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Сравнительный анализ финансового состояния международных нефтяных компаний

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Сегодня возрастает роль профессиональной оценки финансового состояния компаний как для собственника, руководителя, инвестора, деловых партнеров, так и других заинтересованных лиц с целью выявления позиций организаций на рынке, выбора объектов инвестирования и других всевозможных вопросов. В учебном пособии проведен анализ финансового состояния компаний и сравнительный анализ основных финансовых показателей крупнейших российских и международных нефтяных компании. Таких как, ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ», ОАО «НК «Роснефть», ПАО «Газпром нефть» и ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips. В связи с выходом России на мировую арену возникает необходимость в информации о финансовом состоянии российских и зарубежных компаний, и соответственно, требуются разработка современных методик проведения сравнительного анализа этих организаций. В настоящее время мировой нефтегазовый промышленный комплекс является движущей силой роста мировой экономики и поддерживает жизнедеятельность всех отраслей национального хозяйства. Кроме того. ТЭК формирует значительную часть бюджетных доходов и валютных поступлений. Для нашей страны нефтегазовый комплекс играет важную роль в национальном хозяйстве. Учебное пособие адресовано научным и практическим работникам, преподавателям, аспирантам, магистрам и студентам экономических специальностей Вузов.
Кухаренко, О. Г. Кухяренко, О.Г. Сравнительный анализ финансового состояния международных нефтяных компаний : учебное пособие / О. Г. Кухаренко. — Москва : Научный консультант. — 2016. - 92 с. - ISBN 978-5-9908932-6-9. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1023653 (дата обращения: 28.04.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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О.Г. Кухаренко - кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Финансы и кредит» Российского государственного социального университета.

Н.П. Белотелова - доктор экономических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры «Финансы и кредит» Российского государственного социального университета

Ж.С. Белотелова - кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Финансовый менеджмент» Российской таможенной академии

      Сегодня возрастает роль профессиональной оценки финансового состояния компаний как для собственника, руководителя, инвестора, деловых партнеров, так и других заинтересованных лиц с целью выявления позиций организаций на рынке, выбора объектов инвестирования и других всевозможных вопросов.
      В учебном пособии проведен анализ финансового состояния компаний и сравнительный анализ основных финансовых показателей крупнейших российских и международных нефтяных компании. Таких как, ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ», ОАО «НК «Роснефть», ПАО «Газпром нефть» и ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips.
      В связи с выходом России на мировую арену возникает необходимость в информации о финансовом состоянии российских и зарубежных компаний, и соответственно, требуются разработка современных методик проведения сравнительного анализа этих организаций. В настоящее время мировой нефтегазовый промышленный комплекс является движущей силой роста мировой экономики и поддерживает жизнедеятельность всех отраслей национального хозяйства. Кроме того, ТЭК формирует значительную часть бюджетных доходов и валютных поступлений. Для нашей страны нефтегазовый комплекс играет важную роль в национальном хозяйстве.
      Учебное пособие адресовано научным и практическим работникам, преподавателям, аспирантам, магистрам и студентам экономических специальностей Вузов.


      Kukharenko O. - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor of Department of Finance and Credit, Faculty of Social Insurance, Economics & Sociology of Labor, Russian State Social University,

      Belotelova N. - Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Finance and Credit, Faculty of Social Insurance, Economics & Sociology of Labor, Russian State Social University
      Belotelova Z. - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate professor of Department of «Financial management» Russian Customs Academy

       Today, the role of the professional assessment of the financial condition of the companies are interested for the owner, manager, investor, business partners and other stakeholders to identify the organization's position in the market, the choice of investment objects and all sorts of other issues.
       In the tutorial are shown analyzes of financial condition of the company and comparative analysis of the key financial indicators of the largest Russian and international oil companies. Such as LUKOIL, Rosneft, Gazpromneft and ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips.
       In connection with the release of Russia on the world scene there is a need for information on the financial condition of Russian and foreign companies, and, accordingly, requires the development of modern methods of comparative analysis of these organizations. At present, the global oil and gas production is the driving force of global economic growth and support the livelihoods of all branches of the national economy. In addition, FEC forms a significant part of budget revenues and foreign exchange earnings. For our country's oil and gas industry plays an important role in the national economy.
       The Tutorial is addressed scientific and practical workers, teachers, graduate students, masters and students of economic specialties.

УДК 336.6
ББК 65.261

Н.П. Белотелова профессор, доктор экономических наук Ж.С. Белотелова доцент, кандидат экономических наук

         Кухаренко, О.Г. Сравнительный анализ финансового состояния
К95 международных нефтяных компаний [Текст]: учебное пособие / О. Г.
     Кухаренко. - М.: Научный консультант. - 2016. - 92 с.
        ISBN 978-5-9908932-6-9

            Сегодня возрастает роль профессиональной оценки финансового состояния компаний как для собственника, руководителя, инвестора, деловых партнеров, так и других заинтересованных лиц с целью выявления позиций организаций на рынке, выбора объектов инвестирования и других всевозможных вопросов.
           В учебном пособии проведен анализ финансового состояния компаний и сравнительный анализ основных финансовых показателей крупнейших российских и международных нефтяных компании. Таких как, ПАО «ЛУКОЙЛ», ОАО «НК «Роснефть», ПАО «Газпром нефть» и ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips.
           В связи с выходом России на мировую арену возникает необходимость в информации о финансовом состоянии российских и зарубежных компаний, и соответственно, требуются разработка современных методик проведения сравнительного анализа этих организаций. В настоящее время мировой нефтегазовый промышленный комплекс является движущей силой роста мировой экономики и поддерживает жизнедеятельность всех отраслей национального хозяйства. Кроме того, ТЭК формирует значительную часть бюджетных доходов и валютных поступлений. Для нашей страны нефтегазовый комплекс играет важную роль в национальном хозяйстве.
           Учебное пособие адресовано научным и практическим работникам, преподавателям, аспирантам, магистрам и студентам экономических специальностей Вузов.

                                                     УДК 336.6

                                                    ББК 65.261

  ISBN 978-5-9908932-6-9           © О.Г. Кухаренко, 2016
                                   © Оформление. Издательство «Научный консультант», 2016



CHAPTER I.   LITERATURE REVIEW....................................9

CHAPTER II.   THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK............................. 13
2.1. Financial statements ...................................... 13
2.2. Methods of financial analysis...............................21
2.3. Financial ratios and their interpretation ................. 24

CHAPTER III.  ANALYSING OIL COMPANIES .......................... 35
3.1. Overview of the industry................................... 35
3.2. Information about companies................................ 39
3.2.1. Russian oil and gas companies............................ 39 Gazprom Neft .......................................... 39 Lukoil..................................................40 “Rosneft”.............................................. 41
3.2.2. U.S oil and gas companies.................................42 ExxonMobil ............................................ 42 Chevron ............................................... 44 ConocoPhillips..........................................45
3.3. Ratio analysis ............................................ 46

CHAPTER IV.   MAJOR FINDINGS.....................................71

LIST OF REFERENCES...............................................74

APPENDIX........................................................ 77


     The financial condition of the company is one of the most important characteristics for assessing how reliable a firm is in market conditions is. Exploring the financial condition you can learn about the possibilities of the subsequent development of the company in the current business environment, and may determine whether the firm is competitive in general.
     Professional management of finance inevitably demands the deep analysis which will allow estimating most precisely a financial and economic condition of the enterprises by means of modern methods of research. In this regard the priority and a role of the financial analysis significantly increase. Competent analysis makes it possible to identify and correct weaknesses in the financial sector and to find reserves to improve the financial condition of the company and its solvency; predict financial results based on the actual conditions of economic activities and the availability of equity and debt.
     These questions can be tackled using the financial ratios analysis. Financial ratios are a very versatile, easy to use and useful tool. They are also convenient in making comparisons with previous periods or with competitors or market leaders. Therefore, being able to interpret them correctly and see how they are interconnected or how certain actions can affect the rations - in a positive or negative way - will provide valuable insight into how the company works.
     Relevance of the topic of this monograph is that the increase in financial results supports the stability of the company on the market and is the key to its effective functioning; in addition, it reflects the state of the financial resources of the organization and provides an opportunity for further growth and development of the company.
     In the thesis the main source for the analysis are the financial statements available for public: balance sheets and income statements. Currently, in Russian financial accounting practice companies use national (for the State Tax Service) and international (IFRS) accounting principles.
     International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are already used in over one hundred countries. Recently Russia has joined to them. During the past three years, the largest oil company in Russia, one after another began to move with the US GAAP to IFRS. So, JSC "NK"Rosneft", JSC "TNKBP", JSC "Slavneft" and OAO "Gazprom" published the first IFRS financial statements in 2012. According to the


Federal Law of 27 July 2010 №208-FL "Consolidated Financial Statements" must provide annual financial statements under IFRS in 2015 year all the credit and insurance organizations, public companies whose securities are traded. (FL-208 of 27.07.2010 "Consolidated Financial Statements").
     In the thesis will be discussed analysis of the initial data to prove or disprove the hypotheses.
     H1. Historical ratio values are good predictors of their own future values so ratio analysis is useful in predicting future performance of Russian and US firms in the oil and gas industry.
     H2: The usefulness of certain ratios in the oil and gas industry is different in the US and in Russia.
     The basic approach for selecting companies was to choose top three oil firms in Russian and U.S. Thus, the selecting was based on Forbes ranking the 25 largest oil and gas companies in the world in terms of production in 2012 (Helman, 2013) and list of Brand-Finance Global 500 2014 “The World's Most Valuable Brands”. So, they are GazpromNeft, Lukoil, Rosneft, ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips.
     Data for the analysis are taken from the official published sources for the 2009-2013 years.
     The first chapter of this thesis provides the theoretical foundations of financial analysis, and presents the methods of assessment of financial stability of the company. The second chapter describes the review of the oil and gas industry in Russia and America, the description of the chosen companies for the analysis and the analysis financial ratios of the U.S. and Russian companies. Chapter three is a summary and discussion of results. It further puts the conclusions and recommendations straight. The researcher at the end has attached references and appendices used in undertaking this study.


     There are many theoretical sources covering financial analysis in English and in Russian. In this chapter I will review the most important of them.
     Iatridis (2010), in his article he focused on the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In his article, he studied management potential profit under IFRS and the value relevance of IFRS-based financial reporting information. He concluded that the implementation of IFRS in general enhances the quality of accounting. The results show that the implementation of IFRS reduces the opportunities for earnings management is associated with more timely recognition of losses and leads to more value relevant accounting measures. This suggests that less information asymmetry and earnings manipulation would lead to the disclosure of cognitive and higher quality of accounting information and therefore help investors make informed and unbiased judgment.
     Drake and Fabozzi (2012) explain how to understand and interpret financial statements, which includes analysis of financial ratios, evaluation of earnings and cash flow analysis. They describe changes to U.S. and international accounting standards, as well as innovations in the areas of credit risk models and factor models. They discuss classify a financial instrument by the type of claims that the investor has on the issuer. A financial instrument in which the issuer agrees to pay the investor interest, plus repay the amount borrowed, is a debt instrument or debt. Also they present the Liquidity Ratios, the Profitability Ratios Measure, the Activity Ratios and the Solvency Ratios. Ratio analysis involves the methods of calculating and interpreting financial ratio in order to access the firm’s performance and status. The basic inputs to ratio analysis are the firm’s income statement and balance sheet for the periods to be examined.
     Babalola and Abiola (2013), the aim of their article is to present primarily the relationship between financial analysis and accounting, and the fundamental role which accounting holds, through the information it produces, into analysts' work. If ratio analysis is to judge the earning capacity, financial soundness and operating efficiency of a business organization, then, the use of ratio in accounting and financial management analysis would be of helps for the management to know the profitability, financial position and operating efficiency of an enterprise.


To achieve its objectives is striving to make an assessment of the level and variability of results and risks affecting the enterprise bankruptcy.
      Monea (2009) presents the main financial ratios which provide a picture about company’s profitability, its financial position, use of its assets efficiency, its long-term debt financing. Discussion is focused on: profitability ratios, short-term financial ratios, activity ratios, long-term debt ratios or dividend policy ratios. She discuss that financial ratios show financial relationship by dividing one financial item by another, and are an important tool for management, permitting a space comparison to place the company in her environment. It is recommended that after financial ratios calculation to compare those ratios with a standard.
      Financial ratios analysis is used to find an answer of the following main questions: is activity profitable, has the company enough money to pay its obligations, how higher is wages level of its employees, company use its assets efficiently, has company a gearing problem. Also she writes that financial ratios are useful to indicate company’s performance and financial situation. To be significant most of the financial ratios must to be compared to company’s forecast, to historical values of the same company, to a value which is considered an optimum value for the company’s activity sector, or ratios of similar companies. Some ratios by themselves may not be representative, and should be viewed as indicators or combined with others ratios to give us a picture about company’s situation.
      Financial ratios have to satisfy different needs for information for the different users. Users are interested by information that focuses on the financial position, performance, activity assets utilization, company’s financial structure, its liquidity and solvency, and its capacity to adapt to changes in the environment in which it operates. Financial ratio analysis can also help users to check whether a business is doing better in one period (current financial exercise) than it was last period, and it can tell them if one business is doing better or worse than other businesses doing and selling the same things.
      Brigham (2012) writes that finance is the cornerstone of the free enterprise system. Good financial management is therefore vitally important to the economic health of business firms, hence to the nation and the world.
      Parrino, Kidwell and Bates (2011) review the services financial institutions provide to businesses, how domestic and international


financial markets work, the concept of market efficiency, how firms use the financial markets, and how interest rates are determined in the economy and the key financial statements are related to cash flows to investors. Also they discuss about ratio analysis and other tools used to evaluate financial statements.
      Robinson, Henry, Pirie, Broihahn, and Cope (2012) help to understand the mechanics of the accounting process; comprehend the differences and similarities in income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements; and become familiar with different financial analysis techniques that provide valuable insight into a company's operations, risk characteristics and valuation.
      Tracy (2012) focuses how business managers should use financial statements for better investment decisions. Interpretation and analysis of financial statements involves identifying the users of the accounts, examining the information, analysing and reporting in a format which will give information for economic decision marking. He describes 17 financial ratios for financial analysis of a business. He divided ratios for five categories: profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, leverage ratio, efficiency ratios and market ratios. Profitability comparison helps improve performance of businesses and investments. Liquidity testing can to assess how comfortably a business can maintain operations. Leverage measurement can be used to check risk. Efficiency benchmarking helps to improve internal operations. Market-based analysis helps to decide between alternative investments.
      Bragg (2012), in this article discuss about role of financial analysis marking, management and investment decisions. He describes the several types of financial analysis. One is the continuing review and reporting of standard set of measures that give management a good view of the state of company operations. He discusses the evaluation into a standard cash flow for which a net present value calculation can be used to determine the discounted cash flow that is likely to be obtained. In his article he covers the essentials of why cash inflows and outflows are the key forces driving financial analysis and notes the wide variety of situations in which cash flow analysis can be used, as well as how to construct and interpret cash flow analysis models.
      Fridson and Alvarez (2011), in this article they recount the basic financial statements: balance sheet, income statement, income statement and statement of cash flows. A corporation exists for the benefit of its


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