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Прикладная информатика, 2015, том 10, № 2 (56)

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С 19 февраля 2010 года журнал включен в Перечень ведущих периодических изданий, 
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Том 10. №2 (56). 2015 

Московский финансово-промышленный университет «Синергия»

Главный редактор

Емельянов А. А., докт. экон. н., проф., Национальный исследовательский университет «МЭИ»; Национальное общество имитационного моделирования, 

Сопредседатели редакционного 

Рубин Ю. Б., докт. экон. н., проф., чл.-корр. РАО, 
ректор МФПУ «Синергия», зав. кафедрой Теории 
и практики конкуренции

Мешалкин В. П., докт. техн. н., проф., чл.-корр. РАН, 
директор Института логистики ресурсосбережения 
и технологической инноватики, РХТУ им. Д. И. Менделеева

Члены редакционного совета

Брекис Эдгарс, докт. экон. н., oec., ассоциированный 
проф., зав. кафедрой Эконометрики и бизнес-информатики, Латвийский Университет, Рига, Латвия

Волкова В. Н., докт. экон. н., проф., кафедра Системного анализа и управления Института информационных технологий и управления, СПбГПУ

Дик В. В., докт. экон. н., проф., зав. кафедрой Информационного менеджмента и электронной коммерции 
МФПУ «Синергия»

Дли М. И., докт. техн. н., проф., зав. кафедрой МИТЭ, 
зам. директора Филиала НИУ «МЭИ» в Смоленске

Козлов В. Н., докт. техн. н., проф., зав. кафедрой Системного анализа и управления Института информационных технологий и управления, СПбГПУ

Прокимнов Н. Н., канд. техн. н., доцент, кафедра 
Информационных систем, МФПУ «Синергия»

Сухомлин В. А., докт. техн. н., проф., зав. лабораторией Открытых информационных технологий, факультет ВМК, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова

Халин В. Г., докт. экон. н., проф., зав. кафедрой 
Информационных систем в экономике, Экономический факультет СПбГУ

Шориков А. Ф., докт. физ.-мат.н., проф., кафедра 
Прикладной математики УралЭНИН, Уральский Федеральный Университет им. Первого Президента 
России Б. Н. Ельцина

Штельцер Дирк, докт. техн. н., rer. pol. habil., проф., 
Глава Департамента информации и управления знаниями, Технологический Университет Ильменау, Тюрингия, Германия

Заместители главного редактора

Власова Е. А., научная редакция МФПУ «Синергия»

Прокимнов Н. Н., канд. техн. н., доцент, кафедра 
Информационных систем, МФПУ «Синергия»

Редакционный совет

Журнал выходит с 2006 г. Периодичность издания — 6 раз в год. 

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e-mail: edit@s-university.ru; www.appliedinformatics.ru

© Московский финансово-промышленный университет «Синергия»


А. Emelyanov, Dr of Economics, Professor, National Research University MPEI; Executive board member of NC 
«National Society for Simulation Modelling», St. Petersburg

Co-Chairs of the Editorial Board

Yu. Rubin, Dr of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Education Academy, Head 
of the Theory and Practice of Competition Chair, Rector 
of the Moscow University for Industry and Finance 

V. Meshalkin, Dr of Technique, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), 
Director of the Institute of Logistics and Resource Technology Innovation, D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical 
Technology of Russia, Moscow

Members of the Editorial Board

Edgars Brēķis, Dr. oec., Assoc. professor, Head of The 
Econometrics and Business Informatics Chair, Faculty of 
Economics and Management, Rīga, University of Latvia

V. Dick, Dr of Economics, Professor, Head of The Information Management and Electronic Commerce Chair, 
Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»

M. Dli, Dr of Technique, Professor, Head of The MITE 
Chair, Deputy Director of the National Research University MPEI Branch in Smolensk

V. Hulin, Dr of Economics, Professor, Head of The Economic Information Systems Department, St. Petersburg 
State University
V. Kozlov, Dr of Technique, Professor, Head of System 
analysis and management Chair, Institute of Information 
technologies and management, St. Petersburg State 
Polytechnical University
N. Prokimnov, PhD in Technique, Associate Professor, 
the Information Systems Chair, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy» 
A. Shorikov, Dr. of Physics & Mathematics, Professor of 
The Applied Mathematics Chair, Ural Power Institute of 
El’cin Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg)
V. Sukhomlin, Dr of Technique, Professor, Faculty of 
Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Dirk Stelzer, Dr., rer. pol. habil., Professor, Head of The 
Information and Knowledge Management Department of 
Ilmenau University of Technology (TU Ilmenau), Germany
V. Volkova, Dr of Economics, Professor, System analysis 
and management Chair, Institute of Information technologies and management, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Deputy Chief Editors

E. Vlasova, Scientific Edition Department, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»
N. Prokimnov, PhD in Technique, Associate Professor, 
the Information Systems Chair, Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»

Peer-reviewed scientific journal 

Vol.10. No.2 (56). 2015 

Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»


Published since 2006. Periodicity: six times a year.

The journal is included into the Russian and international scientific databases:  
eLIBRARY (Russian Science Citation Index), VINITI (Russian Academy of Sciences),  
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory

Publisher: Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»

Publisher address: 9/14 s.1, Meshchanskaya str., Moscow, 129090, Russia

Editorial Office address: 80G, Leningradskiy Avenue, Moscow, 125190, Russia

Tel: +7 (495) 663-93-88 (ext.1839) 

e-mail: edit@s-university.ru; www.appliedinformatics.ru

© Moscow University for Industry and Finance «Synergy»


Читайте в номере

Том 10. № 2(56). 2015


Информационные системы бизнеса

Г. Чирас, И. Сабайтите
Стратегические аспекты взаимодействия  
электронного и мобильного бизнеса  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .5

Интернет маркетинг

Р. Чинчикайте, Д. Куроедова
Анализ факторов успеха продвижения бренда  
в социальных сетях  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .15


Управление эффективностью

О. А. Смирнов, С. В. Харитонов
Проектирование распределенной информационной 
системы регулирования развития  
маршрутной сети воздушного транспорта  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  27

IT и образование

Подготовка IT-специалистов

А. И. Волков, Л. А. Рейнгольд, Е. А. Рейнгольд
Профессиональные стандарты в области ИТ  
как фактор технологического  
и социального развития  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  37

Инструментальные средства

Эффективные алгоритмы

Н. А. Данилов, Т. Э. Шульга
Построение тепловой карты на основе точечных 
данных об активности пользователя приложения  .  .  .  . 49

Сетевые технологии

Д. Е. Намиот
Беспроводные теги на основе Bluetooth-устройств  .  .  59

Информационная безопасность

Программно-аппаратное обеспечение

Д. С. Сильнов, О. В. Тараканов
О ложных срабатываниях средств  
защиты информации  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  68


Модели и методики

А. Ф. Шориков, Е. В. Буценко
Построение сетевой экономико-математической 
модели для реализации процесса оптимизации 
инвестиционного проектирования  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  80

C. В. Сорокин, А. С. Сорокин
Использование нейросетевых  
моделей в поведенческом  
скоринге .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  92

Исследование процессов и систем

Е. Р. Мошев, В. П. Мешалкин,  
Р. А. Кантюков, Р. К. Гимранов
Эвристическо-вычислительные инструменты 
компьютеризированной интегрированной 
логистической поддержки промышленных 
трубопроводных систем  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .110

В. Н. Юрьев
Игровой подход к оценке риска  
и формированию бюджета  
информационной безопасности  
предприятия .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .121

Вопросы теории

Математические методы

А. А. Любомудров
Номерной подход к определению  
принадлежности функций алгебры логики  
к классу монотонных функций .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .127

Ю. О. Герман, О. В. Герман
Поиск максимального  
независимого множества  
в нечетком графе .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .132

История специальности

Становление информатики

К 85‑летию Р. С. Гиляревского
Информатика вчера, сегодня,  
завтра (окончание)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .139


Vol.10. No.2(56). 2015

IT business

Business information systems

G. Čyras, J. Sabaitytė
Strategic aspects of interaction between  
the electronic and mobile businesses  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .5

Internet marketing

R. Činčikaitė, D. Kurojedova
Successful promotion of the brand  
in social networks: factor analysis  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 15

IT management

Performance management

O. Smirnov, S. Kharitonov
Design of distributed information systems management 
of air transport route network development  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .27

IT and education

Training IT specialists

A. Volkov, L. Reinhold, E. Reinhold
Professional standards in the field of IT as a factor  
in technological and social development .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .37


Algorithmic efficiency

N. Danilov, T. Shulga
Constructing a heat map based  
on the point data of the application user’s activity  .  .  .  .49

Network technologies

D. Namiot
Wireless tags based on Bluetooth devices  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .59

Information security

Software and hardware systems

D. Silnov, O. Tarakanov
About erroneous outcomes  
of data protection software  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .68


Models and methods

A. Shorikov, E. Butsenko
Building a network of economic-mathematical model 
for the implementation of the optimization process 
of investment projecting  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .80

S. Sorokin, A. Sorokin
Use neural network models  
in behavioral scoring .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .92

Researching of processes and systems

E. Moshev, V. Meshalkin,  
R. Kantuykov, R. Gimranov
Heuristic computational tools the integrated logistic 
support of life cycle of pipeline systems  
of manufacturing enterprises  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .110

V. Yuriev
The game approach to evaluation of risks 
and formation of information security budget  
of an enterprise .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .121

Theoretical approach

Mathematical tools

A. Lyubomudrov
The number approach to definition  
of the belonging algebra logical functions  
to monotonic functions class  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .127

Yu. German, O. German
Search for the maximum-size independent  
set in a fuzzy graph .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .132

History of specialty

Establishing informatics

On the 85th anniversary of R. Gilyarevsky
Informatics yesterday, today and tomorrow  
(the final part)  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .139


Информационные системы бизнеса

Том 10. № 2(56). 2015


n information society, due to union between 
knowledge, technology and information 
flow, synthesis of traditional and information 
technology based business has emerged — 
electronic business (e-business). This created 
conditions to receive, store, process and transmit information 24/7/365. Later came the need 
not only to reach the information at any time, 
but also without being tied to one geographical location, development of information technologies (IT) has determined the emergence 
of mobile business (m-business). On this day 
m-business is a rapidly developing branch of 
business, which was created after development of wireless data networks and companies 
started to integrate m-solutions into their existing activities. As well as other evolving business 
branches, it can be described in a number of 
uncertainties associated with technologies, 
need and strategy.
Companies are willingly implementing new 
IT, however not in all processes installation integrity and harmonious continuity is noticeable. 
Moreover, the pace of IT development is significantly higher than the company’s expectations 

embedded in technology (which often does not 
meet the realities of the future). Also because of 
globalization processes occurring in the world 
and market liberalization, uncertainty and inconsistencies of various business sectors, including m-business, emerges. Therefore, upsprings 
a need to anticipate possible uncertainties and 
after ascertaining them, to form an IT-based 
strategy encompassing e-business and m-business characteristics and business models.
Purpose of this paper is to analyze the effective electronic and mobile business integration solutions to traditional business aspects 
from the strategic point of view. To achieve this 
goal, electronic and mobile business characteristics, information technology-based business strategies and business model classification will be analyzed. Systemic analysis of scientific literature, information logical comparison 
and graphic methods are used in this paper.

Electronic and Mobile Business 

Since information technologies are continuously developing, new ways to improve company’s activities are being discovered. In the 

G. Čyras, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, jolanta.sabaityte@vgtu.lt

J. Sabaitytė, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania, giedrius.cyras@vgtu.lt

Strategic aspects of interaction between  
the electronic and mobile businesses

Effective development of nowadays business must be based on scientific knowledge and sciencebased solutions, which are designed to properly integrate electronic and mobile business models 
into enterprises current traditional activities . IT-based development should be followed by rightly 
identified characteristics of electronic, mobile business and participants in this area, analysed 
strategy aspects and identified the role and importance of business model in this context . The aim 
of this article is to analyze the effective electronic and mobile business integration to traditional 
business aspects from the strategic point of view . To achieve this goal, the main characteristics of 
e- and m-business were identified, information technology-based business strategies and business 
model classification were analyzed . Research methodology employed: systematic literature analysis 
and synthesis, grouping, graphic information visualization techniques .

Keywords: e-business; m-business, IT strategy, business model .

IT-бизнес Информационные системы бизнеса
IT business Business information systems

IT business
Business information systems

Vol.10. No.2(56). 2015

formation of global economy, electronic and 
mobile businesses, in growing rates, become 
essential part of business strategy and a strong 
catalyst for economic development. In order to 
define electronic and mobile business model 
and strategy aspects, it is critical to examine 
the characteristics of these businesses.
The emergence of e-business has fundamentally changed the direction of the commercial relations between individual countries and 
rest of the world. Information Communication 
Technology gave new tools for product purchase and sale which overcomes geographical, time, human resource and financial barriers 
[12]. E-business started in the US and Japan in 
approximately 1995 year, its emergence has 
been led by the technological, economic and 
social factors [17]. First to propose the e-business concept was company IBM in 1996. The 
essence of the term — continuous improvement of various aspects of activities through 
digital technologies [20]. Some researchers 
[25; 7] define e-business as business process 
automation (internally and externally) in a computer network. Different approach to e-business is presented by J. Cantoni [3], describing 
e-business as critical competitive strategy that 
will lead to a breakthrough in the global economy. Chaffey D. [4] describing the e-business 
focuses on the innovative application of information technologies in enterprise and beyond, 
in order to increase the competitiveness of the 
company. According to this conception, internal of external use of information technologies 
in companies should optimize performance, increase its efficiency to gain a competitive advantage. Summarizing various Lithuanian and 
foreign e-business definitions, it was discovered that e-business concept emphasizes the 
positive development of information technology 
trends and assistance for businesses. Main ebusiness characteristics can be distinguished:

• e-business is based on network technologies, which basically transforms internal and 
external nature of the interactions;

• e-business — business transactions’ execution and enterprise performance organization using information technologies;

• e-business is a process of automation (internal and external environments) within computer network.

• e-business is characterized as a critical 
strategy that determines a breakthrough in the 
global economy.
E-business in its current form has existed for 
two decades. In this stage of e-business development, one of the most important aspects is 
communication and cooperation intensity. This 
is evidenced by the Information Society Development Committee under the Government of 
Republic of Lithuania prepared e-business development promotion for 2010–2015 year program’s action plan (2009), which distinguishes 
business areas of IT application: cooperation 
environment between government institutions 
and business entities, cooperation environment amongst business entities, the application of IT solutions in enterprise activities, use 
of IT in the international activities of enterprise. 
Information management solutions organization 
«Endeca» (2011), argue that the expansion of 
the network to the mobile and social channels, 
increases opportunities to reach customers, 
however, marketing and sales teams have to 
evaluate larger quantities of information sources, thus changing the systems used in organization internally — information synthesis and 
analysis tools. It can be stated that main characteristics of e-business are electronic decisions designed to optimize the company’s internal processes and interact with the external 
partners, customers, authorities, suppliers and 
financial institutions (see Fig. 1). Based on the 
literature analysis [27; 14; 7; 13], it is possible 
to distinguish the main e-business characteristics: the external and internal environment, 
each of which is characterized by two types of 
dimensions: interaction and strength; creation 
of value and productivity. Interaction dimension describes IT solutions which ensure stable communication, opportunities to gain new 
connections through new contacts. Interaction 
dimension also includes the impact on information — its assimilation, selection. Strength 
dimension defines IT solutions’ impact on the 
company’s ability to take into account a num

Информационные системы бизнеса

Том 10. № 2(56). 2015

ber of various changes (government regulation, 
buyers’ models, macroeconomic conditions), 
which should be monitored. Faster response, 
solutions for damage (risk) reduction are available when using IT. Value creation dimension 
describes the company’s ability to stand out. Innovative, value creating solutions must be implemented as soon as the need emerges in the 
market. Information technologies enable to take 
valuable actions, to coordinate operation and 
work flows. Productivity dimension describes 
the impact of information technologies on enterprise’s productivity. The company, through 
IT solutions, has to distinguish core business 
areas and to identify effective methods of production or service lines. From the external environment, the need for IT solutions and internal 
environment of IT solutions opportunities, causal ambiguity arises, which affects IT solutions 
in both, quantity and quality, which would optimally allow for internal capabilities to meet external requirements — from financial feasibility, 
business processes, IT resources, human resources, points. When shifting processes to the 
virtual space, it must be evaluated what innovative IT solutions company requires and what 
changes it will cause.
It can be argued that e-business encompasses all business processes — both external 
and internal. Meanwhile, the first mobile busi
ness definitions (m-business) have concentrated on a specific function of the external environment — money transfer via wireless devices. At the same time often erroneously equated 
mobile commerce and mobile business concepts. It should be noted that the mobile business — is a process which enables preconditions for better accomplishment of the operations, use of actives, increase sales efficiency 
and customer service quality, improve access 
to critical data while doing specific work, speed 
up communication and improve decision-making for enterprises [2].
M-business relatively recently formed, but 
very promising branch of business, formed as 
a result of developed and widespread wireless 
network. This enabled the merge between internet, e-business and wireless technologies. 
Like in the case of other emerging business 
branches’ or even industries’, mobile business 
distinguishes as constantly changing and challenging environment, which is created by significant, different, technological, individualized 
needs’ and strategies’, uncertainties. Uncertainties in the technological level are caused 
by rapid technological pace and fight for the 
existing standards. This is a characteristic of 
the industries or business branches in the initial 
stages, which are a result of technological innovation. The analysis of demand level shows that 

Fig. 1. Structure of the electronic business model (compiled by authors)

IT business
Business information systems

Vol.10. No.2(56). 2015

despite the general impression about huge mobile services business potential, is not known 
how exactly to use the new technology-enabled 
capabilities in order to create a useful services, 
which would be used and paid for by the user. 
Uncertainty of strategic level is a common situation in new industries or business branches. 
From the perspective of strategy-making position, this leads to a situation where rules of 
the ‘’game’’ have not yet been established. As 
a result of this, business participants have a 
lot of experimentation in order to shape different strategic approaches. Therefore, in order to 
find the most appropriate competitive position 
in the market, they constantly have to adapt 
strategic decisions. Based on mobile business 
market structure formed by these assumptions, 
which’s basic idea is related to the fact that to 
have a better understanding of reality all different aspects of the market must be involved (in 
this case, adequate market element’s possible 
or likely development) and combined into a single entirety. Prospects are formed in order to 
be able to combine all of the above-mentioned, 
various uncertainties. Each perspective covers 
a particular dimension of mobile world and requires specific analysis tools. Innovation perspectives cover the development of the mobile 
world in the future and using different scenario 
planning approach combines technological uncertainties. A consumer perspective includes 
specific branch needs and analyzes need uncertainties through market survey and application feasibility studies. Industry perspectives 

overlook the supply side and identify strategic 
uncertainties using competitive and business 
model analysis. Financial perspectives assist 
in identifying the durability and attractiveness 
factors for different users, services and technologies.
It can be stated that the mobile business 
market is very fragmented, and full-fledged 
mobile services’ solutions requires a large 
quantity of different market participants to cooperate. You can find many publications that 
illustrate mobile participants in abundance. 
Many authors provide a simple basic mobile 
business market participants’ list, in which they 
classify them in the three major classes: technologies, content and network. However, these 
three classes are not sufficient. In order to define the full map of mobility, it is appropriate to 
add such classes as regulations and needs. 
Structure of mobile business participants is expanded and creates preconditions for more 
efficient analysis of the mobile services market (Fig. 2).
In m-business center appears user needs 
related to mobility. In order to meet these 
needs, three obligatory and mutually complementary elements are required: network 
(consisting of different subnets), technologies 
(which includes all the necessary communication hardware, mobile devices and platforms) 
and the content (consisting of applicability, 
content and support services). These blocks 
are combined with regulatory and social environments.

Fig. 2. Structure of the mobile services market (Source: Adapted from Giovanni, Pigneur 2003)


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With this structure it is possible to examine 
the m-business development opportunities, direction, links between all the participants, to 
enhance cooperation, strive for excellence, 
to create efficient operational procedures, including a robust and secure infrastructure, to 
achieve effective and quick results, the development and improvement of the structure 
After analysis of electronic and mobile businesses’ main characteristics, it is purposeful to 
continue to examine the existing information 
technology-based strategies from the point of 
view of additional mobile business possibilities’ 
prospect. In order to get competitive advantage one must provide services or products of 
highest quality with the lowest possible cost, 
apply progressive technologies, remain reliable 
and advanced. Having just limited human and 
capital resources owners and managers of the 
company must prioritize directions of investments. It is of great importance to estimate if 
investments made in additional (supporting) activities are worth it.

Business Strategies

For successful use of new IT in company, 
clearly defined, unique e-business strategy is 
necessary (e-strategy), which provides the key 
IT-based aspects of the business in the long 
term perspective [27; 28]. Some researchers 
[6; 5] define strategy rationally — planning, anticipation and positioning perspective, others 

describe it from the cultural, political, learning 
and growth perspective [1]. Authors describe 
e-strategy as the company’s long-term market 
position objectives with clearly defined actions 
such as creating necessary value to customers 
using information technologies. Each company 
has to develop a strategy to minimize operational risks — IT application is one of the ways 
to reduce those risks [27; 14; 28]. Company’s 
e-strategy affects business in three main aspects [15] (see Fig. 3). E-strategy anticipates 
markets, used technologies and business models. E-strategy precisely defines markets in 
which business will operate. Each market will 
be provided with different products or services; 
therefore a variety of different technologies and 
the main three e-strategy combinations will be 
used. As defined by e-strategy there are different markets’, technologies’ and business models’ combinations available.
E. strategy is also defined as an auxiliary 
tool for achievement of the company’s general strategy [13; 1]. In order to gain competitive advantage through e-business model, 
one of the most important aspects is general 
strategy’s and its e-strategy’s alignment task. 
A fundamental change in corporate strategy 
is related to e-strategy, it is model application in new business opportunities and threats 
when facing emergence of the different markets and added value to the existing products 
or services due to the new digital channels. 
Doz and Kosenen (2010) state that by changing business models, organizations must have 
a flexible strategy that will allow transforming 

Fig. 3. The impact of e. strategy in business (Sabaitytė, Davidavičienė 2013)

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business models to achieve strategic innovation.
When developing e-strategy is important to 
define its characteristics [8, 4] focus on the future, emphasis of specific sustainable advantage, which D. Chaffey linked to strategic alternatives, created for achieving the objectives of 
the digital channels, encompassment, basic 
business, products or services, scope, market 
and other settings establishment, company’s 
performance analysis of the external environment and input, adequacy to the company’s 
internal resources, skills and abilities to implement this strategy, company’s value and cultural reflection, a clear definition of the company’s 
resources — their use, methods of obtaining 
them. E-strategy must be directed to the harmony between business and the environment, 
and to precisely formulate digital channel targets which should reflect marketing goals and 
the need to terminate no longer used strategies.
Meanwhile, company’s m-business strategy 
is part of electronic strategy. M-business, which 
is characterized by dynamic transformations, 
development directly depends on policies of 
each participant. Naturally, some participants 
set ambitious targets, but such policy may have 
an objection programmed in. There is a pretty 
big chance of incompatibility in solutions, applications and methods used.
M-business branch itself provides a large 
number of new and specific characteristics 
such as mobility, network effect, values of new 
organization. Organizations, developing business models and formulating the overall strategy must take into account these characteristics. 
Precisely a strategic approach would be right in 
order to acquire the characteristics.
Mobility — one of the most important characteristics of the mobile business, influencing 
policy-making particularities. Mobility provides 
many unique advantages as freedom of movement, omnipresence (access services anywhere, disregarding the location), localization 
(information can be used to implement services in the constant location), availability (user is 
accessible anywhere, anytime), convenience 

(in the sense that the mobile device is always 
on hand), continuous availability and personalization (e. g. telephone is a personal device 
and it can store personal information, it also 
can be adapted to provide personal services) 
[18]. However, the assessment of the mobility from the strategic approach is faced with 
some obstacles and incompatibilities. Wireless 
services are at a lower level than their equivalent in fixed spaces. Mobile solutions are limited by the limited and expensive communication channel bandwidth (spectrum) and equipment. Broadband restrictions are influenced by 
radio frequency restrictions and strict monitoring. Number of objections is being raised by 
mobile devices themselves. On the one hand 
it is intended to make them comfortable, small 
and light. But on the other hand, these aspirations reduce the possibilities — small screen, 
battery susceptibility (i. e. continuous working 
time limitation), a small number of input and 
output ports. This limits the use possibilities for 
mobile devices.
Even if it is stated that through mobility, valuable services are being created, looking from 
the strategic point of view, it is important not to 
forget the need to exploit newly emerging mobile features, combine them with e-business 
services’ benefits, and consequently get higher value from the point of view of consumers.
When forming m-business strategy, it is important to examine the changes resulting from 
the technology and network development. Formal networks analysis states that they consist 
of many components interconnected by relations. Since typical service supply requires few 
components, they complement each other. Because of these properties networks reveal economically phenomenal characteristic known 
as network effect. Exteriority is found when interaction between the two parties, causes side 
effects — a third party, which is exterior to this 
Network exteriority highlights the fact that 
the product’s value increases to the size of 
the expected number of units sold [9]. User is 
identified with network components’ help which 
is common in bilateral co networks. This type 


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of exteriority plays an important role in the telecommunications market, where the benefits of 
engaging in a communication network is positively associated with the number of participants in the network. In this case, the network 
effect is defined as the possibility of communication between a large numbers of different 
users. In another respect, increase in number 
of network users causes adverse external factors, such as network congestion.
In communicative network, there is also existence of indirect external factors, when consumer receives benefits regardless of the network size. E. g., when additional user potentially 
increases the number of services available to 
other users. Therefore, the higher the demand 
for services, service delivery becomes more 
profitable and more suppliers are willing to offer them.
When evaluating strategic approach it can 
be said that the network externalities influence:

• consumers when they decide whether or 
not to implement new technology [11];

• manufacturers when they decide whether 
or not to standardize their product in order to 
achieve compatibility with other manufacturers’ 
solutions, determined product quality and chosen correct pricing [9].
After strategically looking through the most 
important electronic and mobile business 
characteristics, it can be concluded that a fullfledged electronic and mobile services provision requires interaction between a number of 
market participants, especially among the network operators and device manufacturers. Mobility is becoming more complex in relation with 
content’s and services’ development. Therefore, more broad service provider’s competence is required, but it is achievable only by 
expanding the partnership. Network effect requires different networks’, devices’ and adaptability’s mutual compatibility, which requires 
closer partnerships forming mutually acceptable standards. Due to strategic incompatibility in reality, till this time no market participant 
succeeded to install ‘’fully complete’’, from 
the beginning to the end synchronized solution between the content owner and the end 

user. Partnership management becomes the 
core activity for many organizations, which implement electronic and mobile business decisions.

Business models

While the business model concept is widely 
used and considered as very important, there 
is no unified definition of the business model. 
Often encountered in literature definition of the 
business model describes the business system’s logic, value creation, which is based on 
the actual processes. Also the model can be 
defined as a detailed strategy of the organization concept at an abstract level, which is used 
as the basis for the implementation of business 
It is established that researchers analyze 
e-business models from the two main directions — describing e-business model’s common characteristics, typologies and investigating e-business models’ components and 
their detailed characteristics. Davidavičienė, 
Sabaitytė [22] in detail examined e-business 
model’s concept and characteristics; therefore it is now important to determine e-business 
models’ classification and relationship with e- 
and m- business’s strategy and characteristics 
in scientific literature.
Scientists [8; 7; 21] widely describe e-business models, taking into account the interacting parties. However, when analyzing e-business models it is important not only to determine business model’s synergistic parties, but 
also models reflecting e-business organization 
Timmers [24] in detail describes 11 common e-business model types, from e-stores 
and e-public procurements to trust in thirdparty services. Tapscott and others (2000) describe 5 value network types — b-networks 
(business networks), which differ depending 
on the degree of economic control and value 
integration. Rappa [21] classifies organizations, 
according to their value positioning nature and 
ways to generate income. Weil and Vitale [26] 

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describe 8 business models, each of which describes the different ways to conduct business 
in cyberspace.
Many authors have tried to identify constitutive elements of the business model. Most 
commonly business model is characterized as 
a structure: used in the product, service and information flow definition, including various business participants and their roles in the description; description of potential benefits for business participants; description of sources and 
findings. In this case, we will take Bouwmann’s 
and Wijngaert’s [2] definition, that business 
model helps organization to describe roles of 
its customers, relationships of partners and 
suppliers, also goods’, information and money 
flows between these parties, as well as the key 
benefits associated with the user.
Examining the business model’s relationship with IT-based strategy, it can be said that 
the business model justifies the strategy at design level, when the interacting parties’ roles 
and relationships are defined, also goods’, information and money flows between these parties, as well as the key benefits associated with 
them and especially the user. In order to examine different participants classes business 
models’ we can refer to formalized e-business 
models’ ontology, in which business models 
are understood as an entirety which consists 
of four key elements that illustrate: value definitions, consumer relations, infrastructure and 
financial aspects. Infrastructure’s component 
consists of internal activity and partnership network with other parties. Since it is determined 
that strategic inconsistency is due to the lack of 
the partnership, as well as due to mobile business environment specificity, it is suggested to 
take greater account of the partnership than the 
other elements.


1. In summary it can be said that in general 
e-business is a critical strategy, giving businesses a competitive edge. At this moment ebusiness development is attributed to the third 
stage, in which main objective becomes val
ues of digital system associated with the company’s operational efficiency and more effective communication in internal and external environments. Defining the essential e-business 
characteristics, they are divided into external 
and internal environments belonging to 4 major dimensions (interaction, strength, productivity and value creation), out of which arises 
causal ambiguity which manifests itself in IT solutions’ quantity and quality, which would allow 
for optimal internal capabilities to meet external requirements (in the sense of financial options, business processes, IT resources, human resources). In the center of e-business 
base is company, its needs and opportunities 
in the external and internal environments. Ebusiness allows you to access and share information at any time, while the m-business is 
part of e-business, emerging from the user’s 
need to be free of the constant geographical 
workplace, so it can be stated that m-business 
allows interacting not only at any time, but everywhere. While mobile business consists of 
network, technologies, content. Also it is stated 
that characteristics of mobile business should 
be extended by user needs related to mobility 
and regulations.
2. Identified that IT-based business strategy must be developed in parallel with the overall strategy of the company, constantly analyzing new IT applications in each company’s process. Base of IT strategy has to be close partnership formation directed at m-business.
3. In fact, for each participant, an important 
part of the business model is partnerships with 
many of the other participants, who aid in overcoming all the difficulties of implementing a fully 
complete solution. Electronic and mobile business area is new, different participants are still 
experimenting with a variety of business models in order to conquer the stable and profitable 
positions in this promising industry. Which business models will ensure stability is yet to be determined. Purposeful is to believe that the most 
successful and conditioning stability business 
models will be those which will be strategically 
coordinated and directed to mobility, network 
effects and the natural monopolies’ problem