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The English Verbals and Modals

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Практикум состоит из заданий для проработки, систематизации и контроля усвоения неличных форм и модальных глаголов в английском языке. Цель практикума — максимально приблизить теоретическое изучение этих тем к практическому владению данными языковыми явлениями. В заданиях представлено большое количество типичных моделей и структур, характерных как для устного общения, так и для письменной англоязычной речи. Задания в основном составлены на бытовой лексике. Пособие предназначено для групп углубленного изучения английского языка, аспирантов и широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский язык.
Рушинская, И. С. The English Verbals and Modals [Электронный ресурс] : практикум / И. С. Рушинская. - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва : Флинта, 2012. - 48 с. - ISBN 978-5-89349-446-4. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/490146 (дата обращения: 03.05.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов. Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в ридер.
И.С. Рушинская 
2-е издание, стереотипное 
Издательство «Флинта» 

УДК 373.167.1:811.111(075.4) 
ББК  81.2Англ-9 
Редактор  Г.В. Воловенская 
Р е ц е н з е н т ы: 
кафедра иностранных языков 
Ивановского государственного энергетического университета; 
Л.И. Иванова, канд. фил. наук, 
Ивановский государственный университет 
Рушинская И.С. 
Р92      The English Verbals and Modals [Электронный ресурс] : 
практикум. — 2-е изд., стер. — М. : Флинта,  2012. — 48 с.  
ISBN 978-89349-446-4 
Практикум состоит из заданий для проработки, систематизации и 
контроля усвоения неличных форм и модальных глаголов в английском 
языке. Цель практикума — максимально приблизить теоретическое изучение этих тем к практическому владению данными языковыми явлениями. В заданиях представлено большое количество типичных моделей 
и структур, характерных как для устного общения, так и для письменной 
англоязычной речи. Задания в основном составлены на бытовой лексике. 
Пособие предназначено для групп углубленного изучения английского языка, аспирантов и широкого круга лиц, изучающих английский 
УДК 373.167.1:811.111(075.4) 
ББК  81.2Англ-9 
ISBN 978-5-89349-446-4                            © Издательство «Флинта», 2012 

П р е д и с л о в и е

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Learning English can be fun,
but gains cannot be attained
without pains.

When one begins to study English, one, at the same time, begins
to study English grammar. Teachers of English fully realize how important it is for their students to study it in order to master the language as a means of communication, to develop their students’ reading and writing skills and listening comprehension. But they know too
well that both the study and the teaching of grammar frequently cause
loss of interest and boredom. We are afraid that you sometimes find
English grammar difficult and dull, too.
The primary aim of this modest booklet is to brighten up the teaching of the two grammar topics “The English Verbals and Modals”, to
impress them firmly in the students’ minds, and to bring more variety
and interest into language teaching as a whole. We also believe that the
booklet can provide useful material for vocabulary building as well.
The tasks in the booklet are largely used for two purposes, namely:
the teaching of grammatical forms, structures and patterns, which is
called developing organizational skills, and the teaching of their usage,
which is called developing semantic skills.
It is hoped that this booklet can expand and summarize your knowledge of the English verbals and modals as there are tasks in it, while doing which, you discuss and compare different grammar meanings of and
patterns with verbals and modals. It will help you to better understand
this or that grammar point. For this purpose, the booklet is supposed to
be used by the teacher in class and by the students at home. Some of the
tasks are meant to be done in writing for the students to fully understand
the most difficult grammar patterns. Neither neglect nor ignore this assignment, or else you will be at a disadvantage in class.
We honestly hope that, after doing all the tasks in this booklet, you will
make friends with its characters: Mrs.  Participle, Miss Gerund, Mr.  Infinitive, their teenager children Modals by name and similar younger kids.
So go ahead with sincere effort and enthusiasm, and the above
mentioned Britons will prove quite constructive, very cooperative and
so systematic.


The Participle

Looking Ahead

In this unit you will meet Mrs. Participle. She is a very energetic
and extroverted lady. She likes variety and diversity. Being capricious,
she may give you trouble by her unexpected whims and practical jokes.
So don’t give her this chance.

After doing the tasks of this unit, you should be able:
1) to state and account for the tense and voice forms of the participle;
2)  to define the functions of the participle in the sentence;
3)  to distinguish between a participial phrase and a participial
4)  to state what participial constructions there are in English;
5)  to draw a  parallel and compare the English participle and its
Russian counterparts, i.e.  the participle and the verbal adverb;
6)  to complete the suggested sentences by using participles;
7) to translate all the sentences given in the tasks into adequate
and literary Russian.

T a s k  I.
Read and translate the sentences. State and account
for the tense and voice forms of the participles.

The forms are:

a)  the Present Participle Active,

b)  the Present Participle Passive,

c)  the Past Participle Passive,

d)  the Perfect Participle Active,

e)  the Perfect Participle Passive.

1. When passing through a crowded hall, the host greeted the guests.
2. The equipment produced by our  factory is of high quality. 3. While
making experiments, we carefully put down the results. 4. Having made
many tests, the engineers obtained results of great importance. 5. The
book discussed at the lesson yesterday deals with some important social problems. 6. All the problems discussed at our conversation lessons
are always interesting and involving. 7. Having already been informed
about it, I left the room. 8. Hearing the news, I ran to tell it to my
friend. 9. Coming home, I took off my coat. 10. He is a man, loved and
respected by everybody. 11. When crossing the street, I was stopped by
a stranger. 12. The experiment being made now is rather difficult. 13. Having considered this problem for an hour already, they could not come
to the final conclusion yet.

T a s k II.
Define the functions of the participles and translate
the sentences into Russian.

The functions are:

a) an attribute,

b) an adverbial modifier (of time, of cause, of condition, of
manner, of comparison),

c) part of the predicate,

d) a parenthesis.

1. The engineers invited to our firm are well-known specialists in
this field of business. 2. Hearing the bell, she went to open the door.

3. I shall be going on business tomorrow. 4. The new equipment has
just been received. 5. Having completed the graduation programme,
our graduates became young specialists. 6. The man making the report
is our dean. 7. While translating an English article, we used to write out
all the new words. 8. The lecture followed by an experiment was very interesting. 9. Being invited too late, my friend could not come. 10. The
problem discussed is of great interest. 11. They looked surprised. 12. The
article being typed will be published in the next issue of our magazine.
13. When given time to think, he always answered well. 14. If heated,
water boils. 15. As mentioned before, he is a great specialist in this field.
16. Smiling happily, he held out his hand. 17. Not being able to read,
think or work, she asked me to stay and have supper with her. 18. He
was still in the room as if waiting for a further question from me.
19. Generally speaking, I don’t like hot weather. 20. Not having been
written in time, the letter came late. 21. Unless spoken to, he never
said a word himself. 22. Frankly speaking, he is no doctor at all.

T a s k III. Read and translate the sentences. State whether
they have: a) a participial phrase, b) a complex object, c) a complex subject, d) a nominative absolute
participial construction, e) a prepositional absolute
participial construction.

E x a m p l e 1.

He looked out of the window and saw clouds gathering.
Îí âûãëÿíóë èç îêíà è óâèäåë, ÷òî (êàê) ñîáèðàþòñÿ (ñîáèðàëèñü) òó÷è.
“Clouds gathering” is a complex object.

E x a m p l e 2.

We make many experiments while working in our laboratory.
Ìû ïðîâîäèì ìíîãî ýêñïåðèìåíòîâ, ðàáîòàÿ â íàøåé
“While working in our  laboratory” is a  participial phrase.
1. Having written the test, he gave it to the teacher. 2. I saw that
young man and his wife talking to you on the staircase. 3. There being
many people in the room, we could not enter it. 4. She could feel his
hands trembling. 5. While translating the text, I did not consult my
dictionary. 6. She found him waiting for her at the front door. 7. When

shown this book, pay attention to the last page. 8. The experiment having been finished, the students left the laboratory. 9. The dean wants it
done quickly. 10. I have had my coat made. 11. Having lived in the
country for so many years, he spoke English quite well. 12. They were
heard arguing loudly. 13. Why don’t you have your hair cut? 14. Our
friends were seen entering the University. 15. The letter written, we
went to post it. 16. They were walking on again, with Peter calmly
smoking his pipe. 17. It being now quite late, the guests left one by
one. 18. He went out, we following him. 19. She sat on the bench, with
her eyes fixed on the ground. 20. The device being repaired, we will
be able to use it in our experiment.

T a s k IV. Compare the Russian and the English sentences and
complete the English ones choosing the proper forms
of the participles. Account for your choice.

1. Åìó ïðèãîòîâèëè çàâòðàê.
He has had his breakfast...

a) making,

b) being made,

c) made,

d) having been made.

2. Çàêîí÷èâ èñïûòàíèå, îí çàïèñàë ðåçóëüòàòû.
...the test, he put down the results.

a) finishing,

b) being finished,

c) having finished,

d) having been finished.

3. Äåëàÿ îïûòû, ìû òùàòåëüíî çàïèñûâàåì ðåçóëüòàòû.

...…experiments, we carefully put down the results.

a) while making,

b) being made,

c) having made,

d) having been made.

4. Èñïîëüçóåìûå ìåòîäû óâåëè÷èâàþò âûïóñê ìàøèí.

The methods... increase the production of cars.

a) applying,
b) being applied,
c) having applied,
d) having been applied.
5. Ïðî÷èòàâ êíèãó, ÿ âåðíóë åå â áèáëèîòåêó.

...the book, I returned it to the library.
a) reading,
b) being read,
c) having read,
d) having been read.
6. Ïîñëå òîãî êàê ñëîâàðè áûëè ïðèíåñåíû èç áèáëèîòåêè,
ñòóäåíòû íà÷àëè ïåðåâîäèòü ñòàòüþ.

The dictionaries... from the library, the students began to translate the article.
a) bringing,
b) being brought,
c) having brought,
d) having been brought.
7. Êîãäà ñòàòüþ ïåðåâåëè, åå îòäàëè ñïåöèàëèñòàì.

When…..., the article was given to the specialists.
a) translated,
b) translating,
c) having been translated,
d) having translated.
8. Îòêðûòûå ñâîéñòâà òðåáîâàëè äàëüíåéøåãî èññëåäîâàíèÿ.

The properties... required further investigation.
a) discovering,
b) discovered,
c) having discovered,
d) having been discovered.
9. Êîãäà Àííó ñïðîñèëè, îíà ñêàçàëà, ÷òî íè÷åãî íå çíàåò îá

When...…, Ann said that she knew nothing about it.
a) asking,
b) asked,

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