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Английский для востоковедов = English for Asian Studies Coursebook

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Английский язык уже давно проник во все сферы человеческой деятельности и стал инструментом интеграции в глобальное общество. Изучение английского языка признано необходимостью в большинстве стран мира. Однако если в школе упор делается на освоение курса "General English", то при обучении английскому языку в вузе на первый план выходят овладение академическими навыками и навыки профессионального общения. Эти два аспекта и легли в основу данного учебного пособия, которое охватывает первую часть практического курса "Английский для востоковедов" (English for Asian Studies). Курс построен на принципах коммуникативного подхода к изучению английского языка и включает четыре вида речевой деятельности: прослушивание (Listening), чтение (Reading), говорение (Speaking), письмо (Writing), а также изучение грамматики и вокабуляра. Основной целью учебного пособия является развитие у студентов как академических навыков (написание эссе, аннотаций, тезисов, выступление с презентацией, участие в круглых столах и дебатах), так и навыков в сфере английского для специальных целей (овладение англоязычной терминологией будущей специальности, знакомство с культурологическими, экономическими, историческими, политическими реалиями изучаемого региона). Пособие "Английский для востоковедов" основано на аутентичном англоязычном материале, посвященном странам Восточно-Азиатского региона, и состоит из шести частей (Units): Unit 1. Анимэ (Япония); Unit 2. Бренды (Китай); Unit 3. Образование (Корея); Unit 4. Искусство (Дальний Восток); Unit 5. Инновационные технологии (Япония); Unit 6. Азиатский образ жизни (Дальний Восток). Учебное пособие рассчитано на студентов бакалавриата отделения востоковедения и предусматривает наличие у студентов уровня коммуникативной компетенции на английском языке в диапазоне В2+ - С1.
Хомутский, К. И. Хомугский, К.И. Английский для востоковедов. English for Asian Studies Coursebook [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / К. И. Хомутский, М. А. Бурова ; Нац. исслед. ун-т «Высшая школа экономики». — 2-е изд. (эл.). — Электрон, текстовые дан. (1 файл pdf: 151 с). — М.: Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2018. — Систем, требования: Adobe Reader XI либо Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 ; экран 10". - ISBN 978-5-7598-1606-5. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1018964 (дата обращения: 01.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Английский для востоковедов


Издательский дом Высшей школы экономики

Москва 2018


2-е издание (электронное)

ББК 81.2Англ

Рецензент — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент ВАК, 
доцент кафедры английского языка № 4 МГИМО МИД РФ 
И. В. Хитрова

Хомутский, К. И.

Английский для востоковедов. English for Asian Studies Coursebook [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / К. И. Хомутский, М. А. Бурова ; Нац. исслед. 
ун-т «Высшая школа экономики». — 2-е изд. (эл.). — Электрон. текстовые дан. 
(1 файл pdf : 151 с.). — М. : Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2018. — Систем. требования: Adobe Reader XI либо Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 ; экран 10".
ISBN 978-5-7598-1606-5
Английский язык уже давно проник во все сферы человеческой деятельности и 
стал инструментом интеграции в глобальное общество. Изучение английского языка 
признано необходимостью в большинстве стран мира. Однако если в школе упор делается на освоение курса «General English», то при обучении английскому языку в вузе на первый план выходят овладение академическими навыками и навыки профессионального общения. Эти два аспекта и легли в основу данного учебного пособия, 
которое охватывает первую часть практического курса «Английский для востоковедов» 
(‘English for Asian Studies’). Курс построен на принципах коммуникативного подхода 
к изучению английского языка и включает четыре вида речевой деятельности: прослушивание (Listening), чтение (Reading), говорение (Speaking), письмо (Writing), а 
также изучение грамматики и вокабуляра. Основной целью учебного пособия является развитие у студентов как академических навыков (написание эссе, аннотаций, 
тезисов, выступление с презентацией, участие в круглых столах и дебатах), так и навыков в сфере английского для специальных целей (овладение англоязычной терминологией будущей специальности, знакомство с культурологическими, экономическими, историческими, политическими реалиями изучаемого региона). Пособие «Английский для востоковедов» основано на аутентичном англоязычном материале, 
посвященном странам Восточно-Азиатского региона, и состоит из шести частей (Units): 
Unit 1. Анимэ (Япония); Unit 2. Бренды (Китай); Unit 3. Образование (Корея); Unit 4. 
Искусство (Дальний Восток); Unit 5. Инновационные технологии (Япония); Unit 6. 
Азиатский образ жизни (Дальний Восток).
Учебное пособие рассчитано на студентов бакалавриата отделения.

УДК 811.111(075)
ББК 81.2Англ

Деривативное электронное издание на основе печатного издания: Английский для востоковедов. 
English for Asian Studies Coursebook [Текст] : учебное пособие / К. И. Хомутский, М. А. Бурова ; 
Нац. исслед. ун-т «Высшая школа экономики». — М. : Изд. дом Высшей школы экономики, 2017. 
— 147 с. — ISBN 978-5-7598-1353-8.
В соответствии со ст. 1299 и 1301 ГК РФ при устранении ограничений, установленных техническими 
средствами защиты авторских прав, правообладатель вправе требовать от нарушителя возмещения 
убытков или выплаты компенсации.

ISBN 978-5-7598-1606-5
© Хомутский К. И., Бурова М. А., 2017
© Дизайн обложки. Д. И. Семёнов, 2017
© Оформление. Издательский дом 
Высшей школы экономики, 2017

В книге использованы рисунки Д. И. Семёнова.


UNIT 1. It’s Animeazing! Japanese Modern Culture  ................................................  5
Reading. Skimming and Scanning  ...................................................................... 6
Vocabulary. Definitions and Synonyms  ............................................................... 9
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 10
Presentation Skills. Starting your Presentation  .................................................. 11
Writing. How to do a Review?  .......................................................................... 12
Vocabulary. Synonyms  ...................................................................................... 15
Listening. For Details  ...................................................................................... 19
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 20
Academic Skills. Structuring a Paragraph  ......................................................... 21

UNIT 2. Brands and Trends: Chinese Consumer Market  .......................................... 25
Vocabulary. Key Terms of Branding  .................................................................. 26
Reading. For Main Ideas  .................................................................................. 28
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 32
Vocabulary. Mind Maps  .................................................................................... 33
Writing. Supporting Sentences  ......................................................................... 35
Listening. For Details and Examples  ................................................................ 37
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 39
Academic Skills. Organizing Lecture Notes  ...................................................... 39
Speaking. Negotiating  ...................................................................................... 41
Case Study. Chinese Brands Going Global  ....................................................... 41

UNIT 3. Edudicted Nation: Education in South Korea  ............................................. 44
Vocabulary. Feelings before an Exam  ................................................................. 44
Listening. For Details and Numbers  .................................................................. 45
Reading. Summarizing  ...................................................................................... 47
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ...................................................................... 51
Writing. A Letter of Motivation  ......................................................................... 51
Presentation Skills. Dealing with Visuals  ........................................................... 54
Academic Skills. Introductory Paragraph ........................................................... 58

UNIT 4. Culture and Art: Asian Culture  .................................................................. 61
Vocabulary. Using a Thesaurus  ......................................................................... 62
Listening. For Main Ideas  ................................................................................ 63


Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 64
Academic Skills. Making an Oral Summary  ...................................................... 65
Reading. Summary Completion ........................................................................ 66
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 69
Writing. Developing an Extended Outline ......................................................... 70
Speaking. Debates ............................................................................................ 72

UNIT 5. Innovative Nation: Japanese Innovation  ..................................................... 75
Reading. Reference Words/Phrases  .................................................................. 76
Vocabulary. Synonyms and Opposites  ............................................................... 80
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 82
Academic Skills. Selecting and Prioritizing what you Read  ............................... 82
Listening for Examples ..................................................................................... 84
Presentation Skills. Effective Openings  ............................................................. 86
Academic Skills. Writing a Conclusion  ............................................................. 87
Case Study. Innovation in Education  ................................................................ 89

UNIT 6. Living Asian Style: Asian Lifestyles  ........................................................... 91
Vocabulary. Collocations  .................................................................................. 91
Listening. For Causes and Effects  ..................................................................... 92
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 93
Academic Skills. Writing Complex Sentences from Notes  ................................. 94
Reading. Identifying Causes and Effects  ........................................................... 95
Speaking. Roundtable Discussion ..................................................................... 99
Writing. Paraphrasing  ....................................................................................... 99
Academic Skills. Hedging  .............................................................................. 102
Speaking. Building an Argument in a Seminar  ................................................ 103

Extra Practice ....................................................................................................... 105

Language Focus  ................................................................................................... 114

Grammar Page ..................................................................................................... 121

Appendices  .......................................................................................................... 125

Wordlist  ............................................................................................................... 136

Glossary ............................................................................................................... 139

Источники использованных фотографий и иллюстраций ............................... 147


IT’S ANIMEAZING! Japanese Modern Culture


 Do you like watching cartoons? Why/Why not? 

 Do you have your favourite ones? 

TASK 1.1. Work on your own. Find a pair for each cartoon character. Match characters in A with those in B. Then compare the answers with a partner. 

Column A
Column B

1. Homer
А. Bart
2. Peter
B. Kenny McCormick
3. Eric Cartman
C. Jerry 
4. Ash Ketchum
D. Butt-Head
5. Beavis
E. Lois
6. Lisa
F. Pikachu
7. Wolf
G. Marge
8. Tom
H. Hare

TASK 1.2. Can you name the titles of cartoons where these characters appear? Are 
these cartoons popular in your country? 

TASK 1.3. Think of three reasons why grown-ups like watching cartoons and animated films?

 _________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________

Английский для востоковедов. English for Asian Studies Coursebook


READING. Skimming and Scanning 

Skimming is high-speed reading that can save you lots of time. You skim to get the 
general sense of a passage or a book. You should read only the words that will help 
you get the sense of the text. 
Read the first sentences or paragraphs quite carefully. The beginning often contains general information about the rest of the text. If the text is long, you might 
also read the second paragraph. Sometimes the first paragraph is only an introduction and the second paragraph contains the main idea. 
You should usually read the last paragraph more carefully. The author often summarizes the main idea at the end.

TASK 1.4. Read the title and the subheading of the newspaper article. What do you 
expect to read in the article?
Skim the whole passage. Which of these best describes the writer’s purpose?
a) to give a brief history of anime
b) to compare Japanese and American animation
c) to understand the phenomenon of anime
Scanning is very high-speed reading. When you scan, you have a question in mind. 
You do not read every word, only the words that answer your question. You look 
for specific words or word combinations. Practice in scanning will help you learn 
to skip over unimportant words so that you can read faster.
Scanning is a skill that you often use in daily life. For example, you might scan the 
list of names in a telephone directory in order to find a phone number.

TASK 1.5. Scan the whole passage and find as many anime titles as you can.

Animation. For children’s eyes only?

Japanese animated films have become country’s stylish export products 

1The increasingly impressive animation coming up from the USA (in films like 
“Kung-Fu Panda” and “Minions”) is, quite literally, child’s play compared to the 

Unit 1. Itʼs Animeazing! Japanese Modern Culture


full-length animated films that have been streaming out Japan since 1980s. Nothing could be farther from the touching world of Bambi, where formulaic characters and storylines are never allowed to scare children or hurt their feelings, than 
Japan’s edgy, provocative, documentary-like “anime”. The former is eye-candy 
for kids; the latter is a breathtaking adventure for people of all ages willing to explore the outer limits of their fears and longings.

2Not long ago, anime had little impact on world’s film industry and was hardly 
known by anyone outside Japanese Islands. Nevertheless, such animation masterpieces like “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds” by Hayao Miyazaki, Gisaburo 
Sugii’s “Night on the Galactic Railroad”, and “Akira” by Katsuhiro Otomo’s have 
inspired a younger generation of film makers in the West. Luc Besson, the authoritative French director of “The Big Blue”, ranks Mr Otomo’s nervy “Akira” 
alongside the very best live-action films from the cult Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. 

3After the appearance of such professional groups as Studio Ghibli, Production 
I.G. and others, Japanese anime has gained some popularity among wider audience. Much of the merit goes to Disney’s art-film unit, Miramax, for translating 
Mr Miyazaki’s “Princess Mononoke” — the biggest domestic box-office success 
of all time in Japan. The film shows a medieval people with their greediness and 
recklessness against the forces of nature in an epic collision that leaves both sides 
in ruin. 

4In the USA, “Princess Mononoke” got rave reviews but rather modest receipts. 
Families, anticipating a classical Disney story, might well have been confused by 
the film’s mature topics. Despite quite limited success and ambiguous reception, 
American film distributors had another attempt with Mr Miyazaki’s work “Laputa, Castle in the Sky” (1986). The amine, which plot is loosely based on a passage 
from “Gulliver’s Travels”, didn’t seem so impenetrable for US audience and was a 
way better welcomed than its predecessor. 

5Fifty years ago Japanese live-action films, full of imagery and psychological insights, amazed and captured the West. Films such as “Rashomon” (1951) and 
“Seven Samurai” (1954) by Mr Kurosawa, and Tokyo Story” (1953) by Yasujiro 
Ozu “set new standards for film makers everywhere. Now it is time for avant-garde 
animators to pick up the baton of Japanese film industry and probably to increase 
its fame. And it seems to happen rather soon. 

6Why should this be so? Cost is certainly part of the answer. Hollywood industry is 
now relying on special effects that demand enormous expense. Avatar, Pirates of 
the Caribbean (At World’s End), Spider-Man 3 are blatant examples. Being con
Английский для востоковедов. English for Asian Studies Coursebook


siderably cheaper, anime represents a way of creating first-rate films avoiding huge 
spending on actors’ fee and 3D technology. 

7Manga, the Japanese comic books, is another factor that contributed to the popularization of anime. They appeared in early 1970’s and fairly soon have become 
omnipresent. A number of successful full-length animations, among them Mr Miyazaki’s “Nausicaa”, have been originated from popular manga stories.

8But can we approve the Japanese preference for two-dimensional cartoons over 
live action films with just these two factors? Or is there something else behind the 
scenes? The author Kenji Sato argues that shortly after “Princess Mononoke” was 
released — the Japanese moviegoers’ flight to anime has become a part of the ethnic self-denial that has suffused Japanese society, particularly since the end of the 
Second World War.

9The trend of modernisation and westernisation, that was once spread in Japan, 
resulted in the rejection of its own history and traditions and sought to become 
Nihonjin-banare (de-Japanised) — a generally complimentary term implying that 
one looks and acts more like a westerner than the average. As Mr Sato points out, a 
typical feature of anime as well as manga is the way that the characters (the females 
especially) are drawn with a blend of Japanese and Caucasian features. “In short,” 
says Mr Sato, “the characters of anime show the Japanese as they would like to see 

TASK 1.6. Now read the article once again and answer the questions.

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage?


if the statement agrees with the information

if the statement contradicts the information 

if there is no information

TIP! Before you start reading, underline key words in questions 1–5.

1. Japanese anime directors had a great influence on Western counterparts.

2. “Princess Mononoke” enjoyed a commercial success in the USA.

3. In Japan there is severe competition between anime and manga industries.

4. Drawing an anime is less expensive than shooting a live-action film.

5. According to Kenji Sato anime heroes show real characters of Japanese people.

Unit 1. Itʼs Animeazing! Japanese Modern Culture


VOCABULARY. Definitions and Synonyms 

TASK 1.7. Find the underlined words in the text. Match them to the definitions below.

1. ____________________ a report in a newspaper or magazine that praises 
something such as a film or show in a very enthusiastic way.

2. _____________________containing or made from ideas or expressions that 
have been used many times before and are therefore not very new or interesting.

3. ________________ the events in a book, film etc.

4. _____________________ impossible to understand.

5. _________________something that has been replaced by another thing.

6. ____________________secretly rather than publicly. 

7. ________________ the number of tickets a film, play, or performer has sold in 
order to show how successful they are.

8. ________________ making you feel emotional or sympathetic, for example 
by being sad. 

TASK 1.8. Fill in the gaps in sentences using the notions from Task 1.4. 

1. The performance earned them ________________ from critics.

2. Kim Jong-un’s ________, as North Korea’s leader, was his father Kim Jong-il. 

3. Children love jokes and riddles that are heavily _________________. 

4. Hatchiko is a very ______ story that teaches us about loyalty and faithfulness.

5. With the ___________ revenue of almost $86 million, ‘Pokemon: The First 
Movie’ is commercially the most successful anime.

6. The language of this document would be ___________to anyone except a specialist.

7. The people who worked _______________ are the real heroes of this project.

8. I don’t want to give anything away because the ______________ is so good! 

Английский для востоковедов. English for Asian Studies Coursebook


TASK 1.9. Choose THREE out of eight notions in Task 1.4 and write down the sentences of your own.

SPEAKING. Roundtable Discussion 

In small groups discuss these questions.

 Do you agree with the statement that ‘animate films may well appear more alive 
that flesh-and-blood reality of live action films’?

 Is anime popular in your country? Why/Why not?

 In your opinion what makes anime popular worldwide?

Extra Practice: Work in pairs. Student A  p. 105. Student B  p. 106. Follow 
the instructions.

PRESENTATION SKILLS. Starting your Presentation


In small groups discuss the following issues.

 Think of the situations when people are asked to make a presentation.
 Why are presentations in such great demand now?
 What main principles of designing a presentation do you already know?

Unit 1. Itʼs Animeazing! Japanese Modern Culture


TASK 2.1. Five typical stages of an academic oral presentation are listed in the box 
below, but their order has been mixed up. Decide the order in which these different 
stages should occur and then write them in the spaces provided.

The body       The chance for discussion       The overview       The general 
introduction       The conclusion

STAGE 1. _____________________________________________________

STAGE 2. _____________________________________________________

STAGE 3. _____________________________________________________

STAGE 4. _____________________________________________________

STAGE 5. _____________________________________________________

TASK 2.2. Match the following descriptions of what happens at each different stage. 

a) The speaker talks about the presentation topic in detail.

b) The speaker lets the audience know that he/she is going to finish the presentation.

c) The speaker greets the audience and introduces him/herself.

d) The speaker gives the audience the opportunity to ask questions.

e) The speaker tells the audience what the topic of the presentation will be.

TASK 2.3. Listen to the opening of two quite different oral presentations. Take notes 
of what should be included into the general introduction.










Which of the openings is rather informal? How can you tell?

Английский для востоковедов. English for Asian Studies Coursebook


WRITING. How to do a Review?


Work in small groups and discuss these questions.

 Do you have your favourite anime?*

 How do you decide what anime to watch? 

 Do you read anime reviews? Do you find it useful/handy? 

* Alternatively you can talk about films.

TASK 3.1. Read bloggers’ comments on the question: “Who Enjoys Writing Anime 
Reviews?” What challenges do they face while writing a review?


I like writing them, and I love it when people say their helpful. Though admittedly 
I’m always writing from my point of view, with fangirl-glasses on (I can’t take 
them off!) so I get why for some people my reviews are not helpful. 


I enjoy writing reviews, but I find it very time-consuming. To review an anime in 
depth requires a lot of studying and rewatching, and I just don’t have time for that. 
I also have a lot of trouble writing my thoughts down coherently, and I’m not very 
knowledgeable about film and animation anyway. But I’d still like to give unprofessional reviewing a shot sometime.


I do write reviews for shows which I really enjoy. If I really disliked a show, writing 
a review is just a painful re-hash, so I don’t. Kinda like why I’ve never attended 
one of my high school reunions...

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