Стилистика английского языка = English Stylistics
Английский язык
Республиканский институт профессионального образования
Крохалева Людмила Сергеевна, Бурлак Тамара Фадеевна, Чистая Светлана Фёдоровна, Кунцевич Светлана Евгеньевна, Назина Гликерия Анатольевна
Год издания: 2017
Кол-во страниц: 122
Вид издания:
Учебное пособие
Уровень образования:
Среднее профессиональное образование
ISBN: 978-985-503-690-7
Артикул: 690306.01.99
В учебном пособии освещаются базовые теоретические положения, относя-
щиеся к проблематике экспрессивной и функциональной стилистики, которые со-
ставляют основу стилистики как лингвистической дисциплины. Многочисленные
примеры использования лексических и синтаксических стилистических приемов
в оригинальных контекстах, а также аутентичные разножанровые тексты наце-
лены на формирование у обучаемых навыков лингвостилистического анализа.
Учебное пособие предназначено для учащихся учреждений среднего специ-
ального образования лингвистического профиля. Может быть использовано спе-
циализирующимися в английском языке студентами заочной формы обучения,
магистрантами и аспирантами нелингвистических вузов, а также широким кругом
лиц, интересующихся стилистическим своеобразием английского языка.
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
СТИЛИСТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА English sTYlisTiCs Допущено Министерством образования Республики Беларусь в качестве учебного пособия для учащихся учреждений образования, реализующих образовательные программы среднего специального образования по специальности «Иностранный язык» Минск РИПО 2017
УДК 811.111’38(075.32) ББК 81.2Англ-5я723 С80 А в т о ры: канд. филол. наук, доцент Л. С. Крохалева, доцент Т. Ф. Бурлак, канд. филол. наук, доцент С. Ф. Чистая, канд. филол. наук, доцент С. Е. Кунцевич, Г. А. Назина Ре це н з е н т ы: доцент кафедры английской филологии УО «Гродненский государствен ный университет имени Янки Купалы», канд. филол. наук, доцент Е. О. Шейко; цикловая комиссия практической грамматики Лингвогуманитарного колледжа УО МГЛУ (Т. А. Соболь). Все права на данное издание защищены. Воспроизведение всей книги или любой ее части не может быть осуществлено без разрешения издательства. Выпуск издания осуществлен при финансовой поддержке Министерства образо вания Республики Беларусь. Стилистика английского языка = English Stylistics : учеб. пособие / Л.С. Крохалева [и др.]. – Минск : РИПО, 2017. – 122 с. С80 ISBN 978-985-503-690-7. В учебном пособии освещаются базовые теоретические положения, относящиеся к проблематике экспрессивной и функциональной стилистики, которые составляют основу стилистики как лингвистической дисциплины. Многочисленные примеры использования лексических и синтаксических стилистических приемов в оригинальных контекстах, а также аутентичные разножанровые тексты нацелены на формирование у обучаемых навыков лингвостилистического анализа. Учебное пособие предназначено для учащихся учреждений среднего специального образования лингвистического профиля. Может быть использовано специализирующимися в английском языке студентами заочной формы обучения, магистрантами и аспирантами нелингвистических вузов, а также широким кругом лиц, интересующихся стилистическим своеобразием английского языка. УДК 811.111’38(075.32) ББК 81.2Англ-5я723 ISBN 978-985-503-690-7 © Оформление. Республиканский институт профессионального образования, 2016
ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Учебное пособие «Cтилистика английского языка» соответствует Типовой учебной программе по стилистике для колледжей и учреждений среднего специального образования лингвистического профиля и состоит из введения, двух частей, включающих семь глав (две и пять соответственно), и четырех приложений. Цель учебного пособия состоит в том, чтобы помочь учащимся овладеть программным материалом по учебной дисциплине «Стилистика (английский язык)». Приоритетной задачей выступает формирование навыков лингвостилистического анализа текстов, принадлежащих к рассматриваемым функциональным стилям, с использованием инструментария экспрессивной стилистики. Данное учебное пособие главным образом предназначено для практического применения, поэтому при отборе учебного материала авторы принимали во внимание его значимость и актуальность не только в рамках лингвистики, но и в жизни современного социума. В учебном пособии освещаются базовые теоретические положения, относящиеся к проблематике экспрессивной и функциональной стилистики и составляющие основу стилистики как лингвистической дисциплины. В первой части наряду с теорией представлены многочисленные примеры использования лексических и синтаксических стилистических приемов в оригинальных контекстах, подобранных авторами для анализа. Вторая часть дает представление об основных функциональных стилях английского языка. Специфика рассматриваемых функциональных стилей проиллюстрирована аутентичными текстами либо их фрагментами, интерпретация которых предполагает формирование у обучаемых навыков лингвостилистического анализа. В обеих частях предусмо
Предисловие трены вопросы для самоконтроля и задания для организации самостоятельной работы учащихся. Учебное пособие завершается планом комплексного стилистического анализа различных типов текстов (в том числе и нехудожественных) с позиций коммуникативно-функционального подхода. Концептуальной основой плана является понимание текста как субъектоцентрического феномена. План также базируется на моделях интерпретации разножанровых текстов, разработанных на кафедре стилистики английского языка Минского государственного линг ви стического университета и в течение ряда лет успеш но используемых в учебном процессе. Подобные модели углубляют и расширяют традиционное лингвостилистическое толкование текста и тем самым способствуют формированию дискурсивностилистических компетенций обучаемых. Учебное пособие разработано на кафедре стилистики английского языка Минского государственного лингвистического университета. В авторский коллектив вошли: кандидат филологических наук, доцент Людмила Сергеевна Крохалева (Cинтаксическая стилистика, Научный стиль, общее руководство авторским коллективом), доцент Тамара Фадеевна Бурлак (Лексическая стилистика, Стиль официальных документов), кандидат филологических наук, доцент Светлана Федоровна Чистая (Медийный стиль, Художественный стиль, план комплексного стилистического анализа текста), кандидат филологических наук, доцент Светлана Евгеньевна Кунцевич (Предисловие, Введение, разработка композиционной структуры и оформление пособия), старший преподаватель Гликерия Анатольевна Назина (Разговорный стиль, список стилистических терминов).
INTRODUCTION Stylistics is the academic discipline which studies certain aspects of language variation. Being an essential part of general linguistics, stylistics occupies the highest position in the traditional hierarchy of linguistic disciplines with theoretical phonetics at the bottom, theoretical grammar and lexicology in between. The object of study of this discipline is s t y l e , but the term needs further qualification as far as it is used in numerous senses. The word style was borrowed into European languages from Latin; originally stylos meant a short stick, sharp at one end and flat at the other. Such a tool was used for writing on wax tablets in ancient times. Now the word style can be applied to almost any kind of human activity which is performed in more than one way, as well as to the result of such an activity. Since speech communication is a unique sphere of human activity, it is not surprising that there exist various definitions of style in linguistics. The understanding of this term mainly depends on the scholar’s point of view and the aim of investigation. In a most general sense style is the result of individual choices and patterns of choice among linguistic possibilities. That is, the same thought, idea, belief, opinion, emotion, feeling or attitude can be expressed in more than one way. And it is very important to say the right thing at the right time and in the right place. Depending on the school of thought linguists apply the term stylistics to l i n g u o s t y l i s t i c s , t h e s t y l i s t i c s o f d e c o d i n g and l i t e r a r y s t y l i s t i c s . It is necessary to add to this list d i s c o u r s e s t y l i s t i c s which is a comparatively new trend of contemporary stylistic research. Linguostylistics in its turn is traditionally subdivided into e x p r e s s i v e s t y l i s t i c s and f u n c t i o n a l s t y l i s t i c s .
Introduction ExpREssIvE sTylIsTICs According to the theory of language levels, expressive stylistics can be further subdivided into p h o n o s t y l i s t i c s , m o r p h o l o g i c a l s t y l i s t i c s , s y n t a c t i c a l s t y l i s t i c s , l e x i c a l s t y l i s t i c s and t e x t s t y l i s t i c s . Also one should not ignore g r a p h i c a l s t y l i s t i c s . Firstly, though graphic means do not belong to the generally recognized language levels, they serve to convey in written texts those ideas, feelings and emotions which in the oral types of texts are expressed by intonation and stress. Secondly, the layout of the text, its visual design (types, fonts, iconic elements, etc.) play an important role in logical structuring of the content expressed by the author in a particular language form. The basic notions of expressive stylistics are e x p r e s s i v e m e a n s and s t y l i s t i c d e v i c e s which convey stylistic information. Stylistic information can be understood as an aggregate of different shades and nuances of stylistic meaning and typical or specific stylistic colouring of the language means employed in the text. Expressive means are those phonetic, morphological, syntactical and lexical forms which are used for the purpose of logical and / or emotive intensification of the utterance. Lexical expressive means, for example, are labelled in good dictionaries as “intensifiers”; in most cases they have corresponding synonymous forms which are stylistically neutral. Expressive means intensify the thought contained in the utterance by commonly used language means (e.g. emotionally coloured words, modal verbs and expressions, diminutive suffixes – as in the words auntie, streamlet). The stylistic device is a productive model, an abstract pattern into which any content may be inserted. Stylistic devices can be regarded as a special code which has to be well known to the reader / listener for him / her to successfully decipher it. Stylistic devices function as marked units carrying stylistic information. Concrete realizations of an abstract scheme help to achieve desirable communicative effects. Actually, stylistic devices are those expressive means which correspond to certain language patterns included into the system of stylistic devices, each of them having a special name (e.g. metaphor, metonymy, rhetorical question, etc.).
Introduction Expressive means and stylistic devices perform in context various stylistic functions. The stylistic function can be defined as a pragmatic usage of a certain type of stylistic meaning – expressive, figurative, emotive, evaluative – in a communicative situation / in context. Some examples of stylistic functions are as follows: d e t a i l i n g , c o n c r e t i n g , e v o k i n g f e e l i n g s , e x c i t i n g e m o t i o n s , st i r r i ng u p i m a g i n at ion , the functions of i nt e n si f ic at ion , a c c e n t u a t i o n , g r a d a t i o n , l a y i n g e m p h a s i s , etc. Text stylistics aims at investigating the most effective ways and means of producing texts belonging to different styles, substyles and genres. Stylistic analysis of a concrete text should lead to a clear and profound understanding of its content and form which are inseparable. In this respect stylistically significant seem to be the problems related to the types of information imparted by the text, the problem of text categories such as informativity, modality, expressiveness, emotiveness, accentuation and the problem of basic textual segments (a paragraph, for instance). As this book is mainly designed for practical usage, the authors are selective in the areas they cover. Because of a special role played by lexical and syntactical devices in transferring stylistic information, the emphasis is on lexical and syntactical stylistics (See Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, Part I). FUNCTIONal sTylIsTICs Within the framework of the communicative-and-functional approach, scholars distinguish among different versions of the given language, the so-called functional styles. Functional style is a system of interrelated language means serving a definite aim in communication; functional styles are products of concrete social tasks set out by the language community (Galperin I. R.). They are the tools which help people to understand one another in different spheres of communication, including art, science, political, social and private life, etc. A particular choice and arrangement of vocabulary, grammar and other linguistic means, called style markers, are typical of texts belonging to a certain functional style. Each functional style is further subdivided into substyles and genres. Substyles and genres, in their turn, have their own language and compositional peculiarities.
Introduction One should bear in mind that, firstly, linguists are not unanimous in their understanding of the nature of functional style; secondly, functional styles undergo historical changes connected with technological development of human civilization and with historical development of the language itself. According to the existing classifications, one can single out t h e s t y l e o f o f f i c i a l d o c u m e n t s , t h e s c i e n t i f i c p r o s e s t y l e , the newspaper style and the publicist style (today some linguists think that these two taken together establish the style of mass media and certain parts of it should be treated as t h e n e w s m e d i a s t y l e a n d t h e s t y l e o f a d v e r t i s i n g ) , t h e b e l l e s - l e t t r e s s t y l e , the style of religion, and t h e c o l l o q u i a l s t y l e . But not all of them are generally accepted, for that reason only five of them (those given here in spacing) are analysed in this book. Each functional style is represented by a certain variety of genres that are typical only of it (See, for instance, the news media and scientific genres in Part II). To give a clear description of the functional style it is necessary to study thoroughly many texts of the same genre as well as many texts belonging to different genres of a particular style. Today’s picture of functional styles is rather schematic as the result of a durable tendency to extrapolate the linguistic data derived from randomly selected texts to the functional style as an abstract language whole (Razinkina N. M.). ThE sTylIsTICs OF DECODINg Nowadays no science is entirely isolated from other domains of human knowledge. Stylistics refers to such adjacent disciplines as rhetoric and literature; apart from that, it is confronted with certain overlapping issues of logic, psychology, sociology, statistics and the theory of information. For example, the stylistics of decoding appeared under the influence of the theory of information. In terms of this theory: communication can be defined as an activity in which information •• is transferred from one system to another by means of some physical embodiment;
Introduction human language is the most powerful and elaborate of all means of •• communication. In a natural language, messages are materialized in two kinds of signals: they are sound waves in the atmosphere (phonic substance), and the signs of writing or printing (graphic substance). In terms of the theory in question, language can be regarded as a very complicated code. In codes like languages no matter what is said, more can always be said about the same topic, and there is always more than one way of saying it. In language as a code there is always a potential, a stock of signs which could be used to convey the same message, to develop the same idea. This feature may be termed as redundancy; it is the redundancy of the language code that provides the opportunity of choice (Maltzev V. A.). The primary concern of stylistics of decoding is with language codes and the particular message the reader can draw from the text, deciphering these codes while reading. It is claimed that the stylistics of decoding is based on the theoretical grounds of linguo- and literary stylistics (Arnold I. V.). The central interest of this school of stylistic studies is the output of the act of communication, the effect of the message. Needless to say, that only a skillful reader / listener can perceive the information contained in the text objectively. lITERaRy sTylIsTICs Some scholars think that the language of a particular writer can hardly be considered as an issue of linguostylistics. The reason is as follows: not only language means are to be analysed to understand the peculiarities of the author’s style. One should take into account the problems touched upon in the work of art, the message expressed in it, the literary trend the writer belongs to, the literary techniques employed, the aesthetic value of the work as an artistic whole. The object of linguostylistics is language, and its functioning in texts; the object of literary stylistics is literature and, to a great extent, how language is used in it. Thus, the problem of individual style is a common ground for literature and linguistics. The term individual style presupposes a deliberate, though often intuitional, choice of language means. It is normally applied to the writer’s peculiar manner of using these language means to achieve the effects he / she desires. If the writer does possess an individual style,
Introduction it is easily recognizable and marked by uniqueness. By the language community, individual styles are linked to concrete proper names. The individual style is based on justifiable deviations from the literary norm; therefore, it presupposes a perfect knowledge of its variants bearing this or that stylistic colouring. The analysis of the author’s language preferences seems to be the most important procedure in estimating his / her creative individuality. Speech and language habits characteristic of an average person are called idiolect. The observation of how the language code is used by the writer or poet serves only as a means to the main aim, that is interpretation. To interpret and evaluate literary pieces of writing as works of art is the ultimate purpose of literary stylistics. DIsCOURsE sTylIsTICs Discourse stylistics is a comparatively new interdisciplinary branch of stylistics. The noun discourse can designate “conversation”; “lengthy treatment of a subject”; “lecture, speech”. Used as a term, this word is also polysemantic: it means a “cohesive utterance containing more than one sentence”, “a text”, “an unlimited number of texts developing one and the same theme or overall topic”. Having a wide range of usages, the term in question tends to replace the term functional style that is a purely linguistic one. In discourse stylistics a special accent is laid on a wider range of extralinguistic factors – ideological, social, cultural, historical, psychological, etc. The words text and discourse are also treated by linguists as synonyms. In case they are used in different senses, text is regarded as an abstract unit belonging to language-as-a-system, and discourse is understood as an element of language-in-action / speech. Alongside these approaches, there exit many more essentially rational ones. As for discourse analysis, it is similar to stylistic analysis, but its main aim is to unveil the effects of a social situation / context on language choices and text interpretation. In other words, discourse analysis is context bound; therefore, it presupposes a careful study of its varied extralinguistic characteristics, mentioned above, the social relationships of the participants of the communicative event, the target audience (e. g. “ideal”