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Science, Youth and Culture

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Science, Youth and Culture : сборник трудов по материалам Международной студенческой научно-практической конференции. Дата проведения: 24 марта 2016 г. Королев. - Москва : Научный консультант, 2016. - 248 с. - ISBN 978-5-9908478-5-9. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1023625 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Московской области





Сборник трудов по материалам Международной студенческой научно-практической конференции 24 марта2016 г.


УДК 372.881.1
ББК 74.268.1

          Science, Youth and Culture / сборник трудов по материалам Н34 Международной студенческой научно-практической конференции. Дата проведения: 24 марта 2016 г. Королев МО - М.: «Научный консультант», 2016.-248 с.

              ISBN 978-5-9908478-5-9

Издается в авторской редакции.

УДК 372.881.1
ББК 74.268.1

ISBN 978-5-9908478-5-9

©Технологический университет, 2016
    © Оформление. Издательство «Научный консультант», 2016


i. актуальные проблемы современности...............................................................5
      Modern youth employment problems.............................................................5
      Psychological problems of modern family......................................................8
      Higher Education at home and abroad................................................................11
      The analysis of international youth organisations movement..................................15
      Business and corporate ethics...............................................................18
      Новая глобальная проблема современности - миграция беженцев.................................22
      Организационно-экономическое и правовое развитие банковской системы в Республике Беларусь... 25
      Консолидация как форма систематизации.......................................................28
      Политика «зеленого роста» как стратегия развития прогрессивного общества....................31
      Perspectives of Reclamation of the Arctic Region............................................36
      Strategie der nachhaltigen Entwicklung......................................................40
      Intercultural communication and sustainable development as a solution to the world’s global issues.43
      К вопросу о климате как правовой категории..................................................46
      К вопросу участия Беларуси в ЕАЭС...........................................................48
      The Dutch disease as an obstacle of Russian economic development............................51
      Strategies of foreign companies penetration to the russian market.......................... 56
      Arranging and monitoring foreign economic activities of enterprise «EMPILS».................61
      Business and customs: new sides of cooperation..............................................65
      How To Become A President. USA & Russia.....................................................69
      L’implantation des banques fran^aises en Russie.............................................71
      Выход из кризиса - напечатать больше денег?.................................................74
      Life online: youth and social networks..................................................... 78
      Fluechtlingskriese in Deutschland...........................................................81
ii. глобальные проблемы цивилизации...............................................................83
      Phobias and fears ......................................................................... 83
      Help change the world ..................................................................... 87
      Empire account ............................................................................ 90
      The foundation and development of the banking system in Russia............................. 93
      The Rockfeller’s story of success...........................................................98
      The business style of clothes ............................................................ 101
      Этнографические реалии-названия обычаев и праздников в немецком языке......................103
      Перевод коннотативной лексики в романе Д. Грина "Виноваты звезды"..........................106
      Врачебная тайна и её защита................................................................109
      Зарождение и становление скаутских организаций в Германии: 1911 - 1933 гг..................111
      Моделирование на уроках математики.........................................................114
      Die Grunde des hungers im 21. Jahrhundert..................................................118
      Die laster des 21. Jahrhunderts............................................................121
      Global und wichtig ....................................................................... 123
      Global citizen as a way of sustainable development of our planet...........................125
      The British television.................................................................... 127
      The use of game theory in analyses of international relations ............................ 129
      Единая форма делового дресс-кода для студентов российских экономических вузов..............132
      Marketing policy of enterprise............................................................ 135
      Cultural stereotypes.......................................................................139
      National sport in Russia and England.......................................................142
      La cuisine est le patrimoine national de la France ....................................... 145
      Cyber sport today......................................................................... 148
      Исследование образа «Парижа-праздника» в литературных произведениях........................150
III. роль иностранного языка В жизни И профессии......................................................... 155
      Лексические способы передачи английского юмора при переводе. (На примере мини-энциклопедии
      Терри Пратчетта «Кот без прикрас»).........................................................155
      Проблемы перевода безэквивалентной лексики. (На примере стихотворения С.А.Есенина «Гой ты,
      Русь, моя родная...»)......................................................................159
      Роль иностранного языка в адаптации и интеграции мигрантов.................................163
      A foreign language as a path to a career.................................................. 167
      Особенности полиязычного образования в республике Казахстан................................170
      Doublespeak as a new linguistic trend of contemporary English ............................ 173
      Роль иностранного языка в жизни и профессии................................................177
      Компетентностный подход к профильному обучению иностранному языку в современной школе ..180


      Influence of foreign languages on youth slang (considering the cases of Anglicisms & Germanisms).183
      Средства выражения предположения в художественном тексте (на материале современного немецкого языка)..........................................................................185
      Особенности немецких предложных дополнений в художественном и публицистическом текстах.. 189 Die Verwendung von termini ,,Folk“ und ,,Volksmusik“ in der musikterminologie der deutschen Sprache 192 Отрицательная оценка и способы ее выражения в паремиях современного немецкого языка.......196
      К проблеме ложных друзей переводчика в современном немецком языке.........................202
      Das Problem der ubersetzungsaquivalenz der Euphemismen im deutschen und im russischen.....205
      Продуктивность словообразующих глагольных префиксов в немецком языке......................208
      Some aspects of social networks use in English language classroom environment ........... 211
      Модальные глаголы для выражения предположения в современном немецком языке................214
      Modern technologies: bless or curse?......................................................218
      Humanity’s Servants: Robots...............................................................220
      Synthesis of cetane boost additive for diesel fuel ...................................... 223
      Research of bitumen polymer systems properties .......................................... 226
      Cyber crimes against individual...........................................................229
      Degradation of longstanding gas pipelines operating ..................................... 232
      Securing of pipeline final position...................................................... 234
      Разработка оригинального комбинированного продукта........................................236
      Изучение технологических свойств мяса хайнака.............................................241
      Modern technologies to identify pipeline leaks .......................................... 245



    Modern youth employment problems

Kashirina A.O., ПО-14
Demskaya N.V., assistant professor
State Educational Institution of Higher
                                 Education Moscow Region “University of Technology”
Korolev, Russia

     This article is about one of the most pressing problems of a modern society. This is the problem of young people employment. I am very worried about this problem, because soon it can concern me and all other students and future university graduates.

     Keywords: young people, a society, a problem, employment, unemployment, a job, the economy, an education.

       I am a second-year student of our university and I'm studying psychology. And as a future specialist I am worried about one of the most pressing problem of our society. I am talking about the problem of young people employment. In my opinion, it’s a very important problem and I would like to tell you a little about it.
       Nowadays our society is in a difficult socio-political and economic situation. Due to recent changes the youth of today, on the one hand, have more opportunities in their life, but, on the other hand, the current situation in the world has led to "barriers", which significantly limit the uptake and implementation of the younger generation in playing their certain social roles. Education and employment of young people have a direct impact on the welfare and prosperity of each country and the world community as a whole. Youth is one of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market. All over the world, young people face rising real difficulties in finding decent job.
       European countries are familiar with the problems of young people employment firsthand. In 2014, medium youth unemployment rate in the EU was 20 percents. In Spain, for example, in 2014, more than half of young people did not have jobs. In the Netherlands there is the lowest rate of youth unemployment in the EU. In Russia, the situation is slightly better: in 2000 the unemployment rate stabilized, but in people's lives a fear to become unemployed remains. Research shows that more than 70 percents of respondents are afraid to be unemployed in the future.
       As it turned out, the problems faced by young representatives from different countries are quite similar. Almost all young people complain about the reluctance of employers to hire yesterday’s graduates because they don’t have any practical knowledge after graduation. And, of course, everywhere there are a lot of young people who do not have enough resources to pay for a good education or different programs for improving their skills.
       Another important issue is a problem of misbalance of supply and demand in the labor market. It consists of the fact that there is an inconsistency between which specialty are required in the labor market and those, which specialists colleges produce. In this case we are talking about the complexity of the labor market forecasting for the nearest five or six years because of


the instability in the country’s economy. Getting a prestigious profession, graduate risks being unclaimed after graduation due to a sharp change in the rating of prestigious professions. In this case, the most important thing is that a graduate has to have skills to adapt quickly to the changing situation. And these skills need to be brought up in the process of socialization of the individual, and also in the family.
       Solutions of some problems have already been found. For example, today it is possible to get a scholarship or a grant for studying directly from many famous world universities and with the help of numerous programs and projects.
       In December, 12, 2016 the government approved state youth policy strategy in the Russian Federation. The aim of this strategy is to develop and realize youth potential for Russia interests. The projects created for realization of main trends will be appealed to all Russian youth; will open possibility for equal participation in them all young people regardless of their sex, nationality, profession and a place of living.
       Different projects such as “Russian youth informational net “New look”, “Volunteers of Russia”, “Young Family of Russia” and “A career” were suggested for realization all possibilities of the youth and to inform them about potential possibilities of development in Russia.
       The main aim of the project “A career” is to find places for the youth in the labor market, finding different models and forms of involving the youth in labor economic activity helping to solve the problem of their material security.
       Annually in Russia different forums such as “A source” and “A dialogue” take place, where problems of youth employment are discussed.
       To find a solution to other problems is a future plan. In 2015 a forum on the problem of employment was held in Moscow. Many young people, professionals who are working with young people, teachers, scientists from different countries took part in the forum. During the forum, participants were able to talk about the problems of youth employment in their countries, to learn about approaches to solving these problems in other countries to offer their innovative ideas and projects in the field of education and employment.
       One of the ideas was the necessity of private employers to be directly involved in the development of public policy in the field of employment. It is also important that the knowledge acquired by youth in non-formal education should be necessary and important for employers. It will be easier to achieve if employers themselves will be involved in the planning of educational programs, trainings and seminars for young people.
       For universities it will be also useful to listen to recommendations of the private sector in the development of formal education programs. For pupils and students it may also be interesting to meet businessmen, who can share their business experience and who can motivate young people to begin their own business. Such meetings can be included in the program of formal education. Also, the positive results can bring a model, when a businessman pays himself for the education of their future employees at the university. And by appointment, after graduation, high school graduate will be employed in the company that has sponsored his education.
       And the last important recommendation that the participants of the forum addressed the governments of all countries is to listen carefully to the wishes of young people and to involve them in the decision-making process.
       In conclusion, I would like to say that young people in the labor market are a quite vulnerable categories of our citizens, and questions of monitoring and assistance should be public policy issues.


       The government should take an active position in promoting youth employment, to develop a set of measures to consolidate the young skilled workers, because education and employment of young people has a direct impact on the welfare and prosperity of each country and the world community as a whole.


    1.  http://www.trend.az/azerbaijan/society/2369242.html
    2.  Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) Guide 2010 Part I: General provisions, p. 27 // http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sme/index_en.htm The European Commission’s Portal for small businesses.
    3.  Молодёжь и безработица - проблема выбора профессионального пути [Электронный ресурс] // http: www.divss-line.ru
    4.  Молодёжь на рынке труда. - Самарканд: Издательство «Зарафшан», 2010.
    5.  Демская Н. В. Инновационные технологии в преподавании иностранных языков // В сборнике: Инновационные технологии в современном образовании сборник трудов по материалам II Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции. 2015. С. 8688.
    6.  Демская Н. В. Упражнения для развития межкультурной компетенции при изучении иностранных языков // В сборнике: Инновационные и приоритетные направления в преподавании гуманитарных дисциплин в техническом вузе сборник трудов по материалам II Международной научно-практической конференции. Москва, 2015. С. 44-48.


    Psychological problems of modern family

Pimenova Yu. А., ЭК-527
Tkachenko I. N., assistant professor
                                                Rostov State University of Economies (RINH) Rostov-on-Don, Russia

         The article is devoted to consideration of features of the family conflicts. Marriage and family are considered in the context of contemporary conditions of life. Special attention is paid to the specifics of relationships which are influenced by gender factors and system role installations. Each family is individual and there is a wide scope for research on the family.

        Keywords: modern family, family problems, marriage problems , family psychology.

       Each family is a unique system that provides its members with an environment in which everyone develops and finds support and to realize own potential. For centuries, the family was taken as the greatest value because for a long time it was simply necessary even for basic survival. The theme of the family and its issues will always be relevant, for many researchers it is fundamental in understanding the stages of personal development The purpose of this article is to examine the existence of the family in modern conditions. From the point of view of social psychology, the family is a special form of small group in which members are related marriage or kinship, as well as way of life and moral responsibility. Family problems are some of the complexities in life of the spouses that cause prolonged and painful disorders. As the most typical family problems can be distinguished:
       -  family problems and violence;
       -  the imbalance of marital roles and the inadequacy of the prestige of the spouses;
       -  overload women of diverse social roles;
       As a specific concerns
       -  the nuclear family and childless family
       -  Androginization of families.
       Let us consider these problems in more detail.
       Family problems and violence
       According to the majority, the causes of trouble lie in a low family income, lack of spirituality, asocial behavior of parents, conflict relations between spouses and children, alcohol abuse, etc. Those are the problems that cause children to go outside, to wander and misbehave. Children from disadvantaged families is focused solely on survival and making money by any ways and means. Under these conditions, and Mature plants, is virtually guaranteed, low quality of education and the growth of juvenile delinquency. Violence in the family is one of the burning social problems of modern Russia, the reason of which is:
       -  alcoholism and drug addiction;
       -  low security, poverty;
       -  high percentage of unemployment and the difficulty of professional development.
       Very often domestic violence begins to emerge during economic crises, difficulties at work, crises in the family. During these black bars spouses will be useful and even necessary support.
       The imbalance of marital roles and the inadequacy of the prestige of the spouses


        Atmosphere of harmony and understanding in the family is maintained, if the wife acts as the hidden leader, allowing the man to remain formal leader and head of the family. But the problem today lies in the fact that the woman refuses to take her husband to the behavioral tactics of "latent leadership" and acts on it through direct psychological pressure, thereby creating high tension in the family circle, which often leads to loss of credibility of the father in the eyes of children.
        Men, choosing a mate to build a lasting relationship, pay attention to the beauty and age of the wife. But in the choices that women make, the role of social factors - income, occupation. Sometimes in married life there are periods when the prestige of one of the partners is above the other. In such a situation it may happen that one spouse begins to treat the other dismissive.
       Role overload of women
        At the beginning of a joint life, men usually help women around the house, which is a component of the courtship ritual, but soon this support ceases, and all the household chores fall on the woman. Such overloading results in a constant irritability that can bring discord in relationships. It is important for modern women to have hobbies, allowing her to develop on a personal and spiritual level. Chronic lack of spare time may prevent a woman to engage in favorite activities, developing its creative potential and this, in turn, will lead to the increase of the irritability and General dissatisfaction. Irritability, meanwhile, creates an emotional discomfort that causes the formation of negative attitudes on the husband and sexual intimacy with him.
       The nuclear family and childless family
        Nuclear families is the basic category of families in our time. Such a family usually consists of husband, wife and two or, more often, one child. The most typical difficulties of nuclear families can be attributed to the complexity of psychological and pedagogical properties that are associated with raising an only child: the lack of adequate conditions for the development of social and emotional skills and emerging on this basis egocentrism. There are three types of families: 1 - the conjugal family, 2 - the problem family, 3 - geocentrists family. The basis of the first type is the priority of the marital relationship than parenthood, i.e. children in the family are not a leading factor in the unification of the spouses, there is no motive to have children as an extension of themselves. The number of mothers for whom it is enough to have only one child is 44%, and 35% of women with higher education, consider children to be a problem in achieving career advancement. In the second case, the head angle problem face questions on care of the child and his education. Women in such families do not put children above their own ambitions, for them it is the object of tedious worries. Representatives of the third class families were able to combine the joy of having a child and hope that he will become a solid element of procreation. But the number of these households is small, as is also seen with the lowest proportion of mothers with higher education (20%). All these types is far from ideal. Successful family should be self-sufficient and able to provide positive dynamics of development of the society.
       Androginization of families
        Men are usually portrayed as aggressive, strong, independent, intelligent and creative; women as submissive, emotionally dependent and weak. The definition of masculinity as exclusively "male" and femininity as "female" have become archaic stereotypes that contribute to the formation of conservative views. Analysis of sex differences in importance of certain parameters for professional activity showed that the essential 34-41 signs. The most pronounced differences stem from the fact that women prefer working with people and consider the quality


of industrial relations as one of the main criteria of choice of profession, and men attach primary importance to the freedom and autonomy of its activities. Gender stereotypes that accompany and modern socialization process, can be disorienting: being false or not corresponding to reality, they can seriously distort personal development and interpersonal interaction. Despite the fact that stereotypes tend to remain stable over long periods of time in both individual and public consciousness, changing values and culture of a people provides the basis for the formation of new norms and rules of behaviour in the modern world.
       In conclusion, it is also important to note that families had escaped the attendant problems of marriage, almost non-existent. As we noted above, the primary problems of marriage are: the dysfunction of families, the inequality of the marital status of the spouses; overload women; the inadequacy in the perception and manifestations of the prestige of spouses, domestic violence, motives of having children, androginization of families. These issues are critical influences on the functioning of the modern family. But each family is characterized by different resistance to the influences of marital problems. Circumstances can be very different and he family experiences a more than one or the whole range of problems. Increased attention to the problem of preparation of youth to family life may lead to the neutralization of many of the problems modern families.


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            2. Gurko T.A. Actual problems of families in Russia, 2008
            3. Motrenko Yu. I. Transformation of notions of the family in the course of social evolution. - 2O11.№11
            4. Rozenova M.I., Zhuchkova S.E. Psychological education as a source of security education and life. 2O14. №. 5
            5. Rozenova M.I The phenomenology of envy. 2O13. № 10
            6. Rozenova M.I. Positive psychology in Russia: some topical issues of adaptation. 2012. № 1
            7. Shibaeva K.S. the relationship of marital relationship and behavior of men in infertile marriage- 2011 №12


    Higher Education at home and abroad

                                                               Khanjyan K. S., ИНО 15/1 Vinichenko N. V., senior teacher
State Educational Institution of Higher
                                             Education Moscow Region “University of Technology’’ Korolev, Russia

        This article says about Higher Education at home and abroad, mainly in Russia, Uzbekistan and Great Britain. The author analyses and presents some advantages and disadvantages of each of the systems. The ways of getting the Bachelor’s, Master ’s or Doctor ’s Degree are outlined. Education and cultural links between countries are shown the opportunity to become an overseas student is guaranteed.

        Keywords: university, educational system, undergraduate education, postgraduate education.

        Education is an important part of modern life. Being educated means to know many necessary and useful things for life, which is why every decent person studies at school. Education develops different sides of human personality, reveals his abilities. Besides, it helps a person to understand himself, to choose the right way in this world. The civilized state differs from others in the fact that it pays much attention to the educational policy. John Kennedy said: "Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education". But it doesn't concern only one particular nation. We know that science and art belong to the whole world. Before them, the barriers of nationality disappear. So education brings people closer to each other, helps them to understand each other better.
        Firstly, to stop at system of education in Great Britain. Pupils sit for exams leaving secondary school and sixth form. They sit for the General Certificate Secondary Education at the end of the 5th-years' course. А-level or AS-levels are taken after two years of study in the sixth form. They are the main standard for entrance to university or other higher education.
        The system of higher education in Britain includes universities, colleges of education and advanced courses at various colleges. There are more than 44 universities in Britain. But not all universities are equil. They differ from one another in history and tradition. The oldest and world-known universities are Oxford and Cambridge. А university usually consists of colleges. In the university, students have a series of lectures, seminars, tutorials and laboratory classes. Lectures are given to large groups of students while seminars are much smaller than lectures. Lectures and seminars are all one hour in length, laboratory classes last 2 or 3 hours. The academic year divides into 3 terms. First two terms last for 24 weeks; the 3rd term is reserved for classes and examinations and lasts for six weeks. After three years of study, a university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science. Student can continue to take his Master's Degree and then the Doctor's. Education after 16 is voluntary in United Kingdom. Students, who live in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, must take at the age of 16 the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). After this exam, students can choose to stay on in school or attend colleges of further education. British universities are self-governing and are guaranteed academic independence. Funding councils set up by Parliament provide funding for education and research. The Open University, based in Milton Keynes, England, was founded in 1969. It uses extension techniques of correspondence


courses, television and radio programs, and video cassettes, supposed by local study centers and summer schools, to provide higher education opportunities to a wide variety of people.
        About 90 per cent of students get state grants to cover tuition fees and living costs. The size of the grant is determined by parents’ income. Since the late 1980s, however, grants have been frozen; students can apply for a student loan.
        Secondly, it is education in Russia. School is obligatory. At the 9th grade children face a very important period in their life. They have to choose whether to continue school education, or to leave for other types of educational institutions, such as college, specialized schools and else. If the pupil decides to continue studying in high school, which lasts for two years, he can enter the university after school graduation. It is only the general pattern of education in Russia.
        One has to study in the institute for 5 years. Higher educational institutions train students in one or several specializations. The term of study in a general secondary school is 11 years and consists of primery, middle and upper stages. The former stress a more theoretical, fundamental approach to education, while the latter are more practice oriented. Future doctors attend medical institutes. There are no degrees in Russian equivalent to those of bachelor's or master's. To be admitted to an institution of higher learning, one has to pass a series of oral and written tests. Grades in the certificate of secondary education are also taken account.Entry to higher education is quite competitive. Some college departments (philologist, foreign languages-especially. English, law, journalism) have dozens of applicants for one prospective student's position. The same is true of medical and theatre institutes. College students with good grades were rewarded with a modest stipend. The government subsidized all institutions of higher learning. Now that the country is changing to a market-place economy, the system of education is also bound to undergo profound changes. After finishing school or college, young people may enter institute or university to get the higher education. After finishing the fourth course they get the bachelor's degree and after graduating from the higher educational establishment — the master's degree. By the way, some people think, that professional trainings makes it easier to get a higher education. As for high schools, there are a lot of them in our country. Some of them train teachers, others -doctors, engineers, architectors, actors and so on. Many institutes have evening and extra-mural departments. That gives the students an opportunity to study at an institute without leaving their jobs at plants or factories.
        Finally, educational system of Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan declared independence on September 1, 1991. Many speak two languages (Uzbek and Russian); most speak three or more languages. The study of English language has become very popular ever since independence. In Uzbekistan, twelve years are obligatory, starting at age seven. There are 34 Higher Educational Institutions. 69% of students study on a fee paid basis (individual contract) at the Bachelor’s level and 75% students study on a fee paid basis at the Master’s level. According to the National Programme for Personnel Training, higher education is based on the secondary specialised education (academic lyceum), vocational specialised education (professional college) and includes 2 levels: a Bachelor’s degree level and Master’s degree level. The Bachelor's degree level is a basic higher education providing fundamental and applied knowledge according to speciality, with a period of study not less than 4 years. Upon completion of the Bachelor’s program, a graduate is conferred with the degree of bachelor and granted a diploma of the state pattern, which entitles him to start professional activity. The Master's degree level is higher education with fundamental and applied knowledge in a concrete field and lasts not less than 2 years on the basis of the Bachelor's degree. Master’s degree holders are given a diploma of the state pattern, which entitles the holder to work in his profession. It should be emphasized that


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