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Управление персоналом и интеллектуальными ресурсами в России, 2014, № 1(10)

Основная коллекция
Количество статей: 15
Артикул: 428392.0011.99
Управление персоналом и интеллектуальными ресурсами в России, 2014, № 1(10)-М.:НИЦ ИНФРА-М,2014.-80 с.[Электронный ресурс]. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/453512 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024)
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.

Научно-практический журнал 

Издается с 2012 года
№ 1 (10)/2014

ISSN 2305-7807

Научно-практический журнал 

Издается с 2012 года
№ 1 (10)/2014

Кафедра управления персоналом, документоведения 
и архивоведения Российского государственного 
социального университета

Кафедра управления персоналом, документоведения 

и архивоведения Российского государственного 

социального университета

Кафедра управления персоналом 
и организационной психологии 
Кубанского государственного университета



Слева направо:

1 ряд (сидят): Меньшенина Е.А., канд. техн. наук, доцент; Щетинина Д.П., канд. экон. наук, ст. преподаватель; Михалкина Е.В., д-р экон. 
наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой; Ботник Е.М., канд. экон. наук, профессор; Черкасова Т.П., д-р экон. наук, доцент; Яковлева Е.А., канд. 
экон. наук, ст. преподаватель; Несоленая О.В., преподаватель, методист. 

2 ряд (стоят): Костенко Е.П., канд. экон. наук, доцент; Бутова С.В., канд. экон. наук, ст. преподаватель; Змияк С.С.,  канд. экон. наук, 
доцент; Серегина Е.А., аспирант; Скачкова Л. С., канд. эк он. наук, доцент; Баринова Т.Ю., преподаватель, методист.

ООО «Научно-издательский центр ИНФРА-М»
127282, Москва, ул. Полярная, д. 31В, стр. 1
Тел.: (495) 380-05-40, 380-05-43 (доб. 501)
Факс: (495) 363-92-12
E-mail: books@infra-m.ru

главный редактор: Кибанов А.Я.

Отдел подписки: Назарова М.В.
Тел.: (495) 363-42-60, доб. 249
e-mail: podpiska@infra-m.ru

© ИНФРА-М, 2014

Подписано в печать 10.02.2014.  
Формат 60x90/8. Бумага офсетная. 
Тираж 1000 экз. Заказ № 

САЙТ: www.naukaru.ru  
E-mail: mag1@naukaru.ru


ТеориЯ и МеТодоЛоГиЯ

Кибанов А.Я.
Методология мотивации и стимулирования  
трудовой деятельности персонала  организации . . . . . . . . 5

Михалкина Е.В., Скачкова Л.С., Косолапова Н.А.
Применение методов непараметрической статистики  
и эконометрики для анализа HR-процессов . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

СоциаЛьнаЯ и кадроваЯ поЛиТика

Дроздова Е.М., Палагутина Н.В., Мельникова М.А., 
Анисимова г.В.
Роль государства в обеспечении стратегического 
управления персоналом предприятий 
сельскохозяйственной отрасли . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

профеССионаЛьное развиТие и обучение

Коробкина М.А., Серeгина Т.Н.
Технологии корпоративного обучения  
управленческих кадров на опыте компаний  
Юга России . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

профеССионаЛьные СТандарТы 
и коМпеТенции

Садовникова Н.О.
Стандарт повышения квалификации  
и профессиональной переподготовки кадров  
как инструмент управления обучением персонала . . . . . 26

опыТ орГанизации

Носенко А.А.
Риски персонала рекламного проекта . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

новые диСципЛины  
дЛЯ бакаЛавриаТа и МаГиСТраТуры

Митрофанова Е.А.
Лекции по дисциплине «мотивация и стимулирование  
трудовой деятельности» (Часть 9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Подписной индекс агентства «Роспечать» 25181

Управление персоналом  
и интеллектУальными  
ресУрсами в россии

Научно-практический журнал 

издается с 2012 года
№ 1 (10)/2014

ISSN 2305-7807

Присланные рукописи не возвращаются.
Точка зрения редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов публикуемых материалов.
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стилистическую правку без согласования с авторами. Поступившие в редакцию материалы будут свидетельствовать о 
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Перепечатка материалов допускается с письменного разрешения редакции.
При цитировании ссылка на журнал «Управление персоналом и интеллектуальными ресурсами в России» обязательна.
Редакция не несет ответственности за содержание рекламных материалов.

Свидетельство о регистрации средства  
массовой информации
ПИ № ФС77-47122 от 28 октября 2011 г.

Учредитель: Национальный союз организаций  
по подготовке кадров в области управления персоналом 
(Национальный союз «Управление персоналом» (НаСОУП))

DOI 10.12737/issn.2305-7807

Кибанов А.Я. — председатель правления Национального союза 
«Управление персоналом», председатель редакционного совета
Топилин А.В. — заведующий сектором демографии, миграционной политики и рынка труда Института макроэкономических 
Сороко А.В. — директор Департамента государственной службы и 
кадров Правительства РФ
Рогожкин А.В. — заместитель начальника Управления кадров и государственной службы Аппарата Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания РФ
Кидяев В.Б. — председатель Комитета Госдумы РФ по федеральному 
устройству и вопросам местного самоуправления
Мурычев А.В. — исполнительный вице-президент Российского 
союза промышленников и предпринимателей
Лахтиков А.И. — директор Департамента кадровой политики и 
обеспечения работы с персоналом Банка России
Федин В.В. — генеральный директор НИИ труда и социального страхования Министерства труда и соцзащиты РФ
Мильнер Б.З. — член-корреспондент Российской академии наук
Турчинов А.И. — директор Института государственной службы и 
управления персоналом РАНХиГС при Президенте РФ, генеральный директор Национального союза «Управление персоналом»
Звонников В.И. — проректор Государственного университета 
Бобков В.Н. — генеральный директор Всероссийского центра 
уровня жизни
Близнец И.А. — ректор Российской государственной академии 
интеллектуальной собственности
Леонтьев Б.Б. — генеральный директор Федерального института 
сертификации и оценки интеллектуальной  собственности и 
Белкин В.Н. — директор Челябинского филиала Института экономики УрО РАН
Шулус А.А. — директор института управления и предпринимательства в социальной сфере ГУУ
Эдвард Тэпи Ром — профессор Калифорнийского университета 
(Сан-Бернардино, США)
Чернышенко С.В. — профессор университета Кобленц-Ландау 
Живицкая Е.А. — проректор Белорусского государственного университета информатизации и радиоэлектроники
Оськин В.В. — председатель правления Национальной конфедерации 
«Развитие человеческого капитала»

Кибанов А.Я. — председатель редакционной коллегии, главный 
Дружинин Е.С. — заместитель главного редактора
Митрофанова Е.А. — заместитель главного редактора
Коновалова В.г. — заместитель главного редактора
Лобачева А.С. — ответственный секретарь
Дуракова И.Б. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Центральном федеральном округе
генкин Б.М. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Северо-Западном федеральном 
Лузаков А.А. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Южном федеральном округе
Борисова У.С. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Дальневосточном федеральном 
Сотникова С.И. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Сибирском федеральном округе
Шаталова Н.И. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Уральском федеральном округе
гагаринская г.П. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Приволжском федеральном округе
Парахина В.Н. — член редакционной коллегии, уполномоченный 
представитель редакции в Северо-Кавказском федеральном 
Свистунов В.М. — член редакционной коллегии
Буймов А.г. — член редакционной коллегии
Архипова Н.И. — член редакционной коллегии
Зубкова А.Ф. — член редакционной коллегии
Слезко В.В. — член редакционной коллегии
Масленникова Н.П. — член редакционной коллегии
Митрофанова А.Е. — член редакционной коллегии
Софиенко А.В. — член редакционной коллегии
Пугачев В.П. — член редакционной коллегии 
Бойко Л.В. — член редакционной коллегии 

МоЛодой ученый

Макарова С.Н.
Проблема оппортунистического поведения человека  
в процессе трудовой деятельности на национальном  
и корпоративном уровнях . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

рынок Труда

Дмитриева Ю.А.
Особенности рекрутмента выпускников вузов . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


Воробьёва М.А.
Позитивный имидж — современный ресурс управления 
развитием ДОУ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

выпуСкнику вуза

Стрих Н.И., Попова Е.В.
Современные проблемы оценки инвестиций  
в человеческий капитал компании . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


Василенко Л.А., губернова М.В.
Человеческие ресурсы в социальных процессах 
эпидемического характера . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


Лузаков А.А.
Кафедра управления персоналом и организационной 
психологии Кубанского государственного университета . . . . . . 69

Рулёва Ю.С.
Кафедра управления персоналом в Рязани:  
история становления и достижения сегодня . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Михалкина Е.В., Скачкова Л.С., Баринова Т.Ю.
Кафедра «Управление человеческими ресурсами»  
Южного федерального университета . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Правила предоставления статей для публикации  
в журнале «Управление персоналом  
и интеллектуальными ресурсами в России» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Publishing office: 
Scientific and Publishing Center «INFRA-M»
31B Building 1 Polyarnaya st., Moscow,127282
Tel.: (495) 380-05-40, 380-05-43; Fax: (495) 363-92-12
e-mail: books@infra-m.ru

Editor-in-Chief: Kibanov A.Ya.

Subscription office: Nazarova M.V.
Tel.: (495) 363-42-60, ext. 249
E:mail: podpiska@infra-m.ru

© «INFRA-M», 2014

Signed 10.02.2014 
Format 60x90/8. Offset paper 
Circulation 1000 copies. Order №

e-mail: mag1@nauraru.ru



Kibanov A.Ya.
Methodology of Motivation and Stimulation  
of Organization’s Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Mikhalkina E.V., Skachkova L. S., Kosolapova N.A.
Application of Non-Parametric Statistics  
and Econometrics Methods in HR-processes Analysing . . . . 11


Drozdova E.M., Palagutina N. V., Melnikova M.A.,  
Anisimova G.V.
The Role of the State in Strategic HRM at Enterprises  
in Agriculture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Korobkina M.A., Seryogina T.N.
Technologies of Administrative Staff’s Corporate Training  
on the Experience of Companies of South Russia . . . . . . . . . . 21


Sadovnikova N.O.
Further Training and Professional Retraining Standard  
As a Tool for Human Resource Training Management  . . . . . 26


Nosenko A.A.
Advertising Project Staff Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33


Mitrofanova E.A. 
Lectures on the Discipline «Motivation and Stimulation  
of Labour Activity» (Part 9th)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Subscription index of agency “Rospechat” 25181

and Intellectual resources 
ManageMent In russIa

Scientific and practical journal

Published since 2012
№ 1 (10)/2014

ISSN 2305-7807

The opinion of the Editorial Board may not coincide with the 
opinion of the authors of publications. 
Submitted manuscripts will not be returned. 
The Editor reserves the right to supply materials with illustrations, 
to change the titles, cut text and make the necessary restyling in 
manuscripts without the consent of the authors. 
Submission of materials indicates that the author accepts the 
demands of the Publisher. 
Reprinting of materials is allowed with the written permission of 
the Publisher. 
While quoting the reference to the journal «Human Resources 
and Intellectual Resources Management in Russia» is required. 
The Editor does not account for the content of the advertising.

Registration mass-media license  
PI No. FS77-47122
October 28, 2011.

Founder: National Union of Organizations  
for Training in the Field of Personnel Management  
(National Union «Personnel Management»)

DOI 10.12737/issn.2305-7807

Kibanov A.Ya. — Chairman of National Union «Personnel Management», 
Chairman of Editorial Board
Topilin A.V. — Head of Sector of Demography, Migration Policy  
and Labor Market at the Institute of Macroeconomic Research
Soroko A.V. — Director of Department of Public Service and Personnel  
of the Russian Government
Rogozhkin A.V. — Deputy Chief of the Personnel and Civil Service 
of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian 
Kidyaev V.B. — Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federal 
Device and Local Government
Murychev A.V. — Executive Vice-president of the Russian Union  
of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs 
Lakhtikov A.i. — Director of Personnel Policy and Work with Staff 
Department of the Bank of Russia
Fedin V.V. — General Director of the Institute of Labor and Social 
Security of Ministry of Labor and Social Security of the Russian 
Milner B.Z. — Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy  
of Sciences
Turchinov A.i. — Director of the Institute of State Service and Human 
Resources of the Russian presidential Academy of National 
Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), General Director  
of the National Union «Personnel Management»
Zvonnikov V.i. — Provost of the State University of Management
Bobkov V.N. — General Director of All-Russian Center of Living 
Bliznets i.A. — Rector of the Russian State Academy of Intellectual 
Leont’ev B.B. — General Director of Federal Institute for Certification 
and Valuation of Intellectual Property and Business
Belkin V.N. — Director of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Institute  
of Economics of Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences
Shulus A.A. — Director of the Institute of Management  
and Entrepreneurship in the social sphere of the State University 
of Management
Edward Tapy Rom — Professor of California University  
(San Bernardino, USA)
Chernyshenko S.V. — Professor of University of Koblenz and Landau 
Zhivitskaya E.A. — Provost of the Belarusian State University  
of Information and electronics
Oskin V.V. — Chairman of the Board of the National Confederation 
«Human Capital Development»

Kibanov A.Ya. — Chairman of Editorial Board, Editor in Chief
Druzhinin E.S. — Deputy Editor in Chief
Mitrofanova E.A. — Deputy Editor in Chief
Konovalova V.G. — Deputy Editor in Chief
Lobacheva A.S. — Executive Secretary
Durakova i.B. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized Representative 
of the Editorial in the Central Federal District
Genkin B.M. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized Representative  
of the Editorial in the Northwestern Federal District
Luzakov A.A. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized Representative 
of the Editorial in the Southern Federal District
Borisova u.S. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized Representative 
of the Editorial in the Far Eastern Federal District
Sotnikova S.i. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized Representative 
of the Editorial in the Siberian Federal District
Shatalova N.i. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized Representative 
of the Editorial in the Uralian Federal District
Gagarinskaya G.P. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized 
Representative of the Editorial in the Privolzhsky Federal District
Parakhina V.N. — Member of Editorial Board, Authorized Representative 
of the Editorial in the North Caucasian Federal District
Svistunov V.M. — Member of Editorial Board
Buymov A.G. — Member of Editorial Board
Arkhipova N.i. — Member of Editorial Board
Zubkova A.F. — Member of Editorial Board
Slezko V.V. — Member of Editorial Board
Maslennikova N.P. — Member of Editorial Board
Mitrofanova A.E. — Member of Editorial Board
Sofienko A.V. —Member of Editorial Board
Pugacheva V.P. — Member of Editorial Board
Boyko L.V. — Member of Editorial Board


Makarova S.N. 
Personnel Opportunistic Behavior at Work at the Nationwide  
and Corporate Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


Dmitrieva Yu.A.
Recruitment of Graduates Specifics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


Vorobjeva M.A.
Positive Image as a Contemporary Resource for a Kindergarten 
Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


Strih N.i., Popova E.V.
Current Issues of Assessing Investments  
in a Company’s Human Capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


Vasilenko L.A., Gubernova M.V.
Human Resources in the Context of Epidemic Social Processes . . . 63


Luzakov A.A.
Personnel Management and Organizational Psychology  
Department of Kuban State University  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Ruleva Yu.S.
Personnel Management Department in Ryazan: History  
of Development and Current Achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Mikhalkina E.V., Skachkova L.S., Barinova T.Yu.
Personnel Management Department of Southern Federal  
University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Terms of Providing Articles for Publications in the Journal 
«Personnel and intellectual Resources Management  
in Russia» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80




ПОЛУЧеНО 09.11.2013 
ОДОБРеНО 17.12.2013 
ОПУБЛИКОВАНО 17.02.2014 
УДК 331.101.3 
DOI 10.12737/2619

Д-р экон. наук, проф., зав. кафедрой управления персоналом Государственного университета управления, заслуженный  деятель науки Российской Федерации

Doctor of Sciences (Econ.), Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Personel 
Management Department at the State University of Management, Moscow, Russia

Рассматриваются теоретические и методологические проблемы мотивации и стимулирования трудовой деятельности: сущность понятий 
«мотив», «стимул», «мотивация», «стимулирование». Приводится определение сущности взаимодействующих и взаимообуславливающих 
процессов мотивации и стимулирования персонала организации и составляющих их элементов. Раскрывается сущность мотивационного ядра 
персонала организации, которое рассматривается как система стимулов и мотивов, являющихся двигателем трудовой деятельности в 
данный период жизни организации. Мотивационное ядро — это единство связанных между собой стимулов и мотивов. Мотивационное ядро 
характеризуется следующими признаками: наличием нескольких мотивов, одновременно воздействующих на человека в процессе труда; наличием стимулов, относящихся к различного рода ресурсам, находящимся в распоряжении системы управления; наличием последовательной, 
устойчивой причинно-следственной связи между мотивами и стимулами; устойчивостью мотивационного ядра; способностью мотивационного ядра к модернизации на основе смены приоритетов стимулов и мотивов; способностью к автономному снятию противоречий между 
мотивами, а также между мотивами и стимулами. Рассмотрим основные факторы, влияющие на формирование мотивационного ядра персонала организации. Обосновывается необходимость и формулируются важнейшие направления управления мотивационным ядром персонала 
организации. Управление мотивационным ядром позволяет определить приоритеты и связано с выстраиванием стимулов по степени их 
влияния на мотивы. При этом усиливают действия одних мотивов и снижают — других. Характеризуются факторы эффективности мотивации и стимулирования трудовой деятельности и мотивационного ядра персонала организации.
Ключевые слова: методология, мотив, стимул, мотивация и стимулирование трудовой деятельности, мотивационное ядро персонала организации, признаки мотивационного ядра, управление мотивационным ядром, эффективность мотивационного ядра.

Theoretical and methodological issues of motivation and stimulation of labor activity are discussed, including such concepts, as «motive», «incentive», «motivation» and «stimulation». 
The essence of interrelating and interconditioning processes of motivation and stimulation is defined along with their constituent elements. In-depth meaning 
of motivational core as a system of incentives and motives, driving labor activity at a given stage of the organizational life, is revealed. Motivational core, as 
a cohesion of interrelated incentives and motives, is characterized by the following features: several motives, affecting simultaneously the worker; different 
incentives corresponding to different kinds of resources being at the disposal of management system; consistent robust cause and effect relationship between 
motives and incentives; motivational core steadiness; can be modernized based on motives and incentives priority changes; ability to autonomous settlement 
of differences among motives and between incentives and motives. Major drivers of motivational core creation are discussed. The need for personnel motivational core is reasoned and key ways of motivational core managing are highlighted. Motivational core managing helps to lay down priorities and to range 
incentives in terms of their effect on motives. In the process certain motives are enhanced and others are weakened. Factors of motivation and stimulation 
effectiveness and of motivational core efficiency are characterized.
Keywords: methodology, motive, incentive, labor activity, motivation and stimulation, personnel motivational core, motivational core characteristics, motivational core management, motivational core effectiveness.


Nowadays companies and entities, having learnt to operate 
in the market conditions, have not finalized their systems of 
motivation and labour incentives.
Motivation and labour incentives should be considered as a 
system of two equivalent subsystems: motivation and incentives, 
closely interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. Each of 
these subsystems consists of elements. Motivation and incentives 
present a unity of two different processes, interaction of which 
creates the conditions required for workflows and obtaining deliverables. Within such an interpretation it is unacceptable to 
overestimate the role of one process and underestimate the other, not to mention exclude anу of them.


As professional literature contains different outlooks on the 
meaning of the terms «incentive», «stimulation», «motive», «motivation», their interconnection, interaction and the result of this 
interaction, let us consider this issue in detail.
The notion of incentive includes all financial, moral and 
psychological values (salary, bonuses, grants, participation in 
management, career planning, acknowledgements, awards, privileges, benefits, status etc.) available within the system of organization management and relevant for the personnel.
Provision of incentives covers the process of management 
influence which is external for the personnel, initiated by a cer
Управление персоналом и интеллектуальными ресурсами в России (№ 1 (10), 2014) 80:5–10

tain manager or managerial body and based primarily on the 
subjective understanding of this impact by the management system, aimed at motives of employees. Incentives are provided by 
the administration of the organization.
In the classic concepts of personnel management, incentive 
initially primarily corresponded to the notion of remuneration, 
based solely on salary, later bonuses and other financial incentives 
were added.
In the concepts of human relations, and particularly human 
resources, the concept of incentive was considerably altered due 
to its orientation not so much on labour itself as the person, 
personal qualities — the key sources of the employees» efforts, 
and above all their interests and requirements.
Consideration of the individual, personal qualities of employees changed the essence of the incentive process, which began to 
be based not only on standardization and organization of labour, 
but also on the analysis of personnel demand for the incentives 
offered by the management system considering their relevance 
for satisfaction of the growing needs of the employee.
Thus, incentives became immediately connected with the 
motives of the person.
Motives include all current needs of the employee (achievements, 
leadership, well-being, rewarding work, acknowledgement, working environment, dwelling conditions, professional training etc.).
The process resulting from the congruence of the incentives 
which proved adequate and achievable for the personnel and the 
relevant motives driven by these incentives in specific conditions of 
the organizational development is motivation. It is the result of an 
individually oriented provision of labour incentives. Motivation is 
the reaction of the employees to the activities of the administration.
A key trend in the development of motivation and incentives 
to be taken into account for the purposes of this research is the 
transition from individual motives and incentives to systems of 
motivation and incentives, as well as motivational core of the 
personnel. Let us consider the development of the motivation 
and incentives system from the very beginning of the Industrial 
In the times of Taylor, the system of motivation and incentives 
was based on studying a person’s reaction to the conditions of 
work and its results, remuneration amounts being commensurate 
with them. Then the man of labour came to be perceived as a 
social, collective individual, capable of existing properly only 
within a group. The person’s labour is bought, and the system of 
motivation and incentives, as well as the remuneration amounts 
are defined by the employer, i.e. someone who manages people 
and production. The system of motivation and incentives gradually becomes dependent on the methods and ways of management. 
The amounts of payment and efficiency of labour depend on the 
style of governance applied by the manager. There appears a 
necessity to study the impact of positive and negative factors on 
the performance and remuneration. A new concept of motivation 
is developed and implemented. It consists in building self-motivation as a phenomenon resulting from the hierarchy of human 
needs. Approbation of the new concept of motivation revealed 
ways for the employee to achieve goals proceeding from the hierarchy of needs. The system of motivation and incentives is 
gradually oriented at achievement of group aims and objectives 
by delegating authorities to small teams. The scope of incentives 
is determined by the efficiency of these teams (the Japanese 
experience). As a result of further development of the motivation 
and incentives system, its foundation is formed by factors of 
personal career and ways to satisfy personal needs.
The system approach deals with motivation and personnel 
incentives as a subsystem of the personnel management system, 
which includes the subsystem of general and line management of 
the organization and the following functional subsystems: personnel planning and marketing; management of recruitment and 
personnel accounting; employment relations management; ensur
ing normal working conditions; personnel development management; 
motivation and incentives management; social development management; development of the organizational structure of management; legal support for the personnel management system; informational support for the personnel management system.
Thus, the place of motivation and incentives in the system of 
personnel management is defined. If the subject of the research 
is not the whole system of personnel management, but only one 
of its subsystems, this subsystem can be considered as a system, 
composed of subsystems in its turn. Thus, the system of motivation 
and incentives has an object and a subject of management. The 
subject of management includes executives and professionals of 
the organization’s administrative bodies, and the object is the 
personnel of this organization. The process of managing motivation 
and personnel incentives is carried out within the framework of 
this system. In professional literature, as well as research papers 
and theses, this process is often confused with the process of 
managing the system of personnel motivation and incentives, 
which refers to the system of personnel management in the 
organization as a whole, when motivation and incentives are 
viewed as a part of the whole (as a subsystem of the personnel 
management system). This process is carried out by the subsystem 
of the organization’s general and line management.
Professional literature provides the following definition of 
motivation and incentives.
Motivation and incentive provision are a process of satisfying 
the physiological, psychological or social need, which activates behaviour and creates the impulse aimed at acquisition of a certain 
reward by labour activities. Thus, the key to understanding the 
process of motivation and incentives is in the meaning of the words 
«need», «impulse», «reward» and their interaction. Needs create 
impulses aimed at receiving rewards; this forms the basis of the 
process of motivation and incentives, which includes three interacting and interdependent elements: needs, impulses (motives) and 
rewards (incentives — acquisition of certain benefits and values).
Needs appear every time when physiological, psychological 
or social balance is disturbed. For example, there is a need, 
when cells of the body are deprived of nutrition and water, or a 
person lacks the society of other people, or the work is not rewarding.
Impulses, or motives (the terms are often used interchangeably) 
appear to satisfy the needs at least partially. Psychophysiological 
motives can be simply defined as a feeling of lack of something. 
Physiological, psychological and social impulses are oriented at 
activity and ensure the drive towards the acquisition of the reward. 
For example, the needs of food and water correspond to hunger 
and thirst on the level of motives, and the need of friends, labour 
activity — to the motive of belonging.
Rewards are defined as something reducing the need and 
decreasing the impulse. Thus, obtaining the reward will lead to 
recovery of the physiological, psychological or social balance and 
decrease or remove the impulse. Food or water intake, finding 
friends and rewarding work will restore the balance.
Needs can be called motives, since they encourage us to 
perform certain actions. Motives are individual internal drivers 
making us behave in a particular way.


Fig. 1 shows the interaction and interdependence of the notions of «incentives», «provision of incentives», «motives», «motivation» in the process of satisfying the needs of the organization’s 
personnel — the process of motivation and labour incentive 
As shown in Fig. 1, not all incentives and motives can contribute to processes of providing incentives and motivation in 
certain conditions and in a certain period of the entity’s operation.


Thus, provision of incentives is connected with the activities 
of the administration, motivation — with the activities of the 
personnel, i.e. their reaction to the activities of the administration.
Incentives, values (benefits), are insignificant for employees 
if they do not meet the requirements of the motives, needs of the 
personnel in their content and essence, or are insufficient in size 
and untimely.
The level of the incentive (in terms of content, amount and 
time) which can overcome the indifference of the employee and 
inspire positive reaction to its impact is called threshold value of 
the incentive.
Motives also have threshold values. An incentive cannot influence behaviour if the motive it is directed at has not developed 
yet or is being developed — not finalized. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the motive to make its condition relevant, corresponding to the incentive. In this case, the incentive contributes 
to building the motive.
Thus, processes of incentive provision and motivation are only 
possible when incentives and motives correspond in their amount, 
time and content to the prerequisites for overcoming the threshold of the personnel indifference.
If the incentive builds the motive, it can also be said that the 
motive contributes to (encourages) the development of a new 
incentive. This interaction (mutual boosting towards maturity) 
of the incentive and the motive leads to the establishment of a 
motivational core of the organization’s personnel.
Motivational core of the organization’s personnel is a system 
of incentives and motives driving the labour activities of the personnel in a certain period of the organization’s operation. The 
content of incentives and motives within the motivational core 
changes with the development, modification of aims and objectives 
in the organization and its external environment.
Let us dwell on the scheme shown in Fig. 1. Zone 1 covers 
incentives, values not actualized (not involved) in the process of 
incentive provision. Zone 2 includes motives, needs not actualized 
(not involved) in the process of motivation. Zone 1 is the zone 
of incentives, values to which employees are indifferent, and zone 
2 is the zone of motives, needs to which employees are indifferent.
Zones 3 and 4 include the incentives and motives respectively which managed to cross the threshold of indifference.

In zone 3, incentives search for the motives which are to be 
influenced to achieve the organization’s aims, they are actualized 
(put into operation) — the process of incentive provision takes 
Here is the place for activity of all incentives which crossed 
the threshold of indifference and motives that not only crossed 
this threshold, but also developed long ago, having found their 
incentive. In this zone, there are more incentives than motives. 
Along with paired incentives and motives there are vacant incentives, moving towards their motives. A part of them are to 
find their motive and cross the line of building the motivational core of the organization’s personnel, and others are to bring 
about new motives by reaching the line of crossing the threshold 
of indifference to motives, passing through zone 4 and expanding it.
In zone 4, motives search for the incentives adequate to these 
motives, they are actualized (put into operation) — the process 
of motivation takes place.
Here is the place for activity of all motives which crossed the 
threshold of indifference and incentives that not only crossed this 
threshold, but also developed long ago, having found their motive. 
In this zone, there are more motives than incentives. Along with 
paired motives and incentives, there are vacant motives, moving 
towards their incentive. A part of them are to find their incentive 
and cross the line of building the motivational core of the organization’s personnel, and others are to bring about new incentives 
by reaching the line of crossing the threshold of indifference to 
incentives, passing through zone 3 and expanding it.
In zones 3 and 4 the process of building the motivational core 
of the organization’s personnel takes place, including the search, 
actualization, meeting, involvement of adequate incentives and 
motives. Zones 3 and 4 taken together form the motivational core 
of the organization’s personnel.
At the dashed line, adequate incentives and motives are settled — needs are satisfied in certain values. The process of building the motivational core is completed for a particular period of 
the organization’s development. This process goes on permanently along with the entity’s development and change in its goals. It 
can be stated by convention that zones 3 and 4 contain all components of the motivational core of the organization’s personnel, 
therefore, they are the motivational core itself.

Fig. 1. Interaction and interdependence of the notions of «incentives», «provision of incentives», «motives», «motivation»

Управление персоналом и интеллектуальными ресурсами в России (№ 1 (10), 2014) 80:5–10

Arrow 1 shows that incentives tend to penetrate deeper into 
zone 2, to decrease the number of needs insignificant for the 
personnel (see Fig. 1). A need becomes a motive, when conditions 
are created for its satisfaction. It turns into a motive from the 
moment the person begins to act towards its satisfaction.
Arrow 2 shows that motives tend to penetrate deeper into zone 
1, to decrease the number of values insignificant for the personnel. A value becomes an incentive, when conditions are created 
for its achievement. It turns into an incentive from the moment 
the person begins to act towards its acquisition.
These processes serve to expand zones 3 and 4, therefore to 
enrich the motivational core by the uninvolved incentives and 
motives (form zones 1 and 2) crossing the threshold.
The size of zones 3 and 4 can be determined by the following 
the quantity and quality of incentives used in the personnel 
the personal development defining the quantity and quality 
of motives governing the behaviour;
the conditions contributing to the development of the 
motivational core of the organization’s personnel on the 
basis of available incentives and motives, including: the 
organization’s demand for the personnel with high competitive 
power, as well as general and professional development; 
use of advanced management and production technologies; 
high quality and feasibility of targets used in personnel 
The lines of crossing the threshold of personnel indifference 
to incentives and motives tend to move deeper into zones 1 and 
2 respectively. Nevertheless, zones 1 and 2 expand all the time 
due to the development of new incentives and motives under the 
influence of the internal and external environment of the organization. Thus, the opportunities of development of incentive 
provision and motivation processes are unlimited.
Zone 5 is the internal environment of the organization, directly influencing the incentives and motives, and via them — the 
processes of incentive provision and motivation. Zone 6 is the 
external environment of the organization with an impact to these 
processes via the internal environment.


Motivational core of the personnel is the unity of interrelated 
incentives and motives. Motivational core is characterized by the 
following features:
1) availability of several motives, simultaneously influencing 
a person in the process of labour;
2) availability of incentives related to various resources at the 
disposal of the management system;
3) availability of a consistent, stable cause-and-effect relationship between motives and incentives;
4) stability of the motivational core;
5) ability of the motivational core to be upgraded on the 
basis of changing the priority incentives and motives;
6) ability to remove contradictions among motives, as well as 
between motives and incentives independently.
Let us consider each of these features in detail.
1. During work, a person is influenced by several motives, 
which can be conventionally divided into three major groups: 
directly related to labour, directly related to the organization, 
conditioned by the human living.
Motives directly related to labour can be generally described 
as satisfaction derived from the process and the result of working.
In this case the unity of incentive and motive is developed by 
setting up favourable conditions of work and life balance, building creativity and diversity of the labour content, reduction in 

physical load etc. All these incentives correspond to motives and 
contribute to satisfaction from labour.
Motives directly related to the organization are largely expressed 
in the group of social needs, including personal fulfilment, achievement, recognition etc. These motives are related to the following 
incentives: career planning; diversity of sociopsychological and 
status positions; creating conditions ensuring development of the 
personnel’s activity.
Such incentives are to a great extent focused on general and 
professional development of employees and they build a firm and 
long-term unity between the organizational values and personal 
motives of employees.
Motives conditioned by the human living are related to financial 
incentives and primary motives. They are oriented at satisfying 
the needs fully based on financial resources. It includes not only 
salary, but also deferred incentives, as well as benefits and privileges granted by the organization to its personnel, as well as 
former employees.
This group of motives prevails. But since resources of financial incentive provision are always limited, the most efficient ways 
to cross the threshold of indifference involve not so much increasing the amount of the incentive as handling financial incentives by creating their diversity, which can correspond to motives 
of a higher level.
2. The organization management system should always have 
enough incentives at its disposal to use them to influence the 
motives and form a unity with them.
Nowadays, Russian companies of the real economy mainly 
employ financial incentives — salary and bonuses. Moral and 
psychological incentives have a diminished influence, which 
results in lack of incentives diversity.
Of course, the insufficiency of incentives is largely explicable 
by the difficult economic situation, lack of resources for incentive 
Undoubtedly this situation hinders building a system of motivation and incentives with the necessary range of motives. 
Essentially, the incentives used activate only the motives connected with life support, i.e. the basic needs.
It is also caused by inflation and permanently growing cost 
of living, which, in their turn, lead to passivity of motives oriented primarily on the development and the spiritual component of 
a human life outside the organization.
3. Consistent and stable cause-and-effect relationship between 
motives and incentives is determined by activation of motives at 
various levels due to impact of certain incentives on them.
Cause-and-effect relations contribute to use of various motives 
for building such systems of motivation and incentives which to 
a certain extent can be deemed universal for any situation arising 
in the organization. In perfect conditions it leads to the employees considering the organization their second home, second 
In such conditions the system of motivation and incentives is 
based on the incentives and motives which are not directly oriented at satisfying certain specific needs, but which jointly create 
a motivational model, the key factor of which is comfort and 
tolerant relations stemming from the organizational culture.
4. Stability of motivational core means that with unstable 
motives and situation-based incentives it is impossible to build a 
motivational core which would be capable of preserving, regulating and directing labour and organizational behaviour of the 
Stability of the motivational core as a unity of motives and 
incentives is connected with circumstances of the internal and 
external environment.
In terms of the internal environment, stability of the motivational core depends on the economic and administrative factors 
which are at the same time resources of incentives. Economically 
stable companies and well-established standards of labour and 


management, as a rule, ensure sustainable incentive provision, but 
it does not always correspond to the real motives of employees.
Incentives are less flexible than motives by nature. Even when 
the organized conditions remain unchanged, it does not guarantee that there will be no alteration of motives and, therefore, 
spontaneous change of the motivational core. Therefore, stability of the motivational core as a unity of motives and incentives 
should be under permanent managerial control. As a rule, stability of the motivational core is restored either in case of reorientation of incentives to other motives, or introduction of new 
Stability of the motivational core depends on the following 
factors of the external environment:
a) situation on the labour market, demand for employees of 
certain professions on it. Motivational core is largely stable in 
case of low demand. Deficit of employees, however, disturbs the 
balance between motives and incentives;
b) availability of organizations with various economic indicators. This situation is always connected with potential turnover 
resulting from unstable motivational core;
c) changes in the employees’ living conditions; changes caused 
by inflation, environment; changes in expenses due to the necessity to revise family budget etc.;
d) changes in the social and political situation: privatization, 
increasing social stratification, corruption of authorities, various 
social conflicts, warfare, natural disasters etc.
5. Ability of the motivational core to be upgraded is directly 
related to stability. Upgrade in this case means purposeful modification of the system of motivation and incentives by measures 
aimed at various changes in the organization and therefor changes in personnel incentives and motives.
It should be noted that the motivational core is updated primarily under the influence of the changes in personnel incentives 
and incentive provision. There are three types of changes in incentives, corresponding to the objectives of motivation update: 
use of new incentives, increase in the number of incentives or the 
scale of incentive, changes on incentives priorities.
It is most feasible to focus on changes in priorities of incentives and motives, particularly motives in update of the motivational core.
Changes in priorities are mainly based on the opportunities 
emerging from the changes carried out in the organization.
All changes begin to work as incentives and serve to arranging 
motives in a new priority line. It is known that in growing and 
developing organizations the dynamics of motivation priorities is 
the key feature defining the relations between the organization 
and the personnel. In these organizations, incentives based directly on financial resources influence the personnel behaviour 
much less.
The use of new incentives and changes in priorities are the 
most widely spread factors of motivational core update.
In financial incentive provision, new incentives are very 
often related not to the amount of incentive, but a change in 
the scheme of its use (i.e. linked to values, aims, interests of the 
personnel) or methods of using financial incentives. It includes 
modification in the proportion of the salary components by 
increasing the bonus part, introduction of lump sum payment, 
new prices etc.
But the most significant opportunities of using new incentives 
are in the area of moral and psychological, as well as financial 
and social incentives.
Moral and psychological incentives are best subjected to 
modification and, therefore, more than any other incentives can 
influence the update of the motivational core.
New incentives and new motives can also appear in the area 
of financial and social incentive provision. As is known, they 
include various benefits and privileges provided by the administration to the personnel. These incentives have been increasing
ly often used by leading international companies. Let us dwell on 
some of them: teleworking (most used in Japan for positions 
involving use of computers); autonomous working schedules 
(applied in technologically independent types of activities); opportunities for secondary jobs within the company and outside it 
(developed in the Eastern European countries); selection of 
partners for permanent and temporary jobs (developed in the 
USA, particularly in automobile companies); various discounts 
on purchase of the organization’s products (developed in the USA 
in automobile companies); vacation schedule planning at the 
employee’s discretion (developed in the Western Europe, particularly in Belgium, France, Germany); incentives oriented not 
only on employees, but also their families (subsidized credits for 
education, travel or payment for them etc.); advanced training 
and retraining even if the new profession is not related to the 
organization (developed in Germany); a range of bonuses related to changes in family status, various events of life etc.; joint 
celebration of holidays and other important events (developed in 
all Western Europe, particularly in Great Britain and Germany); 
use of badges of merit made of precious metals and stones (used 
by all large international corporations).
All these incentives influence in the following ways: increase 
in the independence of workers, their freedom in using time, 
workplace and manager-subordinate relations; increasing the 
prestige of employees, their significance for the organization 
(badges, training, acknowledgements directed at families); employee development (various credits for education, travel etc.); 
focus on perception of the organization as a second home (joint 
holidays, presents due to family events); provision of higher security for the personnel, equal initial opportunities for employees 
of the organization etc.
6. Motivational core can be efficient if it can independently 
remove contradictions among motives, as well as between motives 
and incentives. Labour relations are based on motives often opposing each other. Contradictions among motives significantly 
reduce labour efficiency. Therefore, the motivational core should 
be able to:
Independently arrange the priorities of motivation, oriented 
at the balance of interests of the employee and the 
Influence the organization, managers and personnel in 
case motives ensuring professionally important qualities 
of the employee are neglected;
Create more complex, usually long-term, mutually related 
motivational values removing operational contradictions.
Contradictions can increase the threshold of indifference to 
incentive. They are removed by independent regulation of the 
incentive — reorientation of its use by the employee or the personnel in general.
It is important that the above contradictions should be removed 
autonomously, without administrative influence, under which 
such changed in the motivational core can happen that could 
make it generally irrelevant to the organizational interests.


Incentives and motives in the process of management are to 
change the person’s behaviour and make it relevant for the tasks 
professionally performed at the workplace. However, it cannot be 
said that incentives always lead to the planned result, since people treat incentives selectively and there is a danger that the defined 
goal will not be achieved or will be only partially achieved as a 
result. It is not impossible that the result can be opposite to the 
expected one.
Efficiency of motivation and incentives can differ from the 
projections so much that there is a need to study the factors influencing performance.