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Advances in Law Studies, 2013, № 1

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Количество статей: 11
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E. Safronova (Belgorod)
A. Salomatin (Penza)
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ISSN 2308-3107
DOI 10.12737/issn.2308-3107

Volume 1
Issue 1
April 2013



Капустин Анатолий Яковлевич

д-р юрид. наук, профессор,

президент Российской ассоциации международного 

председатель Научно-методического совета
по правоведению Минобрнауки России,

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Института законодательства и сравнительного
правоведения при Правительстве
Российской Федерации


Сокольникова Ольга Александровна


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Малько Александр Васильевич
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ISSN 2308-3107
DOI 10.12737/issn.2308-3107

Том 1
Выпуск 1
Апрель 2013






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Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1

Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1


Dear readers and authors!

We are glad to announce the «LAW» series of the «Research and Development» journal. The aim of this series 
is to increase publishing activity of the scientists and academic staff of higher education institutes.
This journal consists of printing and electronic versions 
which allow including it into different bases of scientific 
data (including international ones).
Up-to-date publications represented in this issue and 
a high scientific status of the editorial board members 
allow to hope this journal will become a prestigious  site 
for the articles revealing a wide range of problems of law. 
The «LAW» series of the «Research and Development» 
journal highlights the following topical trends:
– theory and history of law and state; history of the 
theories of law and state;
– constitutional law; municipal law;
– civil law; business law; family law; private international law;
– labour law; social security law;
– nature and resources law; agricultural law; environmental law;
– criminal law and criminology; criminal law enforcement;

– international law; European law;
– judiciary, public prosecutor’s supervision, organization of law enforcement;
– administrative law, financial law, information law;
– civil litigation; arbitration proceedings.
In order to reflect the reports of the scientific conferences we plan to publish topical issues.
We also plan to include the journal into the List of the 
Russian reviewed scientific journals where the main scientific results taken from scientific candidate and doctorate theses should be published (The List of the Highest 
Attestation Commission).
This journal is included into the Russian index of scientific citing and Scientific electronic library.
To improve accessibility and facilitate the search for 
scientific information our publishing house supplies all 
the articles with DOI (Digital Object Identifier). This 
fact allows to improve an exchange of data between 
scientists in the virtual space and to increase the 
presence of the Russian language scientific information 
in a vast array of English language sector of the world 
of science.
The access to the abstracts of all the articles and their 
first pages at www.naukaru.ru is free of charge and any 

Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1

Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1

От редактора

Уважаемые читатели и авторы!

Мы рады появлению в журнале «Научные исследования и разработки» новой серии «ПРАВО». Целью серии 
является содействие повышению публикационной 
активности научных работников и профессорско-преподавательского состава высших учебных заведений.
Журнал имеет печатную и электронную версии, что 
позволяет оперативно включать его в различные, в том 
числе международные, базы научной информации.
Актуальность публикаций, представленных в этом 
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Журнал «Научные исследования и разработки» 
(серия «ПРАВО») освещает следующие тематические 
– теория и история права и государства; история 
учений о праве и государстве;
– конституционное право; муниципальное право;
– гражданское право; предпринимательское право; семейное право; международное частное 
– трудовое право; право социального обеспечения;
– природоресурсное право; аграрное право; экологическое право;
– уголовное право и криминология; уголовноисполнительное право;

– уголовный процесс, криминалистика; оперативно-розыскная деятельность;
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– административное право, финансовое право, 
информационное право;
– гражданский процесс; арбитражный процесс.
Для отражения содержания докладов на различных научных конференциях планируется издание 
тематических выпусков.
Планируется включение журнала в Перечень 
российских рецензируемых научных журналов, в 
которых должны быть опубликованы основные научные результаты диссертаций на соискание ученых степеней доктора и кандидата наук (Перечень 
Журнал включен в Российский индекс научного 
цитирования (РИНЦ) и Научную электронную библиотеку.
Для повышения доступности и облегчения поиска научной информации издательство присваивает 
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Object Identifier), что позволяет наладить обмен данными между учеными в информационно-виртуальном пространстве и увеличить присутствие русскоязычной научной информации в огромном массиве 
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Доступ к аннотациям всех статей и их первым страницам на сайте naukaru.ru открытый, не требует регистрации или оплаты.


Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1

Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1



Сравнительный подход в правовой политике
Малько А.В., Саломатин А.Ю.

Правовое сравнение: когнитивные 
возможности и разновидности
Дамирли М.А. 

12 Сравнение права и сравнение правовых 
Варга Ч.


18 Теории юридического лица 
в исторической ретроспективе 
и современной науке
Серова О.А.

31 Развитие типов государственных 
и муниципальных учреждений 
или сохранение формы автономной 
некоммерческой организации: 
к постановке проблемы
Гросул Ю.В.

Тенденции развития правового 
регулирования выпуска и обращения 
облигаций в законодательстве Польши
Богустов А.А.



Comparative Approach in Legal Policy
Alexander Malko, Alexey Salomatin

Legal Сomparison: Сognitive Possibilities 
and Varieties
Mehman Damirli

12 Comparing Laws and Comparing Legal 
Csaba Varga


18 Legal Entity Theories
in Historical Retrospective
and Modern Science
Olga Serova

31 Development of Types of the Public 
and Municipal  Authorities
or Preservation of a Form
of Autonomous Non-profit Organization:
To Problem Statement
Yury Grosul

Tendencies of Development of Legal 
Regulation Emission and Turnover Bonds 
in the Legislation of Poland
Andrei Bogustov



Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1

Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1


38 Об исторических приоритетах в трудовом 
праве: общероссийское и московское 
Кривой В.И.

Разработка законопроектов о страховании 
рабочих в правительственных структурах 
и их обсуждение в Государственной Думе 
в 1905–1912 гг.
Рассказов Л.П., Хаконова И.Б.

51 Процедурный и процессуальный механизм 
реализации норм при разрешении 
коллективных трудовых споров 
в Республике Беларусь
Шишко Г.Б., Ясинская-Казаченко А.В.


58 Правовая политика Европейского Союза, 
направленная на легитимацию 
и конституционализацию его правовой 
Марченко М.Н.

63 Правовые стандарты — принципы права 
в пилотном решении Европейского 
суда по пенитенциарной безопасности
Павлушина А.А., Гладкова Е.В., Шлиньков А.А.


66 Организационно-правовые факторы, 
способствующие проявлению коррупции 
в системе исполнительной власти
Братановский С.Н., Зеленов М.Ф.




38 On Historical Primacy
in the Labour Law: All-Russian
and Moscow Directions
Victor Krivoy

Working Out of Bills on Insurance
of Workers in Governmental Structures
and Their Discussion in the State Duma
in 1905–1912
Leonid Rasskazov, Irina Khakonova

51 Procedural and Process Mechanism
for the Implementation of Norms
in the Resolution of Collective Labour 
Disputes in the Republic of Belarus
George Shishko, Angelica Yasinskaya-Kazachenko


58 Legal Policy of the European Union
Directed at Legitimation 
and Constitutionalism
of its Legal System
Mikhail Marchenko

63 Legal Standards — Principles of Law in the 
Pilot Judgment of the European Court 
Concerning Penitentiary Security
Alla Pavlushina, E. Gladkova, A. Shlinkov


66 The Organizational and Legal Factors 
Promoting Manifestation of Corruption 
in System of Executive Authorities
Sergey Bratanovsky, Mikhail Zelenov





Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1: 1–6
DOI 10.12737/392

Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1. С. 1–6

Comparative Approach in Legal Policy

Alexander Malko
Doctor of Law, Distinguished Scientist of the Russian Federation, director of Saratov branch of Institute of State and Law
(Russian Academy of Sciences); e-mail: igp@sgap.ru;

Alexey Salomatin
Doctor of Law, Doctor of History, head of Theory of State and Law Department of Penza State University; 
e-mail: valeriya_zinovev@mail.ru

Manuscript received: 20.02.2013. Consider: 22.03.2013. Published online: 01.05.2013 © RIOR

УДК 340.5, 321
Малько Александр Васильевич 
д-р юрид. наук, профессор, заслуженный деятель науки РФ, 
директор Саратовского филиала Института государства и права РАН; e-mail: igp@sgap.ru;
Саломатин Алексей Юрьевич
д-р юрид. наук, д-р ист. наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой 
теории государства и права и политологии Пензенского государственного университета; e-mail: valeriya_zinovev@mail.ru
Статья получена: 20.02.2013. Одобрена: 22.03.2013. Опубликована онлайн: 23.05.2013 © РИОР

Аннотация. Юридическая политика как новое направление в юридических науках состоит в том, чтобы помочь в преобразовании 
правового механизма государства и всей юридической жизни. Это 
стало чрезвычайно важным из-за сложностей постмодернизации 
общества при обстоятельствах эрозии государственного суверенитета, интенсивной коммуникации и распространения юридической информации, гражданской причастности к законодательному процессу. Но только применение сравнительного метода в 
форме сравнительного права, сравнительного изучения государства, сравнительной политологии может сделать юридическую 
политику более эффективной и точной.
Ключевые слова: правовая политика; сравнительное правоведение.

Abstract. Legal Policy as a new direction in Legal Sciences is to help in transformation of legal mechanism of 
the state and all the legal life. It has become extremely 
important thanks to extreme complexities  of  post-modernizing society under circumstances of erosion of state 
sovereignty, intensive communication and spreading of 
legal information, civil involvement in legislative process. 
But only applying of comparative method in the form of 
Comparative Law, Comparative State Studying, Comparative Political Science can make Legal Policy more 
effective and precise.
Keywords: legal policy; comparative law.

Legal Policy is a rather new direction in Legal Sciences. 
This is the efforts of a state and civil society to transform 
legal mechanism of the state and all legal life. Among the 
actors of Legal Policy in Russia are the President, the Parliament, the Government, the Constitutional Court, the 
Supreme Court, the Ministry of Justice, the institutions 
of civil society, etc.
Legal Policy has become important thanks to extreme 
complexities of the post modernizing society. Our society 
beginning with the 1980’s has demanded much more farsighted strategic policy under globalization, erosion of 
state sovereignty, appearance of new actors such as transnational monopolies and international non-commercial 

organizations. More differentiated and flexible civil society is waiting that its opinion is to be taken into account 
more fully. Much strain upon law life under information 
revolution stimulates systematization of law.
So all of the challenges of the post modernization epoch (see Scheme 1) lead to coordinated, much sophisticated policy concerning law innovations. This policy aims 
at forecasting of post modernization challenges and ways 
of adaptation to them.
In Russia problems of legal policy started to be studied 
by Saratov branch of the Institute of State and Law of Russian Academy of Sciences. The Lectures and monographs 
has been published [1]. The concept of Legal Policy up to 
2020 has been prepared [2]. Special magazine “Legal 
Policy and Legal Life” stimulates further research work. 
But how to make Legal Policy more effective?
It’s clear that new academic discipline and new sphere 
of research must be based upon some principles. The first 
among them is realism which contrasts with dogmatism, 
politically customary illusions. For example, is the court 
system the best among branches of power? Usually they 
say that it is, that the courts are the most unbiased organs. 
But in the real life it depends upon concrete judges and 
effectiveness of division of powers in concrete state. The 
second principle is dynamism.
Because of our dynamic life legal policy must change 
to be adapted to new circumstances. Say in 1950–1960’s 

Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1: 1–6


Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1. С. 1–6

Scheme 1
Potential Influence of Legal Policy upon Postmodernization Process

nationalization was considered to be a good thing for 
economy and social stability in some countries [3].
In 1980’s the privatization followed in Great Britain 
and France with broad-based political and electoral support. But the crisis of the world economy started in 2008 
forces governments to regulate more and more, studying 
experience of mixed economy of state capitalism in the 
Third World countries.
The principle of democratism of legal policy teaches us 
that our efforts to transform law must not be secret or 
elitist, but based upon popular will. According “Economist” magazine, “Russia may sound an unlikely place for 
a bold experiment in participatory democracy. But 
Wikivote, an online forum where citizens collaborate in 
redrafting laws, seems to be enjoying unlikely early success 
there from the very beginning. The website displays a draft 
law and lets users propose to rewrite each paragraph; others can vote on the suggestions. In another section they 
can debate “thorny questions”. A reputation-rating system 
gives serious users’ votes more weight; invited experts get 
even more” [4].
Working out of legal policy is to be linked to interdisciplined procedure. “Sometimes I am under impression 
that legal research is no longer seen as “scientific” if it is 
not a part of an overall inter disciplinary project. A legal 
analysis without adding economic, sociological, political 
or psychological aspect is regarded to be too abstract to 
really matter. We have come a long way from considering 

a “pure theory of law”, advocated by famous Hans Kelsen, 
as being a scientific exercise by itself” [5]. 
Legal policy of state is the product of natural and economic circumstances but simultaneously economic activity of people, social structure and legal rules and traditions 
influence it (see Scheme 2) [6].
So legal policy is to include economic and social analysis of the situation, some aspects of political and legal 
culture, traditions of statecraft. 
And the most of all, legal policy is to be based upon 
comparative approach. Comparative method was used by 
many ancient and medieval authors [7] but Comparative 
law as a discipline has been born in the early 19th century 
[8] as a result of industrial production achievements and 
communication revolutions (thanks to railways and telegraph), internationalization of politics and war in Europe 
and later in other countries [9]. For the purpose of economic cooperation it was necessary at that time to study 
foreign law and compare it to native law. Nowadays under 
postmodarnization and globalization the task is more practical and difficult to study foreign legal experience from 
the point of view of its adaption or non-adaption (or may 
be its postponement), possibilities of harmonization or 
unification of law. Decision-making in this sphere is to be 
very balanced and sophisticated because of high price of 
risks to social stability and state sovereignty [10].
The procedure of Comparative Legal Policy may include 
comparative legal analyses as a starting point. For example, 


Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1: 1–6

Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1. С. 1–6

striving to improve using institute of jurors we are to study 
foreign experience. “The idea of trial by jury prompts contrasting responses from lawyers, policy-makers, politicians 
and members of the public. It is regarded by many as powerful democratic element in the process of delivering justice, a means by which ordinary people can pronounce 
on the merits of the case before them. It is viewed by others, however, as an irrational, costly and cumbersome 
institution which demands that ordinary people, with all 
their frailties of inattentiveness, ignorance and prejudice 
pronounce upon, sometimes extraordinary complex and 
consequential matters” [11].
We have multiplicity of jury models in different countries. “When England began its expansion into empire, 
the jury was imported to the colonies of America, Africa 
and Asia. Admiration for the institution of the jury in the 
19th century led to its adoption in various forms in France, 
parts of Germany, Russia, Spain and other European 
countries and parts of South and Central America… as we 
begin the 21st century the criminal jury appears alive and 
mostly well in Australia, Canada, England and Wales, 
Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, New Zealand, 
Scotland, the United States and at least in 46 other countries and dependencies around the globe” [12].
We confront with different quantity of jury members, 
different powers, modes of decision, significance in legal 

and court life, etc. We know that the elements of concrete 
jury model depends upon not only legal culture of legal 
professionals but former and presents forms of state, division 
of powers in it, traditions of governance, etc. Political factors 
are also important including political culture of population, 
political ideology of the elite and political attitudes of the 
masses. For example, American highly individualistic legal culture of law superiority in the former pioneering 
society based upon American grass-roots democracy and 
strong presidential republic of federal character. The classical, the most consistent mode of division of powers with 
checks and balances, is interconnected with mass political 
participation. And broadly applied American jury system 
with approximately 100,000 cases decided every year is 
the manifestation not only of mass political activity and 
democratic values of population but of peculiarities of 
American state.
On the contrary, in Great Britain the blossom of jury 
system is in the past. English legal conservatism and slow 
evolutionalism is provided by constitutional monarchy 
and the spirit of aristocracy. Jury system was a good thing 
in medieval ages and under absolutism. It spread king’s 
justice in compact kingdom and withstood to some extent 
king’s despotism. But it was not so urgent to aristocratic 
and bourgeois elite and cautious, reformist minded masses under industrialization.
Thus the significance of jury system varies not only 
from one country to another but from one period of time 
to another.
Complex comparative analysis is implied that it necessary to be interdisciplinary. The starting point – comparative review of versions of foreign legal experience 
concerning this or that event or institution, must be supported by comparative state studying analysis and comparative political science analysis (see Scheme 3).

Scheme 3

Complex, interdisciplinary comparative analysis

We even suggest that some kind of expertise from the 
point of view of globalization is desirable if we sure that 

Scheme 2

Place of legal policy and social sphere in interrelations 
with economy and law

Law (2013) Vol. 1. Issue 1: 1–6


Право (2013). Том 1. Выпуск 1. С. 1–6

studied event or institution has taken root in contemporary 
society. In our case it seems that this or that jury system 
in a concrete country does not influence globalization 
process, but we may suppose that some objects of study in 
legal policy may be important from the global perspective. 
In any case the final result of our efforts is a proposal for 
state organs to reform or not to reform law in accordance 
with this or that foreign experience.
All in all main stages of Legal Policy (including complex indisciplinary comparative analysis) are the following 
(see Scheme 4). 
Legal researchers receiving signals from state organs, 
civil society and legal professional community, formulate 
the problem for decision. Another important trigger mechanism for starting the process is conclusions based upon 
legal monitoring.
“The judicial science of the former decades has paid 
attention to the problems of effectiveness of law norms. 
In practice execution of laws was connected in the first 
place with control. Unfortunately these measures have 
not prompted the system of supervision, analysis, estimation and amendment of law influence. The law monitoring time has come as the time of the institute of analytical 
research and estimation of the law enforcement” [13].
Legal monitoring as system of collecting information, 
gives an estimation of legislative results, quality of legal 
acts, effectiveness of their application [14]. In our case 
legal monitoring is an important step for initiating legal 
policy mechanism.
After setting problem for decision it  s high time to 
study former legal experience in this country and foreign 
legal experience. As for idea of trial by jury it was established in Russia in mid-19th century as a part of Great 

Reforms by tzar Alexander II. But was it successful? Is it 
outmoded nowadays?
Even more important and more difficult because of its 
diversity is to study foreign legal experience. Which legal 
practice is to select? What methods for comparison is to 
apply? Is it more useful to dwell upon similarities or dissimilarities?
It seems that in our case with jury it’s proper to review 
maximum cases of foreign experience because of wide 
spread of this phenomena across the world. It’s necessary 
to keep in mind that two ways selection of foreign experience can be applied: based upon macrocomparison (with 
focus on general questions) and microcomparison (with 
focus on special legal problems). 
“If individual legal families are categorized according 
to differences between families and similarities amongst 
their members, macrocomparison of members of the same 
family is likely to reveal similarities. If we additionally 
follow the advice to compare primarily parent systems of 
different legal families, macrocomparison will predominantly focus on differences… On the other hand if one 
follows the functional approach towards microcomparison, one should generally expect different legal systems 
to produce similar results for similar cases” [15]. 
Thus we may form the list of different jury systems 
based upon two above mentioned principles. Using macrocomparison we may include in the list for further analysis the typical cases from different legal families or the 
most dissimilar cases from different legal families or 
typical and atypical cases altogether, etc. Applying microcomparison we would see that different jury systems fulfill 
their functions rather similar but taking into account national psychology, state and legal traditions.

Scheme 4
Main stages of Legal Policy, including complex interdisciplinary comparative analysis