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Деловой английский в контексте современных тенденций развития бизнеса

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Учебное пособие способствует приобретению обучающимися лингвистической и социокультурной компетенции, необходимой для использования английского языка на завершающих стадиях профессиональной подготовки менеджеров.
Новикова, Е. Н. Деловой английский в контексте современных тенденций развития бизнеса: Учебное пособие / Новикова Е.Н., Пашкевич Е.Г., Петрова С.Ф. - Москва :Дело АНХ, 2011. - 164 с. (Образовательные инновации)ISBN 978-5-7749-0612-3. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/858606 (дата обращения: 08.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
Е.Н. Новикова, Е.Г. Пашкевич, С.Ф. Петрова


в контексте 
современных тенденций 
развития бизнеса




О Б Р А З О В А Т Е Л Ь Н Ы Е  И Н Н О В А Ц И И


ISBN 978-5-7749-0612-3

УДК 811.111
ББК 81.432.1

Новикова Е.Н., Пашкевич Е.Г., Петрова С.Ф.
Деловой английский в контексте современных тенденций развития бизнеса / Новикова Е.Н., Пашкевич Е.Г., Петрова С.Ф. – М.: Изд-во «Дело» РАНХиГС, 2011. – 164 с. – (Сер. 
«Образовательные инновации»).

ISBN 978-5-7749-0612-3

Учебное пособие способствует приобретению обучающимися лингвистической и социокультурной компетенции, необходимой для использования английского языка на завершающих стадиях профессиональной подготовки менеджеров. 


«Образовательные инновации»

©  ФГБОУ ВПО «Российская академия 
народного хозяйства и государственной 
службы при Президенте
Российской Федерации», 2010


Введение ............................................................................................... 4
Методические указания по выполнению практических заданий
и самостоятельных работ.................................................................... 6
OWNERSHIP ........................................................................ 18
Unit 2. MARKETING ....................................................................... 27
Unit 3. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ........................... 35
Unit 4. ACCOUNTING ..................................................................... 47
Unit 5. INTERNATIONAL TRADE .................................................. 60
Unit 6. OUTSOURCING AND OFFSHORING ............................... 73
Unit 8. MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS ....................................... 92
Unit 9. TYPES OF SECURITIES .....................................................101
Unit 10. STOCK MARKET AND STOCK EXCHANGES .................110
Glossary ..............................................................................................118
Список рекомендуемых основной и дополнительной литературы
и интернет-источников.....................................................................135
Additional reading ...............................................................................137


Учебное пособие «Деловой английский в контексте современных 
тенденций развития бизнеса» способствует приобретению обучающимися лингвистической и социокультурной компетенции, необходимой для использования английского языка на завершающих стадиях профессиональной подготовки менеджеров. 
Структурно пособие представляет собой девять тематических 
уроков (Units), охватывающих такие темы, как Organization and 
Business Functions (Company Structure, Marketing, Human Resources Management – recruiting, motivation, team-building, Finance and 
accounting, financial reports), Current business trends (Global Trade, 
Outsourcing and offshoring, IT and e-commerce, Mergers and acquisitions), Investing and Raising capital (Types of securities, Stock market).
Несмотря на то что темы уроков взаимосвязаны и являются языковым и логическим продолжением друг друга, каждый тематический урок представляет собой завершенный модуль, который содержит достаточно фактологической и языковой информации для 
понимания целого ряда проблем и вопросов, являющихся предметом изучения на завершающих стадиях профессиональной подготовки по специальности «Менеджмент». Это дает возможность интегрировать отдельные разделы учебно-методического комплекса в 
курс иностранного языка той или иной специальности или изучать 
выборочно отдельные тематические уроки в зависимости от степени важности конкретных тем для обучающихся. 
Каждый урок начинается с обзора основных понятий и терминов по теме урока и содержит аутентичный текст (статью) по 
изучаемой тематике. Представленный в тематических уроках материал является не только специальным, но и лингвистическим – 
комплекс упражнений, который включен в каждый тематический 
урок, помогает студентам освоить различные виды работ с языко
Методические указания 

вым материалом вообще и с текстами в частности, способствует 
закреплению и обогащению лексического и грамматического багажа, совершенствованию различных навыков устной и письменной речи. К таким упражнениям относятся, в частности, упражнения на перифраз и ответы на вопросы по текстовому материалу 
с использованием активного вокабуляра каждого тематического 
урока, упражнения на подбор определений активных слов и выражений, вопросы по пройденному материалу, устная подготовка презентаций по пройденной тематике. Комплекс упражнений 
включает также задания, способствующие развитию профессиональных навыков и умений – выполнению реферативных работ, 
чтению (просмотровому, ознакомительному, поисковому, изучающему), обсуждению проблемных задач, требующих не только 
лингвистических, но и профессиональных знаний.
Пособие рекомендовано студентам и магистрантам управленческих и экономических специальностей, преподавателям, слу-
шателям профильных программ профессиональной переподготовки и МВА, всем, кто заинтересован в углублении знаний и 
совершенствовании навыков английского языка в сфере профессиональных коммуникаций.



Due to the increasingly globalized world of international business the 
demand for Business English today is great and it keeps on growing. As a 
result the learning of business English is playing an increasingly important role in business studies and every day corporate life. For students 
doing their MD their learning experience must reflect an understanding 
of business practices and reality. The aim of this textbook is to provide 
skills, strategies and vocabulary that will enable business English learners to improve basic and academic skills to develop essential business 
communication skills as efficiently as possible. 
A task-based teaching approach enables students to work out techniques to tackle an assignment, introduces the core reading skills that 
are essential for processing text efficiently, which are then taken up and 
practiced. Each Unit begins with a business brief, giving the learner a 
purpose for reading, summarizing information from the reading texts, 
introducing the key points of the topic discussed in the Unit. This approach encourages learners to work individually and creatively. The 
follow-up discussion and analyses allow to discover the most helpful 
techniques and also realize why these ways are effective. This Business 
English course is based on topics of great interest to everyone involved in 
international business of the 21st century. It is designed to maintain and 
develop students’ ability to communicate in English in a wide variety of 
business situations. It also enlarges students’ knowledge of the business 
The basic academic and communications skills, practiced in this 
textbook involve:
1. Reading. The reading focus is based on authentic articles from 
British and American newspapers and books on business. The emphasis 
is laid on developing the following techniques: skimming, scanning and 
follow-up detailed study, including vocabulary development.

Методические указания 

2. Summarizing. These skills are aimed at developing students’ ability 
to briefly state the main points of a written text, summarizing information of the reading texts, case studies and presentations.
3. Discussion. Discussion activities are based on issues raised in Business Briefs, articles, and related topics. The discussion focus is aimed at 
improving fluency and developing an ability to express opinions and exchange views, using an appropriate style. Proficiency in spoken English 
is developed using different interrelated stages which combine role-play 
and group discussions as well as problem-solving in case studies. A set of 
practical tasks encourages students to provide creative solutions to authentic business problems.
4. Making a presentation. This skill is aimed at developing essential 
business communication competence providing the basics the students 
will need to effectively operate in a business environment. 
5. Vocabulary development. Mastering vocabulary and achieving fluency is an integral part and basis for improving academic and communication skills. The practiced vocabulary consists of compulsory items 
of basic and specialist vocabulary (terminology and business jargon). All 
compulsory materials (Business Briefs and articles) are supplemented by 
a list of active vocabulary. The words and phrases are practiced in the vocabulary exercised and the activities mentioned above.

The activities aimed at practicing the skills mentioned above comprise:


1. Skim-reading, i.e. getting an overall idea of what the article is about.
2. Scanning, i.e. extracting some specific information.
3. Further comprehension check by asking questions and paraphrasing some 
sentences, idioms, phrases, etc.
4. Follow-up activities: exchanging opinions/agreement or disagreement/; 
sharing experiences or additional information, discussing related issues.


1. Formulating a gist of the article.
2. Formulating the main idea of each paragraph.
3. Devising a plan of the summary with key-words in writing.
4. Presenting an article in summary orally or in writing.

Методические указания

Vocabulary development

1. Studying the highlighted Key Words in the business brief and the article, 
which are needed to understand and discuss the topic.
2. Supplying definitions, synonyms, opposites for basic and special 
3. Learning the useful vocabulary/active vocabulary in a specific situation 
by heart.
4. Developing vocabulary in follow-up exercises, based on the Key Words.
5. Creating individual private vocabulary list devoted to the topic of the 
6. Speaking or writing a paragraph on a related topic using Active 

Transfer activitites

1. Summarizing the information from the texts in each Unit with the use of 
the active vocabulary.
2. Making a presentation. This activity frequently includes an opportunity to 
use ideas based on students’ own studies, work and experience.
3. Follow-up activities: exchanging opinions, sharing additional information.


In the recommendations below we describe in more detail the abovementioned skills and the techniques used to develop them.

Reading – introductory notes

Skimming and scanning are useful tools when reading any type of 
texts: articles, business briefs, business documents, letters, reports, etc. 
Learners all too frequently read a foreign language text with a painstaking dedication to deciphering every word in a linear fashion, frequently 
spending more time looking up words in a dictionary than reading the 
text. The result is either an imperfect translation or incomprehension. 
However, if the learners follow the techniques suggested and do not read 
in more detail then the instructions recommend, they should cope well 
with the tasks and texts. Each article in this textbook has a number of 
tasks or exercises with it. The tasks are based on reading techniques or 
vocabulary study. Follow the instructions carefully: do not read the text 
in more detail than the instructions tell you to. Use the dictionary only 

Методические указания 

if: a) you decide a word is especially important; b) you cannot guess its 
meaning from the context. 
There is never enough time to read everything. Reading techniques 
will help you to read better. This does not mean simply reading more 
quickly. It means spending a minimum of time getting maximum understanding from what you read.
    Input                    Output
    Reading time 
    (minimum)       (maximum)


When we have a text to read it is often helpful and time-saving to 
skim-read it first . Skimming is reading quickly without attention to detail , with no special attention to unknown words. The objective of skimming is to identify quickly the main points in each paragraph. It is often 
not necessary to understand everything in a paragraph to understand the 
main points. The aim is getting an overall idea of what the text is about. 
We advise the following procedure for skimming (allow 1–2 minutes for 
the task).
Step 1: Look at an article quickly and formulate in your own words 
what the article is about. 
Step 2: Specify which parts of the text you have used to skim-read after checking the results.
Step 3: Read the title, read the lead and the bold introductory text, 
the headings or just the first lines of the paragraphs if the lead and the 
headings are missing.
This will help you to understand what is and what is not in the article. This is important because by understanding the title we can began to 
think about what information we will find in the text and where we will 
find it. You also learn what you will not find in the article. Look at the 
length and any pictures or graphic materials, e.g. diagrams, tables, figures etc. Then try to predict: ‘What will the article tell me?’ or ‘What information is probably in the article?’. Skimming technique is time-saving and it enables to sort out documents, letters, etc.


Most articles of the course are followed or proceeded by tasks on 
scanning, that is scanning for specific information, e.g. true-false statements or sentences which are missing from some paragraphs of the text, 

Методические указания

multiple choice or others. Note that thеsе assignments should be done 
without a dictionary and new unfamiliar words must be either ignored or 
guessed. When you scan a page or an article, it is not necessary to read 
everything to find what is of special interest to you. Look for words, pictures, figures, etc., which indicate what you need to know. This is scanning. The aim is extracting specific relevant information. We advise the 
following procedure for scanning (allow 5–7 minutes for this activity):
Step 1: Find proof for or against the statements in the text or read the 
complete version of the paragraph.
Step 2: Tackle the task and find ways of doing it within a time-limit.
Step 3: After checking on the results analyse how you did the assignment and what you should have done to perform more effectively.
A follow-up technique for skimming and scanning is identification of 
the main points in a text. It is particularly important if you have long articles where you may see the words Introduction, Summary or Conclusion. One way of identifying the main points in a text is to read only the 
first one or two paragraphs and the last one or two. Read only the Introduction or the first paragraph carefully. Then read the final part of the 
text or the last two paragraphs. The beginning and the end of long texts 
often have the most important information.
After skimming and scanning the article, look at specific words or 
a particular phrase which can help you to predict what is coming next. 
They signal what is coming. Examples are phrases like “The first thing to 
do is…”, “secondly…”, “the last step is…” Recognizing and understanding signaling words and phrases can help you to read more efficiently 
and to understand the structure of the text.

Detailed reading (with vocabulary development)

When reading a text try first to predict the meaning of the unknown 
word from the context. Using a dictionary to find the meaning of every 
word you don’t know reduces the efficiency of your reading. It is important first to attempt to guess the meaning of words you do not know. 
Usually the context/the rest of the text and especially words and sentences close to the unfamiliar words will help you to decide on a possible 
meaning for them. Only look up a word if you have no idea what it means 
and you are confident that it is necessary to understand the word to get 
the information you need. Tasks on detailed reading include: answering 
questions on the articles, analyzing small details and paying attention to 
highlighted vocabulary.

Методические указания 

This textbook offers a number of follow-up exercises aimed at vocabulary development. The assignments in the exercises include:
• Finding the words which mean…
• Matching the words with their definitions
• Paraphrasing
• Finding a synonym/ an opposite for/of…
• Translating sentences into Russian

While working individually on your home assignment find definitions of the words in an English-English dictionary, learn the words in 
the specific context or sentences, sum up the topic, using the active vocabulary, prepare a presentation on a topic related to the issues of the article or the business brief.


When you are referring to a book or other source, you can either 
quote directly from it, or summarize what it says. A summary is a brief 
restatement of the main idea and the most important supporting points 
of a written text, lecture or a presentation, etc. The ability to write a clear 
and accurate summary is a valuable skill, useful not only when referring 
to a text produced by someone else, but when you have to reduce the 
length of your own writing. 
In order to communicate information effectively you have to develop 
an ability to present ideas in brief, in a logical form and in clear and simple terms. Your summary should be
1. Clear, i.e. presented in a logical form, in simple terms
2. Concise, i.e. brief, free from unnecessary details and repetition
3. Complete, i.e. covering all most important points which support 
the main idea
4. Correct, i.e. free from mistakes and wrong information

There are no specific rules about the length of a summary. An effective summary is just long enough to present the main ideas and too short 
to include any unnecessary details.
Overall, the recommended proportion of a close summary may be
1 to 3 of the original.
Here are some suggestions regarding the procedure of summarizing 
which could be useful in making a summary of an article or any other 
written text.

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