Введение в оценку экологических рисков
Основная коллекция
Томский политехнический университет
Год издания: 2015
Кол-во страниц: 108
Вид издания:
Учебно-методическая литература
Уровень образования:
ВО - Магистратура
Артикул: 643252.01.99
Учебно-методическое пособие «Введение в оценку экологических рис-
ков» предназначено для студентов старших курсов и магистрантов, обучаю-
щихся по программе Double Degree на английском языке и изучающих дисци-
плину «Оценка рисков» в рамках профессионального иностранного языка.
Цель пособия – подготовить студентов к профессиональному общению
на английском языке, в соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины, пу-
тем введения и отработки основной терминологии модуля, закрепления навы-
ков чтения текстов, связанных с направлением подготовки. Большое внимание
уделяется также развитию умений и навыков говорения на темы, предусмат-
риваемые модулем «Оценка рисков». Тексты пособия составлены на основе
аутентичной учебной и научной литературы.
- ВО - Магистратура
- 05.04.06: Экология и природопользование
- 45.04.02: Лингвистика
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Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY I.A. Matveenko, N.A. Osipova INTRODUCTION TO ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT Recommended for publishing as a study guide by the Editorial Board of Tomsk Polytechnic University 3d edition Tomsk Polytechnic University Publishing House 2015
МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ИССЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬСКИЙ ТОМСКИЙ ПОЛИТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» И.А. Матвеенко, Н.А. Осипова ВВЕДЕНИЕ В ОЦЕНКУ ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИХ РИСКОВ Рекомендовано в качестве учебно-методического пособия Редакционно-издательским советом Томского политехнического университета 3-е издание Издательство Томского политехнического университета 2015
УДК 504.064(075.8) ББК 20.18я73 М74 Матвеенко И.А. М74 Введение в оценку экологических рисков: учебно-методическое пособие / И.А. Матвеенко, Н.А. Осипова ; Томский политехнический университет. – 3-е изд. – Томск: Изд-во Томского политехнического университета, 2015. – 108 с. Учебно-методическое пособие «Введение в оценку экологических рисков» предназначено для студентов старших курсов и магистрантов, обучающихся по программе Double Degree на английском языке и изучающих дисциплину «Оценка рисков» в рамках профессионального иностранного языка. Цель пособия – подготовить студентов к профессиональному общению на английском языке, в соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины, путем введения и отработки основной терминологии модуля, закрепления навыков чтения текстов, связанных с направлением подготовки. Большое внимание уделяется также развитию умений и навыков говорения на темы, предусматриваемые модулем «Оценка рисков». Тексты пособия составлены на основе аутентичной учебной и научной литературы. УДК 504.064(075.8) ББК 20.18я73 Рецензенты Доктор культурологии заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков СибГМУ С.Ю. Колесникова Кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии ТГУ О.В. Нагель © ФГБОУ ВПО НИ ТПУ, 2013 © Матвеенко И.А., Осипова Н.А., 2013 © Оформление. Издательство Томского политехнического университета, 2015
UNIT 1 Risk assessment: main definitions and concepts Lead-in. Fill in the spidergram with the words associated with the word «risk». Explain your associations. Exercise 1. Read and remember the pronunciation [ʒ] decision, exposure, measure, measurement [∫] insurance, social, financial, potential, spatial [t∫] feature, conceptual, manufacture [u:] include, prove, pollutant [ju:] value, evaluate, human, therapeutic, duration [ai] provide, analyze, hypothesize, minimize, paramertize [aiə] require, environment, desirable, variety, entire Risk assessment and risk management Ecological risk assessment (ERA) is a process for collecting, organizing, and analyzing information to estimate the likelihood of undesired effects on nonhuman organisms, populations, and ecosystems. It was developed in the early to mid-1980’s to provide a basis for environmental decision making equivalent to human health risk assessment. It was derived from practices in human health risk assessment, environmental hazard assessment, and environmental impact assessment. However, the concept of estimating risk as a means of managing financial hazards through insurance, options, and other instruments dates at least to the late 17th century. All varieties of risk assess Risk
ment are based on the recognition that decisions must be made under conditions of uncertainty and that the desirability of alternative outcomes depends on their likelihood as well as their utility. The primary purpose for conducting ecological risk assessment of contaminated sites is to provide information needed to make decisions concerning site remediation. Risk assessment is the process of determining potential health effect on people exposed to environmental pollutants and potentially toxic materials. One of the defining features of ecological risk assessment is the standard framework which has evolved from the National Research Council for human risk assessment (USA, 1983). Such an assessment generally includes four steps: 1. Identification of the hazard (or Problem formulation phase). Is the planning and problem definition phase. It includes: • Integrate available information assembling and summarizing data concerning sources, contaminants, effects, and the receiving environment. • Assessment endpoint – definition of the environmental values to be protected in operational terms. • Conceptual model – development of description for the hypothesized relationships between the wastes and the endpoint receptors. • Analysis plan – development of a plan for obtaining the needed data and performing the assessment. 2. Dose-response assessment (or Analysis). This is a phase in which technical evaluation of the data concerning exposure and effect is performed. This involves figuring out whether and how the dose of a chemical (therapeutic drug, pollutant, or toxin) affects people’s health and environment. 3. Exposure assessment. In this step we evaluate the intensity, duration, and frequency of human exposure to a particular chemical pollutant or toxin. This phase consists of: • Measures of exposure – results of measurements indicating the nature, distribution, and amount of the waste and its components at points of potential contact with receptors. • Exposure analysis – a process of estimating the spatial and temporal distribution of exposure to the contaminants. • Exposure profile – a summary of the results of the exposure analysis. 4. Risk characterization. Using what we learned in the first three steps, we attempt to determine the percentage of the population at risk and the probability of individual suffering ill effects. In this phase the results of analysis are integrated to estimate and describe risks. It consists of: • Risk estimation – the process of using the results of the analysis of exposure to parameterize and implement the exposure-response model and estimate risk and of analyzing the associated uncertainty.
• Risk description – the process of describing and interpreting the results of the risk estimation for communication to the risk manager. Risk management requires us to make scientific judgments and decide what actions we should take to help minimize health problems related to exposure to pollutants and toxins. Risk management takes into account our risk assessment plus technical, legal, political, social, and economic issues. It appears at two points in the framework. • at the beginning of assessment, the risk manager provides policy input to the problem formulation; • at the end of the assessment, the risk manager learns the results of the risk analysis and makes decision. Risk assessment and risk management can lead to arguments. Scientific opinions about toxicity of a substance are often to debate, and so are opinions about what actions to take. The appropriate action may be to apply the Precautionary Principle, that is to take cost-effective measures to protect ourselves even when we are not entirely certain about the risk. For example, although we cannot be absolutely certain how hormonally active substances such as the weed killer atrazine may affect us, that should not keep us from taking cost-effective steps to protect ourselves and the environment from the pesticide. The precautionary principle is emerging as a powerful ideology that is shifting the burden of proof from those who claim a substance is dangerous to those who manufacture, distribute, and use it. In short, it is not up to you to prove it’s harmful, it’s up to them to prove it’s not – before they use it. Exercise 2. Match the synonyms from A to B A B 1. to determine a). to indicate 2. to estimate b). probability 3. to show c). debate 4. framework d). danger 5. likelihood e). to evaluate 6. argument f). to affect 7. pollutant g). to define 8. to influence h). scheme 9. hazard i). contaminant Exercise 3. Fill in the necessary preposition 1. The purpose of exposure assessment is to estimate spatial and temporal distribution of exposure … the contaminants.
2. Ecological risk assessment was derived … the experience in human health risk assessment. 3. Risk assessment and risk management may lead … great arguments. 4. Site remediation is much … to us! 5. Risk management takes … account legal, technological, and financial issues in addition to risk assessment. 6. Usually the environmental decisions are made … conditions of uncertainty and likelihood. 7. Exposure assessment phase consists … measures of exposure, exposure analysis, and exposure profile. 8. The aim of exposure measures is to determine the nature, distribution, and the amount of waste components … the point of potential contact with receptors. Exercise 4. Complete the sentences translating the Russian words 1. Assessment endpoint means determination of the environmental values to be protected (в оперативные сроки). 2. We cannot be (совершенно уверены) how biologically modified substances may affect us. 3. It (зависит от) manufactures to prove that the goods they produce are not harmful. 4. The risk manager learns the results of risk analysis and (принимает решение). 5. Using risk characterization we try to determine the percentage of people (подвергающихся риску). 6. In the stage of exposure assessment specialists evaluate the intensity, duration, and frequency of people’s (воздействие) a particular chemical pollutant. 7. Developing the conceptual model ecologists describe (гипотетическое соотношение) between the wastes and the endpoint receptors. Exercise 5. Match the collocations, compose your own sentences with one of them. A B 1. To take a). decision 2. to make b). account 3. to take into c). environment 4. to perform d). pollutant 5. to protect e). measures 6. to expose to f). analysis
Exercise 6. Match the stages and the appropriate actions of risk assessment Stages Actions Problem formulation a). technical evaluation of data on exposure and effect, figuring out whether and how the dose of a contaminant will affect human health and environment. Dose-response analysis b). determination of the percentage of population at risk and probability of an individual suffering ill effects. Exposure assessment c). Making scientific conclusion and decision on actions for minimizing health problems related to exposure to pollutants or toxins. Risk characterization d). assembling and summarizing data, definition of the environmental values to be protected, description of hypothesized relationships between the wastes and the receptor, development of plan Risk management e). evaluation of intensity, duration, and frequency of human exposure to pollutants or toxins. Exercise 7. Draw a framework of risk assessment on the basis of information from the text. Compare it to the model Appendix 1. Describe it. Texts for self-study Read the texts and answer the question. Text 1. Main definitions. Risk and hazard classification During last years the term “RISK” became very popular in different areas: engineering, economics, environment, management, biology & medicine, etc. and different authors use this term in different senses. Below we consider some definitions of risk in different sources. Definitions of risk There are many definitions of risk that vary by specific application and situational context. One is that risk is an issue, which can be avoided or mitigated (where an issue is a potential problem that has to be fixed now.) Risk is described both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Qualitatively, risk is proportional to both the expected losses which may be caused by an event and to the probability of this event. Greater loss and greater event likelihood result in a greater overall risk. In engineering, the definition risk often simply is: Or in more general terms: In common risk is the chance that something undesirable will happen. Risk is described as a situation which would lead to negative consequences. Risk is considered as an indicator of threat, or depends on threats, vulnerability, impact and uncertainty. 1. What is risk? Give all possible definitions. Text 2. Risk and hazard classification There are a lot of classifications of hazards and risks. Scientists distinguish types, categories, and indexes of risk. Below the classification of hazards and risks in the sphere of natural resource use is presented. According to the object of impact Individual Collective Social (F/N-curve) Potential territorial According to the human perceiving Constrained Voluntary Coercive