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Английский язык для сферы туризма

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В пособии предлагается материал по темам: «Отели», «Туризм», «Транспортные услуги», «Питание», «Направление развития и реклами- рование в туризме», «Работа в сфере туризма», «Развлечения», «Осмотр достопримечательностей», «Проведение конференций». Тексты вклю- чают материалы зарубежной прессы, что дает возможность не только совершенствовать навыки владения английским языком, но и узнать много полезной информации о тенденциях развития в индустрии туриз- ма в мире. Структура учебного пособия предполагает развитие всех на- выков речевой деятельности. Для лиц, интересующихся туризмом, а также для студентов специ- альных учебных заведений, владеющих английским языком на уровне Preintermediate.
Иващенко, И. А. Английский язык для сферы туризма [Электронный ресурс] : учеб. пособие / И. А. Иващенко; под общ. ред. Т. Н. Кондрашиной. - 4-е изд., стер. - Москва : Флинта, 2012. - 264 с. - ISBN 978-5-89349-744-1. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.ru/catalog/product/490213 (дата обращения: 28.11.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов
И.А. Иващенко

            А Н Г Л И Й С К И Й Я З Ы К


Учебное пособие

    Под общей редакцией Т.Н. Кондрашиной

Четвертое издание, стереотипное

Рекомендовано Редакционно-издательским Советом Российской академии образования к использованию в качестве учебного пособия

Москва Издательство «Флинта» 2012

УДК 811.111:338.48(075)
ББК 81.2Англ-9

Библиотека студента

Г л а в н ы й р е д а к т о р Д.И. Фельдштейн
З а м  е с т и т е л ь г л а в н о г о р е д а к т о р а С.К. Бондырева

Ч л е н ы р е д а к ц и о н н о й к о л л е г и и:
А.Г. Асмолов, В.А. Болотов, В.П. Борисенков, А.А. Деркач, А.И. Донцов,
И.В. Дубровина, М.И. Кондаков, В.Г. Костомаров, Н.Н. Малофеев, Н.Д. Никандров, В.А. Поляков, В.В. Рубцов, Э.В. Сайко

      Иващенко И.А.
И24     Английский язык для сферы туризма [Электронный ресурс] :
      учеб. пособие / И.А. Иващенко ; под общ. ред. Т.Н. Кондрашиной. - 4-е изд., стер. - М. : Флинта, 2012. - 264 с.

      ISBN 978-5-89349-744-1

          В пособии предлагается материал по темам: «Отели», «Туризм», «Транспортные услуги», «Питание», «Направление развития и рекламирование в туризме», «Работа в сфере туризма», «Развлечения», «Осмотр достопримечательностей», «Проведение конференций». Тексты включают материалы зарубежной прессы, что дает возможность не только совершенствовать навыки владения английским языком, но и узнать много полезной информации о тенденциях развития в индустрии туризма в мире. Структура учебного пособия предполагает развитие всех навыков речевой деятельности.
          Для лиц, интересующихся туризмом, а также для студентов специальных учебных заведений, владеющих английским языком на уровне Preintermediate.
УДК 811.111:338.48(075)
ББК 81.2Англ-9

ISBN 978-5-89349-744-1

© Издательство «Флинта», 2012

                ПЕРВАЯ ЧАСТЬ

             Unit 1 Hotels
             Un it 2 Tourism
             Unit 3 Transportation
             Unit 4 Food Service

Unit 1


Word List

1. accommodation               жилье; удобство                  
2. to book                     бронировать                      
3. to book in advance          бронировать заранее              
4. facilities (accommodations) условия; бытовые службы гостиницы
5. luxury                      роскошь                          
6. to include (to contain)     включать; содержать в себе       
7. commercial                  коммерческий, торговый           
8. food                        пища, питание; еда               
9. shelter                     приют, кров, убежище             
10. to intend (to design)      предназначать                    
11. to reach                   достигать                        
12. several                    несколько                        
13. guest                      гость; проживающий в гостинице   
14. arrangement                зд.: устройство, приспособление  
15. adequate                   соответствующий, адекватный      
16. to provide                 обеспечивать, снабжать           
17. to stand for               зд.: символизировать, означать   
18. to stay                    останавливаться для проживания;  
19. lavatory                   туалетная комната                
20. shower                     душ                              
21. tofurnish                  меблировать(дом)                 
22. bathroom                   ванная комната                   
23. to offer                   предлагать                       

24. standard
25. quiet
26. to relax
27. informal
28. to situate (to locate)
29. resort
30. mountain
31. lake
32. wealthy


      стандарт, уровень тихий,спокойный отдыхать; расслабляться неофициальный помещать; располагать курорт

1. Read the wordspaying attention to the sounds.
[i:] — reach,need,sea,meal
[u] — book, good
    [s] — before i, e, y — facilities, centre, place, service, price, necessary, cycle

        c ^4

    [k] — before a, o, u — comfortable, accommodation, scale, come, contain, cubby
    [c^] — before i,e,y — arrangement, large, giant, gymnastic

    g \

    [g] — before a, o, u — guest, good, garden

Work at the words
1. Form nouns by means of the suffixes -er/-or and translate them. to travel, to visit, to provide, to design, to contain



2.  Read and translate the words and their derivatives.

    to accommodate — accommodation; comfort — comfortable — comfortless; to relax — relaxation; to locate — location; possible — impossible — possibly — possibility; commerce — commercial; form — formal — formless — formative — formality

3. Rind the synonyms to the wordsfrom list A in list B.
    A:  visitor, inn, to intend, to provide, meal, to situate, to relax, to include
    B: to rest, hotel, to design, guest, to give, to locate, food, to contain

4. Make up word-combinations.    
1. to book    a. facilities     
2. to include b. room           
3. to contain c. lake           
4. to reach   d.lavatory        
5. to provide e. business-centre
6. to offer   f. accommodation  

5. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the word “like”.

like — 1. подобный, похожий; 2. нравиться, любить; 3. хотеть.
    1) The hotel is located in a place where tourists like to stay.
    2) Some travellers prefer to stay at small home-like hotels.
    3) I would like to spend my holiday at the sea.

6. Translate the word-combinations according to thepattern.
    as large as possible — как можно больше
    as near to the centre of the town as possible, as small as possible, as cheap as possible, as comfortable as possible, as quiet as possible

Work at your grammar Remember:

    I          II           III           IV     
Infinitive Past Simple Participle II Participle I
 to reach    reached      reached      reaching  
 to build     built        built       building  

1. Form Participle Ilfrom the following verbs paying attention to the irregular verbs.

    to offer, to provide, to find, to intend, to locate, to take, to include, to book, to stand, to design, to give

The Passive Voice

Present Indefinite     am, is, are                         
Past Indefinite        was’ were            + Participle II
Future Indefinite ---  shall be, will be                   
Present Continuous --- (am, is, are) being                 

   1) возвратным глаголом
   2)  кратким страдательным причастием
   3) неопределенно-личным оборотом
      The hotel was located in the centre of the city.
      (располагался, был расположен, расположили)

1.  Compare the sentences paying attention to the Voices and translate them.
    1)  Resort hotels provide many facilities. Many facilities are provided by resort hotels.
    2)  The workers built a new motel last year. A new motel was built by the workers last year.



    3) Next month this architect will design a new school. A new school will be designed by this architect next month.
    4) My sister is booking an apartment for us. An apartment is being booked for us by my sister. We are being booked an apartment by my sister.

2.  Transform the sentences according to the pattern and translate them.
The hotel provides informal accommodation.
Informal accommodation is provided by the hotel.
    1) They are building a new house.
    2) A traveller asked him to show the way.
    3) Hotels will offer a high standard of comfort and service.
    4) The manager finishes his job at 10 o’clock.

3.  Put the verbs in the brackets in the proper form and translate the sentences.
    1) Luxury hotels (to locate) in the centre of the town.
    2) This work (to do) tomorrow.
    3) My question (to answer) yesterday.
    4) It is a small hotel which (to provide) only the morning meal for visitors.
    5) Many houses (to build) in our town the year round.
    6) This hotel (to include) a business-centre.
    7) His new book (to finish) next year.

4. Translate the sentencespaying attention to the Modal Verbs.

must --- должен     can --- может may --- может (разрешение,
                    (способность) вероятность)              
should --- следует, could --- мог might --- мог бы          

    1) Guests can book a room in advance.
    2) This hotel provides the facilities a wealthy guest might need.
    3) The room should be as cheap as possible.
    4) A hotel can be called a place where a traveller may find food and shelter.
    5) Every hotel must provide as many facilities for guests as possible.
    6) We could get the information about accommodation by phone.

5.  Open the brackets using theproper Modal Verb.
    1) Luxury hotels (могут) offer the highest international standards.
    2) A hotel (должен, следует) have a business-centre.
    3) Hotels (могут) be of several types.
    4) Congress hotels (должны) provide everything necessary for large meetings and conferences.
    5) You (можете) stay at the motel.

    Numerals — Ordinal&Fractional

Порядковые и дробные числительные

             Ordinals              Common Fractions                         
1st ---first     7th--- seventh    1/2 --- a(one) half 11/2 one and a half  
2nd --- second 14th --- fourteenth 1/3 --- a(one) third 2х/э two and a third
3rd ---third 21st ---twenty-first  2/3 --- two thirds                       
4th --- fourth                     7б --- one sixth                         
                                   5/б --- five sixths                      

6.  Write in English.
    3/5, 1/7, 2 4/5, 1/3, 2/8, 3/16, 5/24



7. Choose the correct way offorming the Degrees of Comparison. Pattern:
    large — larger — the largest
    comfortable — more comfortable — the most comfortable
    small, high, low, easy, beautiful, quiet, modern

1. Read text 1, make up apian of it.
2. Translate the text.
Text 1
   Hotel is a place where a traveller may find food and shelter. The best hotels have comfortable bedrooms, good facilities and accommodation. It should be as near to the centre of the town as possible. It should be located near the airport. The hotel may include a business centre.
   There are several types ofhotels.
   1)  Luxury hotel provides facilities a wealthy guest may need. Usually it contains a business centre.
   2)  Resort hotel is situated in a place where tourists like to stay, often near the sea, lake or in the mountains. Guests usually book it in advance.
   3)  Commercial hotel is often located in the town centre and provides accommodation for businessmen.
   4)  Congress hotel provides everything necessary for large meetings and conferences.
   5)  Airport hotel provides accommodation for people who go to or come from other countries and usually stay for one night.
   6)  Country house hotel provides comfortable but informal accommodation for people who want to relax in a quiet place.
   7)  Guest house is intended for accommodation for holiday visitors or for long-stay guests.

    8) Motel is designed to provide a service to motorists.
    9) B&B is a small hotel that provides home-like accommodation at a low price and the morning meal for visitors. The letters B&B stand for “bed and breakfast”.
    The hotels may be: 5-star hotel, 4-star hotel, 3-star hotel, 2-star hotel and 1-star hotel.
    1. 5-star hotel offers the highest international standards.
    2. 4-star hotel provides a high standard of comfort and service. All bedrooms have a private bathroom/shower with lavatory.
    3. 3-star hotel includes two thirds of the bedrooms, which contain a private bathroom or shower with lavatory, fuller meal facilities are provided.
    4. 2-star hotel contains 20 per cent of bedrooms that have a private bathroom or shower with lavatory.
    5. 1-star hotel is generally small with good facilities. It is furnished well and has adequate bath and lavatory arrangements.

3. Combine the pairs of sentences with the help of the conjunctions “who”or “that”.
       a)  An ideal hotel has big bedrooms. They are very comfortable.
           An ideal hotel has big bedrooms that are very comfortable.
       b)  Airport hotels provide accommodation for travellers. They come from other countries.
    Airport hotels provide accommodation for travellers who come from other countries.
    1) I’d like to stay at the hotel. It is situated near the sea.
    2) This hotel is intended for people. They like to relax in a quiet place.
    3) A high standard of comfort was offered by a 4-star hotel. It was located in the mountains.



4. Make up sentences using the table.

a)    luxury              provides   a service to motorist   
      resort                         accommodation at a      
      commercial                     low price               
                          gives      everything necessary    
      congress                       for conferences and     
A(An) airport       hotel            meetings                
      country house                  accommodation for       
      guest house                    businessmen             
                                     “bed and breakfast”     
                                     accommodation for       
                                     people who want to      
                                     relax in a quiet place  
      B&B                 stands for the highest internation                                     al accommodation        
                                     accommodation for       
                                     people who go to or     
                                     come from other         
b)    5-star              contains   two thirds of bedrooms  
                                     with a private bath-    
                                     room and lavatory       
      4-star              includes   all bedrooms with a     
                                     private bathroom and    
A     3-star        hotel offers     20% of bedrooms with    
                                     a private bathroom      
                                     and lavatory            
      2-star              is         the highest internation                                     al standards            
      1-star                         of small scale with     
                                     good facilities         

5.  Put questions to each other and answer them.

             intended for?    
What is .... designed for?    
             characterized by?

6. Review tasks.
   a)  Imagine that your friend is going on a business trip. What can you tell him about the types of hotels?
   b)  Prove that there is a great variety of hotels.

Word List

1.  to arrange (to make arrangements) устраивать, организовывать 
2.  to put up smb (to arrange         устраивать в гостинице     
3.  reception desk                    стойка администратора      
4. receptionist                       администратор              
5.  to make a reservation             бронировать                
6. chief manager                      директор гостиницы         
7.  assistant-manager                 заместитель директора      
8.  to check in (to register)         зарегистрироваться         
9.  to check out (to leave)           выписаться (при отъезде);  
10. to make out a bill                выписать счет, чек         
11. duration of stay                  продолжительность          
12. block letters                     печатные буквы             
13. form                              бланк                      
14. to fill in/ out                   заполнить (бланк)          
15. to sign the registration          расписаться в книге регист                                      рации                      
16. key [ki:]                         ключ                       
17. key board                         дощечка для ключей         
18. doorman                           швейцар                    



19. bell-boy           посыльный                  
20. porter             носильщик                  
21. trunk              большой дорожный чемодан   
22. luggage            багаж                      
23. desk clerk [kla:k] дежурный администратор     
24. single room        одноместный номер          
25. double room        двухместный номер          
26. suite [swi:t]      люкс                       
27. room service       бюро обслуживания в номерах


1. Read the wordspaying attention to the stress.
   to accommodate — accommodation
   to re"serve — reservation
   to' register — registration
   re'ception — re'ceptionist—re'ceptivity

2. Read the wordspaying attention to the sounds.
   [л] — luggage, trunk
   [tf] — check, chief, chain, choose
   [o:] — board, porter, doorman, form

Work at the words

1. Match the words andphrases in column A with those in column B.

   7. to fill out a form g. выписываться из гостиницы
   8. suite               h. заполнить бланк
   9. to make a reservation i. выписывать счет, чек
2. Match the synonyms.
   to fill in, to arrange accommodation, to make a reservation, to check in, to book, to register, to put up, to fill out
3. Make up word-combinations and translate them.

                         for a form  
to fill                  up    bill  
to stay                  in    person
to put                   out   hotel 
to check                 at          
to make                              
to arrange accommodation             

4. Read and translate the groups of words.
   England — English — Englishman — Englishmen business — businessman — businessmen door — doorman — doormen service — serviceman — servicemen sale — salesman — saleswoman
Work at your Qram.rn.ar
The Present Perfect Tense

А                     В                             
1. double room        a. носильщик                  
2. to make out a bill b. швейцар                    
3. porter             c. останавливаться в гостинице
4. doorman            d. люкс                       
5. to check out       e. двухместный номер          
6. to stay at a hotel f. бронировать                
       +               ---                       ?               
   have/has +    have/has + not + Have/Has + Sub.+ Participle II?
 Participle II    Participle II    Have you reserved a room? --- 
    You have       You have not    Yes, I have. No, I have not.  
reserved a room. reserved a room.  Has she reserved a room? ---  
She has reserved   She has not    Yes, she has. No, she has not. 
    a room.      reserved a room.                                



1) The Present Perfect Tense выражает действие, завершившееся к определенному моменту в настоящем.
2) Переводится, как правило, глаголом прошедшего времени, совершенного вида.
   We have just reserved a bedroom in the hotel.
   Мы только что забронировали номер в гостинице.
3) Употребляется:
   а)  с обстоятельствами, указывающими на связь с моментом речи^ш^ already, yet, ever, never, lately, since, for etc. I have already left the hotel.
      Я уже выехал из гостиницы.
   б)  без указания времени совершения действия, поскольку внимание говорящего обращено не на время совершения действия, а на его результат в настоящем.
      I have left the hotel.
      Я выехал из гостиницы.
   в)  с обстоятельствами, обозначающими еще не истекшие периоды времени: this month (week, year), today.
      I have left the hotel today.
      Я выехал из гостиницы сегодня.

1. Form Participle Ilfrom thefollowing verbs.
to make, to check, to fill, to arrange, to stay, to phone, to call, to visit, to put, to sign, to cancel, to be, to read

2. Read and translate thefollowing sentences.

         Present Perfect           Past Indefinite                     
1. She has already left the hotel. 1. She left the hotel two hours ago.
2. We have been to London this     2. We were in London last week.     
week.                              3. My grandmother didn’t go to      
3. My grandmother has never        the theatre.                        
gone to the theatre.               4. Yesterday my parents bought a    
4. Today my parents have           computer for me.                    
bought a computer for me.                                              

3. Make up sentences.

I               already          Moscow
My brother have never           London.
My sister  has  often   been to Paris. 
My parents      just            Riga.  

4. Say what interesting event has takenplace inyour life this month.

This month my parents      presented me with a watch.      
           I          have met          a friend.          
           my sister  has  read         an interesting book
                           phoned me    from London.       

5. Say whatyou (or anybody else) haven’t doneyet and why.

    I haven’t seen this film yet because I have no time.
    1) She/ to read/ this book.
    2)  Peter/ to check out/ from/ the hotel.
    3)  My mother/ to reserve/ a double room.
    4)  He / to pay /the bill.
    5)  The businessman/ to fill in/ the form.

6.  Make up sentences and decide whether you should add “for” or “since”.
    I have lived in Penza since 1985. Я живу в Пензе с 1985 года.
    I have lived in Penza for three years. Я живу в Пензе 3 года.
    1)  Kate (to study English)... . four years.
    2)  My friend (to collect stamps)... 1999.
    3)  Kate (to play the piano) ... 1995.
    4)  We (to travel) ....a week.
    5)  The students (to take exams)... a month.



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