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Review of Business and Economics Studies, 2014, том 2, № 4

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Review of  
Business and 

Prof. Alexander Ilyinsky
Dean, International Finance Faculty, 
Financial University, Moscow, Russia

Dr. Alexander Kaffka


Dr. Mark Aleksanyan
Adam Smith Business School, 
The Business School, University 
of Glasgow, UK

Prof. Edoardo Croci
Research Director, IEFE Centre for 
Research on Energy and Environmental 
Economics and Policy, Università 
Bocconi, Italy

Prof. Moorad Choudhry
Dept.of Mathematical Sciences, Brunel 
University, UK

Prof. David Dickinson 
Department of Economics, Birmingham 
Business School, University of 
Birmingham, UK

Prof. Chien-Te Fan
Institute of Law for Science and 
Technology, National Tsing Hua 
University, Taiwan

Prof. Wing M. Fok
Director, Asia Business Studies, College 
of Business, Loyola University New 
Orleans, USA

Prof. Konstantin P. Gluschenko
Faculty of Economics, Novosibirsk State 
University, Russia

Prof. George E. Halkos
Associate Editor in Environment and 
Development Economics, Cambridge 
University Press; Director of Operations 
Research Laboratory, University of 
Thessaly, Greece

Dr. Christopher A. Hartwell
President, CASE - Center for Social and 
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Rzeszow University of Information 
Technology and Management,  

Prof. Vladimir Kvint 
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School of Economics, Moscow State 
University, Russia

Prof. Alexander Melnikov 
Department of Mathematical and 
Statistical Sciences, University of 
Alberta, Canada

Prof. George Kleiner
Deputy Director, Central Economics and 
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Prof. Kwok Kwong
Director, Asian Pacific Business 
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Prof. Rustem Nureev
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Prof. Boris Porfiriev
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Prof. Svetlozar T. Rachev
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Prof. Boris Rubtsov
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Dr. Minghao Shen
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Prof. Dmitry Sorokin
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The Philippines

Dr. Dimitrios Tsomocos 
Saïd Business School, Fellow in 
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of Economics, UK

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Dean, Graduate School of Business, 
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ISSN 2308-944X

бизнеса и  

А.И. Ильинский, профессор, декан 
Международного финансо вого факультета Финансового университета 

А.В. Каффка


М. М. Алексанян, профессор Бизнесшколы им. Адама Смита, Университет 
Глазго (Великобритания)

К. Вонг, профессор, директор Института азиатско-тихоокеанского бизнеса 
Университета штата Калифорния, 
Лос-Анджелес (США)

К. П. Глущенко, профессор Экономического факультета Новосибирского 

С. Джеимангал, профессор Департамента статистики и математических финансов Университета Торонто 

Д. Дикинсон, профессор Департамента экономики Бирмингемской бизнесшколы, Бирмингемский университет 

Б. Каминский, профессор, 
Мэрилендский университет (США); 
Университет информационных 
технологий и менеджмента в Жешове 

В. Л. Квинт, заведующий кафедрой 
финансовой стратегии Московской 
школы экономики МГУ, профессор 
Школы бизнеса Лассальского университета (США)

Г. Б. Клейнер, профессор, член-корреспондент РАН, заместитель директора Центрального экономико-математического института РАН

Э. Крочи, профессор, директор по 
научной работе Центра исследований 
в области энергетики и экономики 
окружающей среды Университета 
Боккони (Италия)

Д. Мавракис, профессор, 
директор Центра политики 
и развития энергетики 
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С. Макгвайр, профессор, директор Института предпринимательства 
Университета штата Калифорния, 
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А. Мельников, профессор  
Депар та мента математических 
и ста тистических исследований 
Университета провинции Альберта 

Р. М. Нуреев, профессор, заведующий кафедрой “Макроэкономика” 
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О. В. Павлов, профессор  
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народнохозяйственного прогнозирования РАН

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Ч. Т. Фан, профессор, Институт 
права в области науки и технологии, 
национальный университет Цин Хуа 

В. Фок, профессор, директор по 
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Журнал “Review of Business and 
Economics Studies” (“Вест ник 
исследований бизнеса и экономики”) зарегистрирован 
в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых 
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Свидетельство о регистрации 
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Подписано в печать: 25.12.2014. 
Формат 60 × 84 1/8. 
Заказ № 713 от 26.12.2014. 
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Post Reunification Economic Fluctuations in Germany: A Real Business Cycle 


Michael A. Flor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

The Informal Economy and the Constraints That It Imposes On Pension 

Contributions in Latin America

David Tuesta Cárdenas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Study of Informational Requirements to Identify Reputational Risks

Taisiya Iznova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Stakeholder Approach to Identification and Analysis of Value Creation Drivers

Olga Efimova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

National Intellectual Capital (NIC) — New Metrics

Piotr Wiśniewski, Anna Wildowicz-Giegiel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Key Insurers Indicators in the Reports of Insurance Companies: Russian and 

Italian Experience

Nadezda Kirillova, Andrea Bellucci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Default Risk and Its Effect for a Bond Required Yield and Volatility

Pavel Zhukov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Review of  
Business and 

Volume 2, Number 4, 2014


Флуктуации германской экономики после воссоединения с точки зрения 

теории реального цикла деловой активности

Михаэль А. Флор . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Теневая экономика и пенсионные взносы: опыт стран Латинской Америки

Давид Туэста Карденас . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Исследование информационных требований в целях идентификации 

репутационных рисков

Таисия Изнова . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

Стейкхолдерский подход к выявлению и анализу факторов создания 


Ольга Ефимова, Вероника Самохина . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

Новые параметры измерения национального интеллектуального капитала

Петр Вишневский, Анна Вилдович-Гегел . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Основные показатели финансового состояния в отчетах страховых компаний: 

российский и итальянский опыт

Надежда Кириллова, Андреа Беллуччи . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80

Риск дефолта и его влияние на требуемую доходность облигаций 

и волатильность

Павел Жуков . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87

бизнеса и  

№ 4, 2014

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014

Post Reunification Economic Fluctuations 
in Germany: A Real Business Cycle 

Michael A. Flor
University of Augsburg, Department of Economics, Germany

Abstract. We consider the cyclical properties of the German economy prior and after reunification in 1990 
from the perspective of a real business cycle model. The model provides the framework for the selection and 
consistent measurement of the variables whose time series properties characterize the cycle. Simulations of 
the calibrated model reveal the model’s potential to interpret the data. Major findings are that: i)  the volatility 
of most aggregate time series has not changed significantly between the two time periods, ii)  despite many 
conceptual differences between the European and the U.S. accounting systems, the calibrated parameter values 
for the German economy are within the range of values usually employed in the real business cycle literature, 
iii)  the model is closer to the data for the time period prior to reunification.

Aннотация. В статье рассматривается цикличность германской экономики до и после воссоединения 
1990 года с точки зрения модели реального цикла деловой активности. Модель обеспечивает рамки 
для выбора и последовательного измерения переменных, характеризующих цикл. Использование 
калиброванной модели раскрывает ее потенциал для интерпретации данных. Основные выводы 
заключаются в следующем: i)  неустойчивость большинства статистических временных рядов существенно 
не изменилось по сравнению с периодом до воссоединения, ii)  Несмотря на многие концептуальные 
различия между европейской и американской системами бухгалтерской отчетности, калиброванные 
значения параметров немецкой экономики находятся в диапазоне значений, которые обычно используются 
в литературе по реальному циклу деловой активности, iii)  модель ближе к данным периода до 

Key words: Macroeconomic data, measurement and data on national income and product accounts, economic 
fluctuations, real business cycles.

* Флуктуации германской экономики после воссоединения с точки зрения теории реального цикла деловой активности.

1. IntRoduCtIon And MotIvAtIon

Since the seminal papers of Kydland and Prescott (1982), 
Long and Plosser (1983), and Prescott (1986), among 
others, it has become standard praxis to consider business cycles (BC’s) within the framework of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models. This class of 
models shares the basic ingredients of the first-generation models, namely intertemporal optimization and rational expectations, but also allows for many frictions as, 
e. g., real or nominal price stickiness, limited participation in financial markets, or obstacles in the allocation of 
labor.1 Recent models, e. g. the model of Smets and Wouters (2003), a replacement of the Area Wide Model (AWM) 

1 Such models are known as New Keynesian (NK) models, which 
were widely established by Mankiw (1989), Mankiw and Romer 
(1991), as well as Cho and Cooley (1995), among others.

of the European Central Bank (ECB), can replicate NK effects in the short-run (determined by aggregate demand) 
and neoclassical effects in the long-run (determined by 
aggregate supply). Medium scale DSGE models are useful for economic policy evaluation. Their increased complexity vis-a-vis the first-generation models, however, 
makes them less suited for studying elementary driving 
forces of the BC. However, as has been widely documented in the empirical literature, the stylized facts of the BC 
have remained relatively stable over time and region.2 
This suggests that elementary economic mechanisms 
shape the cycle more than many institutional details. 
For this reason we will employ a first-generation real 
business cycle (RBC) model to organize ideas about eco
2 See for instance Cooley and Prescott (1995), pp. 29–33, for a description of the U.S. BC facts.

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014

nomic fluctuations prior and after the territorial status 
of the Federal Republic of Germany of October 03, 1990, 
where the entire considered time period covers the first 
quarter of 1970 until the last quarter of 2012.
The motivation is twofold. First, we want to ask 
whether the nature of the German BC has changed. As a 
reference we take the West German economy, West Berlin included, over the period 1970: I-1991: IV. The split 
of the period 1970: I-2012: IV into two subsamples is not 
only marked by the German reunification but also by a 
major change in the German National Income and Product Accounts (GNIPA). As a data base we employ data 
provided by the German Federal Statistical Office (GFSO), 
which rests on the European System of Accounts (ESA). 
Only recently the GFSO finished the revision of data prior to 1991 on the occasion of the great revision in 2005, 
so that a set of comparable data is available.3 The second 
motivation is to explore to what extend the new GNIPA data allows to consistently calibrate an RBC model 
that can be used to interpret the data. This endeavor is 
similar to the work of Cooley and Prescott (1995) and 
Gomme and Rupert (2007) for the U.S. economy. There 
are, however, conceptual differences between the NIPA 
System in the U.S. and in Europe that necessitate deviations from the work of these authors. As a result of this 
work, we have gathered a data base suitable for calibrating DSGE models to German data.4

The main findings are: i)  with respect to the volatility of major macroeconomic aggregates the BC has not 
changed significantly,5 ii)  despite several differences in 
data and methodology we find parameter values within 
the range of those estimated for the U.S. economy, and 
iii)  taking into account the uncertainty in the estimated 
second moments, the model is closer to the data for the 
period 1970: I-1991: IV.
The next section describes the theoretical model. 
This model provides the framework for the selection and 
definition of variables employed to calibrate the model 
and to characterize the BC in section 3. Section 4 provides the results, and section 5 concludes.


As a framework for ( )1  the selection of data that characterize the BC, ( )
2  the consistent calibration, and ( )
the interpretation of the empirical findings we employ 
the RBC model of Heer and Maußner (2009), chapter 1.5. 
This model abstracts from population growth, but is oth
3 See Braakmann et al. (2005) and also the Subject-matter series 
18, S.27. For the comparability of time series between the period 
1970–1991 and 1991–2004, see also Räth et al. (2006).

4 An Excel sheet with the regarding pre-adjusted time series is 
available upon request.

5 As it is also reported by Buch et al. (2004).

erwise similar to the model of Cooley and Prescott (1995). 
Thus, we exclude home production and investment-specific shocks as in Gomme and Rupert (2007), because 
these authors already argue on p. 489 that “removing 
home production from the model has little effect on the 
model’s predicted business cycle moments” and because 
their results indicate that adding such an investmentspecific shock only leads to more volatility of almost 
every considered macroeconomic series and brings the 
model more at odds with the real data.
The economy is populated by a representative firm 
and a representative household. Time t  is discrete.
The Firm. A representative firm produces output, 

Yt , according to the constant returns to scale production function


where the firm employs labor and capital services, Nt  

and Kt . Total factor productivity (TFP), Z t , is governed 

by the covariance-stationary, stochastic process

, 
t 
 0 1
0 1
( , )
.  (2.2)

Labor augmenting technical progress, At , grows deterministically at the gross rate a 

 

The firm takes the real wage, Wt , and the rental rate 
of capital, rt , as given and maximizes its current-period 

r K

This provides two conditions that will hold in the 
equilibrium of the labor market and the market for capital services:6




The Household. A representative household supplies labor and capital services to the firm, consumes, 
and accumulates capital. Capital depreciates at a rate 
( , ]
0 1 , so that

6 We denote the partial derivatives of a function F  with respect to 
its argument x
} by a subscript.

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014

 
1 

is the law of motion of the capital stock, where It  

denotes gross fixed investments. The household’s period-to-period budget constraint, thus, reads:

r K

The household values consumption, Ct , and leisure, 

Nt , according to the current-period utility function 

u C
. This function is strictly increasing in consumption and leisure and strictly concave. The household discounts future utility t
  at the rate s , ( , )
0 1 , 
and maximizes his expected life-time utility

u C

t s
t s




 (

subject to the budget constraint (2.7) and a given 
stock of capital, Kt  
0. Expectations, t , are conditional on information available at time t .7

In addition to the budget constraint, which holds at 
equality in equilibrium, and the law of motion of the 
capital stock two further equations characterize the 
household’s optimal plan:8



) ,  









 


The first condition determines the household’s labor supply. It equates the real wage to the marginal rate 
of substitution between leisure and consumption. The 
second condition is the Euler equation for capital accumulation. It equates the disutility from savings with the 
discounted expected future reward.
Equilibrium. In equilibrium factor markets clear so 
that the household’s budget constraint reduces to


Equations (2.1), (2.5), (2.6), (2.8a), (2.8b), (2.9), and 
(2.2) fully describe the dynamics of the model. Due to 
(2.3) the economy will grow over time and exhibit fluctuations around its balanced-growth path which are driven 
by the covariance-stationary shocks to TFP, Z t .
Parameterization. Except for a few special cases, DSGE models as the one presented in the previous 

7 For this, see also Maußner (2013b), pp. 59–60.

8 We denote the partial derivatives of a function u  with respect to 
its argument x
{ ,
 by a subscript.

paragraphs do not have an analytical solution. The rules 
describing the household’s choice of consumption and 
leisure must be approximated with the help of numerical 
methods. Among the most popular methods are perturbation methods that yield a polynomial approximation 
at the stationary solution of the non-stochastic version 
of the model. To apply these methods the researcher 
must specify the functional form of the production 
function F  and the utility function u  and transform 
the model to a stationary one.
On the firms side we follow Heer and Maußner (2009) 
as well as Cooley and Prescott (1995) and employ a 
Cobb-Douglas production function

 
1 
, ( , )
0 1   

with capital share parameter .
Since the model depicts a growing economy, the 
household’s preferences must be chosen so that conditions (2.8) are consistent with a constant supply of hours 
and a constant growth rate of consumption. The function

u C
  


 

has this property and is strictly concave in consumption and leisure, as mentioned before. The parameter 
 equals the coefficient of relative risk aversion and its 
inverse is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution.  
is the share parameter for leisure in the composite commodity.
Given these parameterizations it is easy to see that 
scaling all growing variables by the level of labor augmenting technical progress, At , transforms the model to 
a stationary one. We will use lower case letters to refer to 
these scaled variables.
Stationary Solution. The stationary solution of the 
non-stochastic model can be computed in the following 
steps: ( )1  set Z
t   
. This is the long-run value of 

Z t  implied by the process (2.2) if  0. ( )
2  scale growing variables by At . ( )
3  assume that the dynamics has 
ceased so that x
 
 for all variables of the model.
Applying this procedure to equations (2.1), (2.5), (2.6), 
(2.8a), (2.8b), and (2.9) yields the following equations:

 



1  ,  

c i
  ,  

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014


Equation (2.12a) follows from equation (2.5b) and 
the Euler condition (2.8b). Equation (2.12b) is the production function for Z  
1, written in stationary variables y
 and k
. Equation (2.12c) is the 
resource constraint (2.9), also written in stationary variables c
 and i
. And equation (2.12d) follows from (2.5a) and the labor supply condition (2.8a). 
We will return to these equations when we discuss the 
results from the calibration procedure for the simulation 
of the model in subsection 4.1.


3.1 tREnd And CyClE

The model laid out in the previous section predicts the 
short- and long-run behavior of the observable variables
• output Y ,
• consumption C,
• investments I,
• hours N, and
• real wage W .
We will use this set of variables to characterize the BC.
Seasonal Adjustment. Quarterly economic data 
contains a seasonal and a calendar component, which 
are not explained by the model. Thus, the researcher 
must use seasonal- and calendar-adjusted time series. 
The GFSO employs an indirect approach to remove the 
seasonal and calendar component from a time series. It 
computes seasonal- and calendar-adjusted aggregates 
as the sum of seasonal- and calendar-adjusted subaggregates.9 For the adjustment either the Berlin Method 
(currently Version 4.1) or the Census X-12-ARIMA method is employed.10 Since more time series adjusted with 
the latter method are available, we will use the Census 
X-12-ARIMA method throughout.
Trend Removal. To achieve stationarity of the time 
series, its trend must be removed. To isolate the cyclical 
component in a time series, the popular filter by Hodrick 
and Prescott (1997), the HP-Filter, is used.11 In detail, 
detrending occurs by filtering the log of the time series. 
For quarterly data it is customary to choose the smoothing parameter by 1600, because of the normally as
9 For example, see the Subject-matter series 18, S.23 and especially 
for the time period 1970 till 1991 the Subject-matter series 18, S.28

10 See https://www.destatis.de/DE/Methoden/Zeitreihen/Zeitreihenanalyse.html for a detailed description and the regarding differences of these two methods. See also http://www.census.gov/srd/
www/x13as/ for the X-13ARIMA-SEATS Seasonal Adjustment Program, which is the successor of the Census X-12-ARIMA.

11 For different methods concerning detrending in general and their 
different implications on the considered time series, see Canova 

sumed BC fluctuation frequencies from about three to 
five years.12

Second Moments. A standard tool to evaluate DSGE 
models is to compare the second moments of simulated 
time series with those of the respective macroeconomic 
aggregates. Therefore the set of the following second 
moments of the variables introduced above will be used 
to uncover the properties of the RBC model and to characterize the cycle:
• standard deviation,
• standard deviation relative to standard deviation 
of output,
• cross-correlation with output,
• cross-correlation with hours, and
• first-order autocorrelation.

3.2 PRICE AdjustMEnt

The variables output, consumption, investments, and 
the real wage are measured in units of the final good. 
The data collected in the GNIPA is based on nominal 
aggregates and need to be deflated by some measure 
of the price level. Before the revision in 2005, real variables were defined with respect to the price system of 
a particular base year. The advantage of this concept is 
that real magnitudes, such as consumption, investments, 
and net exports add up to GDP. The disadvantage is that 
changes in relative prices, which induce changes in the 
composition of subaggregates, cannot be taken into 
account. Thus, constant price aggregates are intertemporally not really comparable. Since 2005, the real time 
series of the GFSO are reported as chain indices, which 
include a kind of non-linearity and therefore face the 
problematic characteristic of non-additivity.13 The deflators of the main aggregates, such as GDP, consumption expenditures, and gross investments, are meanwhile 
also constructed from chained indices, so that the real 
aggregates are intertemporally comparable, but the subaggregates do no longer add up without a residual. This 
residual is greater, the greater the relative prices have 
changed, and this effect is known as “substitution bias”.14

12 See for instance Cooley and Prescott (1995), pp. 27–29.

13 See Mayer (2001), Braakmann et al. (2005), and also the Subjectmatter series 18, S.24. For a more sophisticated contemplation 
of the properties of chain indices and the possibilities for the 
computation of chained and unchained real aggregates, see the 
Appendix, which is available upon request. See also von der Lippe 
(2000) for critical comments on chain indices in general. And for a 
detailed dispute with U.S. chain aggregated NIPA data, see Whelan 

14 Between 1991 and 2004 the GDP residual (difference between the 
directly determined chained real GDP and the sum of the chained 
real GDP components) differ at most 0.4% in relation to real GDP, 
as Nierhaus (2005) mentions. Residuals arise naturally also in 
spatial units, such as between real GDP at the federal level and 
the accumulated GDP of the 16 states in Germany. For this, see 
Nierhaus (2001), Nierhaus (2004a), Nierhaus (2004b), and again 

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014

To tackle the problem of structural inconsistency 
of the computable chained real aggregates in a certain 
frame, we follow Gomme and Rupert (2007) in line with 
Greenwood et. al. (1997). The former authors mention 
on p. 484 that “a common price deflator should be used 
when converting nominal NIPA data into real terms 
and that a natural choice is the price deflator for nondurable goods and nonhousing services”, and designate 
their weighted average deflator out of the two just mentioned price deflators simply as the consumption deflator. Greenwood et. al. (1997), pp. 347–348, mention that 
such a choice is natural because they want “to avoid the 
issue of the accounting for quality improvement in consumer durables”. In our context such a weighted price 
index (PI) corresponds with the consumer PI (CPI) for 
Germany, since this is also the average price development of all goods and services purchased by households 
for consumption by purpose.15 But since the above described model framework and the data pre-adjustments 
for a consistent measurement also include the net exports, the GDP-deflator is the corresponding or rather 
adequate PI, following Reich (2003) and Balk and Reich 
(2008) as well, who argue that a GDP-deflator should 
be used because this implies a measure of inflation and 
growth. Therefore all four nominal main aggregates 
will be deflated by one common PI, which is the GDPdeflator, to guarantee a data and model consistent fashion. Since the chain indices for the subsample 1991: I 
till 2012: IV are reported with the reference year 2005, 
where the average of this year is set to 100, first there has 
to be made a rebasing to the year 1991, to achieve that 
the two subsamples are comparable.16

3.3 ConsIstEnt MEAsuREMEnt

Definitions and Constructions. Given that the data 
availability in Germany is different to the data availability in the U.S.,17 the following considerations focus on 
the German case.18

Nierhaus (2005). Gomme and Rupert (2007) also mention that 
already in the late 1990s the U.S. BEA pointed out that it is not 
appropriate to add real magnitudes. For this, see also Braakmann 
et al. (2005), and Räth et al. (2006). There are also difficulties 
with values reached by balances, as net exports or inventory 
investments, if they are zero. See, among others, Nierhaus (2005), 
Nierhaus (2007), and Tödter (2005)

15 This price deflator is also available over the entire period, 
however, the PI, which refers to the former Federal Territory of 
Germany, is reported as the PI for living of all households.

16 Note, that for the second subperiod hedonic PI’s are used, which 
also include a quality aspect.

17 For example, GDP is reported in the GNIPA within the production 
and the use approach, but not within the distribution approach, because of missing data. This is in contrast to the reported GDP in 
the U.S.

18 See the Appendix for a more detailed description of the following 
steps, wherein all computations are made with the nominal magnitudes. Note, that for convenience the time subscripts are repressed.

Starting from the use approach perspective of the 
new GNIPA data and keeping in mind that the theoretical framework does not distinguish between government 
and private consumption (Cgov  and Cpr )  as well as investments, the private consumption expenditures in the 
data can be decomposed into long-lived durables, shortlived durables, non-durables, and services.19 Only longlived durables are included as I prdur  in the composite 
gross fixed investments, I , since these can be regarded 
as a kind of investment goods. For total consumption, C , 
therefore follows:


which is consistent in the model context.
Cooley and Prescott (1995), p. 38, argue that when 
“there is no foreign sector in this economy, net exports 
are viewed as representing additions to or claims on 
the domestic capital stock, depending on whether they 
are positive or negative”. We follow this argumentation 
and add the whole net exports as I NE  to the total gross 
investments, I , which also include government and 
private gross fixed capital formation or rather gross 
fixed investments (GI gov  and GI pr ) as well as changes 
in inventories (CI gov  and CI pr ). Thus I  can be written as:







Therefore output reads:20
 ,
where Y  stands consistently for GDP in data, which 
is valued at market prices.21 But since the model framework assumes Y  at factor prices, Y  has to be adjusted 
in the sense of a subtraction of net taxes to get a valued 
GDP at factor prices. Then Y  is consistent to the model.
The labor measure, N, is calculated as the average 
quarterly fraction of total hours worked and the real 
wage, W , is calculated as the nominal wage divided by 
the GDP-deflator.22

For the construction of a quarterly composite capital 
stock time series, the annual net fixed capital plus the 

19 It should also be mentioned that the time series of consumption 
expenditures used here also include home-based services. See 
Braakmann et al. (2005) and Burghardt (2006).

20 This is also the resource constraint for the whole economy (2.9).

21 In this paper the conceptually appropriate measure of output 
is GDP rather than GNP, also because of deflation problems. See 
Brümmerhoff and Lützel (2002), pp. 59 f. and 62 f. For this, see also 
Gomme and Rupert (2007).

22 With this PI the main focus is on firms perspective, unlike the 
PI for final domestic use or the CPI, where the main focus is on 
households perspective. See the Appendix for a description of the 
different calculation opportunities of PI’s in the GNIPA.

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014

annual net stock of durable goods of the households can 
be combined with the calculated quarterly total gross investments with the “Perpetual Inventory Method” (PIM) 
to obtain such an adequate capital stock measurement.23 
For this purpose an interpolation method is conceivable: 
Let Kt  denote the capital stock in year t . The GFSO provides capital stock data for each year and data on gross 
investments, Itq , for each year and quarter. Therefore, 
we can interpolate between two years, t  and t  
1, in the 
following way:




 










The variable t  is the implicit rate of depreciation of the capital stock in the year t . Given 
1 2 3 4
, , ,
, we can solve for the unique 

t ( , )
0 1 . The time variant or rather variable quarterly 
depreciation rate, t , is the solution of this method to 
achieve that the capital stock at the end of period t  is 
the same as the capital stock at the beginning of period 
t  
1.24 The average of this depreciation rate, , is used 
in subsection 4.1 for the calibration in each subsample.
Cooley and Prescott (1995) calibrate the Solow residual without fixed capital, arguing that the quarterly 
variations in the aggregate capital stock are approximately zero and so the omission of the capital stock has 
only little effect on the Solow residual at BC frequencies, 
which are typically between 6 and 32 quarters. They argue further in line with Prescott (1986) that any interpolation method for constructing a quarterly capital stock 
will be arbitrary and will bring some noise into the measures, because the capital stock series are only reported 
annually in the U.S. and in Germany. However it poses 
some difficulties as well to avoid the whole time series, 
also in consideration of the fact that the statistical offices, e. g. the GFSO, as well use extra- and interpolation 
methods for the construction of some time series.25 For 
this argumentation, see also Gomme and Rupert (2007), 
who compute the Solow residual with and without a 
capital stock (aggregated as well as separated for market 
structures and equipment and software).26 They find 
similar results of these three different methods, so that 
the parameter estimates of the Solow residual are not 

23 See also Heer and Maußner (2009), Gomme and Rupert (2007), 
and the Appendix for the construction of the capital stock. The latter also includes a briefly contemplation of the PIM used by the 
GFSO for the construction of the capital stock.

24 An advantage of such a depreciation rate is that it is delimited 
equal as the composite capital stock and the total gross fixed investments.

25 E.g. durables in the period 1970: I-1991: IV. See for instance Räth 
et al. (2006).

26 They derive a quarterly series of the capital stock with a method 
based on Greenwood et al. (1997), who derived admittedly annual 
capital stocks.

too sensitive between these different calculations. We 
further compute the Solow residual without a capital 
stock and with a composite capital stock, where net fixed 
assets and the net stock of household durables are included, so that the Solow residuals can be computed as 


  and z


  , where eht  denotes effi
cient working hours. The deviations from balanced 

growth are therefore ˆz






 and ˆz






Used Variables. The following list crudely enumerates the used variables for the pre and post reunification 
in the periods 1970: I-1991: IV and 1991: I-2012: IV:
1. Output measure Yt : GDP at factor prices
2. Consumption measure Ct : Private and public consumption of non-durables
3. Investment measure It :
i. Private and public gross fixed investments
ii.  Private and public gross fixed investments plus 
changes in inventories plus private consumption of consumer durables plus net exports27

4. Capital measure Kt : Private and public net fixed 
assets (structures, equipment, and inventories) plus net 
stock of consumer durables28

5. Labor measure Nt : Average quarterly fraction of 
total hours worked
6. Real wage measure Wt : Nominal wage divided by 
the GDP-deflator
7. Labor share 1: Average mean over the sum of 
total real wage of the dependent employees plus a share 
of self-employed divided by the GDP at factor prices
8. TFP measure Z :
i. Based on labor variations only
ii.  Based on labor and capital variations using the 
adequate capital measure

4. REsults

4.1. CAlIBRAtIon

In consideration with the outlay of estimation methods 
and that in the “literature on intertemporally optimized 
models has shown a clear preference for calibrating 
rather than estimating parameters of interest”, as Favero 
(2001), p. 248, mentions, in this paper the decision falls 
also to classical or rather traditional calibration. Accordingly calibration simply means “to standardize as 
a measuring instrument”, as Cooley and Prescott (1995), 

27 As in Cooley and Prescott (1995).

28 To that Cooley and Prescott (1995) also add land. They argue that 
this should as well integrated into the production function, but the 
data on the stock of land is inadequate and is omitted here.

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014

p. 22, or Cooley (1997), p. 58, argue, and this meaning 
applies to the idea behind calibration of the stochastic 
growth model considered here.29 Table 4.1 reports the 
calibrated parameter values at the steady state equations (2.12a), (2.12b), (2.12c), and (2.12d) for the two different subsamples.30

For a comparison of these two subsamples one 
should hold in mind, that the territorial status is different in these two time periods. Accordingly it comes as no 
surprise that changes occur in all variables, apart from  
and  which were set.31 The time preference parameter 
 cannot be calculated by the steady state equations, because this violates the restriction 1 in representative 
agent models. To simply bypass this problematic value, 
the time preference parameter is set to 0 994
, as in Heer 
and Maußner (2009).32

Firstly, the growth rate (
a 
1  is inferred from fitting 
a linear trend to the log of GDP at factor prices per capita. 
It is a little bit lower for the new time period. This also 
emphasizes the observed reduction in the growth rate of 
GDP. These two derived values are in line with the values 
typically used in such models, see for example Cooley 
and Prescott (1995), who use a 
1 00156
, or Gomme 

29 For a more detailed representation of the calibration methodology, see the Appendix.

30 See Stock and Watson (1996) and Ireland (2004) for a discussion 
of parameter instability per se.

31 Hall (1988) shows that a high value of  implies an insensitive 
consumption growth. For a survey of microeconomic estimates of 
the coefficient of relative risk aversion, see Mehra and Prescott 
(1985), who find, “that the bulk of the evidence places its value 
between 1 and 2”, as Gomme and Rupert (2007) on p. 487 mention. 
The value of 2 is an evidence for a greater consumption smoothing 
over the life cycle of the households and so this value is set to 2, as 
in Heer and Maußner (2009). Furthermore, a larger elasticity of the 
marginal utility of consumption “reduces the variability of output, 
working hours, and investments, and thus this choice provides a 
better match between the model and the respective German 
macroeconomic variables”, as Heer and Maußner (2009), p. 51, argue.

32 Prescott (1986), Cooley and Prescott (1995), and Gomme and 
Rupert (2007) calculate this parameter as 
0 99
0 987
, and 

 0 9860
, respectively, so that this value is toward the high end 
of values typically used in the literature considered here.

and Rupert (2007), who use an average a of 1 005
. Secondly, the capital income parameter , increased from 
0 32
 to 0 34
 or inversely the labor income reduced 
from 0 68
 to 0 66
, which suggests a now more capital-intensive economy. In other words, the economy 
was more labor-intensive in the first time period. This 
argumentation also corresponds to the statement by 
Schmalwasser and Schidlowski (2006), who argue that 
production becomes more capital-intensive, because labor is increasingly replaced by capital and therefore the 
capital stock grows faster than production. These different values also suggest that a TFP shock affects the 
labor income share.33 Further, related to the decline in 
the growth rates of investments and the capital stock 
over time, the degree of modernity of the capital stock 
is reduced.34 For example, Cooley and Prescott (1995) 
calibrate the parameter  as 0 40
, which is greater 
than the usually used value of 0 40
 by, e. g., Kydland 
and Prescott (1982), Hansen (1985), Prescott (1986) or 
Maußner (1994), because they included the imputed 
income of governmental capital. This suggests a more 
capital-intensive U.S. economy than the German economy. Gomme and Rupert (2007) calibrate the share of 
capital income as 0.283 and mention on p. 493 that their 
value “is toward the low end of values typically used in 
the “RBC/DSGE” literature”, such as the value in Heer 
and Maußner (2009). The values derived above are between these ranges. Furthermore, the U.S. NIPA data is 
more accurate for determining the income of the capital 
side, the GNIPA data is more accurate for determining 
the income of the labor supply side, because the data is 
very detailed, extensive, and more reliable, and so 1 
is specified here, which equals the average wage share 

33 For this, see Cantore et al. (2013), who examine inter alia this 
relationship within an RBC and a NK framework.

34 This is the ratio of net to gross fixed assets, where this characteristic variable also provides information about the aging process of 
investment goods and indicates how much percentage of the assets 
are not impaired by wear or depreciated in value. See Schmalwasser 
and Schidlowski (2006).

table 4.1. Calibration of the parameters for the GNIPA data set of the GFSO.

1970: I-1991: Iv
1991: I-2012: Iv

a 
1 006
 0 994
a 
1 003
 0 994

 0 32
 2 0.
 0 34
 2 0.

 0 015
N 
0 14
 0 017
N 
0 12

0 98
 .
 5 80
0 97
 .
 6 13

0 92
 .
0 83
 .

0 0089
 .
0 0086
 .

0 0081
 .
0 0082
 .

Review of Business and Economics Studies  
Volume 2, Number 4, 2014

in GDP at factor prices.35 To that it should also be mentioned that this specification as well contemplates the 
governmental labor income, because the income time 
series include also public labor and so this approach 
is more or less identical to the approachy Cooley and 
Prescott (1995). Thirdly, the average quarterly depreciation rate, , has also increased, which suggests a higher 
depreciation rate for, e. g., communication systems and 
personal computers. Cooley and Prescott (1995) choose 
the average depreciation rate as 0 048
 yearly or 0 012
quarterly and argue that, if the economy does not explicitly include growth, these values must be larger in 
order to match the investment-output ratio. Furthermore, Gomme and Rupert (2007) compute an average 
depreciation rate of 0 0271
 and so the above-derived 
values are also between these two ranges. The preference 
parameter  also increases, suggesting that the households now appreciate leisure more. The observed demographic change in Germany can be explained by the parameter N , which is slightly lower for the period 1991: 
I till 2012: IV, because the population as a whole grows 
older. So more people are on pension and no longer participate in the working life, which leads to a reduction of 
labor supply.36

The parameters of the shock in the period 1970: 
I-1991: IV with 1
0 98
 .
 and 1
0 0089
 .
, where only 
labor input is considered in the Solow residual, and 
0 92
 .
 and 2
0 0081
 .
, where labor and capital 
input are integrated in the Solow residual, are more or 
less in line with the values normally taken in the literature. For example, Cooley and Prescott (1995) choose, 
among others, the value 0 95
 and Gomme and Rupert 
(2007) choose the value 0 9641
 for the persistence parameter . For the volatility of the shock, , Cooley and 
Prescott (1995) take the value 0 007
, Prescott (1986) 
chooses the value 0 00763
, and Gomme and Rupert 
(2007), who also take consumer durables into account, 
choose the value 0 0082
. This indicates that the derived values above are on the top of values typically used 
for this variable in this literature. Gomme and Rupert 
(2007) argue that the Solow residual is at best characterized by an autoregressive parameter of 0 9641
 and a 
standard deviation of 0 0082
, compared to more standard values of 0 95
 and 0 00763
, respectively. They 
further argue that their results are not sensitive, if no 
capital stock (
0 9697
0 0081
, one capital 
stock (
0 9643
0 0082
, or two capital stocks 

0 9641
0 0082
is (are) included, but here this 

35 As in Heer and Maußner (2009). For this and the different calculation bases for GDP in Germany and the U.S., see again Schmalwasser and Schidlowski (2006) and further Schwarz (2008).

36 For a recent analysis of changes in the age composition of the 
labor force and the connection to BC volatility in the G7 countries, 
see Jaimovich and Siu (2009) as well as Heer et al. (2013).

is not the case, as well as the different values demonstrate. For both subsamples this difference is conspicuous for the autoregressive parameter , which falls from 
0 98
 to 0 92
 and from 0 97
 to 0 83
, if additionally 
the capital input is included into the Solow residual.37 
Also the volatility of the shock, , falls from 0 0089

0 0081
 and from 0 0086
 to 0 0082
 in both subsamples, respectively. The finding that the shocks in the second subsample are smaller than in the first subsample 
emphasizes as well the argumentation by Buch et. al. 
(2004), who find the same result for the period till 2001: 
IV with a counterfactual VAR analysis and call this phenomenon “good luck”. In this respect it should also be 
mentioned that  does not account for a differentiation 
of these results in the shock process, the working hours 
also do not matter (only  is a little bit higher), and only 
GDP and the capital stock do matter slightly. Also Cooley 
and Prescott (1995) mention that Prescott (1986) already 
argues that the volatility of the innovations might be 
affected by measurement errors in the measured labor 
input and taking these into account would actually very 
slightly increase the standard deviation of the innovations to technology, as just mentioned. However, just as 
Cooley and Prescott (1995) too, we choose to ignore it 
here and leave it for future research.

4.2. PRoPERtIEs oF thE BusInEss CyClE

The following table displays the results from the computation of the real economy, where the variables are as 
defined and constructed in subsection 3.3.
A comparison between the two different subsamples 
reveals at first that the standard deviation of output is 
increased from 1 27
 to 1 51
 and the volatility of durables consumption is reduced by about a half. So it is 
apparent, on the one hand, that the decline of output 
volatility in Germany, as it is reported for the period 
1970: I-2001: IV by Buch et. al. (2004) as well, is not detected for the whole time period.38 Thereto it should be 
mentioned that the reason is the financial crisis during the second subsample and thus, the output decline 
in Germany is only detected till 2008: IV, since both 
subsamples are compared with each other as point estimates as done in this paper solely. On the other hand, 
it is apparent that the reduction of durables volatility 

37 In their model with all shocks, Gomme and Rupert (2007) set the 
autoregressive parameter  on durables technological change 
even to 0 9999

38 However it should be mentioned that Buch et al. (2004) use the 
Census X-11-ARIMA method for seasonal-adjusting and the HPFilter with a smoothing parameter of 1000  for detrending, 
following Pedersen (2001). They argue on p. 454 that their “results 
were not affected”, since they choose a smoothing parameter of 
1600, as done in this paper. Admittedly, it is not at all clear what 
the authors mean by “real GDP”, because they do not refer to how 
they achieve the price-adjusting at all.