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Вестник Орловского государственного аграрного университета, 2013, №2 (41)

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Вестник ОрелГАУ, 2013, №2 (41)-Орел:Орловский государственный аграрный университет,2013.-86 с.[Электронный ресурс]. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/430190 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Orel State Agrarian University

The publication is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Media of Russian Federation.
     Registration certificate PI No. FS № 77 - 53623 of April 10, 2013.

Nicolay Vavilov:
«I wouldn't hesitate to give my life for the sake of a small advance in science...»

            Vestnik OrelGAU  issue 2(41), 2013

                              ISSN 1990-3618






Nicolay Ivanovich Vavilov (1887-1943) was one of the most outstanding scientist of the twentieth century: a biologist, geneticist, geographer, agronomist and plant breeder. During three decades of tireless scientific work he travelled over five continents, amassed the largest collection in the world of species and strains of cultivated plants, and developed theories on how utilize them for breeding new strains. The activities of Vavilov were extraordinarily varied, but they were all focused on one single objective: to increase agricultural production and to provide humankind with more food.

N.I. Vavilov was a person of many and varied interests. He was a geographer (the President of the National Geographic Society), a geneticist (Director of the Institute of Genetics), a plant-breeder (Director of the All-Union Institute of Plant Breeding), and an organizer (the first President of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences). He was a person of inexhaustible energy and unbelievable efficiency. During his relatively short life he accomplished a surprising amount: in his expeditions he travelled all over the world, he formulated very important postulates in genetics, he wrote more than ten books, and carried out the gigantic task of organizing a system of agricultural institutions in the USSR.

Beginning in his student years, N.I. Vavilov studied cultivated plants. His aim was to increase the productivity of agricultural plants, and, thus, to eliminate famine in his long-suffering and huge country. In pursuing this goal, N.I.Vavilov directed his work towards solving two interrelated tasks, importance of which was foreseen by him already in his early years. The first task was the mobilization of the genetic resources of all cultivated plants and also of their wild relatives, i.e. identification, study and collection of plant samples in their native habitats. The second task was the conservation of all the diversity of cultivated plants and of their wild relatives (grown in experimental fields and conserved in special storehouses), a diversity that is being constantly diminished with the elimination of natural habitats and primitive agricultural systems, but the involvement of which in breeding is extremely important in secure consistently high yields.

After graduating from the Moscow Commercial College, N.I. Vavilov entered the Moscow Agricultural Institute (now the Timiryazev Agricultural Academy in Moscow), from which he graduated in 1910. As early as in his student years, N.I. Vavilov showed scientific interests that determined his future lines of research: in 1908 he took part in the student expedition to the Caucasus; in 1909 he made a report on Darwin's Theory; in 1910 he completed and published his diploma work devoted to protection of agricultural plants from pests; in 1912 in his pioneering paper "Genetics and Agronomy" he outlined a program which implied application of genetics to the improvement of cultivated plants. Thus, from his very first steps in science N.I. Vavilov showed himself as a geographer, an evolutionist and a specialist in plant protection. It is noteworthy that all his scientific interests were interrelated; he was the first to see the possibility and the vital necessity of investigations into the cultivated plants from the viewpoint of genetics, evolution and geography. N.I. Vavilov managed to implement this scientific synthesis concurrently with his tremendous organizational work in the field of agricultural science.

In 1913-1914 N.I. Vavilov worked in the best laboratories of Great Britain (in the laboratory headed by W. Bateson), France and Germany. In 1916 he went to Iran and to the mountains of Middle Asia to study cultivated plants growing there. From 1917-1921 N.I. Vavilov was a lecturer at the Department of Agriculture of the Saratov Agricultural Institute, and in 1918 he became a Professor of this Institute. There N.I. Vavilov gave lectures and carried out research into the peculiarities of cultivated plants growing in the region of the Volga and also studied the variability of plants. At that time he made one of his major scientific discoveries - in 1920 he formulated the Law of Homologous Series in Hereditary Variation, which made it possible to systematize the data on variation and to forecast the possibility of finding new plant varieties.

The significance of Vavilov's theory has become especially important nowadays, with the occurrence of mass elimination of natural habitats and primitive agricultural systems. Not only specialists in this field but also the public at large have been attracted to the problems connected with the conservation of genetic pools of cultivated and wild plants. The impoverishment or loss of this hereditary potential can cause irreversible damage to all humanity.



April 2013

The theoretical and scientific journal. Founded in 2005
Founder and publisher: Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Orel State Agrarian University»

Editorial Board:                                                                                                     Table of Content                                                                                 
Parahin N.V. (Chairman)                                                                                                                                                                                               
Buyarov V.S. (Vice Chairman)         Fesenko A.N., Fesenko I.N.                                                                                                                                                       
Amelin A.V.                          ELEMENTS OF GENETIC TESTING DIFFERENCES BETWEEN FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM                                                                                                             
Astakhov S.M.                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Rolb-in R T                          AND F. HOMOTROPICUM AND SOME RESULTS OF INTERSPECIFIC HYBRIDIZATION IN                                                                                                           
b elkin-BL.                          SELECTION OF COMMON BUCKWHEAT............................................................................................................... 2                                   
Blazhnov AA                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Gulyaeva T.I.                        Dubovitskaya L.K., Semenova E.A., Polozhieva J.V.                                                                                                                                
Gurin A.G.                           ESTIMATION OF SOYBEAN PARENT MATERIAL FOR DISEASE VULNERABILITY............................ 6                                                                                    
Degtyarev M.G.                       Glinushkin A.P., Beloshapkina O.O., Vinogradov S.V., Nikolaev N.A.                                                                                                               
                                     MONITORING OF VIRUS SYMPTOMS IN WINTER WHEAT VARIETY SAMPLE                                                                                                                      
                                     FROM THE COLLECTION OF ALL RUSSIAN INSTITUTE OF PLANT INDUSTRY                                                                                                                   
Kuznetsov Y.A.                       NAMED AFTER N.I. VAVILOV..................................................................................................................................... 11                 
Lobkov V.T.                          Sokolov M.S., Marchenko A.I.                                                                                                                                                     
Lysenko N.N.                         APPRAISAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RISK OF MANUFACTURING OF THE INSECTICIDE                                                                                                              
Lyashuk R.N.                         GENETICALLY MODIFIED PLANTS (BT-GMP)................................................................................................... 17                                       
Mamaev A.V.                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Masalov V.N.                         Shutko A.P.                                                                                                                                                                      
Novikova N.E.                        AN ASSESSMENT OF TYPES OF WINTER WHEAT ACCORDING TO AFFECTION BY ROOT ROT                                                                                                        
Pavlovskaya N.E.                     IN SPECIFIC AGROCLIMATIC CONDITIONS AS ELEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND REASONABLE                                                                                                      
Popova O.V.                          STRATEGY OF THEIR USE........................................................................................................................................... 23              
Proka N.I.                           Korobova N.A., Titarenko A.V., Korobov A.P., Miroshnikova I.A., Dyugaev N.N.                                                                                                     
Savkin V.I.                          THE NEW VARIETY OF PEA ALLIANCE................................................................................................................. 29                              
Stepanova L.P.                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Plygun S.A. (Editor)                 Kolyasnikova N.L.                                                                                                                                                                
                                     VARIABILITY OF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS IN                                                                                                                       
                                     MEDICAGO L. GENUS...................................................................................................................................................... 31       
Address: Russia, 302019,             Gryazeva V.I.                                                                                                                                                                    
Orel City, General Rodin st., 69.    FORMING OF THE PRODUCTIVE PROPERTIES OF TABLE BEET SEEDS DUE TO THE                                                                                                              
Tel.: +7 (4862) 45-40-37             TREATMENT WITH IMMUNOCYTOPHYT............................................................................................................ 35                                     
Fax: +7 (4862) 45-40-64                                                                                                                                                                                               
E-mail: vestnik-ogau@yandex.ru       Zolotareva E.V., Dubovitskaya O.U.                                                                                                                                               
Website: http://ej.orelsau.ru        EVALUATION OF WOOD INTRODUCED SPECIES IN PLANTATIONS OF PUBLIC AREAS IN                                                                                                          
                                     OREL REGION................................................................................................................................................................... 40
The publication is registered by the Samotaev A.A., Naymushina A.P.                                                                                                                                                   
Federal Service for Supervision of   SYSTEM OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WOODY PLANT LAMINA IN                                                                                                             
Communications and Mass Media of     DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL CONDITIONS ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE TYPES OF BLACK                                                                                                             
        Russian Federation.          POPLAR AND WHITE WILLOW................................................................................................................................. 46                      
Registration certificate                                                                                                                                                                                              
PI No. FS № 77 - 53623               Saprykina I.N.                                                                                                                                                                   
         of April 10, 2013.          RESISTANCE OF CHERRY AND PLUM CULTIVARS FROM SECONDARY CISURALS MICRO                                                                                                            
                                     SOURCE AREA TO THE ENVIRONMENT ABIOTIC FACTORS....................................................................... 54                                                         
The magazine recommended             Skovorodnikov N.A., Sazonov F.F., Lebedev A.A.                                                                                                                                   
Higher Attestation Commission of the EFFECT OF GENOTYPE OF THE BLACK CURRANT ON THE EFFICIENCY OF PROPAGATION IN                                                                                                      
Russian Ministry for the publication CULTURE IN VITRO........................................................................................................................................................ 58      
of scientific papers that reflect                                                                                                                                                                                     
scientific content of the main       Evdokimenko S.N., Jakub I.A.                                                                                                                                                     
candidate and doctoral theses.       SPECIES DIVERSITY OF A SORT RUBUS L. AND ITS UTILIZATION IN                                                                                                                      
                                     RASPBERRY SELECTION.............................................................................................................................................. 62             

Commercial information is published with a mark «Advertizing». Editorial board doesn't bear responsibility for contents of advertizing materials.

The point of view of Editorial board may not coincide with opinion of articles’ authors.

                               Sazonov F.F., Danshina O.V.
                               BREEING NURSERY...................................................... 68
Krasova N.G.
PARAMETERS OF APPLE TREE VARIETY RESISTANT TO WINTER UNFAVORABLE CONDITIONS............................................................ 73
Shevchenko R.A., Kocareva N.V.
THE STUDY OF PEA VARIETIES OF DIFFERENT MATURITY GROUPS IN THE BELGOROD AREA.................................................................. 78

   © Orel State Agrarian University, 2013

Vestnik OrelGAU, 2(41), April 2013

     UDC 633.12:631.527


Fesenko A.N., Doctor of Biological Sciences
Fesenko I.N., Candidate of Biological Sciences
All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of Grain Legumes and Groats, Orel City, Russia E-mail: fesenko.a.n@rambler.ru, ivanfesenko@rambler.ru

     It has been studied the inheritance of the differences between Fagopyrum esculentum and F. homotropicum for a number of features which important for breeding (weight of 1000 seeds, the number of nodes in a zone of ramification of the stem, seed dormancy). New approaches to accelerate the improvement of the interspecific hybrids were tested.

     Buckwheat; Interspecific hybridization; Breeding; Genetics; Seed dormancy; Weight of 1000 seeds.

          Interspecific hybridization with wild-type of autogamous Fagopyrum homotropicum considered as a promising tool selection of buckwheat, in the first and foremost, to increase resistance to inbred depression [1]. Besides, the wild species has several characteristics that could improve the efficiency of common buckwheat as cultivated form, for example, high homeostasis formation of the fruit, decreased remontant at inflorescence.
          On the other hand, it is characterized by a number of wild species traits that are incompatible with modern representations of cultivated buckwheat (fine-particular, late ripening, dormancy of seeds, etc.). To improve efficiency of type F. homotropicum in the breeding program in 1996 and 2012. genetic studies of interspecies differences on several grounds were conducted, and also the methods accelerate adaptation of interspecific hybrids involving minimizing loss of genetic material in the form of being worked out wild populations were tested. The results of this work can be found in this article.


          Plant material. F. esculentum: sorts Molva (morphotype indeterminate), Demeter and Dikul (determinate morphotype) gomostilnaya line kk-2. F.homotropicum: sample (line) S9139 from the collections of the University of Kyoto. Interspecific hybrids in combination Molva x S9139, S9139 x Dikul, kk-2 x S9139.
          Procedure. The investigations were carried out in the field. To characterize the architectonic vegetative hybrids efficient system the number of vegetarian nodes on the stem, the branches of the first order B1, B2, etc were determined. (Respectively, the first, second, etc. branches, count of branches from top to bottom). By no less than 100 plants of hybrid populations grown under in wide (10 x 30cm) seeding were analyzed. According to the analysis metameric formula of population (weighted average number of nodes on the stem and branches of the first order) was calculated: Stem + B1 + B2 + B3 ... B7. The study of yields was carried out according to the competitive crop variety testing: in northern soldier, an area of 10m2 plots, repeatability 4-fold. For genetic analysis of quantitative characters the algorithm of N.A. Sobolev was used [2].
          Research was supported by the State contract 14.512.11.0063.


          Branching area of the stem and weight of 1000 seeds. Genetic analysis showed that the wild species are dominant negative alleles at loci controlling the variation in grain size (Table 1).


Vestnik OrelGAU, 2(41), April 2013

            The number of vegetative nodes on the stem inherits additively (difference between the mean values of the trait in the hybrids of the first and second generations are not reliable). This indicates the possibility of the effective selection of morphotypes with optimal number of vegetative nodes on the stem and grain size in the early generations of interspecific hybrids, however, as the number of genes involved in the cleavage, usually large, for detection plants of desired phenotype a large sample study of plants requires.

Table 1 - Genetic control of quantitative differences between the number of attributes F. esculentum (P1) and wild-type F. homotropicum, line C9139 (P2) (1996)

           Index                                     the number of nodes in the area
                            weight of 1000 seeds, gr    of stem branching, pieces   
       P1 (average)                21,5±0,34                    5,0±0,08            
       Р2 (average)                15,4±0,17                    9,5±0,12            
       F1 (average)                20,1 ±0,16                   7,6±0,14            
       F2 (average)                17,0±0,23                    7,7±0,08            
   Measure of dominance              -2,44                        0,62              
     Epistasis measure                2,98                        -0,51             
Approximate number of genes            4                            3               

           Period of Dormancy. The use of interspecific hybrids in breeding is complicated by the long period of dormancy, peculiar to type F. homotropicum and hybrids with its participation. It is believed that the period of rest may be due to either the influence of surface structures (seed coat, endosperm or perisperm) or characteristics of the embryo [3]. Research made by Wang YJ, Campbell CG [4] found that the period of dormancy of F. homotropicum concerned with the influence of the seed coat and endosperm, and the authors recommend the removal of these structures as a way to overcome dormancy. We have successfully used the standard method of improving germination of buckwheat seeds by heating for 3 weeks at 3545°C. As a result of processing laboratory germination F. homotropicum and hybrids with his participation has increased significantly (Table 2).
           Analysis of hybrids F2 (kk-2 x S9139) allows to suggest that an alternative to «the presence / absence of seed dormancy» in this combination is controlled by one locus (Table 3).
           The validity of this assumption is confirmed by the fact that in obtaining lines based on hybrids F2 (F.esculentum x C9139 F. homotropicum) just one freshly harvested seed for replanting the selection of plants was enough, seeds of which had a period of rest, which is close to the seed F.esculentum.
           Linkage of Genes of Determinate Type Shoots and of Limbic Fruit. Studies have shown that the D locus is linked to a gene controlling the limbic fruit: when crossed with the determinant form F.esculentum with F.homotropicum in F2 122 indeterminate type plants (114 of them — with limbic fruits and 8 - with usual) and 43 determinate type plants (4 of them - with limbic fruits and 39 - with usual) were received. From the above data it is clear that the signs of the "type of growth" and "a form of fruits" are inherited by single-gene. The frequency of recombination between them was 2.8%. Linkage of these features increases the proportion of determinants of nonlimbic fruit in worked population, and facilitates the selection of such plants.

Table 2 - Effect of heat treatment on the germination of freshly harvested seeds of interspecific hybrids of buckwheat (1997)

         Seed          (In brackets the number of analyzed seeds is indicated)  
                       fresh seeds                 heated seeds                
  F.esculentum кк-2    87,0 (200)                   94,5 (200)                 
F. homotropicum С 9139  3,5 (57)                    56,3 (48)                  
  F1 (кк-2 x c 9139)    5,5 (200)                   86,0 (200)                 
  F2 (кк-2 x c 9139)   22,6 (199)                   92,5 (200)                 


Vestnik OrelGAU, 2(41), April 2013

Table 3 - Inheritance of the «period of dormancy» trait in the hybrid population F2 (F. esculentum line kk-2 x F. homotropicum C 9139) (1997)

                             Seeds share (%)         2    Р** 
                                                     X   3 : 1
       Splitting         not germinated germinated 3 : 1      
        observed              77,4         22,6               
theoretically expected *      74,6         25,4    0,41  0,52 

* Including the actual germination of parental forms and hybrids of F1.
** Probability of confirming a working hypothesis

           Adapting of Indeterminate Interspecific Hybrids. The use of interspecific hybrids is complicated by "extensive" signs of F. homotropicum (late ripening, small-seeded etc.). At the same time, the dominance of such signs of wild species as a period of rest, late ripening and small-seeded increases the efficiency of selection in fissile generations morphotypes, more in line with modern notions of "cultural" buckwheat.
           Interspecific hybrids retained the main shortcomings of F. homotropicum: late ripening, increased growth of branches, etc. In view of this, the time of ripening of zoning in the Orel region buckwheat varieties hybrids were unable to generate enough seed yield, despite the good ear grain content.
           To adapt the interspecific hybrids with indeterminate type of growth we used reseeding hybrids with disabilities in the field of high seeding rate (3 million germinating seeds per hectare) and harvesting in the optimal for mid-season buckwheat varieties terms. Filter by habit wasn’t carried out in order to conserve the genetic diversity of hybrids. Morphological analysis of the plants of the initial population and in populations of passing to adapt to field conditions showed that in the three passages significantly increased the share of overripening (4-5 knots PDC) morphotypes in populations, which provided a significant reduction in the capacity of branching plants (Table 4). The data obtained confirms our early made conclusion that a major adaptive mechanism for improving of natural populations of buckwheat is the reduction of potential of the branch plants [5].
           The yield of adapted population increased nearly five times, but its level did not exceed 30% of the varieties of the standard (Table 5).

Table 4 - Architectonics of vegetative sphere of interspecific hybrid plants (F. esculentum x F. homotropicum) indeterminate type (2008)

            Average number of vegetative nodes,                                               
Population                pieces.                         Metameric population formula        
            on the      on the         on the                                                 
             stem      branches         plant                                                 
  initial   6,70        16,02           22,71     6,70+3,03+3,39+3,45+3,06+2,03+0,76+0,24+0,05
1 reseeding 5,93        14,92           20,85     5,93+2,67+3,07+3,47+2,67+1,80+0,93+0,29+0,03
2 reseeding  5,72       13,10           18,82       5,72+2,47+2,91+3,13+2,19+1,69+0,56+0,16   
3 reseeding 5,48        12,04           17,42          5,48+2,42+2,80+3,12+2,20+1,20+0,20     

Table 5 - Yield of interspecific hybrids of buckwheat (2008)

                         Variety                                 % from the
                                                           t/ga   standard 
                    Molva (reference)                      2,58      -     
F5(F.esculentum x F.homotropicum) - non-adapted population 0,35     13,6   
F7 (F.esculentum x F.homotropicum), 3-time reseeding field 1,02     39,5   
                          НСР05                            0,353     -     

           Adaptation of Determinant Interspecific Hybrids. Interspecific hybrids of determinate types were much less suitable for breeding than indeterminate: determinate plants formed only 1-2 buds on the shoot [6] and differ by stunting (up to 30-40 cm), abundant branching and very low grain productivity.


Vestnik OrelGAU, 2(41), April 2013

             For their improvement method of «evolutionary» selection was used. Seeds of hommostile plants of inter-species hybrids were sown in the field as a private method in a mixture of seeds of indeterminate varieties Molva. Stiff competition with taller indeterminate plants in condition of coenosis provided culling the least competitive genotypes, the presence of morphological markers (determinate type of growth) provided culling of intercrossed plants in the progeny. The next stage was to reseeding progenies and selection of long-columnar plants (giving only the offspring of noncrossing pollination) in order to overcome inbreeding depression and recombination of favorable alleles. This was followed by the next round of selection. Vector of selection in such an environment is aimed at improving the overall cardinality of plants, a large amount of the work through population (4-5 thousand plants) provides the screening of more productive genotypes, and the use of self-pollination - fixing the best genetic combinations of the progeny.
             Holding three rounds of this selection allows not only reducing the potential for branching plants (Table 6) and the length of their growing season significantly, but also increasing the plant height and number of inflorescences on shoots up to grade level Dikul. Established as a result of this selection homostyle population did not differ significantly in terms of the yield of standard varieties Dikul (Table 7).

Table 6 - Vegetative sphere architectonics of interspecific hybrid plants (F. esculentum x F. homotropicum) of determinate type (2012)

           Average number of vegetative                                                           
Population        nodes, pieces.                        Metameric population formula              
           on the    on the      on the                                                           
            stem    branches     plant                                                            
 initial   7,14      22,07     29,21      7,14+2,38+2,82+3,29+3,58+3,51+3,11 + 1,93+0,87+0,40+0,18
elaborated 5,66      15,84     21,50              5,66+2,74+3,04+3,40+3,58+2,50+0,48+0,10         

Table 7 - Yield of interspecific hybrids of buckwheat of determinate type (2012)

                              Variety                                      % from the
                                                                     t/ga   standard 
                         Dikul (reference)                           1,82      -     
F11 (F.esculentum x F.homotropicum), 3-time 'evolutionary' selection 1,62     89,0   
                               НСР05                                 0,251     -     

           Thus, although the species F.homotropicum can serve as a donor of features which are absent in cultivated buckwheat (low remontant, ability to adaptive management of the time of formation of the fetus, self-fertility), hybrids with a high proportion of germplasm of wild species in the genome (single crossing of F.esculentum x F . homotropicum) need serious exploring selection, first and foremost in the selection for earliness and accelerated rhythm of development. Effective method for breeding accelerating may serve the selection in a tough competition from more adapted plants of cultivated buckwheat.


     1.  Fesenko, A.N. The use of interspecific hybridization in breeding buckwheat / A.N.Fesenko, N.N.Fesenko // Reports of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. - 2002. -№ 5. - P.11-13.
     2.  2. Sobolev, N.A. Hybridological analysis of polygenic traits / N.A. Sobolev // Cytology and genetic. -1976. Vol. 10. Number 5. P.424-436.
     3.  3. Bewley, J.D. Seed germination and dormancy J.D. Bewley / / Plant Cell. - 1997. - V.9. -P.1055-1066.


Vestnik OrelGAU, 2(41), April 2013

     UDC 633.34(571.61)


Dubovitskaya L.K., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Semenova E.A., Candidate of Biological Sciences Polozhieva J.V., Post-graduate student
Far East State Agricultural University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia
        E-mail: dubovitzkaja-liubov@yandex.ru, elenasemen@yandex.ru, plzhieva@rambler.ru

     The usage of the resistant varieties in the soybean protection system takes a leading place in the Far East. The article gives the results of estimation the soybean parent material for resistance to Septoria glycines and Peronospora manschurica. The greatest number of samples which are resistant to S.glycines were revealed from West - European and East -Asian groups (58,5-62,5%). 19 varieties and variety samples that were affected with P.manschurica, 31.6% are the varieties of the Amur region.

     Soybean; World collection; Diseases; Agents; Resistance; Septoria; Peronospora; Variety; Variety sample.

          Soybean (Glycine max. (Z.) Merr.) is the main protein oil crop of modern world importance. In the South-East Asia it is known for more than 6000 years and it was used for nutritional purposes for the sake of high content of protein and fat components. It contains 14 - 15% of fat, 29 - 53% of protein and to 20% of starch [1, 2].
          World experience of the advanced agriculture testifies that the most rational way of solving the protein problem is increase of soybean production, utilization of its gluten for food and also transformation of soybean protein through fodder into protein of animal origin.
          The Far East is the main region of soybean production in the Russian Federation. Here there are centers of this crop selection - All Union Scientific Research Institute of soybean, Sea Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, Far Eastern Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture. The soybean planting acreage in the Amur region in 2011 was 574 thous. ha with gross collection 843 thous. tons [3]. But in these conditions in the Far East 3/4 of the gross collection of soybean grain is produced. The main soybean seeding region is the Amur region, where 60% of its seeding is concentrated. New varieties crop productivity at State Grade Testing Establishment of the Amur region is 30 dt/ha, but regional average productivity in production remains still 12 dt/ha.
          In the Amur river region yield decrease is the result of widely spread soybean diseases: Septoria and Peronospora [4]. Soybean productivity decrease also occurs as the result of its affection with numerous varmints.
          Soybean productivity upside potential can be really provided for the sake of intensive technology of growth and cultivation of new disease resistant varieties and crosses. At present in soybean disease control the most rational is the package of measures where the agrotechnical method takes important place. The usage of resistant soybean varieties is the most effective protection measure that allows to apply resource saving cultivation technologies and to obtain environmentally friendly production.
          Broad involvement into the hybridization new forms of the world collection immunologic potential from different cultivation regions will allow improving the soybean parent material of disease resistance.


          Experimental part of the work was done in 2009-2011 in the field conditions of the experimental field of Far East State Agricultural University. On the experimental field in


Vestnik OrelGAU, 2(41), April 2013

     natural conditions of infection the estimation of the soybean parent material for resistance to Septoria and Peronospora was carried out. The All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry collection of 157 varieties and varieties samples of different ecological groups with 70% dominated white-flowered types was estimated.
           The disease recording was carried out in flowering period - the beginning of bean formation according to the methods developed for soybeans and other grain legumes [5]. Disease progress in the field conditions was taken into consideration applying the AllRussian Research Institute of Plant Industry scale [table 1].

Table 1 - Scale for estimation of soybeans plants prevalence with diseases

Affection degree By 5-point    By All-Russian               Immunologic feature    
                  grading   Research Institute of   %                              
                   scale    Plant Industry index                                   
   very weak         1                1            1-10    Уу - highly resistant   
      weak           2                3           11-25        У - resistant       
  intermediate       3                5           26-50  С - intermediate resistant
     strong          4                7           51-75       В - susceptible      
  very strong        5                9           75-100  Вв-strongly susceptible  

          Septoria, rustyspot Septoria glycines T.Hemmi, agent - Septoria glycines Hemmi.: S. Sojae Syd. Et Butl. Numerous small spots (2-4 mm) with leaf areola are formed on the soybean leaves. Usually leaf ribs edging a spot inflate. First spots are yellow, then rusty-brown and at last they become black-brown. At large-scale disease progress spots fuse into entire rusty-brown spot and can occupy half and more of leaf blade (Fig.1).
          Peronospora, agent Peronospora manschurica (Naum.) Syd. Peronospora affection particularly can be observed from the under-side of the soybean ternate leaves where bluish-violet pannose pruinosity of fungi ascus. From the dorsal side of leaves in the affected spaces, at first tissue is light-green but at the end of the vegetation period it becomes brown and gets torn. At both forms of affection seeds inside beans get covered with easy scraped yellow-gray thick farinose consisting of fungi oospores (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Peronospora

Figure 1. Septoria


      The varieties samples were distributed into six groups: the East-Asian, the East-European, the Central- European, the North-European, the West-European, the NorthAmerican, which in their turn were divided into the groups according to ripeness and resistance.
      In a quantitave sense the variety samples of the East-Asian group - 39 types dominate. That corresponds to 28,5%. This group includes varieties and varieties samples of the Amur selection, the Khabarovsk Territory, Japan, Korea, China, Georgia (Fig. 3).
      According to the samples number the second place is occupied with the Central and


Vestnik OrelGAU, 2(41), April 2013

East Europe. This ecological group includes the varieties samples of the selection of Ukrainian, Krasnodar, Saratov. Voronezh, Ryazan, Byelorussia, Moldavia, Czechia, Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Sweden, they correspond to 43,8 %. The West Europe is represented with the samples from France and Great Britain, they correspond to 5,8 %. Great number of samples is from The North America (19%).


             □  East Asia

             □  East Europe

             □  Central Europe

             □  Western Europe

             □  North America

             □  Oceania

             □  Africa

             □  Northern Europe

Figure 3 - Quantitative ratio according to ecological groups, %

       Analysis of prevalence of varieties of different ecological-geographical origin S.glycines at epiphytotics development shows that according to the quantity the resistant samples were more than from the West- European and East-Asian group (58,5-62,5%) (table 2).

Table 2 - Sample group distribution according to resistance to S. glycines, 2009-2011

Ecological geographical group  Sample number, %      
                               УУ   У    С   В    ВВ
         East-Asian           58,5 29,3 7,3  4,9  0 
        East-European         50,0 36,6 6,7  6,7  0 
      Central- European       20,0 53,3 10,0 16,7 0 
       North-European         50,0  0   50,0 0    0 
        West-European         62,5 37,5  0   0    0 
       North-American         50,0 38,5 7,7  3,8  0 

Note: УУ - highly resistant, У - resistant, С - intermediate resistant, В - susceptible, ВВ - strongly susceptible.

       The largest number of susceptible samples was of the Central-European origin (16,7%). In the groups of resistance to Septoria, the North-European and West-European groups, the varieties susceptible to disease are not detected.
       While distributing soybean varieties along the groups of different origin resistance it is determined that each ecological geographical group scope includes both resistant and susceptible varieties. Maximum number of resistant to S.glycines varieties was marked in the Asian group. The study of varieties samples prevalence of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry collection shows that at selection of the types for hybridization is necessary to pay attention to the ecological geographical group in total but also to the diversity of its varieties with different immunological feature as well.
       As the result of the investigations the tendency of increase in number of the samples resistant to S. glycines at their vegetation period increase independently from ecological geographical origin is determined. Late ripening varieties were affected with diseases less than early ripening and mid ripening varieties. In early ripening group the intermediate resistant varieties constitute from 14,3 % to 20 %, and mid ripening varieties constitute 7,1410,5 % (table 3).