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Данный практикум разработан для студентов и магистрантов всех направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисци‑ плины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» и «Иностранный язык для научных целей». Практикум содержит упражнения для отработки видовременных форм глаголов английского языка. Тематические разделы имеют три уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, сложный. Практикум содержит приложения с дополнительными материалами и ответами, что позволяет использовать его для самостоятельной работы.
VERB TENSES. Часть 2.: Практикум / Анчугова О.В., Ковалева А.Г., Кучина Н.В., - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва :Флинта, 2017. - 196 с.: ISBN 978-5-9765-3027-0. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/959382 (дата обращения: 27.07.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации 

Уральский федеральный университет 
имени первого Президента России Б. Н. Ельцина 


Часть 2


Рекомендовано методическим советом УрФУ 
для студентов всех направлений подготовки 

Издательство «ФЛИНТА»
Издательство Уральского университета

2-е издание, стереотипное

УДК 81’366.58:811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.052.1я73+81.432.1я73

Составители: О. В. Анчугова, А. Г. Ковалева, Н. В. Кучина
д‑р пед. наук, проф. А. А. Евтюгина (зав. кафедрой русского 

и иностранных языков РГППУ);

канд. пед. наук, доц. кафедры германской филологии РГППУ   

М. В. Фоминых 

Научный редактор — канд. филол. наук, доц. каф. ин. яз. 

и перевода УрФУ О. В. Томберг 


VERB TENSES [Электронный ресурс]: практикум : в 3 ч. /
Сост. О. В. Анчугова, А. Г. Ковалева, Н. В. Кучина. — 
2-е изд., стер. — М. : ФЛИНТА : Изд-во Урал. ун-та, 2017. — 
Ч. 2. — 196 с.
ISBN 978-5-9765-3020-1 (ФЛИНТА, общий)
ISBN 978-5-9765-3027-0 (ФЛИНТА,ч.2)
ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1706‑6 (Изд-во Урал. ун-та, общий)
ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1708‑0 (Изд-во Урал. ун-та, ч. 2)
Данный практикум разработан для студентов и магистрантов всех

направлений подготовки УрФУ, имеющих в учебных планах дисциплины «Иностранный язык», «Иностранный язык специальности» 
и «Иностранный язык для научных целей».

Практикум содержит упражнения для отработки видовременных 
форм глаголов английского языка. Тематические разделы имеют три 
уровня сложности заданий: низкий, средний, сложный. Практикум 
содержит приложения с дополнительными материалами и ответами, 
что позволяет использовать его для самостоятельной работы.

УДК 81’366.58:811.111(075.8)
ББК 81.052.1я73+81.432.1я73

© Уральский федеральный 
     университет, 2016

ISBN 978-5-9765-3020-1 (ФЛИНТА, общий)

ISBN 978-5-9765-3027-0 (ФЛИНТА,ч.2)

ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1706‑6 (Изд-во Nрал. ун-та, общий)

ISBN 978‑5‑7996‑1708‑0 (Изд-во Nрал. ун-та, ч. 2)

Present Perfect

Present Perfect for Past Experiences

1A. Use the prompts to write a sentence.
1. The teacher/arrive.
2. The students/leave.
3. The exams/finish.
4. Danny/break/leg.
5. I/sent/you/e‑mail.
6. She/see/this film/before.
7. Dave and Joe/win/a scholarship.
8. There/be/accident.

2A. Write the negative form of the sentences in Exercise 1A.

3A. Put the wordsin order to make a question. Then write a short answer.
1. You/have/school/finished?
2. Done/this/you/exercise/have/before?
3. Got/better/has/for/life/people?
4. Have/world’s/risen/temperatures/the/?
5. Gone/petrol/the/price/up/has/of/?
6. At/you/have/seen/a/the/play/theatre?
7. Rained/has/today/it?
8. Season/football/has/the/began?

4A. Use the prompts to make a question.
1. you/ever/see a humming bird?
It’s the world smallest bird.

1 Materials refer to [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29 , 33, 39, 41] 
from References.


2. you / ever / read ‘War and Peace’?
It’s one of the longest 19th‑century novels.
3. you / ever / visit San Marino?
It’s Europe’s second smallest country.
4. you / ever / swim in the Pacific Ocean?
It’s the largest ocean in the world.
5. you / ever / take a trip to the Sahara Desert?
It’s one of the hottest places in the world.

5A. You are asking people questions about things they have done. 

Make questions with ever using the words in brackets.

1. ride / horse?
2. be / California?
3. run / marathon?
4. speak / famous person?
5. most beautiful place / visit? What’s … .

6A. You are asking Helen questions beginning Have you ever…? 

Write the questions.

1. be / London?
2. play / golf?
3. be / Australia?
4. lose / your passport?
5. fly / in a helicopter?
6. eat / Chinese food?
7. visit / New York?
8. drive / a bus?.
9. break / your leg?

7A. Write sentences about Helen.
1. (New York) 
2. (Australia) 
3. (Chinese food) 
4. (drive / a bus) 

No, never. Yes, many times.
No, never. Yes, once.
No, never. Yes, a few times.
Yes, twice. No, never. Yes, once.

Present Perfect. Present Perfect for Past Experiences 

Now write about yourself. How often have you done these things?
1. (New York) 
2. (play / tennis) 
3. (fly / in a helicopter) 
4. (be / late for work or school) 

8A. Join the beginnings and ends to make pieces of news.


1. A parachutist has just
a baby girl.

2. Lucy has had
gone into hospital again.

3. My poor old father has
into our garden gate.

4. Polly and Simon have
just got married.

5. Some people have bought
landed on the roof.

6. Somebody has just crashed
lost £30 million this year.

7. The firm has
the cup again.

 8. United have won
the house next door.

9B. Mary is 65 years old. She has had an interesting life. What has 

she done?

have do travel do (x2) write meet

all over the world
a lot of interesting things

many different jobs
a lot of interesting people

ten books
married three times

10B. Read these sentences about fish. Then put the verb in brack
ets into the Present Perfect form.

1. About 15 % of protein eaten by humans … (always come) from 

fish, recently, however, the number of fish … (fall).

2. Several things … (cause) problem.
3. Most scientists agree that governments … (not / do) enough to 

stop overfishing.


4. This means that fish populations … (grow) smaller.
5. Many fish … (not reproduce) fast enough to replace their numbers.
6. The population of North Sea cod, for example, … (reach) a 

dangerous level.

7. EU laws … (reduce) the numbers of fishing boats.
8. As a result, many fishermen in traditional fishing ports … (lose) 

their jobs.

9. In recent years, fish In the UK … (become) expensive, and 

many people … (stop) eating it.

11B. Underline the correct form.
The world famous author of the Harry Potter books, JK Rowling, was born in 1965 in England. She (1) studies / studied / has studied
French at Exeter University and then (2) works / worked / has worked
as a bilingual secretary. When she was 26 she (3) moves / moved / has 
moved to Portugal where she (4) teaches / taught / has taught English 
and e works I has worked I worked on a story about a wizard. She 
(5) returns / returned / has returned to the UK and (6) lives / lived / has 
lived in Scotland since then. For a while she (7) teaches / taught / has 
taught French but since the first Harry Potter book was published she 
(8) makes / made / has made her living from writing. In fact, she is 
at the top of the best sellers lists and (9) is / was / has been for several 
years. JK Rowling says she (10) enjoys / enjoyed / has enjoyed writing 
stories since she was a child and it is only now, after many years of 
hard work, that she (11) achieves / achieved / has achieved success.

12B. Match the questions 1 to 7 with the answers.

1. Where is my pen?
No. It’s started raining.

2. Why are you looking so pleased?
I’ve passed all my exams.

3. How is the maths going?
Because someone has stolen my 
old one.

4. Why are you buying a new 

I’ve had a really bad day.

Present Perfect. Present Perfect for Past Experiences 

5. Is it sunny outside?
Not very well. It’s got much more 
difficult this term.

6. Why are you looking so fed up?
Haven’t you heard? He’s had an 
accident. He’s in hospital.

7. Where is Jeremy?
I don’t know. I haven’t seen it.

Present Perfect

Present Perfect with present results 

and situations up to the present

1A. Add a sentence. Use Present Perfect.
1. I’m tired. (I / walk / miles) 
2. Emma’s computer is working now. (she / repair / it) 
3. It’s cooler in here now. (I / open / the window) 
4. The visitors are here at last, (they / arrive) 
5. Mark’s car isn’t blocking us in now. (he / move / it) 
6. We haven’t got any new videos, (we / watch / all these) 

2A. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect form of 

the verbs in brackets.

1. Don’t take my plate away I (1)… (not / finish) my meal.
2. A: What’s that book about?
    B: I don’t know. I (2)… (not / read) it.
3. I (3)… (lose) my pen. Can I borrow yours, please?
4. My father (4)… (buy) an expensive new car.
5. A: I (5) … (book) a room here for tonight.
    B: Yes madam, what’s your name, please?
6. I … (make) some sandwiches. Would you like one?
7. I’m not sure what the problem with the car is. It (7)… (not / happen) before.

8. A:… (you / reply) to that letter from the bank?
    B: No I haven’t, but I’ll do it soon.

Present Perfect. Present results and situations...

3B. Trevor and Laura are decorating their house. Put in the verbs. 

Use Present Perfect.

Laura: How is the painting going? (1) … (you / finish) 
Trevor: No, I haven’t. Painting the ceiling is really difficult, you 

know. I (1) … (not / do) very much. And it looks just the same as before. This new paint (2) … (not / make) any difference.

Laura: (3) … (you / not / put) enough on.
Trevor: (4) … (I / hurt) my back. It feels bad.
Laura: Oh, you and your back. You mean (5) … (you / have) 

enough of decorating. Well, I’ll do it. Where (6) … (you / put) the 

Trevor: I don’t know. (7) … (it / disappear). (8) … (I / look) for it, 

but I can’t find it.

Laura: You’re hopeless, aren’t you? How much (9) … (you / do) 

in here?

Nothing! (10) … (I / paint) two doors.
(I / clean) 


Laura: (12) … (we / make) some progress, I suppose. Now, where 
(13) … (that brush / go)?

Oh, (14) … (you / leave) it on the ladder, look.

4B. Put in been or gone.
1. Jim is on holiday. He’s … to Italy.
2. Hello! I’ve just … to the shops. I’ve bought lots of things.
3. Alice isn’t here at the moment. She’s … to the shop to get a 


4. Tom has … out. He’ll be back in about an hour.
5. ‘Are you going to the bank?’ — ‘No. I’ve already … to the bank.’ 


5B. Complete B’s answers. Some sentences are positive and some 

negative. Use the following verbs.

be eat be happen have meet play read see try see 

1. What’s Mark’s sister like?
2. How is Diane these days?
3. Are you hungry?
4. Can you play chess?
5. Are you enjoying your holiday?
6. What’s that book like?
7. Is Brussels an interesting place?
8. Mike was late for work again 
9. Do you like caviar?
10. I hear your car broke down 
again yesterday.
11. Who’s that woman bv the door 

I’ve no idea. I’ … her.
I don’t know. I … her recently.
Yes. I … much today.
Yes, but … for ages.
Yes, it’s the best holiday … for a 
long time.
I don’t know. … it.
I’ve no idea … there.
Again? He … late every day this 
I don’t know … it.
Yes, it’s the second time … this 
I don’t know. … her before.

6B. Read the situations and write sentences. Use the follow
ing verbs:

arrive break fall go up improve lose grow 

1. Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He…
2. Margaret can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. She…
3. Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90. The bus 


4. Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is better. Her English …
5. Dan didn’t have a beard before. 6. Now he has a beard. He…
7. This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. The letter…

8. The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. The …

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