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Review of Business and Economics Studies, 2015, том 3, № 2

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Review of Business and Economics Studies, 2015, том 3, № 2: Журнал - :, 2015. - 68 с.: ISBN. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/1014584 (дата обращения: 02.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Review of 
Business and

Prof. Alexander Ilyinsky
Dean, International Finance Faculty, 
Financial University, Moscow, Russia

Dr. Alexander Kaffka


Dr. Mark Aleksanyan
Adam Smith Business School, 
The Business School, University 
of Glasgow, UK

Prof. Edoardo Croci
Research Director, IEFE Centre for 
Research on Energy and Environmental 
Economics and Policy, Università 
Bocconi, Italy

Prof. Moorad Choudhry
Dept.of Mathematical Sciences, Brunel 
University, UK

Prof. David Dickinson 
Department of Economics, Birmingham 
Business School, University of 
Birmingham, UK

Prof. Chien-Te Fan
Institute of Law for Science and 
Technology, National Tsing Hua 
University, Taiwan

Prof. Wing M. Fok
Director, Asia Business Studies, College 
of Business, Loyola University New 
Orleans, USA

Prof. Konstantin P. Gluschenko
Faculty of Economics, Novosibirsk State 
University, Russia

Prof. George E. Halkos
Associate Editor in Environment and 
Development Economics, Cambridge 
University Press; Director of Operations 
Research Laboratory, University of 
Thessaly, Greece

Dr. Christopher A. Hartwell
President, CASE - Center for Social and 
Economic Research, Warsaw, Poland

Prof. S. Jaimungal
Associate Chair of Graduate 
Studies, Dept. Statistical Sciences 
& Mathematical Finance Program, 
University of Toronto, Canada

Prof. Bartlomiej Kaminski
University of Maryland, USA; 

Rzeszow University of Information 
Technology and Management, 

Prof. Vladimir Kvint 
Chair of Financial Strategy, Moscow 
School of Economics, Moscow State 
University, Russia

Prof. Alexander Melnikov 
Department of Mathematical and 
Statistical Sciences, University of 
Alberta, Canada

Prof. George Kleiner
Deputy Director, Central Economics and 
Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy 
of Sciences, Russia

Prof. Kwok Kwong
Director, Asian Pacifi c Business 
Institute, California State University, Los 
Angeles, USA

Prof. Dimitrios Mavrakis
Director, Energy Policy and 
Development Centre, National and 
Kapodistrian University of Athens, 

Prof. Steve McGuire
Director, Entrepreneurship Institute, 
California State University, Los Angeles, 

Prof. Rustem Nureev
Head of the Department of Economic 
Theory, Financial University, 

Dr. Oleg V. Pavlov
Associate Professor of Economics and 
System Dynamics, Department of Social 
Science and Policy Studies, Worcester 
Polytechnic Institute, USA

Prof. Boris Porfi riev
Deputy Director, Institute of Economic 
Forecasting, Russian Academy of 
Sciences, Russia

Prof. Svetlozar T. Rachev
Professor of Finance, College of 
Business, Stony Brook University, USA

Prof. Boris Rubtsov
Chair of Financial Markets and 
Financial Engineering, Financial 
University, Russia

Dr. Minghao Shen
Dean, Center for Cantonese Merchants 
Research, Guangdong University of 
Foreign Studies, China

Prof. Dmitry Sorokin
Deputy Rector for Research, Financial 
University, Russia

Prof. Robert L. Tang
Vice Chancellor for Academic, De La 
Salle College of Saint Benilde, Manila, 
The Philippines

Dr. Dimitrios Tsomocos 
Saïd Business School, Fellow in 
Management, University of Oxford; 
Senior Research Associate, Financial 
Markets Group, London School 
of Economics, UK

Prof. Sun Xiaoqin
Dean, Graduate School of Business, 
Guangdong University of Foreign 
Studies, China

(ROBES) is the quarterly peerreviewed scholarly journal published 
by the Financial University under 
the Government of Russian 
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mission is to provide scientifi c 
perspective on wide range of topical 
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ISSN 2308-944X

бизнеса и 

А.И. Ильинский, профессор, декан 
Международного финансо вого факультета Финансового университета 

А.В. Каффка


М.М. Алексанян, профессор Бизнесшколы им. Адама Смита, Университет 
Глазго (Великобритания)

К. Вонг, профессор, директор Института азиатско-тихоокеанского бизнеса 
Университета штата Калифорния, 
Лос-Анджелес (США)

К.П. Глущенко, профессор экономического факультета Новосибирского 

С. Джеимангал, профессор Департамента статистики и математических финансов Университета Торонто 

Д. Дикинсон, профессор Департамента экономики Бирмингемской бизнесшколы, Бирмингемский университет 

Б. Каминский, профессор, 
Мэрилендский университет (США); 
Университет информационных 
технологий и менеджмента в Жешуве 

В.Л. Квинт, заведующий кафедрой 
финансовой стратегии Московской 
школы экономики МГУ, профессор 
Школы бизнеса Лассальского университета (США)

Г. Б. Клейнер, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН, заместитель директора Центрального экономико-математического института РАН

Э. Крочи, профессор, директор по 
научной работе Центра исследований 
в области энергетики и экономики 
окружающей среды Университета 
Боккони (Италия)

Д. Мавракис, профессор, 
директор Центра политики 
и развития энергетики 
Национального университета 
Афин (Греция)

С. Макгвайр, профессор, директор Института предпринимательства 
Университета штата Калифорния, 
Лос-Анджелес (США)

А. Мельников, профессор 
Депар та мента математических 
и ста тистических исследований 
Университета провинции Альберта 

Р.М. Нуреев, профессор, заведующий 
кафедрой "Экономическая теория" 
Финансового университета

О.В. Павлов, профессор 
Депар та мента по литологии 
и полити ческих исследований 
Ворчестерского политехнического 
института (США) 

Б. Н. Порфирьев, профессор, 
член-корреспондент РАН, заместитель директора Института 
народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

С. Рачев, профессор Бизнес-колледжа Университета Стони Брук 

Б.Б. Рубцов, профессор, заведующий 
кафедрой "Финансовые рынки и финансовый инжиниринг" Финансового 

Д.Е. Сорокин, профессор, членкорреспондент РАН, проректор 
Финансового университета 
по научной работе

Р. Тан, профессор, проректор 
Колледжа Де Ла Саль Св. Бенильды 

Д. Тсомокос, Оксфордский университет, старший научный сотрудник 
Лондонской школы экономики (Великобритания)

Ч.Т. Фан, профессор, Институт 
права в области науки и технологии, 
национальный университет Цин Хуа 

В. Фок, профессор, директор по 
исследованиям азиатского бизнеса Бизнес-колледжа Университета 
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Д.Е. Халкос, профессор, Университет 
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К.А. Хартвелл, президент Центра 
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Журнал "Review of Business and 
Economics Studies" ("Вест ник 
исследований бизнеса и экономики") зарегистрирован 
в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых 
коммуникаций 9 июля 2013 г. 
Свидетельство о регистрации 
ПИ № ФС77-54658. 

Подписано в печать: 19.06.2015.
Формат 60 × 84 1/8.
Заказ № 593 от 17.07.2015. 
Отпечатано в ООП Издательства 
(Ленинградский проспект, д. 49).



Alexander Didenko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Using Intrinsic Time in Portfolio Optimization

Boris Vasilyev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Is There a Dividend Month Premium? Evidence from Japan

Cong Ta  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Analysis of Investors’ Strategies Using Backtesting and DEA Model

Dina Nasretdinova, Darya Milovidova, Kristina Michailova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Using Elliott Wave Theory Predictions as Inputs 

in Equilibrium Portfolio Models With Views

Nurlana Batyrbekova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Some Stylized Facts about Analyst Errors

Oleg Karapaev  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam

Thu Trang Le  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Exchange Rate Management in Vietnam 

for Sustaining Stable and Long-Term Economic Growth

Nguyen Hai An . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Infographics: Patterns of Information Flows 

Sharing and Volatility Spillovers

Valery Barmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Review of 
Business and

Volume 3, Number 2, 2015


От редакции

Александр Диденко . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Использование внутреннего времени ценовых рядов 

в портфельной оптимизации

Борис Васильев  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Существует ли премия дивидендного месяца? Пример из Японии

Конг Та  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Анализ стратегий инвесторов с помощью 

использования бэктеста и DEA-модели

Дина Насретдинова, Дарья Миловидова, Кристина Михайлова  . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Использование предсказаний волновой теории Эллиотта 

в моделях равновесных портфелей с суждениями

Нурлана Батырбекова  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Несколько стилизованных фактов об аналитических ошибках

Олег Карапаев . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Переливы продуктивности от прямых иностранных 

инвестиций во Вьетнаме

Тху Чанг Ле  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Управление обменным курсом для поддержки стабильности 

экономического роста во Вьетнаме

Нгуен Хаи Ань . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Инфографика: разделение информационных потоков 

и переливы волатильности

Валерий Бармин  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

бизнеса и 

№ 2, 2015

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015


*От редакции.

Importance of information value issues in finance and 
economics can hardly be overestimated. Information is 
reflected (or not) in market prices; price itself could be 
used to predict major turmoils in economy; information 
use (or misuse) determines asset managers performance 
(or underperformance); market participants use 
information about central banks’ actions and econometric 
links between major macroeconomic variables to form 
their expectations about inflation and exchange rates; 
investment bankers use information about firm’s past 
fundamentals to hypothesize on its future value; local 
fi rms can learn from actions of multinational enterprises –
i.e. copy information – to increase productivity, etc. 
Coincidence or not, but each paper in the current, 7th, issue 
of Review of Business and Economic Studies is somehow 
related to various aspects of the information impact on 
performance of fi rms, markets, its actors, and economy as a 
whole. And this is the reason why we’ve chosen to dedicate 
infographics on the second page of the cover to the topic of 
stock market information fl ows impact on each other. The 
model, outputs of which are visualized by Valery Barmin, 
allows to capture some aspects of information sharing 
regime changes as a result of crises. In fact, during major 
economic turmoils, regional information sets (i.e. sets 
that are supposed to be relevant only for regional stocks) 
become more globalized, market participants are sharing 
the same news flow. We can hypothesize, that under 
extreme uncertainty traders (probably, irrationally) are 
looking for any additional information piece, which could 
shed light on future. In turn, that leads to spontaneous 
coordination of market participants, which makes assets 
co-move together in times of fi nancial turmoil. Further, we 
can observe some signs of habit formation: there is some 
evidence, though weak, that when situation stabilizes, 
information fl ow sharing decreases, but general patterns 
sustain, leading to more co-movement between assets. 
Assets co-movement, especially during crises, 
brings its own risks, creating huge obstacle to 
diversifi cation. Quality of diversifi cation is obviously 
one of the most disputable topics in modern 
quantitative finance. Boris Valilyev’s piece "Using 
Intrinsic Time in Portfolio Optimization" in current 
issue of our journal contributes to the field in two 
important ways. He uses mixture of distribution 
hypothesis to obtain nearly-normal returns, which 
then can be used to calculate historical estimates 
of market returns. His approach assumes applying 
concept of intrinsic time, which became well-known 
since seminal work by Clark, published in 1973 in 

Econometrica1. Boris Vasilyev deforms return series 
timescale across volume domain. By doing that he 
obtains series, that are slightly asynchronous in time 
domain, but instead synchronous in volume domain. 
According to mixture of distribution hypothesis, 
volume could be regarded as proxy for information 
arrival process, and information is regarded as 
the sum of all the forces, that drive prices. Returns 
are almost normal, but can we use asynchronous 
returns when building portfolio, which assumes 
simultaneity in trading? Boris Vasilyev offers his 
own solution to the problem; and by doing it, he, at 
the same time, develops his own way of covariance 
matrices robust estimation, which has solid ground 
in economic science. Empirical analysis performed 
by Vasilyev shows, that raw estimates of covariance 
matrices, obtained through this procedure, appear 
to be superior in terms of diagonality even to 
shrinked estimates. Efficiency frontiers built with 
these estimates strongly dominate frontiers build 
using all traditional approaches. This is defi nitely a 
breakthrough in portfolio management science. 
Another important and disputable issue in 
finance is what part of information set is reflected 
in prices. Ta Cong in his paper "Is There a Dividend 
Month Premium? Evidence from Japan" discusses, 
how stock market responds to news about firm’s 
dividend distribution decisions. Although he uses 
standard approach of building with-dividends and 
without-dividends portfolios and regressing its 
returns in CAPM, Fama-French and Carhart models, 
his findings contradict to previous evidence. He 
postulates regional differences in market reaction 
to dividend announcements. Dividend payers have 
always been regarded as value companies, paying 
to investor a premium over growth firms; but on 
Japanese market, as Ta Cong shows, dividend payers 
have negative premium over dividend non-payers. 
In fact, this means that information about dividends 
have negative value to investors in Japanese market –
a puzzling fi nding. 
The paper "Analysis of Investors’ Strategies Using 
Backtesting and DEA Model" by Dina Nasretdinova, 
Darya Milovidova and Kristina Michailova approaches 
issues of fi rm fundamentals relevance from completely 
different angle. They analyse stock market public 
strategies of 30 investment "gurus", as they were 
popularized in their books. These strategies use 

1 Clark, P.K. (1973), "A Subordinated Stochastic Process 
Model with Finite Variance for Speculative Prices", Econometrica, 41, 135–155.

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015

various sets of fundamentals to build portfolios 
of stocks. Common sense would suggest that this 
information has no value at all, since strategies were 
made public long ago, and all possible excess profi ts 
could easily be wiped by rational arbitragers. 
Approach of Nasretdinova, Milovidova and 
Mikhailova assumes using simulation of trades of 
famous market forecasters, inferred from description 
of their strategies; their goal is to determine, which 
strategy of information set usage (if any) is superior 
to others. Instead of relying to one of the classic 
parametric approaches (like regressing returns in 
CAPM/Fama-French/Carhart, as in Ta Cong’s paper), 
they use data envelopment analysis to determine 
strategies’ relative superiority in multi-criterial 
KPI-like sense. Authors have found, that some 
strategies do demonstrate sustainable superiority in 
performance, and, moreover, these strategies could be 
exposed either to value or growth risks, or even both; 
hence not information set itself, but the strategy 
of its usage contributes to performance. We can 
mention at least one seminal paper, which supports 
that result from different point of view, namely 
series of papers by Brinson, Hood and Beebower on 
importance of investment policy of funds2. 
Nurlana Batyrbekova in her paper "Using Elliott 
Wave Theory Predictions as Inputs in Equilibrium 
Portfolio Models With Views" uses approach, 
similar to the one taken by authors of previous 
piece. She studies, whether market revelations of 
one of the Elliott Wave Theory proponents, Robert 
Prechter, do have some real value for predicting 
the market. Conceptually, she paves the way of 
Brown, Goetzmann, and Kumar3, who used to 
backtest predictions of Dow Theory proponent, 
William Peter Hamilton. Further, she augments their 
approach with Bayesian portfolio decision using 
Black-Litterman portfolio optimization framework. 
She fi nds that while overly concentrated, high-risk 
portfolios are underperforming the benchmark, 
combining predictions with diversifi cation beats both 
the benchmark and diversified portfolios without 
Prechter’s simulated views. Hence, Prechter’s market 
ruminations, despite all the haziness and adhocism 
inherent to Elliott Wave Theory, could bring some 
value to market participants. 
Oleg Karapaev further contributes to information 
value issues in the following way. In his paper, "Some 
Stylized Facts about Analyst Errors", he questions 

2  Gary P. Brinson, L. Randolph Hood, and Gilbert L. Beebower, "Determinants of Portfolio Performance," Financial 
Analysts Journal (1995): 133–138.
3  Stephen J Brown, William N. Goetzmann, and Alok Kumar, "The Dow Theory: William Peter Hamilton’s Track Record Reconsidered," The Journal of Finance 53, no. 4 (1998): 

possible reasons of low accuracy of broker sell-side 
recommendations. Brokers are supposed to use all 
relevant information, be it publicly available or 
insider, to estimate future stock prices and market 
fundamentals; they use the latter to build discounted 
cash flows models, and to infer fair price from it. 
Sometimes brokers fail to forecast prices; sometimes 
they fail to forecast fundamentals as well. Possible 
questions here could be: is there some significant 
difference in forecast errors for fundamentals as 
compared to prices? If so, the reason of error could be 
in denominator of DCF model, i.e. in discount term, 
which incorporates time-varying risks perception. 
Further, are there some differences in errors across 
industries or investment styles? In other words, 
can we say that some fundamentals are harder to 
predict due to specifi c uncertainties of the industry 
or business model or fi rm lifecycle period? Do errors 
of consensus forecast depend upon the number of 
brokers covering the stock? This is a sketch of a grand 
research programme, and Oleg Karapaev in his paper 
formulates just some stylized facts and makes fi rst 
attempt of conceptualization. 
Le Thu Trang takes completely different angle in 
"Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment 
in Vietnam", researching how information about best 
practices in industry affects firm productivity and 
hence – economic growth. She applies classic approach 
– total factor productivity estimation through data 
envelopment analysis, with subsequent regression 
of panel of various factors to TFP – to Vietnamese 
data, and contributes to evidences of positive impact 
of foreign direct investments by multinational 
corporations on local industries. 
Finally, we close the 7th issue of ROBES with 
paper "Exchange Rate Management in Vietnam for 
Sustaining Stable and Long-Term Economic Growth" 
by Nguyen Hai An. His findings are complementary 
to results of Le Thu Trang. Nguyen Hai An builds 
macroeconometric model linking inflation and 
trade balance with exchange rate, price for credit, 
and money supply. Author fi nds that while currency 
depreciation impacts inflation, information about 
exchange rate alone could not explain trade balance 
change. Hence, policy advice could be inferred, that 
government should focus on stabilizing exchange 
rate to make inflation more predictable for firms, 
and on enhancing the quality of exported goods to 
improve fi rms competitiveness. Probably, that could be 
achieved, among other measures, by creating stimuli 
for multinational enterprises to be more active in 
direct investments to industries.
Alexander DIDENKO, Ph.D.
Head of Research Planning and Support
Financial University, Moscow 

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015


Soon after the publication of "Portfolio Selection" by 
Harry Markowitz (1952) that is mostly referred to as 
a seminal work for modern portfolio theory based on 
mean-variance analysis (referred herein after to as 
"MVO"), it became evident that the original method 
presented therein resulted in low-diversifi ed and unstable portfolios leading to overtrading and excessive 
risks. Along with increasing the number of assets in 
optimization universe these drawbacks even aggravated, and that most probably motivated Markowitz to introduce initial linear constraints to the process which 
were described in his work (1956) published several 
years later and gave ground to numerous modifi cations 
and developments to the MVO process ever since.


With respect to MVO excessive trading activity is 
mainly stemmed from frequent portfolio rebalancing 

that leads to placing additional open or close market 
orders to meet new assets allocation. A major cause 
of such instability is a combination of factors comprising unavoidable presence of estimation errors 
within input data from one hand, and high sensitivity of MVO to even minor changes in inputs, from 
the other. Hypothetically, if input data would be free 
of such errors inside, the optimization would definitely provide effi cient or optimal portfolio composition. In reality the inputs are statistical estimates 
derived from or generated on the basis of historical 
data and bear some portion of disturbance inside. 
Michaud (1986) posited such inaccuracy results in 
overinvestment in some securities or assets and underinvestment in others. For example, with two assets like A and B, such as A’s true expected return is 
slightly lower than that of B, but standard deviation 
is slightly higher, and provided both assets returns 
have identical correlations with the returns for each 
of the other assets the portfolio universe, asset B is 
preferred among these two, and if the inputs are free 

Using Intrinsic Time 
in Portfolio Optimization*

International Financial Laboratory, Financial University, Moscow

Abstract. The concept of intrinsic time was introduced in Mandelbrot’s paper circa 1963 and further developed 
in discussion paper by Muller et al. (1993).  As reported by Didenko et al. (2014), there are some evidences 
that sampling price series in volume domain results in almost normal returns, which could help to overcome 
some common issues in portfolio optimisation. First, we briefl y survey fl aws of classic approach to portfolio 
optimisation, then we test for statistical properties of intrinsic-time sampled return series, theorize on how 
intrinsic time could help in handling issues of portfolio optimisation, and then empirically test our guesses. We 
show that using intrinsic time helps in overcoming such fl aws of Modern Portfolio Theory as poor diversifi cation 
and reliance on normality of returns.

Аннотация. Концепция внутреннего времени была введена в работе Mandelbrot 1963 года и далее 
развита в докладе Muller с соавторами (1993). Недавнее исследование Диденко с соавторами (2014) 
предоставило  ряд свидетельств о том, что свертка ценовых рядов по объемам приводит к квазинормальности доходностей активов. Этот феномен можно использовать в портфельной оптимизации. 
Наша работа начинается с краткого обзора основных проблем современной портфельной теории. Далее мы 
тестируем нормальность рядов при различных параметрах свертки по объемам и эмпирически тестируем 
пригодность такой свертки в портфельной оптимизации. Наши результаты показывают, что свертка 
по объемам позволяет преодолеть такие недостатки СПТ, как слабая диверсификация и предположение 
о нормальности доходностей.

Key words: Intrinsic time, modern portfolio theory, portfolio optimisation, returns normality.

* Использование внутреннего времени ценовых рядов в портфельной оптимизации.

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015

of estimation error, it dominates A. But if such errors 
resides the input data, asset A may have an estimated expected return that is higher, and an estimated 
standard deviation hat is lower than that of B. In this 
case, portfolio optimization will erroneously assign a 
higher weight for A than for B. Moreover, estimation 
error may fl uctuate around zero over time, and having 
the same true expected values for A and B in future, 
the optimizer may generate the opposite result affected by changing estimation error that will lead to 
dramatic rebalancing of portfolio.
High MVO sensitivity to a minor change in the 
data for input can therefore lead to a dramatic change 
in overall portfolio composition. Thus, an update that 
bears a slight change in expected return or standard 
deviation for one asset can result in radical portfolio 
reconstruction, rebalancing weight not only for this 
particular asset, but reallocating all the assets from 
the universe under consideration. Such potential recomposition results in excessive trading on the portfolio deemed necessary to meet new allocations each 
time the inputs change.
Overtrading is usually associated with two main 
problems such as increased possibility of capital loss 
and excessive transaction costs. First mainly results 
from overinvestment in few assets that is evident for 
low-diversifi ed concentrated portfolios. The inputs 
for MVO are always estimates that may be quite far 
from the true values in future. Thus, if the market 
turns against the investor, low portfolio diversifi cation, i. e. allocation into fewer assets, will increase 
potential losses. In this case if the investor utilizes 
the leverage the losses are even magnifi ed and may 
exceed investor’s capital. Another issue is transaction 
costs. They are often fi xed, and in total therefore dependant on the number of trades executed. Frequent 
assets re-allocation results in higher transaction 
costs that harmfully affect the return of the portfolio 
and hence overall profi tability of the investment.
The problem of excessive turnover and overinvestment in fewer assets can be settled by introduction 
of specifi c constraints into MVO process. These may 
limit minimum and maximum weights for one asset 
(or class of assets) and/or preset minimum number of 
assets to be included in the portfolio to ensure proper 
level of its diversifi cation.
Transaction costs may be reduced by composition 
of more stable portfolios. For example, Lummer et 
al. (1994) proposed for this purpose to use sensitivity analysis allowing to diminish dramatic changes in 
recommended portfolio due to minor changes in inputs. This method implies selecting an effi cient portfolio and then altering the MVO inputs to construct 
a set of portfolios with new inputs, and then to examine how close they are to the initial effi cient one. 

The goal is to fi nd a set of asset weights that will be 
close to effi cient proportion under several different 
sets of plausible inputs. On the other hand, expected 
benefi t from any reallocation advised by MVO can be 
assessed with respect to relevant transaction costs 
necessary for its execution.


Yet another question for MVO is that the theory implies expected returns as an input. They cannot be 
known directly from the market, but only estimated 
commonly on the basis of its past data, that leads to 
unstable portfolio weights. MVO would generate a 
perfect solution if the inputs would be true expected 
returns and the variance matrix. In reality the estimates of expected returns mostly consist of noise 
and estimates of the variance matrixes are very 
noisy too. Scherer (2002) noted that "mean-variance 
optimization is too powerful tool for the quality of 
our data".
The main problem is to estimate expected returns with suffi cient accuracy. There are several main 
methods published to resolve this issue. For example, 
Black and Litterman (1992) proposed to estimate the 
expected returns by combining Capital Asset Pricing 
Model (CAPM) equilibrium and subjective investor 
views. However, investor’s assumptions for the market must be also specifi ed with numbers for both the 
expected returns and the uncertainty that may be 
considered as a drawback for this approach. Another 
way is the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) that was 
described by Ross (1976) and was intended to model 
returns of the assets (for the discrete time) as a linear 
combination of independent factors. The APT constructs expected returns as statistical estimates to fi t 
historical data that in turn may also lead to unstable 
Another empirical way of expected returns estimation is to apply for consensus forecasts of professionals participating in market activity. Informational 
vendors (such as Bloomberg) provide this opportunity 
to its subscribers. However, the experience proves 
their expectations are usually drop far from true values, at least as far as single assets predicts are concerned. Meanwhile, the empirical expectations with 
respect to cumulative indexes prove to be much more 
accurate. This allows to use a single index model as 
an instrument of expected return estimations using 
index estimation as the only macroeconomic parameter to influence particular asset expected return. 
Multifactor models are not that simplifi ed and imply 
regression analysis based on several factors such as, 
for example, indexes by various industry sectors. They 
are more detailed in assessment of expected returns 

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015

than single index models as consider any stock dependence not on general index, but on the index of 
corresponding sector. However, multifactor models 
also provide quite rough estimations within wide 
confi dence intervals.
Following MVO routine, once input parameters 
have been estimated, it performs optimization assuming all inputs are certain and estimation errors 
are introduced into the process of allocation. Various 
approaches exist to stabilize the optimization results 
with respect to estimation errors, which can be distinguished in two main ways.
The fi rst approach implies to reduce the estimation errors of the input parameters via econometric 
methods. For example, to reduce the impact of noise 
estimation Michaud (1998) used the resampling 
method. The idea behind it is that real returns are 
very noisy. As the optimization procedure is very 
unstable depending on small changes in inputs, the 
portfolio should be optimized over sets of similar 
return series that are randomly generated following 
some preset parameters. On average, noise should be 
evened out. Thus, starting with original return series, 
some new series are generated with small amounts 
of noise to the original series. Then MVO procedure 
runs over all series and eventually results in a set 
of different optimal portfolios composed for a same 
expected returns level. The average over all optimal 
portfolios is expected to be more stable with respect 
to errors in the input data.
The second way is to shrink directly the weights 
in portfolio using bounds, penalties for the objective function or regularization of input parameters. 
Jagannathan and Ma (2003) showed that imposing 
constraints on the mean-variance optimization can 
be interpreted as a modification of the covariance 
matrix. In particular, lower (upper) bounds decrease 
(increase) the variances of asset returns. Thus, constraints imposed on weights can reduce the degree 
of freedom of the optimization, and the allocation 
remains then within certain intervals. But the correction of estimation errors proved to be such difficult task that some studies were devoted to show 
that heuristic allocations perform even better than 
MVO-generated ones with respect to Sharpe ratio. 
For example, DeMiguel et al. (2009) assessed the performances of 14 different portfolio models and the 
equally-weighted portfolio on different datasets and 
come to conclusion that detailed and sophisticated 
models did not produce a better optimization than 
the naïve equally-weighted portfolio.
As a result, Lindberg (2009) mentioned one more 
way to deal with the problem of expected returns estimation that is simply ignoring them. This method 
is stemmed from the classical 1/n strategy, which 

simply puts 1/n of the investor’s capital in each of 
n available assets. No doubt, this strategy should be 
well diversified. However, covariation between different assets may refrain this from being the case, 
and as it is possible to obtain rather good estimates 
of covariations between assets returns, this information can be also used in portfolio construction. Later, 
Fernholz (2002) has proposed to consider expected 
returns as dependant on ranks. These ranks can be 
established, for example, based on the market capital distribution. Thus, rank 1 can be assigned to the 
asset with the highest market capitalization, rank 2 
to the next highest, and so far. A paper by Almgren 
and Chriss (2005) presented a portfolio optimization method which utilized such ordering information instead of expected returns. It uses information 
about the order of the expected returns as the MVO 
inputs instead of the very estimates. This approach 
also benefi ts from extended use of covariance information.


Assets returns follow some statistical distribution 
and its form is an issue of highest importance for fi nancial modeling in general and MVO in particular. 
Basic assumptions on market prices behavior are required to perform a testing of asset pricing models, to 
optimize portfolios by computation of risk/return effi cient frontiers, to assess derivatives and determine 
the hedging strategy over time, as well as to measure 
and manage financial risks. However, neither economic nor statistical theory appears to succeed in 
determination of exact type of returns distribution. 
Thus, distributions used in empirical and theoretical 
research are commonly derived from an assumption 
or estimation of data used. The overall belief adopted 
in fi nances is that this is the normal (Gaussian) distribution.
Although returns normality is the standard in fi nancial modeling, some alternatives have been also 
considered mainly due to evidence that the Gaussian 
distribution tends to underestimate the weight of the 
extreme returns contained in the distribution tails as 
well as the returns fallen around the mean. For example, Longin (2005) noted that during the stock 
market crashes (such as in 2008) daily market drops 
can exceed 20% that can hardly be explained within 
normality universe. In response, several other distributions have been proposed by the scholars, who 
tried to apply them, however without evident success: 
a mixture of Gaussian distributions, stable Paretian 
distributions, Student t-distributions and the class of 
ARCH processes. Main shortcoming of all these alternatives is that they are not nested and their adequacy 

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015

therefore cannot be directly compared, for example, 
by a likelihood ratio test.
On the other hand, MVO’s intended outcome is 
to fi nd an optimal portfolio that means to maximize 
investor’s utility function. In case this utility function is not quadratic, but generally represented with 
any upward concave form, expected utility function 
should depend on the portfolio return’s values only. 
Such distributions must be the two-parameter ones, 
i. e. should be fully explained by their fi rst two moments — mean and variance, which are also implied 
to express the higher order moments, e. g. skewness 
and kurtosis. Several distributions, such as the normal, lognormal, or gamma ones satisfy this criterion 
well. However, with respect to the problem of portfolio optimization, the distribution in question should 
also satisfy one more criterion. Portfolio optimization 
deals with a universe of assets (or other portfolios), 
and an investor selects which assets to include into 
portfolio. Thus, all portfolios composed by combination of individual assets must also follow some distribution that can be fully explained by their means and 
variances. The distribution therefore must comply 
with a criterion that both individual assets’ returns 
distribution should depend on just their mean and 
variance, and the distribution of returns of a portfolio (combination) of these assets meets the same requirement. The only distribution that is suitable to 
comply with it and has fi nite variance is the normal 
Gaussian one.
As a result, the paradigm in fi nance is that MVO 
can be successfully applied only provided asset returns follow the normal distribution that is determined by its two first moments, means of returns 
and their variances. The third and fourth moments of 
distribution, that are, in particular, the skewness and 
kurtosis can be also theoretically added to the utility 
to refl ect and explain a non-normality of returns, but 
it is believed that skewness is close to impossible to 
predict and the predictability of kurtosis is considerably limited, either.


MVO is intended to answer a very natural question: 
if the exact parameters are known, which portfolio 
maximizes the expected return for pre-specifi ed level 
of risk, or which portfolio minimizes the risk for prespecifi ed rate of expected return? This would be all 
the investor would need to have an optimal portfolio 
and be happy enough with it. However, among others, 
the issues described above bring some bitter stuff into 
reality. "Exact parameters" that are needed ad hoc, 
proved to be uncertain, noisy and lead the optimizer 
to unstable results with underestimated risks.

However, it becomes evident the main problem for 
all these issues is that asset returns are not normally 
distributed. This is a reason why the investor cannot 
accurately estimate expected returns, has problems 
with unstable solutions, rebalancing, and hence with 
overtrading and other bad things. Realized returns 
values refrains the investor from a clear view of true 
normal distribution that exists in the market, but is 
hidden by noise. It is widely assumed that this is the 
way things are, and for the purpose of this work, in 
particular, it is implied as a true.
Based on inherent normality of returns distribution, most of the scholars propose various approaches 
how to adjust realized market returns to suit Gaussian framework by introducing new parameters that 
make the models more and more complicated. At 
some extent, it becomes evident that many of such 
sophisticated models perform worse than simplest 
naïve portfolios, and hence are discarded. But one 
point remains unchanged: the source data is taken 
from the market and then is converted into returns 
addressed for statistical manipulations.
On the other hand, it is known that the proximity 
of returns distribution to Gaussian normality is not 
stable over different time intervals and commonly increases with decrease of the frequency. For example, 
the distribution of monthly returns is closer to the 
normal one than that of days, hours or minutes. The 
cause is deemed to be that the higher time intervals 
have relatively lower proportion of noise within the 
returns, but anyway it is obvious the proximity of returns distribution to the normal on depends on time. 
It fl ows constantly by seconds, minutes, etc. And it 
is also obvious, but not for the market! One minute 
at the middle of trading day is not the same as one 
minute right before it is being closed. Hence, a question: how can one consider all time spans during the 
day in the same manner? This understanding may 
explain (at least partially) the non-normality that all 
involved have got accustomed to observe.
Next question is what can be used to measure this 
difference in the same intervals of time, or to tick 
market intrinsic time clock. Volatility is usually higher during periods of active trading (when our time 
should go "faster") and, conversely, is lower over nonactive trading ones (when our time goes "slower"). But 
it is not so easy to estimate it independently, and its 
value represents the situation non-equally depending on volumes traded, that seems itself to be much 
more interesting to implement. Traded volumes can 
generally refl ect the level of market activity and this 
parameter is usually available as provided among 
common market data.
The bars can be now formed as based not on astronomic time interval expiration (end of second, 

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015

minute, hour, etc.), but when the traded volume 
achieves certain pre-set value since last closed bar 
formed by the same method. It can be considered as 
market intrinsic time. Such time dimension — cumulative volume bar (referred hereinafter to as "CVB"), 
will not coincide with astronomic time, but is expected to better refl ect the nature and the mood of 
the market. The CVB returns are expected to achieve 
closer proximity to normal distribution as much of 
usual noise may prove to be in fact the messed data of 
neighbor conventional (astronomic timed) bars, that 
is going to disappear in case of CVB accounting for 
market activity.
CVB approach as market intrinsic time can potentially provide a better solution for all of above 
described issues. And the most interesting is that it 
may allow to use MVO it its original form, without 
complicated modifi cations and add-ons. More stable portfolios avoid overtrading, expected returns 
have lower estimation errors as returns distribution 
is close to the normal one, realized returns noise is 


Although the data generated by the market is believed to be normally distributed, it is full of noise 
that prevents investors from gaining benefi ts associated with this normality. The proportion of such disturbances, however, in overall price movements tends 
to decrease along with increasing of time intervals 
size taken for consideration. It mainly results from 
the magnitude of the market swings that are evidently bigger within less frequent intervals, while the 
noise component rises slower and steadily fades out. 
The returns for yearly intervals are much closer to 
normally distributed data than the returns for minute 
frequency. Higher intervals, however, cannot often 
be useful enough for active trading and this makes 
it clear that normalization of more frequent data 

would be a matter of the highest interest for investors. As the returns derived from CVB are believed to 
be closer to normal distributed data than the regular 
ones (based on conventional astronomic time bars — 
referred hereinafter to as "conventional returns"), we 
have conducted a comparison of both types.
CVB concept posits that the bar is closed not 
with a tick of a clock as usual, but when the volume 
of trades for particular asset achieved certain preset 
value. Thus, such intrinsic time is individual for every 
asset as particular trading volumes are believed impossible to coincide across the market. To fulfi ll an 
experiment we have taken one minute data for a period of one year 2013 for top ten assets of Russian 
stock market1 and have compared the proximity to 
normal distribution for the returns generated by conventional bars data and CVBs.
CVB composition is performed as iterations 
for trading volumes increasing from 100,000 to 
40,000,000 with a step of 100,000. For every asset, 
one minute bars volumes from original source data 
files are added up until the sum achieves the value 
of current iteration. Then the current CVB is considered as closed, and the loop starts the same routine 
for next CVB. Any next iteration obviously produces 
less bars than the previous one as it collects more 
conventional bars to achieve increased target volume, i.  e. generates higher intervals that may itself 
bring the results closer to normality. To offset this 
infl uence and to assess the contribution of the very 
CVB concert rather than the benefi t of a scale, we also 
generate conventional bars of similar range. When 
any iteration if fi nished, it brings the fi nite number 
of CVBs generated. Dividing original source data fi le 
length by this number we can obtain the number of 
conventional bars in the interval that corresponds 
to one newly generated CVB. Then we compose new 
conventional bars dataset relevant to this particular 

1 Data is available at: http: //www. fi nam. ru/analysis/profi le041CA00007/, [accessed 25 February 2015].

Figure 1. Deviation of observed returns from normally distributed data.

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 3, Number 2, 2015

CVB set and compare proximity to normally distributed data with the same mean and standard deviation 
for both generated datasets.
Figure 1 presents the results for common shares 
of GAZP (Gazprom) and SBER (Sberbank). Other assets examined provide similar pictures. Deviation 
from normal distribution diminishes with interval 
rise for returns based on both conventional bars and 
CVBs, but the latter present higher rate and gets 
times lower in the left part of the charts. By the end 
of iterations the conventional returns row tends to 
reach CVB ones, although CVBs still provide lower 
values within the range of observation.
As a result we may posit that CVB approach allows obtaining returns that are closer to normally 
distributed than the conventional bars. This advantage becomes specifi cally evident on smaller time intervals, but proceeds even further, although not that 
dramatically. The application of CVB may encounter 
some complexities stemmed from the fact that every 
asset now exists in the market at its own time. But 
this problem may be solved for practical purposes of 
optimization as described below.


Portfolio Theory by Harry Markowitz gives ground to 
numerous mean-variance optimizers most of which 
attempt to improve the method and to bypass its 
known drawbacks as described above. Thus, we believe it is interesting to compare portfolio optimization by original mean-variance analysis performed on 
conventional and CVB based data, as CVB brings no 
modifi cation to optimization process itself, but just 
rearranges the data to input. For this purpose we take 
one minute interval data (also provided by Finam) for 
a period from June 2008 till end of December 2014 
for top ten Russian stocks. The start date was taken 
that as one of the participants (particularly HYDR — 
Rushydro) was listed just at the end of May 2008, and 
we have no data for processing beyond this point. The 

portfolio is intended to be rebalanced on a weekly or 
monthly basis.
Here we encounter a problem rising from individual CVB time for each participant of our universe 
to optimize. Going common way we cannot rebalance the portfolio based on CVB as the bars of all 
participating assets close differently, and there is no 
conventional uniform cut-off time. This issue can be 
solved by several means, but we use one as follows. As 
CVB is intended to arrange the data in a more natural way, there is no difference which direction such a 
composition goes to. In other words, returning back 
to the Figure 1 above, CVB construction performed 
from the last data point backward to the first one 
would produce the same result in the chart. Thus, we 
can perform portfolio optimization at any point of 
conventional time if constructing CVB row backward 
from this point.
Similar to the way we used in the experiment on 
proximity to normal distribution, at every point of 
portfolio optimization we imitate conventional row 
by CVBs one to compare with the most suitable. For 
example, if we perform monthly optimization for 
the point X of conventional data and use therefore X 
months of previous data, we adjust CVB dataset accordingly. Particularly, we derive total trading volume 
for each asset for whole the period till point X, and 
then we divide it by X — the number of months taken 
for optimization. It results in the value of average 
volume per month which becomes a target volume 
for CVB composition. It is defi nitely the easiest way 
that does not take into account, for example, global 
changes in volumes across all periods that may be 
signifi cant for Russian market and can be introduced 
by averages, but we leave it out of this research for 
the sake of simplicity. Once we have the target value 
for volume, we can construct CVBs starting from X 
point. The number of CVBs is also X that is the last 
point of both conventional and CVB datasets that are 
now equally sized and ready for input to the optimizer.

Figure 2. Static Transition Maps.