglomeration of motor nucleus, nucleus sure in Th1 - S2 segments neurons posteromedialis Retroposterior Behind the posterolateral Agglomeration of motor lateral nucleus, nucleus in C8 - Th1 neurons nucleus retroposterol- and S1 - S3 segments ateralis Anterolateral Anterolateral branch Agglomeration of motor nucleus, nucleus of C4 - C8 and L2 - S1 neurons. anterolateralis segments Anteromedial Anteromedial part Agglomeration of motor nucleus, nucleus neurons anteromedialis Lumbodorsal In L3 - S1 segments Agglomeration of motor nucleus, nucleus neurons lumbodorsalis Central nucleus, In Th1 - L3, S1 - S5 Agglomeration of motor nucleus centralis segments neurons 4
Name Localization Function Nucleus of phrenic In the middle of anterior Agglomeration of motor nerve, nucleus nervi horn C4 - C7 segments neurons phrenici Nucleus of accessory Close to the anterolateral Motor spinal nucleus nerve, nucleus nervi nucleus in C1 - C6 of accessory nerve accessorii segments Posterior column Secondary visceral Some dorsal of central Agglomeration grey substance, intermediate substance of vegetative neurons substantia visceralis secundaria Zona spongiosa, On the periphery of dorsal Connects the segments zona spongiosa horn, dorsal of substance of the spinal cord between gelatinosa each other (part of the segmental apparatus) Nucleus proprius General mass of dorsal horn Agglomeration of interneu- of posterior horn, rons (2nd neuron of spino- nucleus proprius thalamic tracts) cornu posterioris Gelatinous On the periphery of apex of Connects the segments substance, substantia dorsal horn of the spinal cord between gelalinosa each other (part of the segmental apparatus) Intermediate column Thoracic nucleus, On the medial side in the Agglomeration of inter Stilling-Clarke’s base of dorsal horn neurons (2nd neuron nucleus, nucleus of C8 - L2 segments of posterior spinocerebellar thoracicus tract) Sacral parasympa- In S2 - S4 segments Agglomeration thetic nuclei, nuclei anterior to the lateral of parasympathetic neurons parasympathici intermediate substance sacrales Lateral intermediate Laterally in C8 - L3 Cluster of autonomic substance, substantia segments sympathetic neurons intermedia lateralis Central intermediate Intermediate zona of spinal Agglomeration substance, substantia cord, near central canal of interneurons intermedia centralis Th1 - L3 segments (2nd neuron of anterior spinocerebellar tract) 5
White matter Name Localization Function Zona terminalis, zona At the region of the apex Part of posterior root with- terminalis of posterior horn in the spinal cord Anterior funiculus Medial longitudinal Between anterior cortico- Connects the motor nuclei fasciculus, fasciculus spinal tract anterior to ven- of the III, IV, VI, IX and longitudinalis medialis tral grey commissure behind vestibular nuclei VIII cra- nial nerves with the motor neuron of the spinal cord, innervate the muscles of the neck, conducts impuls- es that coordinate complex turn of the head and eyes in response to auditory and visual stimuli Anterior fasciculi On the peripheral of anteri- Connects the segments proprii, fasciculi or horn of spinal cord of the spinal cord between proprii anteriores each other (part of the segmental apparatus) Anterior corticospi- Medial part of anterior Part of pyramidal system, nal tract, tractus funiculus conscious motor pathway corticospinalis anterior Anterior spinotha- Anterior from reticulospinal Conducts impulses lamic tract, tractus tract of tactile sensitivity (sense spinothalamicus of touch and pressure) anterior Tectospinal tract, Directly adjacent to anterior Allows the unconscious tractus tectospinalis median fissure of spinal movements in response cord to the auditory and visual stimuli, part of extrapyram- idal system Vestibulospinal tract, On the border of anterior Regulates the unconscious tractus funiculus with lateral one, movements in response vestibulospinalis near the anterolateral sulcus to the change of body posi- of spinal cord tion, part of extrapyramidal system Reticulospinal tract, Central part of anterior Conducts impulses active- tractus reticulospinalis funiculus, lateral of anterior ting and inhibitory reflex corticospinal tract activity of the spinal cord 6
Name Localization Function Lateral funiculus Posterior spino- Posterolateral part of lateral Conducts impulses cerebellar tract, funiculus, near of posterol- of proprioceptive sensi- Flechsig’s tract, ateral sulcus of spinal cord tivity tractus spinocerebel- laris posterior Rubrospinal tract, Anterior to lateral cortico- Conducts impulses tractus rubrospinalis spinal tract of automatic unconscious control of movements and skeletal muscle tone, primary pathway of extrap- yramidal system Lateral fasciculi On the periphery of lateral Connects the segments proprii, fasciculi horn of spinal cord of the spinal cord between proprii laterales each other (part of the segmental apparatus) Lateral corticospinal Medially to posterior spino- Part of pyramidal system, tract, tractus cortico- cerebellar tract conscious motor pathway spinalis lateralis Lateral spinothalam- Anterior part of lateral Conducts impulses ic tract, tractus spino- funiculus, medially of temperature and pain thalamicus lateralis to anterior spinocerebellar sensitivity tract Olivospinal tract, On the periphery of anterior Conducts impulses of au- tractus olivospinalis spinocerebellar tract, on the tomatic unconscious con- border of anterior funiculus trol of movements and skeletal muscle tone, part of extra-pyramidal system Anterior spino- Anterolateral part of lateral Conducts impulses cerebellar tract, funiculus, near anterolateral of proprioceptive Gowers’ tract, tractus sulcus of spinal cord sensitivity spinocerebellaris anterior Spinotectal tract, Anterior to lateral Conducts impulses tractus spinotectalis spinothalamic tract of exteroceptive sensibility Spino-olivary tract, Near to anterior root Contains information from tractus spinoolivaris filaments of spinal nerves the skin, muscle and tendon near of olivospinal tract receptors Spinoreticular tract, Behind the spino-olivary Forms the bilateral tractus tract projections on all branchs spinoreticularis of brainstem reticular formation 7
Name Localization Function Posterior funiculus Posterior fasciculi Adjoins to posterior horn Connects the segments proprii, fasciculi of spinal cord of the spinal cord between proprii posteriores each other (part of the segmental apparatus) Cuneate fasciculus, In posterior funiculus Conducts impulses Burdach’s fasciculus, laterally of conscious proprioceptive fasciculus cuneatus sensitivity from 12 upper segments of spinal cord Gracile fasciculus, In posterior funiculus Conducts impulses Goll’s fasciculus, medially of conscious proprioceptive fasciculus gracilis sensitivity from 19 lower segments of spinal cord
nucleus proprius cornu posterioris cornu laterale canalis centralis funiculus lateralis cornu posterius funiculus posterior funiculus anterior Pic. 1. Internal structure of the spinal cord. Transverse section at the level of thoracic segments (Гайворонский И. В., 2007¹) comu anterius substantia gelatinosa zona spongiosa zona terminalis nucleus thoracicus nucleus intermediolateralis nuclei proprii cornu anterioris nucleus intermediomedialis ¹ Гайворонский И. В. Нормальная анатомия человека : в 2 т. СПб. СпецЛит, 2007. Т. 2. 9
Pic. 2. Internal structure of the spinal cord, transverse section (Сапин М. Р., 1997²) Pathways (1-18) and nuclei of gray matter (19-28) in spinal cord. 1 - fasciculus gracilis; 2 - fasciculus cuneatus; 3 - fasciculus proprius dorsalis (posterior); 4 - tractus spinocerebellaris dorsalis (posterior); 5 - tractus corticospi-nalis (pyramidalis) lateralis; 6 - fasciculus proprius lateralis; 7 - tractus rubrospi-nalis; 8 - tractus spinothalamicus lateralis; 9 - tractus vestibulospinalis dorsalis; 10 - tractus spinocerebellaris ventralis; 11 - tractus spinotectalis; 12 - tractus olivospinalis; 13 - tractus reticulospinalis anterior; 14 - tractus vestibulospinalis; 15 - tractus spinothalamicus ventralis; 16 - fasciculus proprius anterior; 17 - tractus corticospinalis (pyramidalis) anterior; 18 - tractus tectospinalis; 19 - nucleus ven-tromedialis; 20 - nucleus dorsomedialis; 21 - nucleus centralis; 22 - nucleus ven-trolateralis; 23 - nucleus dorsolateralis; 24 - substantia intermedia lateralis; 25 - nucleus intermediomedialis; 26 - canalis centralis; 27 - nucleus thoracicus; 28 - nucleus proprius cornu posterior; 29 - zona terminalis; 30 - substantia spongiosa; 31 - substantia gelatinosa ² Анатомия человека : в 2 т. / под ред. М. Р. Сапина. М. : Медицина, 1997. Т. 2. 10