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Safer, K. WATER MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT / K. Safer. - Текст : электронный // Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences. - 2014. - №11 (35) Ноябрь. - С. 3-10. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/502774 (дата обращения: 26.10.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
RJOAS, 11(35), November 2014


Safer Karima, Researcher
University Abou Bakr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria
E-mail: karimila@hotmail.fr, Phone:+213-0697-08-48-51

«Of course I wish I was in school. I want to learn, I want to read and write... But how mom need me to fetch water» - Benny Bazan, Bolivia; «...the factories consume a lot of water, while we can hardly find enough basic our needs, not to mention what we need to irrigate crops» - Gopal Jojor, India. Voices are united by the same thing: the denial of access to water. It’s what began the United Nations report of human development for the year 2006. The observed increase of the population and increasing water pressure to use some form of this article despite the enormous availability and large, underground or surface quantities, but the supply and demand equation is no longer as in the past in spite of the new techniques introduced Kthalih seawater. And has worked to highlight the importance of this element as the most important determinants of sustainable development, which aims to rationality and adulthood and dealing with efforts to achieve growth and meet the needs of the population of housing and economic activities and food and education, without prejudice to the negative form of ecological, and sustainable development is the way only to ensure a good quality of life for residents of the present and the future.

Water; Arab world; Sustainable development.

      Water represents the essence of the human link in any country, it is a shared resource that serves agriculture, industry and the living and environmental purposes. Where the ancient Egyptians considered the god of the Nile River, as well as for the River Ganges in India. In Islam, there is no excuse to accept the justification for depriving a person from the water. And used the Arabic language Several vocabulary to describe the advantages and water and water used in Christian baptism as many poets and writers sang in different languages and cultures. The water full of spirituality, cultural and symbols, and has said the philosopher Gaston Bashlar. «Freshwater always would survive in the imagination of humans as a favorite water» [1].
      Water plays a big role in the lives of individuals and groups as the first human populations had been held on the banks of the river, but that all great civilizations which in the ancient times the water and the presence of rivers, a major cause of its civilization of Mesopotamia on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates and the civilization of the Nile Valley on banks of the Nile River.
      Agriculture will have to bear fruit, even for the industry, which can not conduct its affairs, and not for people to enjoy health and good living, and even life itself, and not the natural environment to continue to be able to continue on its characteristic usual since the that the earth was, if not available community resources ample potable water [2].
      The water in the face of an abundant resource and the fact that it grinds and inexhaustible and is distributed unfairly among humans and subject to the vagaries of weather. And added to the geographical impact of the work of human considerations, so that the human being is always trying to control the water in spite of the consequences of spatial and temporal long-term. And unexpected Caused by these actions and warn of water whenever needed become more urgent and which increases the shortfall quantity and quality and poor distribution of excesses such as increased demand and pollution and waste, and monopoly so that we can predict severe water crisis in the coming centuries.
      Water resource is difficult to control it other than soil or other elements of nature means it is not bounded by time and cares for obstacles and political boundaries and ethnic and cultural. The Nile flows through nine countries from Uganda to Alexandria from conflicts arise here and already knew that the great wars and the case of Palestine and Israel. But


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