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НИИ ноpмальной физиологии им. П.К. Анохина
Morozova-Roche Ludmilla A.
Год издания: 2015
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dopamine receptors (D1, 1:200) were used. The optical density (OD, in arbitrary units) of THf40 and THf31 was determined in images of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Statistical analysis was performed using t-test. Results are presented as mean ± standard error and in percents. The double immunohistochemical reaction was performed on midbrain area sections. The primary rabbit antibodies to the phosphorylated protein kinase-A (fPKA, Abcam, UK; 1: 100) and mouse to the TH (Sigma, USA, 1: 1000) were used as previously described [3] and studied by confocal microscopy (Leika XP5). RESULTS In Ay /a mice in obesity and decrease the level of AgRP in brain dopaminergic neurons in the arcuate nucleus, zona incerta, substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area the OD of THf40 was increased on 25-30% compared to a/a mice. Significant differences of THf31 OD in dopaminergic neurons and in areas of dopamine innervation was not detected. The double immunolabeling indicated that the immunoreactivity of fPKA in dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area was increased. In the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus, which is well known, receives abundant dopaminergic innervation, the immunoreactivity of THf40 and D1 have been increase. The data indicate that the activation of dopamine biosynthesis systems in obese Ay/a mice occurs during G-protein coupled activation interacting messengers. It is suggested that the protein agouti, intracellular overexpressed in Ay/a mice, may have an inhibitory effect on ERK-module and associated mechanisms. Research was supported by RFBR grant №14-04-31565_ mol-a. LITERATURE [1] Bagnol D., Lu X.Y., Kaelin C.B., Day H.E., Ollmann M., Gantz I., Akil H., Barsh G.S., Watson S.J. Anatomy of an Endogenous Antagonist: Relationship between Agouti-Related Protein and Proopiomelanocortin in Brain. J. Neurosci. 1999. V. 19. P. 1-7. [2] Makarova, E.N., Yakovleva, T.V., Shevchenko, A.Y. Pregnancy and lactation have antiobesity and anti-diabetic effects in Ay/a mice // Acta Physiologica. 2010. V. 198 (2). P. 169-177. [3] Mikhrina A. L., Romanova I. V. //Neurosci. Behav. Physiology. 2015, V. 45 (5). P. 536-541. [4] Ollmann M.M., Wilson B.D., Yang Y.K., Kerns J.A., Chen Y., Gantz I., Barsh G.S..// Science. 1997. V. 278. P. 135-138. [5] Romanova I. V., Mikhrina A. L. //Human Physiology. 2013. V. 39 (6). P. 584-589. DOI:10.12737/12425 ROLE OF PRO-INFLAMMATORY S100 PROTEINS IN AMYLOID DISEASES Ludmilla A. Morozova-Roche Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Proteins of S100 family, such as S100A6, S100A8 and S100A, play critical role in numerous cellular processes including cell proliferation, differentiation, motility and danger signaling by interacting with and modulating activity of target proteins. They are also implicated in the numerous disease pathologies and their expression level is significantly increased in many types of cancer, inflammatory, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. The functional diversity of S100 proteins is achieved via multiple assemblies into native homo and hetero oligomeric complexes regulated by Ca2+ and Zn2+binding. By using biophysical and biochemical methods, we have demonstrated that both in vitro and in vivo S100A6, S100A8 and S100A9 proteins can form also alternative, non-native amyloid self-assemblies including amyloid oligomers and fibrils. We have found that S100A8 and S100A9 are involved in amyloid depositsin such seemingly distant and unrelated amyloid diseases as corpora amylacea in ageing and cancer affected prostate and amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s brain tissues, while S100A6 contributes to amyloid development in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. What all these diseases have in common is concomitant inflammation and elevated level of S100 proteins, which can serve as prerequisite for their amyloid assembly. The amyloidogenicity of S100s is regulated by Ca2+ and Zn2+-binding and effectively competes with the formation of their native functional complexes. Apart from forming amyloids themselves S100 protein can also modulate the amyloid assembly of major amyloid denominators of corresponding diseases. Their high intrinsic amyloid propensity may lead to their amyloid depositions in other ailments, which still need to be examined, especially if these diseases have an increased expression of S100s. The implications for therapeutic treatment and diagnostics of the amyloid diseases are discussed. DOI:10.12737/12426 ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ДЕЙСТВИЯ МЕЛАТОНИНА НА СИНАПТИЧЕСКУЮ ПЕРЕДАЧУ В СА1 ОБЛАСТИ ГИППОКАМПА КРЫС Мотин В.Г., Яснецов В.В.* ФГБНУ «Научно-исследовательский институт нормальной физиологии имени П.К.Анохина», Москва *АО «Всероссийский научный центр по безопасности биологически активных веществ», Московская область, Ногинский район, г. Старая Купавна, В экспериментах на переживающих срезах гиппокампа крыс показано, что мелатонин в концентрации 0,5 мМ существенно не изменял популяционные ответы, в концентрации 2 мМ угнетал их на 243%, а в 5 мМ – на 726%, не вызывая эпилептиформной активности. Следовательно, мелатонин способен угнетать синаптическую передачу в системе коллатерали Шаффера – пирамидные нейроны поля СА1 гиппокампа крыс, не вызывая эпилептиформной активности; при этом при увеличении концентрации мелатонина (от 0,5 до 5 мМ) возрастает его эффект.