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Creation principals of universal modeling environment for simulation application development

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The structure principles of the universal modeling environment and it's means of differentsimulation application arrangement are described in the report. There are examples of environment usageaccording to separate application realization. The perspective of it's development is shown.
Девятков, В. В. Deviatkov, V. V. Creation principals of universal modeling environment for simulation application development / V. V. Deviatkov, S. A. Vlasov, T. V. Deviatkov // 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, June 3-5, 2009, Moscow, Russia. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/428205 (дата обращения: 07.03.2025). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
            Creation principals of universal modeling environment for simulation application development

S.A. Vlasov*, V.V. Deviatkov**, T.V. Deviatkov***

*Department on nanotechnology and information technology RAS, Moscow, Russia
(Tel: +7-495-938-18-91; e-mail: savlas@yandex.ru).
**Elina-Computers Ltd., Kazan, Russia (Tel: +7-843-236-19-94; e-mail: vladimir@elina-computer.ru).
***Kazan State Technological University named after Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
(Tel: +7-843-236-19-94; e-mail: the9th@yandex.ru).

            Abstract: The structure principles of the universal modeling environment and it's means of different simulation application arrangement are described in the report. There are examples of environment usage according to separate application realization. The perspective of it's development is shown.
            Keywords: Simulation modeling, simulation research, simulation application, program modules, universal modeling environment.


The usage of Simulation Modeling in practice is not just a model creation, but it is a problem definition, data collection and accumulation, experiment plan development and it's realization, detailed analysis of results and etc. (Neylor, 1975).

Thus in practical usage of Simulation Modeling it is require not only set of program means presentation for automated execution of certain periods but the presence of unified and integrated modeling environment on the base of which can be formed quickly simulation application for simulation research in a chosen subject area (Deviatkov, 2005; Vlasov, et al., 2007).

Currency of creation of such modeling environment is rising last time so as there is a great demand for the practical simulation researches. It is confirmed by authors' practice so as if several years ago the talk about simulation cause a smile but now in most cases it is point of start work which depends on only if a user has resources for this work.

Also it is necessary to point out that created and run instrumental devices of simulation modeling (common purpose languages, commercial simulator and etc.) (Vlasov and Deviatkov, 2005a, b) don't let make the simulation research process from "art and science" (Shannon, 1978) into an engineering task accessible for many system's analysts. Nowadays the simulation modeling usage is not widespread in a real economy and that is why only few specialists can use this instrument.

That is why it is necessary set flexible and unified software which help to develop fully functional and easy in usage simulation application on a tight timetable for a definite subject area.


Principles of simulation application creation are the basis of the universal modeling environment which are described authors in (Vlasov, et al., 2007). Methodologically everything is based on some stages automatization of simulation research and then joins them into a single program system - simulation application.

In view of the fact that there are unlimited detail means in simulation modeling, capacity and power of modern computers and modern program technologies development the simulation application becomes the synthesis of classical simulation modeling stages and other information technologies. It can include also necessary for research analytical and physical models as way of simulation object presentation, data filling and analysis of studying system (Fig. 1). It was clear by intuition before but it is more obvious now in globalization and integration era of all systems and processes.

Analytical models are all possible algorithms and calculation methods, control and data, forms and presentation ways input.

Physical models are usage if it is necessary of life testers, simulators and other system prototypes and its elements in the process of simulation experiment.

The authors had the idea of simulation environment's creation many years ago (in 2003) and it is realizing step by step.

It is necessary to point out that modeling environment is only "semi-finished product" that is it is not fully ready program product for analyst’s usage but it is only set of construction elements and constructions for its creation. It is not only software but also joining methods, standard interfaces and other procedures. In order to construct from this application
